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Legacy (Blackwater Pack Book 3)

Page 9

by Hannah McBride

  “Good.” I forced myself upright.

  “Everyone’s okay then?” Dimitri’s shrewd gaze missed nothing.

  I sighed. “Dante’s fine, but Luke’s dead and Gabe’s … not doing well. Remy took over as Alpha until he’s better.”

  If he got better. A shudder rippled down my spine at the idea of Gabe not making it.

  He winced and swore sharply, looking down. “I’m sorry, Skye. Luke was a good man. I wish we could have gotten to them in time.”

  “I need to see Tate. She needs to know what happened to her dad.” I shoved myself up to my feet and swayed unsteadily.

  Dimitri jumped forward, steadying me by putting a hand on my shoulder. “Easy. It’s probably all catching up to you now, huh?”

  “What is?” I muttered, not really able to think through the fog currently pressing in around me. I was so tired.

  “You’ve been running on adrenaline since you woke up on the plane,” he replied, easily tucking my arm into his and starting to lead me from the room. “You’re crashing.”

  “I need to see Tate,” I replied stubbornly. I hated the idea that she would wake up alone and confused, or, worse yet, that she would hear about what happened to her dad and have no one with her.

  “I need two phones,” I said suddenly as we turned a corner.

  Dimitri nodded. “Okay, what do you need two phones for?”

  “One for me so I can call Remy whenever I want,” I informed him, stumbling a little. “Tate needs a phone, too. She needs to be able to talk to Dante and Ryder.”

  He made an amused grunt. “Alexei will be so disappointed. I think he was hoping he could convince her to stay here with him and forget about those two.”

  I jerked to a stop. “Not happening. Tell Alexei to stay away from her.”

  “Skye, chill,” he said, rolling his green eyes. “I was kidding. Alexei’s a good guy. He got your message earlier loud and clear. Doesn’t mean a guy can’t look.”

  I glared at him.

  “Look respectfully,” he corrected with a wry grin. “I mean, come on. I thought you were hot when I first met you.”

  “But you’re my brother,” I said, making a face. Yuck. So much yuck.

  He rolled his eyes again with a sigh and started pulling me down the hallway again. “Yeah, but I didn’t know that when I met you. All I saw was a gorgeous girl with crazy green eyes and a ‘fuck the world’ attitude. It was sexy as hell.”

  “Still your sister,” I said evenly, making a face.

  “Not by blood,” he countered. “I’m technically your step-brother. Or adopted brother. Both, actually. But there’s zero blood relation so I don’t feel weird about those slightly inappropriate thoughts I had about you.”

  “Ew,” I muttered, shaking my head.

  “Think about it,” he said with a teasing wink. “You could leave Remy and you and I would own this pack.”

  My lip curled in disgust. “Not if you were the last shifter alive.”

  He rubbed his chest with an exaggerated wince. “Ouch. That hurts, Skye.”

  “Truth usually does,” I snapped back.

  “You only say that because you’re bond-blinded,” he told me with a grin, shaking off his frown.

  “Bond-blinded?” I scoffed at him.

  “Yeah. You know, when you’re bonded and only have eyes for your mate. He could look like a hairy turnip and you’d still think he was the hottest guy alive.”

  “Remy is not a hairy turnip,” I shot back, realizing how completely weird that sounded.

  “You’re right,” Dimitri agreed, pulling us to a stop in front of an elevator and pressing the button. “Remy’s pretty damn fine. That smile and all those muscles, plus that good guy next door charm rolled into an alpha? If I swung that way, I might give you a run for your money.”

  “Oh, God. Just please stop talking,” I mumbled, not at all sure why this conversation had taken such a strange turn. I stepped into the elevator as the doors opened and leaned against the back railing.

  Dimitri hit another button and the doors closed. He turned and looked at me, folding his muscular arms across his broad chest. He raised an eyebrow. “What? I’m secure enough to admit when another man is good looking. You lucked out in the hot mate department, little sister. You two will have gorgeous babies.”

  My head dropped back against the wall behind me with a groan. “Seriously, shut up.”

