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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 3

by Bridy McAvoy

  Meanwhile, Leah had fumbled her bra closed and after a quick fruitless search for her panties was struggling into her slip once more. A mere three or four minutes later, all of Owen’s gear was stowed in his case and he clicked the clasps closed and stood up straight.

  “Didn’t take long. We’ll continue this another time.”

  Leah had fully regained her composure and she stood there, hands on hips, glaring at him.

  “I don’t think there will be a next time.”

  Owen chuckled—it wasn’t exactly a pleasant sound—and quickly strode across the intervening distance to stand close to her once more.

  “Tell me, Leah, what do you think would have happened next if you hadn’t received the text message?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Her blush gave the lie to her words.

  “I think you do.”

  “Well . . . I suppose you would have tried to . . . to make love to me.”

  “No, Leah, I wouldn’t have tried to make love to you. I’d have fucked you. Hard. And you’d have enjoyed it, thoroughly. Wouldn’t you?”

  She bit her bottom lip again but slowly nodded.

  “See. That’s what we both missed due to your bloody husband coming back too soon. Next time there won’t be any interruptions.”

  “I already told you, there won’t be a next time.”

  “Yes, Leah, there will be and the contents of that case ensures it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you wouldn’t want your precious Leo to know I’ve taken revealing photographs of you like that, would you? You wouldn’t want him to know you’d exposed yourself in such a wanton way like that, would you? And if not Leo, how about your family and friends?”

  “You bastard!”

  She swung her arm back and then forward to slap his face but he caught and held her slender wrist with ease. When she tried with the other arm him caught that one too.

  “Now, now. Behave, young lady. I think you have a gorgeous body and I think it’s only fair you share it with the camera. That’s what’s going to happen, like it or not, because the alternative is just so much worse.”

  All the fight went out of Leah, and I saw her shoulders slump in defeat.

  “Better, there’s a good girl. Now next week Mia and I are away, so the following Monday I’ll be round here with my equipment once Leo and Mia have both gone to work. I’m due some leave time so we’ll take a lot of photographs. We’ll have all day, and Tuesday and Wednesday . . . and the rest of the week.”

  He chuckled once more.

  “We’ll start with you answering the door in a nice set of red lace lingerie I think, and then you’ll slowly take it off for the camera, just like today. Then we’ll go upstairs to your bedroom where you’ll maybe put some nice sexy white nightwear on and repeat the process. Every time you get naked, you’ll either masturbate or blow me or I’ll fuck you. My choice each time. You’ll prepare us lunch wearing just a tiny apron, high heels and a big smile. By the end of the week I intend to have hundreds—no thousands—of photos of your naked body in the throes of passion and to have fucked you in every room in the house. Do I make myself clear?”

  To my astonishment I saw her nod agreement.

  “Not just in the house, of course. On the deck, on the lawn, among the trees at the back. Oh, we are going to have so much fun.”

  Leah sank down onto the couch, her face buried in her hands.

  “I’ll go now, can’t have hubby getting home too soon and spoiling all our fun, can we? I’ll let myself out. See you a week on Monday at ten o’clock sharp.”

  I heard the front door open and then close behind him. Leah peered out from between her fingers and then let out a deep shuddering breath, realising her own actions had provided our neighbour with the perfect opportunity to blackmail her.

  I expected her to gather up the rest of her clothes and head for the shower, instead she did something that blew me away. She looked right at the arch through into the dining room directly at me and spoke.

  “He’s gone. You can come out now Leo!”

  I stumbled into the middle of the archway, unsure of how to react. Leah gave me a dazzlingly brilliant smile.

  “How . . . How long have you known I was here?”

  She laughed.

  “How long did I know you were there? From the beginning, I sensed you come through the patio window. So I knew you missed absolutely none of that.”

  “But why . . . Why didn’t you stop, and stop Owen? I know you can’t stand him.”

  She laughed again.

  “Go and fetch your car round. I guess you must have left it on the street behind. I’ll put some coffee on and we’ll talk. Now scoot, before Owen has the chance to look out the back of his house and catch sight of you.” She glanced down. “Or your shoes. Besides—” She looked pointedly at the crutch of my trousers. “—it’ll give you time to calm down a bit.”


  Half an hour later we were sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, sipping the coffee. By tacit agreement the lounge wasn’t the right place for the conversation we needed to have, not after the recent events in there.

  “Where do you want me to start?”

  “How about at the beginning?”

  She smiled at me, put her coffee cup down and leaned across towards me. Suddenly her eyes were filled with a vulnerable look.

  “Promise me one thing, Leo, before I start. Promise me you still love me.”

  I could see the way she was fighting to hold the tears back, not letting them reach the surface of her eyes, but the tears were close, very close. It was within my power to hurt her, and hurt her a lot. It was obvious she knew this, and knew that given what had just transpired she had virtually no comeback. Apart from the fact I’d watched it all instead of stopping it, with a raging hard on to boot.

  “Of course I love you, always have, always will. Leah, I married you for all the right reasons and nothing will make me change that.”

  She smiled, the vulnerability fading and she took a deep breath.

  “Owen has the hots for every married piece of skirt on this street, you knew that right?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, his standard technique is, apparently, to try to get the current target to pose for him, just portrait shots, then when she likes the results, he suggests a something more, and over the space of a few sessions he wants to progress to something similar to what happened today.”

  “Is that how he worked it with you? Were there earlier sessions?”

  “Are you going to let me tell you the story or not?”


  “Anyway, according to Mia that’s what he always tries on with every wife he can. However, he’s never managed to get beyond the first session with anyone.”

  “You talked about this with Mia?”

  “Of course, she knew he wanted me, along with every other woman on the street, but she knew I was as unattainable as the rest.”

  “Until today.”

  “Something like that. