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The Blackstone She-Wolf: Blackstone Mountain 6

Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

“Well, it’s not some Utopia here,” she said, taking a sip of her water. “But yeah, it’s unique. Lucas Lennox, the founder of the town and Sybil’s great-great-great-great-grandfather, wanted Blackstone to be a sanctuary of sorts for all shifters. He declared any shifter who came here to contribute to the community would be under the protection the Blackstone dragons as well as their children and children’s children.” Her eyes lowered. “You know, my parents weren’t from here. I was the only one in my family born in Blackstone.”

  “I did not know that.” Intrigued, he leaned forward. “Tell me more.”

  “Ma and Pop came from Texas. They were living a quiet, peaceful life in a small town, but someone outed them as wolf shifters,” she explained. “And well, a mob came in the middle of the night and drove them off. They took what they could, put Nathan in their truck, and drove out here because they heard Blackstone would welcome wolf shifters like them.”

  “They were right,” Petros said.

  “Yeah. And extremely lucky,” she added. “They were on their way here and saw Aunt Riva—that’s Sybil’s mom—stuck on the side of the road after she’d been in an accident. They helped her get back to the castle and well, the rest is history.”

  “I had no idea,” he said. It seemed odd that their family histories were almost similar. His own biological parents were trying to find a better life for him when they escaped the mainland. But perhaps, this was fate working again.

  The waiter came with their wine and poured them each a glass after Petros had nodded in approval. They chatted amiably, mostly talking about her work and clients, in only the most Kate way possible. He enjoyed hearing her talk openly. He did not find her cursing crass at all but rather refreshing in a world where most people pretended to be something they were not. No, his Kate was the real thing.

  When the evening was winding down, they left, with Kate driving him back to Lennox Corp. so he could take his truck back to his hotel. She pulled up right next to his vehicle.

  “So,” Kate began as they exited the Mustang. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to come back to my place for a nightcap?”

  Oh, she was a temptress, but Petros reigned in his desires. “I would like nothing more, but as I said, I shall court you properly.”

  Kate walked over to his side, her hips swaying gently. “Do I get a good night kiss at least?”

  He chuckled. “Of course.” He leaned forward, trapping her against the door of his truck. Her arms snaked around his neck and pulled him down, and she pressed her lips to his. She tasted sweet as always, but what she was doing with her body was decidedly not so. Her breasts pressed up against his chest, and she squirmed her hips up at him, brushing against his crotch. His cock instantly reacted, though if he were honest with himself, he’d been half hard throughout their entire date.

  She purred with pleasure against his mouth and ground against him. Petros allowed himself to enjoy the sensation of her body against his for a few more seconds before pulling away.

  “Kate,” he said in a warning tone.

  “Oh, you spoilsport,” she said with a pout. “So, buddy, before we go any further, I think we need to negotiate the terms.”


  “Yes. About when you’re gonna put out.” She planted her hands on her hips. “I can’t make all the time and effort into looking like this knowing it’s not working.”

  “Oh, it’s working,” he said, as his eyes wandered up and down her delicious body. “But, like I said, I want you to be sure.”

  “So … three dates?” she asked.

  “At least.”

  Kate muttered something about “pigs” and “sausages” under her breath that he didn’t catch. “Fine. But I’m keeping track.” She wagged her finger at him.

  He laughed. “Of course. Now,” he kissed the wrinkle between her brows, “should I drive back with you and make sure you get home safe?”

  “What? Nah, get some rest,” she said. “I’m a big girl; I’ll be fine.”

  His wolf told him no, to make sure their mate was safe in her den before going home, but he wanted to respect her wishes. “All right, but send me a message when you’re home safe.”

  “I will,” she said. She turned to her car, opened the door, and got inside, then rolled down the windows. “I’ll see you tomorrow night? I’ll be at The Agency offices in the morning, but I have to go check the systems at the mines in the afternoon.”