  “Whatever,” he said with a relaxed shrug. “But to answer your original question, yes I can get you and Tate each a phone. Dad already had the same idea. Figured you would want to talk to Remy whenever possible.”

  I pressed my lips together. “Really?”

  “I know he seems like the big bad Alpha, and he is,” Dimitri told me with a grin, “but he’s also really happy you’re here. He wants to make you comfortable and happy. Give him a chance.”

  “As long as he realizes this isn’t my home and this isn’t my pack,” I replied softly. “When this storm clears, I’m heading home.”

  “Just don’t hate him if he tries to spend the next few days changing your mind,” he warned me as the elevator doors opened.

  I shrugged as I got off the elevator. “Just as long as he doesn’t—whoa.”

  I stopped suddenly, eyes wide as I looked at what was a track running underground. There was a cable car at one end. A man was standing near the open front door. He nodded to Dimitri and climbed into the cab.

  “It’s how we get back and forth from the town to the bunker,” Dimitri said behind me, letting me take it in.

  “The bunker?” I echoed.

  “The upper levels we built into the mountain,” he answered. He waved a hand at the ceiling. “The pack has been here for hundreds of years. We use the bunker for medical, transportation, and training. If needed, we also have rooms to house the pack from outside threats, but most of us live in town. That’s where the Alpha residence is. This tunnel connects us to the town and the house.”

  I stepped away, gaping open-mouthed at the room.

  “We’re working on extending it to the airfield,” he added. “That way we can stop using the helicopters as much. You know. Lessen our carbon footprint.”

  “Why not just shift and run?” I asked slowly, looking at him.

  “Some do,” he replied. “But the storm is making above ground travel almost impossible, and … not everyone can shift.”

  “Right. You mentioned there are humans around here, too?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “And the witches, obviously.”

  He grimaced a bit. “Yeah, don’t call them that. They hate that word.”

  “Whatever you say. Is Tate in town?” I asked, not wanting to go anywhere that wouldn’t lead me to her.

  “Yeah. She’s actually at the Alpha residence in the wing you’ll be in.”

  “A whole wing,” I murmured.

  He flashed me a smile. “Exactly. So, let’s go.”

  “What about Elias? And my uncle?” I paused, needing to know where those two were.

  “The bunker has a section of holding cells. They’re there,” he replied. “We’ll begin questioning them tomorrow morning. All the drugs should have been worked out of their systems by then.”

  “I want to be there,” I said quickly. “When you talk to them, I mean.”

  Dimitri hesitated, his gaze narrowing. “Are you sure? It might not be the most fun experience.”

  I nodded, determined. “Elias lied to me. I want to know why. And my uncle … I want to know why he did this to me. To his sister. They both owe me answers.”

  He stepped into the cable car behind me. “Okay. I’ll make sure we grab you before we start.”

  I sank down into one of the seats, my gaze landing on the bracelet on my arm. “And I want this off.”

  Dimitri nodded as he sat down. A second later the cable car started forward.

  “I already talked to Lulu. She’s meeting us at the house and will take it off for you. It’ll o
nly take a second.”

  “And Tate’s,” I said, knowing she would hate it the same way I did.

  He nodded. “Done.”

  I must have fallen asleep at some point, because next thing I knew, Dimitri was nudging my shoulder and softly saying my name.

  I startled awake and looked around. The cable had come to a stop in front of another set of elevator doors.

  Dimitri stood over me. “Time to wake up, sleeping beauty.”

  “I’m awake,” I groused, pushing myself up and following him off the cable car.

  We stopped in front of the elevator.

  “Push the button,” he told me, his expression unreadable. The glint of mischief in his eyes made me pause.

  I gave him a weird look. “Is this some kind of trick?”

  “Not exactly.” He nodded to the panel. “Push the button.”

  Annoyed, I stabbed the button. A second later the door slid open.

  “Damn,” he murmured, his eyes lighting up like I had given him a Christmas present.

  “What?” I demanded, stepping inside.

