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Alluring Seduction (Bayou Stix)

Page 8

by Turner, Skye

  He smiles. “Can I take you out for lunch, Blue?”

  I smile back, “Ok. Give me a bit. I need to shower and get dressed.” Gesturing to the couch, I say, “Make yourself comfy. Be out as fast as I can.”

  I’m still not sure what’s going on here, but I’m stupid enough, or smart enough… to know I want to know. Ok Blue, just keep a tight rein on those emotions and all will be fine.

  I shower and get dressed and I hear Jessie on the phone. I can hear his side, so I’m assuming he’s talking to Jude. “Yeah… I’m taking her to lunch… No idea… She didn’t slam it in my face, fucker… I don’t know… I’ll text you later… Shut the hell up… Yeah, tell her Blue is fine… Later, dude.”

  I smirk into the mirror as I finish up with my makeup. As I’m pulling on some leggings, I hear a knock at the door. It’s probably a delivery for old Mrs. Aines who lives across the hall. I sign for her when she’s out. I call out, “Jessie, can you get the door for me?”

  “Sure thing. You about ready? I’m starving.”

  I’m calling back to him, “Yeah, getting my shoes on now…”

  Then I hear, “What the fuck? Who the fuck are you? Where’s Blue?”

  Oh shit. Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is he doing here?

  I hop into the living room, still putting on my shoes. I look at the scene, Brock is in the doorway in Jessie’s face and Jessie is blocking his entrance.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Brock?” I grit out.

  Jessie says, “You know this cat?”

  Brock pushes past Jessie, walking into my apartment, and he looks at me. “Babe, what the fuck? I called you. Why didn’t you call me back? Who is this douche?”

  Jessie looks at me and raises a brow, “Babe?!”

  I roll my eyes. Brock sizes Jessie up. Jessie looks right back at him. Jessie is taller, and leaner, but has muscle, while Brock is shorter and solid. He’s not fat, but not fit. They are polar opposites. Gritting my teeth, I get out, “Do you not read your own magazine, Brock? That’s Jessie. Jessie Adams, lead guitarist for Bayou Stix. What are you doing here?”

  He chuckles, “Oh, you’re still working. You’re a workaholic, Babe. I came to get you. We’re going out. My dad has the boat ready. He mentioned he saw you last night. You didn’t call me.”

  I roll my eyes again and frown. “I’m not working. And I’m not going with you. I have plans. You can let yourself out.”

  He looks at Jessie and his eyes get heated. “What the fuck? Are you fucking my fiancée, you pansy?”

  Jessie’s eyes go wide and he glares at me. “Fiancée?”

  The urge to stomp my foot and punch both of them is strong. Instead I close my eyes, lean my head back, and breathe deeply, counting to twenty. Then, I count to twenty again.

  Do not go crazy on both of these dudes. Do not do it. No, you know what? Screw it. I am going to let loose, and they both better be ready…

  Chapter Twelve


  What the fuck did that dude say? Fiancée? Blue obviously knows him, but she looks pissed. No way she’s engaged to him, but who is this douche? His own magazine? As in Rock Hard?

  I look expectantly at Blue. She’s got her eyes closed with her head thrown back and she’s taking deep breaths with her hands clenched. Do I need to throw this asshat out?

  I look at him, sizing him up. She called him Brock. She’s never mentioned any Brock. No one has ever mentioned a Brock. Who the fuck is this guy?

  He spits out at me. “Yeah, fucker. Fiancée. You can leave now.”

  I look at him with my brow raised. I’m not going anywhere. Crossing my arms, I wait.

  Blue looks at him and points. “I am not your fiancée. Not anymore. You made sure of that when I walked in and caught you fucking that skanky intern on your desk. Then, you fucked with my career… Having your Daddy send me off on the road with Bayou Stix to keep me from outing your ass.” She’s gotten closer and is now right in front of him. She jabs him in the chest. I notice they are the same height. “You can leave now. Jessie is my guest and the only person leaving is you.”

  Well, ok then. But wait, she was in engaged to this guy? “You were engaged?”

  She looks at me and says, “Yes, I was. I thought it was enough, but it wasn’t.” Then back to Brock whose face is turning purple with rage. “I would have never married you anyway, Brock. I don’t and I didn’t love you. Ever.”