  He was not comfortable with her being surrounded with so many males in one place, but she’d been doing it for years so he had to trust her. “Should I pick you up at your home?”

  “Around seven?”

  He nodded.

  “See you then.” She waved at him as she pulled out of her spot and drove out.

  He watched the car until it exited the lot and disappeared down the road. Tonight was a success, and he felt confident that Kate would soon be his bonded mate. He had no doubt now.

  As Petros walked over to the driver’s side, he stopped in his tracks. His wolf’s hackles raised, and he heard alarm bells in his head. His instincts had been finely honed over the years, and he knew when he was being watched.

  He whipped around. A movement from behind the line of trees caught his attention. Might have been a stray animal. He tried to tune his ears for any sound but didn’t hear anything else. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a good sign. If it was an animal, it would have made some sound. No, someone had been there. Watching him. No, watching them. A shifter most likely, but who? Blackstone was full of shifters; it could have been anyone. Perhaps it was just some resident, out for a moonlit shift to let his or her animal out.

  Petros’ gaze went back toward the road. Kate was long gone by now. Even a shifter on foot wouldn’t have been able to catch up to her, especially the way she drove. But just to be sure, he waited in the parking lot, phone in hand.

  Fifteen minutes passed by, and he received a text message.

  I’m home.

  Good, he replied. He climbed into his truck, but the sound of another message coming in made him pause. When he checked it, he let out an audible groan. It was a selfie of Kate lying in bed wearing only a silky black nightie with a caption underneath: Change your mind yet? ;)

  Petros grinned to himself and sent a message. Three dates.

  Spoilsport. Goodnight :)

  Sweet dreams, he replied and put the phone away. The little minx could try all she wanted, but he had the patience and discipline of a monk.

  Especially when it came to getting what he wanted.

  Perhaps he underestimated his mate too much. Kate certainly would test the patience of a monk. No wait; she would test the patience of a saint.

  It seemed innocent enough when she came in the day after their first date, flashing him a naughty smile as she walked by his office on her way to her cubicle. A few minutes later, he received a text message from her saying there was a problem in the server room that needed his attention.

  As soon as he walked in, she pinned him against the wall. They had a quick make-out session, and while he wanted to continue, he had to stop before he broke his promise. She seemed disappointed, but the twinkle in her eye said she was not going to give up.

  And she didn’t, not even when he had to cancel their second date, or attempted to, anyway. He had to work overtime since Luke and Georgina’s wedding was only two days away, and they were still making preparations as details came in.

  “Oh no way, mister,” she had said over the phone as she drove back from the mines later that day. “I’m coming back, and we’re going to have date number two.”

  So, over Chinese takeout in his office, they had their second date. He was checking the positions of the guard teams around the castle, and she planted herself on the desk, eating from the takeout boxes but not before making sure he had eaten as well. She would pick up pieces of sweet and sour pork or broccoli beef and offer it to him as he worked.

  “Gotta keep your strength up,” she said with a cheeky smi

  They ended the date much in the same way as their first since their original plans of him picking her up fell through. Because of all the attention the security at the wedding demanded of his time, Petros had nearly forgotten about the incident in the parking lot. This time, as he watched Kate drive away, he didn’t feel anyone watching him. The incident faded away in his mind.

  Besides, he had other things to worry about. First, the wedding was tomorrow, and there weren’t nearly enough people to secure it. Holding it on the castle grounds made it simpler, and Ari Stavros would be coming with more people, which would help. But the staff was spread so thin that even he was going to have his own quadrant of the grounds to patrol.

  Second, of course, was that tonight would be his and Kate’s third date. He wanted her badly. Despite his stipulations, he would have gladly taken her to bed that very first date or even before then, when she marched into Argo’s. He still could not believe she had come after him like that. Her actions had hurt him deeply, but the fact that she was willing to swallow her pride and apologize told him Kate was a good person. And he was more than sure she was the only woman for him, but did she feel the same way about him or would it only be sex for her? That’s why he had to be sure, because once he made love to her, he knew he would never want another woman again.