  He joined me and pressed a button. The doors slid shut as he turned to me. “This is the entrance to the Alpha residence. You have to be on the approved list to get access. Or be family.”

  My eyes narrowed.

  “It’s spelled,” he explained. “You either have to be given permission to access through the wards, or … be able to bypass it yourself. It’s linked to the Dashkov bloodline. The doors opened for you, so you’re definitely Dad’s daughter.”

  “So, that was what? A witchy sort of paternity test?” My nose wrinkled at the idea.

  “Sort of,” he agreed vaguely. “I was curious to see if it would work.”

  “Great,” I muttered, always happy to be someone’s experiment. I leaned my shoulder against the wall in the elevator car. A second later the doors slid open.

  “Holy crap,” I whispered, my eyes going wide as a whole new world suddenly opened before me.

  The elevator opened near the front of the house. Everything about the opening, from the marble floors to the grandiose double staircase wrapping its way to the second floor, screamed opulence. Gold accents were everywhere, including the massive crystal chandelier hanging in the entryway.

  I slowly stepped out of the elevator, my gaze unable to land on just one beautiful thing. Paintings, statues, and furniture looked pristine and perfect. I was almost afraid to breathe in case I messed something up.

  Dimitri slowly followed behind me as I walked into a room off the foyer.

  Hardwood floors gleamed up at me, but it was the massive windows that caught my attention. They looked down over a small town at the bottom of a hill, flanked by a row of formidable mountains standing sentry over it while snow fell in a blinding white blanket from gray skies.

  “You live here?” I said, unable to hold in the amazed awe.

  “Yeah,” he replied. “So do you.”

  I let that comment go. I wanted to press my hands and nose to the glass and stare down at the town that looked like something out of one of the Christmas movies Larkin forced me to watch over the holidays.

  I tucked my hands behind my back so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch anything.

  I stared until I yawned, my jaw cracking from the effort and my knees almost buckling.

  “Your room is upstairs,” Dimitri told me.

  I turned and he jerked his head for the stairs.

  I followed him up them, my hand gliding along the smooth wood of the railing as we went. At some point I wanted to study the intricate designs of the spindles, but my brain was too tired to do it now.

  He led us down the hallway to the right. “Family stays in this wing,” he told me. He started pointing out doors. “Mama’s room, my room.” We turned a corner. “Dad is at the end of the hall.”

  “Your parents don’t have the same room?” I asked, my steps growing sluggish the more we moved.

  He shook his head. “I told you. Their relationship is … Well, I’ll let them explain it.”


  We turned another corner and Alexei was waiting, leaning casually against the wall, his thumb swiping through his phone. He tucked it into the pocket of his jeans, straightening and smiling as we approached.

  “Printsessa,” he greeted me.

  “It’s Skye,” I muttered, rubbing a hand down my face. “Just Skye.”

  “This is your room,” Dimitri said, pointing a finger at the closed door.

  “Dimitri said you would want Tate to be with you,” Alexei explained with an indulgent smile. “She’s inside, still asleep. She probably won’t wake up for a few more hours.”

  “Is it healthy for her to have slept this long?” I asked, my gaze shifting between them with concern.

  Dimitri nodded. “Yeah. The cocktail we gave her was the same as the doctor and your uncle. It has a little extra something in it courtesy of a simple spell. She’ll be fine, but it keeps people asleep longer.”

  “I put her on your bed,” Alexei said, “but we can have a cot or another bed brought up for her.”

  “We can share.” I waved off the thought. Honestly, I was kind of relieved not to be alone.

  “You have your own bathroom,” Dimitri added, “and there’s fresh clothes for both of you.”

  “You went shopping?” I frowned.

  He shrugged, his eyes glittering. “I called ahead when we got on the plane. I had things stocked for you both.”

  “Uh, thanks.” I glanced down at the jeans and shirt I had been wearing for a couple days now. I hoped I would have the energy to shower before I collapsed into the bed.

  I heard the soft clicking of heels a second before someone stepped around the corner.

  “Looks like a party,” the woman said as she walked towards us. The chunky, off the shoulder white sweater contrasted beautifully against her dark skin, her long black hair hung in loose waves around her face. She stopped several feet in front of us, her blue-gray eyes striking.

