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The Blackstone She-Wolf: Blackstone Mountain 6

Page 4

by Alicia Montgomery

  “What the hell are you still doing here?” she asked, her pretty green eyes all ablaze.

  “I live here.”

  “Here?” She looked around. “In the office?”

  “In Blackstone.”

  Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “No, you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do,” he said. “I’m second-in-command of the Blackstone branch of The Agency. Of course I must live here now.”

  Her face turned red as a tomato. “That’s not … she didn’t mention … you didn’t!” She clutched her laptop bag against her chest and then side stepped around him, walking straight into Christina’s office.

  Petros watched as Kate stormed into the glass-walled office, shutting the door behind her. As she let out what Petros presumed was a profanity-laden rant, Christina simply looked at her, cool as a cucumber, and let her continue.

  He shook his head. His mate was upset, and once again it was his fault somehow. Determined to find out what happened, he walked to the office and opened the door.

  Kate stood there, her face now the shade of an eggplant. Christina merely unfolded her arms and raised a brow. “Are you done? If so, maybe we can get to work.”

  “I’m not working here!” she protested.

  “You signed a contract,” Christina countered. “Or did you forget?”

  She clenched her fists at her sides. “You sneaky … is that why you rushed it over to me yesterday?”

  “What is going on?” Petros asked, finally getting a word in.

  “Great, you’re here.” Christina stood up and walked over to them. “Petros, meet the newest member of our team. Kate will be helping us set up and maintain our software systems.”

  “What?” Kate would be working here? With them? He frowned. That would definitely complicate things.

  Kate huffed. “You can’t force me to work here.”

  Christina trained her cool blue eyes on Kate. Petros expected a cutting remark, but instead she let out a long sigh. “You’re right, Kate. I can’t force you to do anything. You can go anytime. Petros,” she said. “Kindly re-assign Adriano to keep track of the testing on the servers.”

  “Adriano?” Petros frowned. “But he’s working on finding those trafficked shifter girls in New York. He’s been tracking their movements for over 48 hours. We can’t waste any time or else they could leave the country and we’ll never find them.”

  Kate's face went red. “You’re going to—” She shut her mouth and then grabbed her laptop bag. “I’ll be checking over your servers and letting you know my recommendations.”

  The door slammed so hard, Petros feared the glass walls would shatter. He turned to Christina. “You hired her? To be part of our team?”

  “Only as a contractor. She really is the best in town, and she’s already familiar with the equipment Lennox bought us,” Christina said. “Besides, I don’t have time to hire anyone and go through the process of vetting them. And you know we can’t spare anyone as it is.”

  He massaged the growing ache in his temple. No, this wasn’t what he wanted. Having her work here would complicate things. He prided himself on being one hundred percent professional and focused. Having Kate here would be a distraction, not only to his team, but he knew he would be spending most of his time fighting off any overeager suitors.

  “Petros? What’s wrong?” Christina asked. “I mean, I thought this might also help you and us out. Kill two birds with one stone?”

  “I’m certain Kate has killing on her mind, but it’s not birds.” Maybe his stones.

  “Petros, I know we’re not particularly close,” Christina said. “But you helped me out a lot of times over the last year when I started as an agent. I just thought, well … if she were around more, then she could get to know you. The mate bond really is a special thing. I know you’ve had it rough and maybe she could—”

  “It’s fine,” he said. Christina had thought she was helping, which made it even worse. “I’ll handle it. Is there anything else?”

  Christina, seemingly taking the hint, nodded her head. “Yes. I hate to dump more work on you since you’re barely into your second week here, but there’s another development.”

  “What is it?”

  “My brother-in-law, Luke Lennox, will be getting married next week,” Christina said. “We need to secure the event in case anyone tries to make trouble, like they did at Catherine’s wedding.”

  “Of course,” Petros said. “Once you have the details, I’ll come up with a security plan.”

  “Thank you, Petros.”

  He didn’t wait to be dismissed, but instead, left her office. Walking straight to the server room, he found Kate inside, a deep frown on her face as she muttered curses under her breath and examined the cabinets of computer equipment.

  “It’s customary for a gentleman to knock,” she said without looking at him.

  “I’m not a gentleman. I’m a caveman, remember?” No reaction. “Just so you know,” he continued, “I did not ask her to hire you. I didn’t even know you were coming here until I saw you walk in the door.”

  She ignored him and instead continued her perusal of the machines.

  “Please, Kate-m—”

  Kate whipped around to face him. “What do you want, Petros?” She stalked toward him, her steps deliberate and slow. “Do you want to fuck me? Is that it? Because if that’s all you want that can be arranged—”

  “I do not want a quick tumble in bed.” How could she even think that? “If that were all I wanted, believe me, it would have happened already.” He leaned down, staring into her eyes. “I want you.”

  “You want to own me,” she shot back.

  “I want you to be mine, and in turn I will be yours. I want us to share each other’s lives and create a home together.” He voice lowered. “And I will make love to you and give you pleasure until you beg me to stop. I want to see your belly ripen with our child.”

  “Ha! Ripen? Not gonna happen, dude.”

