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Page 4

by Mia Watts

  Legs tied apart, Steven could only glare up at his best friend while he looked back with smug satisfaction. Mark dropped the towel on the bed.

  “That’ll work.”

  “Work for what?” Steven questioned. Though he wasn’t interested in playing games, he had to admit the view was spectacular.

  “We’re hanging out tonight. Naked.”

  “What if I get cold?”

  “I’ll cover you with a whole lotta me,” Mark grinned.

  “And if I have to pee?”

  “I plan on dehydrating you with too much sex.” Mark sat down.

  He ran a lazy hand over Steven’s chest. To Steven’s embarrassment, his recently spent cock twitched to life. Mark chuckled.

  “I had no idea,” Mark confessed. “I’d have planned a seduction last week if I’d thought you’d be interested. But you gave me no clue. Not one. Not even when I kissed you.”

  “I didn’t want you to know.”


  “Because you eat guys like me for dinner and leave us the next day,” Steven snapped, giving the arm restraints a fruitless tug.

  “I definitely ate you. I plan on doing it again, too. Your cock is perfect.”

  As though proud of the compliment, that cock in question lifted. A look of delighted mischief entered Mark’s eyes.

  “Seriously, I had no idea. How often do you jack-off to my calendar picture?” he asked, running a finger down the length of Steven’s dick.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Now you’re just being petulant. You want me. I want you. I have you tied to bed, naked, for fuck’s sake. I’m petting your boy, here, and I had my face plastered to your junk when you came down my throat. Let’s sweep away the pretension and just say what it is.”

  “I’d love to,” Steven stonewalled. “What is it?”

  Mark crocked his finger, wiggled it around in the air and took it south. Sharp, searing pleasure invaded his ass. He arched and swallowed back a wordless cry. His cock quit playing around and stiffened to full capacity.

  “You don’t want to want me, is that it?” Mark asked.

  “Have you dated you? Do you know what you do to guys who want you more than you want them?”

  “Ah, but you’re assuming now that I don’t want you as much as you want me.”

  Steven gasped as Mark pushed in another finger. Steven tried to remember what his complaint was. Oh, yeah. “You play games. You always have the upper hand—literally! If you want to talk about being vulnerable for a change, how about you spill your deep dark secrets about sex and me.”

  “That’s easy. I want you.”

  “Until you’ve decided you’re done with me,” Steven pressed.

  “I’ll never be done with you. You’re my best friend. You’re like a family member. Except sex with you isn’t illegal or twisted.”

  “Oh, it’s twisted. But having sex with me until you’re just done having sex with me isn’t the smartest decision.”

  Mark eased down between Steven’s legs, nuzzling the man’s ball sac. “Are you saying you’re unwilling?”

  “Do I look unwilling?”

  Mark shot a pointed look toward the bindings.

  “Aside from the belts and being tied to a bed while you shove digits into my body, do I look unwilling?” Steven nodded at his impatient cock.

  “Not particularly.”

  “So what happens to me when you’re done with me?” Steven asked.

  Mark dragged his tongue up the underside of Steven’s dick. He placed soft open-mouthed kisses down the side. “Mm. Maybe I’ll never be done with you. Right now, this looks like a perfect scenario.”

  “My heart isn’t a scenario,” Steven argued.

  At that, Mark did look up. His gaze took on an intensity Steven didn’t see often. “Is your heart involved?”

  Steven sighed. Two fingers still pumped his ass, although not nearly as hard as he’d like them too, but he supposed it was just as well. At least he could think a little. A very little. “How many relationships have I been in that you know of?”

  Mark paused to think. “There was that guy Greg. The kid in college you used to say you were studying with. And that douchebag Vino-Vito something. Three?”

  “And how many of those guys did I fall hard for?”

  Mark laughed, “All of them.”


  Mark grew pensive. He dropped his chin on Steven’s belly. “Is that how you feel about me?” he asked carefully.

  Steven closed his eyes, willing the blush to disappear. “Yeah. And if you add sex to the mix, only to go off on another dating spree, what the fuck do you think would happen to me?”