  “You must be Skye,” she said with a warm smile.

  “She is,” Dimitri answered for me quickly.

  Her gaze cut to him shrewdly. “And can Skye not speak for herself?”

  Alexei covered his mouth and turned away, but I saw the smile he was hiding.

  Dimitri’s grin turned colder. “I was being helpful.”

  “That’s a first,” she said with a smirk before looking at me. “I’m Lulu.”

  “Hi,” I replied slowly.

  She gestured to my hand, the one with the bracelet. “May I?”

  I held out my hand and she stepped forward, wrapping her small hands around my wrist. A second later, my skin warmed and when she drew back, the bracelet was in her hands, still whole and unbroken.

  “Whoa,” I murmured, rolling my wrist reflexively.

  I could have cried when I felt my wolf start to wake up, like she had been asleep. She stretched, slowly coming back to life.

  And there, buried deep, I felt the bond I shared with Remy.

  I pressed a hand to my chest and took a deep, steadying breath, but I was unable to stop the small whimper of relief that escaped.

  “Are you all right?” Lulu asked, concern on her face as she stepped forward. “That shouldn’t have hurt you at all.”

  “What’s wrong?” Dimitri demanded.

  I waved them off. “I’m fine. It’s just … I can feel my wolf again, and I feel the mating bond. I feel Remy.”

  Lulu whirled and glared at Dimitri, hands on her hips. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  His eyes narrowed. “What?”

  She waved a hand at me, her eyes dark as she turned to him. “You used a suppression charm on a bonded wolf? Are you completely stupid?”

  “I didn’t want her to wake up in the middle of a flight over the Pacific and lose her shit when she realized her mate was still on the ground!” he fired back, eyes flashing dangerously.

  I took a step back, seeing clearly why Dimitri
was an alpha heir. He went from chill to intense in less than a second. The transformation was a little intimidating.

  Clearly not caring that he was pissed off, Lulu took a step closer. “I didn’t give you these things so you could deny a woman her mate for any reason. You know how special the bond is between mates. We don’t ever cut that tie. What you did was cruel.”

  “So, her shifting and possibly taking down an entire plane of people would have been better?” he demanded hotly, leaning over her.

  She scoffed and eyed him with barely veiled contempt. “You’re telling me that all it would take is one wolf to take you all down?”

  A muscle thrummed in his jaw as he bit back a reply.

  Lulu’s eyes slid to me, softening. “Are you okay? Is there anything you need? I can get you a phone if you need to call your mate.”

  “She already talked to him,” Dimitri ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Well, at least you got one thing right,” Lulu retorted coldly.

  Seething, Dimitri looked at me. “You’re good here, right?”

  I nodded wordlessly.

  “Perfect. I’ll come check on you in a few hours.” He turned and stalked back down the hall.

  Alexei finally released the laugh he was holding in. His eyes were dancing as he looked at me, and he opened his mouth to say something.

  “Alexei!” Dimitri barked, all but snapping his fingers.

  Still grinning, Alexei turned and headed after his friend.

  Lulu rolled her shoulders and shook her long hair over her shoulders. “I swear, that man drives me crazy.”

  “Sounds like it,” I agreed softly.

  She sighed, waving a dismissive hand. “I've known Dima since we were little. He’s always been infuriating. One of these days I’m going to curse him for good. Maybe make him fall in love with a brick or bark like a dog when a pretty girl walks by.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “You can do that?”

  She shook her head. “Sorry. He brings out the worst in me.” She tucked my bracelet into the back pocket of her jeans. “Your friend also has one, right?”

  “Tate,” I confirmed. “She’s inside.”

  Lulu pushed open the bedroom door and walked to where Tate was sleeping on a massive bed against the far wall.

  I slowly followed, my eyes huge as I realized this bedroom was the size of the apartment I shared with Mom back in Blackwater. It had its own sitting area with a fireplace, dressing area with doors thrown open to reveal a walk-in closet, and the bed itself was ginormous.


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