  “Why do you resist this?” he asked. “We are mates. Our animals call to each other. Even now, your wolf longs for me—”

  “You’re such a stubborn ass,” she said. She straightened her shoulders. “Look, it’s not you, okay? You seem like a great guy. It’s me. I like my freedom.”

  “You make it sound like being mates is a trap.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” she asked. “Besides, if you got to know me, you might not even like what you find out.”

  “I highly doubt that.” He touched her cheek, then brushed away a lock of hair from her face. “Why would you think so?”

  She planted her hands on her hips. “I’m no meek mouse who’s going to bend to your every will.”

  “You are spirited,” he said. “I know this.”

  “A—and I’m not just going to stay home and raise babies, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “We will raise them together,” he said. “You could stay at home if you want, as I have a generous salary and pension from The Agency, but if your work fulfills you, then you can do that as well.”

  “I’ve been around the block a few times,” she said in a defiant tone. “I’m not some virgin who—”

  “You are experienced,” he countered. “And you know how to please a man and will not shrink away from me.”

  “Are you freaking serious?” She slammed her palms on his chest. “I just told you that I’ve been with other m—”

  The growl that came from his lips sounded feral, even to his own ears. He backed her slowly against the wall, trapping her with his body. “There will be no more talk of others. Not for me or you. I do not care about your past because all that matters is the future. From now on, it will only be you and me.”

  “Jesus,” she muttered under her breath. “You are intense.”

  “I’ve been told I’m single-minded,” he said, leaning down and tipping her face up with a finger on her chin. “But it’s only with things I truly want.”

  He touched his lips to hers, gently this time. The first time they kissed had been wild and unhinged, but now he wanted slow and deliberate. He wanted to see if he had been dreaming all this time about the taste and scent of her. Oh no, it had been no dream. She was just as delicious as before, especially now as she melted against him. Finally, he was getting ahead and moving forward. She wanted him, that was for sure.

  He was so wrapped up in her that he didn’t hear a person approaching the server room. It was only a split second later as the door opened that he broke away from Kate just in time.

  “Petros?” Agatha’s annoying nasal voice made the desire surging through his body instantly dissipate. “Where have you been? I’ve searched—” Her eyes narrowed as they landed on Kate. “Oh, who’s your friend?”

  Kate’s face twisted. “I’m not his friend.”

  “No, she’s not,” Petros said with a smug smile. “She is my mate.”

  While Kate let out a choked protest, Agatha’s face fell, at least for a moment. “Oh, that’s nice.” She flipped her hair. “Now, I need some help with those reports they need at HQ. Could you please assist me?”

  “I will come to your table shortly,” he said. When she didn’t move, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Now go.”

  “Fine,” she said with a pout, then pivoted on her heel and left the room.

  “Why don’t you go ‘assist’ her?” Kate spat.

  He chuckled. “Green is a good look on you, my mate.”

  “I—what?” She pushed at him. “I’m not jealous!”

  “There is no need to be jealous.” Her antics amused him so much, he couldn’t help himself. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You are the only woman for me.”

  “Just go,” she said.

  Her resistance was puzzling, especially since he could feel her wolf’s desire for the mating. But, then again, Kate was still a woman first. Petros reminded himself that he should not expect her to fall at his feet just because they were mates.

  He had to woo her still. Having her here was a setback, as he did not want any hint of impropriety at The Agency, but hopefully since he already laid his claim to her as his mate, the others wouldn’t see it that way. Christina, after all, worked with her dragon mate side by side, and no one batted an eyelash. Yes, it would not be inappropriate at all.

  “I shall leave you to your work, then,” he said. As he left, his mind kept going back to how he was going to win her affections. It wasn’t like Lykos was an isolated island and growing up, they had access to the Internet. He had watched a lot of American movies over the years, though mostly it was action movies. He had seen a few romantic ones. Perhaps she was expecting some type of wooing in the style she was more accustomed to. If so, that was something he could definitely do.

  Chapter Four

  Kate hadn’t seen or heard from Petros in the last couple of hours as she finished her assessment of the servers. She should be glad, really. Instead, she was thinking of the skanky she-wolf who was practically eye-fucking him from three feet away.

  Mine, her wolf growled possessively.

  “Arrghh!” She shoved her laptop into her bag and zipped it up. Petros was free to do what he wanted and who he wanted. But the thought of him and that—that big-tittied ho-bag in bed was making her blood boil.

  Kate left Lennox Corp., not bothering to stop by Christina’s office or say goodbye to anyone. She would write up her recommendations tonight, and she wouldn’t have to come back to implement them until they were approved, which usually took a few days, if not weeks.

  Which was why she was quite surprised to get a reply from Christina an hour after she sent the email, saying everything looked good and she could start working on it the next day.


  Since she didn’t have any other clients right now, and she had to check in on the Lennox systems anyway, she headed straight into The Agency HQ again the following day. Just think of the Chevelle, she told herself. The check for the down payment she had asked for would be cleared by the end of the day. She could at least confidently put a bid on the car.