  He looked up from his desk. Kate stood by the doorway. “Are you done for the day?”

  “Yes, I am,” he said as he stood up. “Shall we take your car or mine?”

  “I had Sybil drop me off this morning,” she said, her smile oddly shy. “I figured it might be easier to just take one car tonight than have to go back and forth.”

  “Good.” He saw her pupils dilate and the flush on her cheeks. They both knew it was inevitable, but the anticipation was thrilling. How long could they draw this out before their desire for one another took over? “Where would you like to go for dinner? I thought it should be ladies’ choice tonight.”

  “How about something familiar? Rosie’s if they’re not too crowded?”

  “Whatever you wish,” he said.

  They left the office and he drove them down to Main Street. Despite it being the dinner rush, Rosie’s wasn’t as busy as it had been the last couple of days. They only had to wait five minutes before they were seated in a corner booth. Much to his surprise, Kate slid into the seat beside him.

  “Much cozier, right?” she said.

  “Much,” he replied.

  The waitress took their order and left them alone.

  “How are the preps for tomorrow’s event?” she asked. “Think there’s going to be any trouble?”

  “Our intelligence says The Organization is in chaos at the moment, and any strike back is unlikely,” he began. “But Christina and Jason do not want to take any chances.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Good.”

  There was something else weighing on his mind. It was like an itch that began as a small irritation but somehow buried itself in his brain. The feeling that he was being watched was back. Right now, he swore he could feel eyes on him. He glanced around, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, frowning at him.

  “What? Oh, nothing.” He was being paranoid. That incident in the parking lot was nothing. Just a coincidence. He glanced at Kate, her gorgeous face looking up at him and her sweet scent teasing him, he knew there were more important things to think about.

  “Petros,” she said, her lashes lowering and her voice growing hoarse. “Tonight—”

  “We will have plenty of time for tonight later,” he said. “But,” he nodded to the waitress approaching them with a tray, “for now, let’s eat.”

  The waitress put their food down and wished them a good meal before she left. Kate dug in heartily to her meal—again, another trait he found endearing. He knew many women who wouldn’t eat in front of their dates for fear of looking unladylike, but Kate ate her chicken pot pie with gusto.

  “How about dessert?” the waitress asked as she came back to clear their meals.

  “I already have dessert waiting for me,” Kate said with a saucy grin and a wink at Petros.

  The waitress laughed. “I’ll get your check.”

  When the young woman walked away, Petros slipped his arm around Kate’s waist and pulled her against his side. “Are you sure, Kate?” he whispered in her ear. “You remember what I said about no going back?”

  She looked up at him with those beautiful emerald green eyes. “Very sure.”

  His wolf howled in delight, and he could feel Kate’s wolf join in a duet that stirred something deep inside him. He could not wait a single second more. Slapping a large bill on the table, he ushered Kate out of the booth and practically dragged her out of the cafe.

  “My hotel is closer,” he said as they walked to his truck.

  “Let’s go there, then.”

  With all the businesses opening, they had to park farther out, two blocks from Main Street. Not all the lights were functioning on this side of the street, but it didn’t matter because his shifter vision would adjust.

  “Petros,” she began. “I—”

  He had been so wrapped up in Kate that he didn’t hear the sound of paws thundering toward them until it was too late. He howled in pain as he felt the claws dig deep down his back, but he managed to push Kate away.

  “Run!” he urged his mate as he turned around. A large, furry beast pounced on him, knocking him to the ground.

  “Petros!” Kate cried. “Mother—”

  The wolf growled in his ear, and Petros’s own animal was rearing to get out. He called on his wolf to defend him and his mate, and the animal broke free of his skin. He swatted the other wolf away easily and rolled upright.