  “You whore! You going to end the engagement with me over nothing?! You know how it is in this business. Everyone wants to reach the top on their back. None of it means anything!” He’s whining. This cat sounds like a little girl. “I gave you time to stop you from being fucking stupid, over nothing.” He points at me. “You hit the road with him… Did you fuck the whole band?” Spittle is flying out of his mouth. “How long did it take you to spread your legs for him? You can’t do this to me. You won’t make me look like a fool. What am I supposed to tell my father?”

  Her eyes flash and she slaps him. Clean across the face. Damn, that was hot. “You listen to me, you piece of shit! I don’t give a flying fuck what you tell your father. Do. Not. Call. Me. A. Whore. I’m not the one who was engaged and fucked other people. And no Brock, I didn’t make you look like a fool. You did that all by yourself. I ended things before I left, before you had your Daddy send me on the road, and today you showed up here. Uninvited. Now… You need to leave.”

  “You will regret this, Blue.” He looks at me and says, “You can have her. She was a fish in bed anyway. She doesn’t even know how to suck dick.” He looks back to her and says over his shoulder, “Why do you think I fucked other people?” He laughs as he walks out. “By the way… you can kiss your job goodbye.”

  At that statement, she gasps and the color drains from her face. I turn to go after him. No man talks to a woman that way. And certainly not one he was engaged to. And no one talks to Blue like that. Not even me… She grabs my arm to stop me. She looks stricken. “I’m going to fuck him up, Blue.”

  “No, don’t. He’s not worth it.” She whispers.

  “Blue, he just threatened your job!, You’re the best damn music reporter in the business. He can’t do that. Not because he’s a dick and you stood up for yourself!” I’m shaking with my rage.

  “Yes he can. It’s his daddy’s magazine and he’s next in line. He can do whatever he wants.” She grimaces. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, Jessie. I was thinking of leaving anyway.”

  “What? Why? Why would you do that? Were you really engaged to that dude, Blue?” I ask, exasperated.

  “Because he’s just like his father and his father is a dick. There are other jobs.” She shakes her head and smiles at me. “Are we going eat? I’m hungry.”

  Is she faking? She can’t be ok? And that guy thought she was a fish in bed?! Ha! She’s the best sex I’ve ever had, so what the fuck is he smoking?!

  I said I was taking her out and I want to take her out. “Yeah, let’s go eat. Where do you want to go?” I put my arm around her and pull her close as she grabs her purse and shuts the door.

  We end up at a tiny little café. They seem to know Blue here. She orders a turkey club with bacon, avocado, and bean sprouts on rye and I get a cheese steak sandwich. She also gets an extra-large coffee. I stick with water. I look at her with my chin on my palm as we wait for our food. She’s so striking. She’s wearing almost no makeup and looks gorgeous. She’s not what I’m used to. I’m out of my element and I have no idea what the next step is.

  “Why are you looking at me like that, Jessie?” She asks as she picks up her coffee.

  “You’re gorgeous.” I wink. She rolls her eyes.

  “Why are you being all sweet?” She’s running her finger around the lip of the cup. Her nails are a deep jade green today. I imagine what they would look like on my cock. Wait… she asked me something…

  I clear my throat and try to get the image of her hand on my junk out of my head. “I can be sweet. But you are gorg
eous and you surprise me. This is so not what I’m used to. I don’t have lunch with women after I screw them, Blue.”

  “I’m aware.” She smirks. “So, why are you having lunch with me? And why did you follow me to L.A.?”

  How do I answer this? What do I say here? “You seem to be pretty aware of me altogether.”

  She rolls her eyes. “And there he is…”

  “I’m teasing, Blue.” I reach for her hand and she freezes as I cover it with mine. “You left. I was a dick, so you had every right to, but you left. It bothered me.” She raises her eyes from our hands and looks at me. She swallows. I push forward. “I don’t care. I mean I haven’t cared, before now. But, you… leaving… I thought… I mean, I didn’t like it.”