  She entered the office using her ID badge and walked to the row of cubicles on the right. Christina said she could use the empty desk at the end, the one nearest to the server room.

  “Who the hell is holding a funeral in here?” she exclaimed as the scent of flowers hit her nose. “What the fuck?”

  On top of what was supposed to be an empty desk was a large vase of flowers. For a second, she thought she was in the wrong place. But she had a sinking suspicion of what this was. Grabbing the card, she read the contents and nearly crumpled it in her hands. “Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman,” it read, and she nearly wanted to gag.

  She looked around, hoping no one would see, but it was too late. Half the office had poked their heads above their cubicle walls and was staring at her. When she turned to them with a steely expression, they all disappeared like prairie dogs going back to their hidey-holes.

  With a frustrated sigh, she took the vase, walked over to the ladies’ room, and dumped the flowers into the toilet and the vase in the trash. She thought about going to Petros and giving him a piece of her mind, but he wasn’t in his office. She sulked back to her desk and sat down to get some work done. Opening her laptop, she put her headphones on and blasted some classic rock tunes, her favorite whenever she needed to get shit done and get lost in her work.

  Kate was so deep into her coding that she didn’t realize there was someone standing next to her and nearly fell out of her chair when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  “Jeebus motherfuckin’ bitchtits!” She glared at the pimply young man wearing the uniform of a well-known delivery service. “Kid, how’d you get in here?” Wasn’t this a fucking secret headquarters?

  The kid gulped visibly. “Sorry ma’am!” His voice broke. “I mean, you’re Miss Caldwell, right?”


  “Sign here, please.” He handed her a clipboard.

  With a shrug, she scrawled her name on the receipt. “Now what—”

  “Here you go!” He took a box from the large satchel over his shoulder. “Enjoy.”

  “Enjoy?” She stared down at the heart-shaped box. “What the hell?” The white card on top read, “Sweets for my sweet.”

  She ripped the top of the box. Chocolates? They smelled really good too, not like the stale boxes you’d pick up at a gas station. These were the expensive kind of chocolates. She turned the box over. These were Belgian chocolates. Like, legit ones from Belgium.

  This was insane. It probably cost an arm and a leg to get these here. She wanted to toss the box like she did the flowers, but she put it aside instead. She’d bring it to him later and tell him to shove it where the sun don’t shine.

  Kate put her headphones back on and went back to work. The sooner she finished this job the sooner she could get that fat paycheck in her pocket and get out of here.

  The moment the clock struck five, she packed up her stuff. No way was she staying here. She got lucky today, with Petros not even being in the office today, but he could show up any minute.

  Kate walked out of the elevator and to the employee parking lot in the front of the building. As she strode to her car, she stopped when she saw what was sitting on the hood of the Mustang. She froze as the blood roaring in her ears nearly deafened her.

  The teddy bear with the red ribbon around its neck seemed innocuous enough. But the sight of it made her mind jolt back to the past. To that time she’d rather forget. This was the same tactics he’d use on her. To manipulate her and then make her feel guilty.

  Kate took a deep breath, trying not to let the memories overwhelm her. She strode to the car, grabbed the toy, and threw it to the ground.

  “Was the gift not to your liking?”

  She whipped around. Petros was standing there, staring at her like an idiot. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I was out with my ag
ents, securing the perimeter around Blackstone today,” he explained. “I thought I would give you some space.”

  “Space?” she asked in an incredulous tone. She picked up the teddy bear. “You call the flowers, the chocolate, and this,” she flung the offending stuffed animal at him, “space?”

  Petros tossed the bear aside with a flick of his wrist before it hit his head. “What is wrong, Kate-mine? Did I offend you with my gifts?”

  The anger bubbling inside her was now threatening to boil over. “Offend me? You really are a jerk! I told you to stop it with this shit!”


  She didn’t let him get a chance to explain as she got into the Mustang, revved up the engine, and backed out of her parking space. It was a miracle she even got the car to start as her hands were shaking the entire time.

  She drove away from Lennox as fast as she legally could. Nathan would kill her if she got a scratch on his car, not to mention a ticket for speeding. When she got far enough, she stopped on the shoulder of the highway, slamming the brakes so hard she heard the gravel spraying underneath the wheels.

  Kate banged her forehead on the steering wheel. Did Petros realize what he’d done? By the look on his face, of course not. It was pure coincidence that he put that teddy bear on the hood of the car.

  Just like what Tommy used to do.

  God, she hadn’t even thought of that name in years. She pushed it and the memories down, like bile threatening to rise in her throat. Sure, Tommy never touched her, but he hurt her in many other ways.

  Tommy Moreau was the hottest and baddest boy in her high school. He was a coyote shifter and had transferred in from out of state for his junior year. Kate was in his math class, and she was captivated. He was handsome, and even more alluring, had a kind of danger about him. He was seventeen, and he rode a motorcycle, for Christ’s sake. How could a girl resist?

  They started going out immediately. At first, things were great. More than great. Kate had never felt like that before. Tommy doted on her. He loved her. And she thought she loved him, too. Which made her blind to everything he did.


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