  Steven opened his eyes again to look seriously at his friend.

  Mark’s brow smoothed. “I’m not afraid of that.”

  “I am.”

  “You shouldn’t be,” Mark whispered. “Kissing you was like a light bulb going off in my head. It’s you. It’s always been you. I couldn’t believe I didn’t see it until then.”

  They were the words Steven had always wanted to hear, yet now that they were there in the ether he didn’t know he could trust them. They were too easy. Too freely given.

  “Why would I be any different than one of your other dates?” Steven asked quietly.

  Mark pushed up, climbed his body and stared down at him. Concern and sincerity shone in his clear green gaze. “Knowing you my whole life makes it different,” he whispered. “You’re the first person I look for when I have news to share. You’re the one I spend all my free time with, when it matters. You’re the guy who’s been at my side for more stupid mistakes and more successes than I can count. You don’t get it. Kissing you, touching you like this—it’s like coming home.”

  “Coming home can get very boring,” Steven insisted.

  “Said the guy tied to his bed.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” He lowered himself onto Steven’s body. “I’ll admit that I can be impulsive and selfish. I can even admit I don’t always know what I need because I’m blindly running ahead with scissors or something. But you’re the one I always return to.”

  “That’s a lot of sap coming from you,” Steven teased dryly.

  “Fine, then here’s some more.”

  He nudged his erect shaft alongside Steven’s. Steven hissed with pleasure.

  “You turn me on,” Mark told him. “You’re a hot little number, and you don’t even realize it. You hide behind thick glasses and a stony expression, but you have more heart than twenty other guys I know. You’re honest, kind and sexy as hell. The fact that you want me? Well, it’s kind of a mind-fuck for me.”


  “Because I’m the guy who hits the bars for sex. You should be running the other direction from me. The idea that I could somehow turn you on this much makes me crazy. Like gratitude and lust had a sexy baby in my pants.”

  Steven laughed sharply. “God, you and your metaphors.”

  “Feel my sexy baby on your cock? I’m hard because of you, not because the potential for sex is present.”

  Steven exhaled loudly. “I want you inside me.”

  A smile stretched Mark’s full lips into a shit-eating grin. “I know. You lost your load a little early last time.”

  Mark slithered down his body, taking Steven’s tip into his mouth.

  “Holy fuck!” Steven rasped. “And you wonder why I came fast?”

  Mark popped off the end. “I know why. You’ve been jacking off to my picture and the real thing swallowed your cock. That’s why. Now I just need you to get used to the idea. Because I plan on eating out regularly.”

  Chapter Seven

  It was a fucking high. Steven tried to watch him. Mark dropped lower, behind a pair of crinkled balls he couldn’t wait to taste. He dragged his tongue up the seam, grinning when the man moaned and the muscles of his inner thighs quivered.

  Mark did it again then huffed hot air on the
wet path. He used the edge of his damp bath towel to give a quick clean to Steven’s already clean hole. Steven hissed above him in anticipation.

  Mark dragged his tongue over the sensitive, ruched skin. He nipped the inside Steven’s cheeks with the barest edge of teeth. Burying his face deeper, Mark used his nose, breath, tongue and teeth to drive his friend to the edge of panting insanity.

  Only when Steven began to toss his head from side to side, did Mark push his two fingers back inside. He drew them out, hooked, popping the tight ring of muscle over and over. It flexed and fluttered with the play. Mark watched his friend as he lay tied and moaning. And as of a second ago, pleading with Mark to take him.

  “Not yet,” Mark murmured.

  “I’m going to come.”

  “No you aren’t.” To make sure he didn’t, Mark tightened a ring of fingers at the base of Steven’s cock. Then alternately pulling Steven’s sac into his mouth and swallowing down on the angry red length of the man’s cock, he slowly switched all his oral attention to that straining member.

  Steven lifted off the bed, mindless with his need to get-off. This was one position Mark had never seen his friend in. Never like this. Never out of control, and it empowered him to know he was the reason the quiet man was quickly losing his mind with pleasure.