  “You were a dick. But I ran. I couldn’t face you. Or the guys. Or Lexi and Bradi.” She swallows and moves her hand under mine, as if to pull it away. I pull it back and flip it over, before meshing our fingers. Her eyes go huge in her face. “I’m not a whore, Jessie. I don’t do that. You haven’t cared, ‘before now’? What does that mean?”

  We’re staring into each other’s eyes, I see our food coming over, and then I see a camera bulb go off. And then a few more. “Shit!”

  She sees them too and pulls her hand away. “I’m sorry. Those are paparazzi. They must have recognized you. They’ll be everywhere by tomorrow.”

  Stopping her retreat, I pull her hand back and say, “Well since we’re news anyway, screw it, let’s give them something good.” Then I lean over the table and kiss her. She gasps and I use the moment to slide my tongue into her mouth. Moaning, she reaches up and leans into me, running her fingers into my hair and holding my head steady. We forget the cameras. We forget everything… until an embarrassed laugh breaks through the haze and we break apart to see a young, red faced waiter there with our food.

  Blue’s eyes are wide and her cheeks are flushed. We’re both breathing hard. I smile at her and wink at the waiter, slipping a twenty into his hand. “Thank you.”

  She smiles back and looks over her shoulder, where a lot of paparazzi are snapping away. I shrug and say, “Let’s eat.”


  Oh my God! My face is going to be splashed everywhere by tonight. Kissing Jessie. Why was he ok with that? He’s never photographed with women. It would ruin his playboy image, so what the hell was that? And he said my leaving bothered him. Why did that bother him? What does he want from this?

  He said ‘Let’s eat.’ and I’m starving, so I eat. We talk about nothing and everything. The band, the break, the holidays, and Jude and Lexi’s wedding. We laugh more and he keeps touching me. After a couple of hours, he asks me if I’m ready to go.

  “Sure. What are your plans?” I ask casually.

  He smirks. “I don’t really have any. I’m kind of winging it.” He shrugs and takes my hand. I let him. “I didn’t know what my reception would be, so I didn’t know what I would do. What do you want to do? Dinner? Movie? Museum? Walk? Shop? Whatever you want to do, the day is yours.”

  I laugh. “Ok. Well, I need to get a bikini wax and some new underwear.”

  He blanches. “A bikini wax? Like someone puts wax on your vagina?”

  I double over with laughter. Tears are running down my face and I’m holding my stomach. “Yes, that is what a bikini wax is. But I was kidding. I don’t need one. I just had one. I was just messing with you. Your face is priceless.”

  He growls and turns me. My back is suddenly against a brick wall. “You are a minx!” He nips my chin. I groan. He chuckles. “But underwear shopping I’m down for.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he squeezes my ass. “Can I come in the dressing room to make sure they fit?”

  My breath catches and my nether region clenches and moistens. I rub against him and bite his ear. “I have a better idea. Why don’t I just model some for you in my apartment?”

  He slaps my ass and squeezes my hips. “Deal. Let’s go. Fast.”

  Laughing like teenagers, we race back the few blocks back to my apartment.

  Once we’re in the elevator, I get nervous. What am I doing here? What are we doing?

  As if he can read my thoughts, Jessie pulls me into his body and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his hands on my ass. We fit together perfectly.

  “There you go again. What are you thinking, Blue?”

  I shrug and shake my head. “I don’t know. I really have no idea what this is, Jessie.”

  “This?” His fingers are drumming on my lower back. “Meaning you and me?”

  “Yes.” She nods and leans back so she can look up at me. “This, meaning, you and me. Meaning what are we doing? You don’t do this and I don’t do what you do, so I’m just wondering what it is we’re doing?”

  He looks at me so long, I’m sure he’s going to turn and leave. “I don’t do this. You’re right.” I tense in his arms and he sighs. “I’ve never wanted to do this, whatever this is.” I try to pull away, but he won’t let me. Instead, he pulls me flush between his legs and touches his nose to mine as he stares into my eyes. “But I do want to do this with you. Something is going on here and I want to see what it is. I want to do this with you.” He brushes his lips whisper soft against mine.

  What? He wants to do this? What is this? He wants us to date?!

  My brows raise, “What? You want us to, like, go steady?”

  He smirks and nips my chin. “Yeah, what are we fifteen?” He chuckles. “Something like that. I want to see you, touch you, kiss you, do things with you… fuck you. And I don’t want you to do those things with anyone else.”