  The other wolf yelped in surprise but managed to stay on its feet. As his vision began to adjust and focus on his attacker, a sickening feeling began to grip him. Petros finally saw the wolf clearly. Familiar, but there was something different about it. He was frozen in shock when he recognized the wolf.


  It couldn’t be.

  But he was—

  The wolf leapt at him, claws reaching out toward him, and there was no time to evade. But the attack he was bracing himself for never came as another blur from his right appeared from nowhere and knocked the other wolf down.

  No! Petros shouted from inside his wolf. Kate!

  He had to save Kate. The two wolves rolled around, vying for dominance. The other wolf was much larger, but Kate had the element of surprise. Her wolf opened its mouth and latched onto a leg, biting down so hard the other wolf yowled in pain. Kate used the chance to twist away though she did not run. Her wolf let out a growl and approached the other wolf who was now getting to its feet.

  Petros pushed his body and leapt at the wolf before Kate could do anything. As their bodies tangled, he breathed in the other wolf’s scent, confirming his worst fears. No, he told his wolf, don’t kill him! He could sense Kate behind them, rearing and ready to go. But he couldn’t let her, not when her wolf’s thirst for blood was evident.

  It seemed like a miracle, but Petros managed to end up on top. “Stop!” he managed to growl out through his wolf’s mouth. It seemed like it only angered the other wolf. Please, he thought, don’t make me do this.

  The other wolf was in a frenzy, snapping its teeth as him even as it was obviously defeated. In his attempt to not hurt it, the other wolf managed to swipe his claws at his front. Pain bloomed in his chest, and he could feel the sticky sensation of blood on his fur. The wolf pushed him away and as Petros rolled to his side, he watched helplessly as it ran away, disappearing into the tree line. It can’t … but it was him. He knew that scent anywhere. But how?

  “Petros!" Kate’s human voice startled him out of his thoughts. As she knelt beside him, he pushed his wolf inside, reclaiming his body as his own dark fur receded into his skin and his wolf limbs turned back to human ones. “Petros,” she s
aid in a broken voice.

  “I … I am fine,” he managed to choke out. “My wounds are already healing.” He could feel the skin on his back and chest knitting together.

  Kate helped him to his feet. “I know, but for a second I thought ….”

  He pulled her against him and held her close. Being with his mate relaxed him and calmed his wolf. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, not a scratch,” she said, sniffing against this chest. “What the hell happened? Was it a stray wolf? A shifter gone feral?”

  Petros wished it was some stray. But he knew who it was. He didn’t know how it was possible, but he was one hundred percent sure. “It wasn’t.”

  “Then what was it?”

  A pit began to form in his stomach, and the pounding in his ears wouldn’t stop. “It was Milos.”

  Kate stiffened in his arms. “Milos—wait. Your friend? But you said he was dead!”

  “That’s what we thought.” Obviously, they were wrong.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.” He had known Milos since they were seven years old. That scent was so distinct, so buried in his mind, that he would never forget it. “He must have survived somehow.”

  “But why did he attack you if you’re his friend?”

  Petros shrugged. “Perhaps he’s gone feral.” That had to be it. Milos had lost his mind and his wolf. They said feral shifters didn’t know their own mind and would attack anyone, even friends and loved ones. “We must go to Christina and Jason and tell them.”

  Kate nodded. “Give me your keys.” She held up her hand when he tried to protest. “No! It will give you time to heal. I swear to God, you say anything and I’ll drag you to the hospital right now!”

  He gave her a weak smile. “I wouldn’t expect any less.” His mate was fierce, as he’d known all along, and he knew it was no use arguing with her.

  They walked over to his truck, and he took the spare set of clothes from the back as Kate slipped her dress back on. The wounds were already closed, but he felt exhausted both physically and mentally, and was glad he didn’t have to drive on top of that. As they made their way to Jason and Christina’s loft in South Blackstone, it gave him time to close his eyes and think about what just happened.


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