  “Mark, goddamn it! Fuck me! Fuck me, now.”

  Mark wiped his fingers on the towel, and using his teeth to carefully open the foil packet without injuring the condom, he then rolled it into place. He spat several times into his hand, applying the natural lubrication to Steven’s entrance.

  He pushed in, not giving Steven time to adjust because the finger play had been more than adequate.

  “You’re hot,” Mark said, swearing under his breath as his length was enveloped.

  “Fucking let me come,” Steven demanded.

  “No way, babe. I want you to explode when I’m good and ready.”

  “Fuck you! Wait no, fuck me!”

  Mark snorted through his own strained laugh as he flexed inside the gloving heat. He shuddered, pulled out even as Steven’s body tried to hold him in place, then pushed fully in. Cold chills raced up his spine. He held pleasure at bay, wanting this to last. He’d teased Steven about being quick when the reality was Mark’s ass clenched with the effort to keep his own orgasm from clawing up his balls.

  It was hard to thrust with one hand wrapped tightly on a cock. He wanted to see it happen anyway, so Mark let go. He lifted himself away, as he shoved into Steven, withdrew and plowed forward. He watched the other man’s balls jostle with the impact, focused on the drunken sway of his reddened cock.

  Steven’s abdomen crunched as his ass took the beating Mark gave it. The other man’s body tried to curl in on itself as almost soundless grunts rhythmically escaped Steven’s parted lips.

  Steven’s ass, like Mark’s, squeezed. Yet because Mark was firmly embedded there, the pressure was almost more than he could take as orgasm built to a fever pitch.

  Mark could tell the man was barely holding on. He no longer wanted him to.

  “Come for me, Steven. Come all over me.”

  Steven shouted. Cum exploded from his cock, shooting thick white jets. Warm cum stuck to Mark’s body and the evidence of his lover’s orgasm ripped his own from him. He pumped hard and shallow, emptying himself inside Steven’s body, before collapsing on top of him.

  “Watching you come is fucking gorgeous,” Mark told him.

  Steven laughed breathlessly. “Untie me now?”

  “You won’t try to make me leave again?”

  “No, I think I lost that battle,” Steven joked.

  “Good. I’m glad you realize that.” Mark loosened the arm restraints. “The feet will have to wait. I’m not moving yet.”

  Mark’s heart swelled happily when Steven’s arms wrapped around him. “No. Don’t move yet. I like you here.”

  “Ask me to move in with you,” Mark asked, much to his own surprise.


  He thought about it for a moment and decided he liked the idea after all. “Yeah, ask me to move in with you. I practically live here anyway.”

  “Move in with me?” Steven questioned, as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Yes, I will. Thank you for asking,” Mark jumped to answer.

  “Wait. I wasn’t—”

  Mark cupped Steven’s jaw, turning the other man’s face toward him. “I’m being as open as I know how. The only way you’re going to know I’m in it for the long haul is if you see it for yourself. Let me move in. Let me prove every single night why sleeping together is a good idea, and why you can depend on me not to get bored.”

  “Moving in isn’t a fling,” Steven told him. He seemed wary.

  “I’m in this.”

  “No, you’re in me. As far as I can tell, this is a one-off for you.”

  “Are you for real? I just fucked your brains out. I couldn’t be risking more for the sake of having a relationship with you.”

  “Yeah, but to you, relationships last twenty-four hours,” Steven countered.

  “Funny, coming from the guy I’ve known my whole life. That counts, doesn’t it? That’s a relationship.”

  Steven seemed to study him. His expression took on a bemused cast. “You’re serious?”

  Mark rolled back on top of him, and sank between Steven’s legs. He couldn’t be more serious if he tried. He wanted—no, he needed—Steven to see it too. “What do you think?”

  Steven was silent for a moment. “I think it scares the fuzz off my balls.”

  Mark wiggled his brows. “Sounds promising.” He nuzzled the underside of Steven’s chin. He places gentle kisses on the tender skin. “Say yes.”