  My mouth practically hits the floor, but I manage to recover. “Um, ok. What about you?”

  With a perplexed expression on his face, he asks, “What about me?”

  “Are you going to do those things with anyone else?”

  He smiles and kisses me. “No. As long as we do this, I’m only with you.”

  I groan and grab him. “Deal.” Then I mesh my mouth to his and kiss him like he’s the last man I’ll ever kiss.

  I guess I’m dating Jessie Adams…

  Chapter Thirteen


  Well ok then. I just agreed to a committed, monogamous relationship. Hell I asked for it. But no one else is touching Blue. I’m not sharing. For as long as this lasts, she’s mine. Why doesn’t that freak me out more?!

  We decide to stay in her apartment tonight and she wants to order in. I’ve never actually watched television and eaten take-out with anyone other than the guys. Not since I was in high school.

  “What are we watching?”

  “I have eight episodes of The Vampire Diaries to get through. I’ve missed it while I was out with the band.” She smirks. “You up for some teenage angst and vampires?”

  Shuddering, I say, “Ugh, sure. I can hang with teenage vampires. What’s that dude’s name? Eddie?”

  She busts out laughing. “Eddie? Oh my God… No Eddie here. I think you mean Edward…, but no, wrong books.” She’s dying laughing at me. “This is the Salvatore brothers and holy shit, are they sexy!”

  I grunt. “Lots of women think I’m pretty fucking sexy myself, woman!”

  She’s snorting, she’s laughing so hard. But she’s so carefree and gorgeous. “I know they do.” Trying to contain her laughter, “In fact, I happen to think that too and when you’re all irritated… you… are… hot!”

  Grinning myself, I grab her and throw her onto the couch before covering her body with mine. She’s still laughing and trying to buck me off. Her pelvis rubs against my groin and something wakes up. Once she notices, she grabs me and wraps her legs around my waist while running her hands under my shirt. She rubs against me.

  Holy shit… a fish? What is wrong with that man? I’m so glad he’s an idiot.

  She’s running her nails up and down my back and thrusting her hips into my rigid member. My jeans are so tight, they’re uncomfortable. She nips my chin and trails kisses along my jaw to my ear. Licking the shell, she whispers,
“I want you,” before she sucks my lobe into her mouth.

  Dear God…

  I pull her up and rip her shirt over her head. She does the same with mine and then straddles my lap, thrusting her perfect tits into my chest. The yellow lace bra barely contains them. Groaning, I bury my face in her cleavage and lick along one swell before biting her nipple through the cup. She moans and arches her back, causing her breasts to spill out of the cups even more, while she grinds down on my cock.

  “Blue…” I manage to get out. “Blue, my dick is so hard and my jeans are so tight, I’m in pain. Dear God, take my jeans off.”

  Lifting a brow and giving me a sexy smile, she slithers off of my lap and onto the floor. Kneeling between my legs, she reaches for the snap of my jeans. Once it pops, the pressure from my rigid length pushes the zipper down and my glistening tip is visible over the band of my boxer briefs. She licks her lips and grabs the waist of my pants and boxer briefs and pulls. I lift my hips to grant her access. She pulls until they are around my ankles, then she pulls off my shoes and socks and throws them and my pants across the room.

  Naked as the day I was born, I sit on her leather couch with my dick standing straight up. She looks at it, and then looks at me as she reaches for it. Wrapping her hand around the base, she pumps twice, while staring into my eyes. She moves in. Opening her mouth, she inserts the glistening tip while I watch her watch me. She moves down as far as she can go.

  I groan and thrust into her mouth before my head falls back onto the couch and she starts to move.

  Doesn’t know how to suck a dick?! Yeah, ok… Idiot!

  Her mouth and hands are working me over and my eyes are crossing from the pleasure. Looking down at her dark head moving over my length and her jade nails wrapped around it, I’ve never seen a sexier woman in my life. Her breasts are bouncing with her movement and the nipples peek over the cups. The vision almost pushes me over the edge. I lift her by her shoulders and reverse our positions. She groans in frustration. I chuckle. “That is too good. I’m not cumming like that. Take off your bra, Blue.”


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