  “I don’t do well with pressure.”

  “I know. Believe me. I’ve spent a lifetime testing your will,” Mark murmured.

  “I think you’re winning.”


  “Okay. Move in with me,” Steven relented.

  “Thank you.” Mark sealed his words with a gentle kiss, the way Steven seemed to like being kissed. The way he liked kissing him too.

  “You’re welcome,” Steven whispered through another long kiss.

  Chapter Eight

  Three months later…

  Steven yawned. The sound of water coming from the bathroom brought a smile to his lips. That smile widened. He remembered the middle of the night wake up he’d gotten when Mark’s head bobbed the sheets between Steven’s thighs.

  He got hard remembering it. The man hadn’t been kidding. He liked going down. Fortunately, Steven liked being gone down on. But there was one thing he wanted from Mark he knew from a lifetime of knowing his sexual exploits, Mark hadn’t given anyone else.

  Call it a test, if you wanted, but Steven remembered a drunken college conversation they’d had years ago about virginity. Mark swore up and down he wouldn’t let anyone fuck him. That, he’d insisted, was saved for the guy he’d marry one day. At the time, Steven had laughed, teasing him that since everything else was fair game, what did taking it in the ass matter to him.

  Steven swung his legs off the side of the bed. He plucked a condom off the top of the night table and rolled it on. Two months ago, he hadn’t been confident enough to try it. Today it felt like the gauze around his own insecurities had finally lifted. Like he knew Mark’s answer even without asking.

  Steven quickly brushed his teeth, then opened the glass door to the shower. He hugged Mark from behind, rubbing his erection into the crevice of Mark’s ass cheeks.

  Mark looked back at him over his shoulder. “Morning,” he murmured.


  Steven took the soap and lathered himself up and washing Mark’s back for him. Mark picked up the lube they kept in the shower, but Steven reached around him and took it out of his hands. Mark’s brows shot up.

  “You’re going to lube yourself for me?” Mark asked. “I like lubing you up.”

  Steven gri
nned. He caught Mark’s thigh and directed him to put his foot on the in-shower corner seat. Mark hopped, nearly losing his balance. Understanding dawned on him. Steven paused watching the other man’s body stiffen as though he meant to resist. But something in his eyes softened. Mark’s body followed suit.

  Steven kissed his shoulder, then his jaw. He cupped Mark’s ass and massaged gently. “I know what this would mean to you,” he told Mark. “I know exactly what allowing me to do this represents.”

  “You’re okay with that?” Mark murmured.

  “For the rest of my life,” Steven assured him. “Are you?”

  Mark searched his eyes. “Wouldn’t want anyone else.”

  He put his hands on the tiled wall, and opened his stance a little wider. It was unspoken permission to proceed, and Steven sent up a silent prayer filled with gratitude. Mark was his, now and forever. The last eleven weeks or so had proved it in every little way. This morning, they were making it official.

  Steven took the showerhead down and generously soaped Mark’s crack, teasing his hole with flicks and probes, just the way Steven liked it. Mark dropped his head down and he already arched his back to give Steven better access.

  With warm water rinsing him off and Steven’s fingers well lubed, he began the slow relentless finger fucking Mark always used on him.

  “Holy fuck,” Mark rasped.

  Mark pushed against his hand letting Steven know he was ready for more. It was about damn time as far as Steven was concerned. His cock throbbed and he couldn’t tear his eyes off the fine flexing ass in front of him.

  Steven placed himself at Mark’s entrance. “Take a deep breath and let it out slowly,” he instructed.

  He listened for the cues and pushed himself in to the crown. Mark grunted. His body tensed.

  “Relax. Breathe in and out slowly. Try to push me out.”

  The tight ring loosened, and Steven eased in. When he was fully hilted, he gently rubbed Mark’s back and ass. He kissed between his shoulder blades, then reached around. He fisted Mark’s cock and began to jerk him off. Waterproof lube still on his fingers made him slick, and it wasn’t long before Mark was panting, groaning softly.


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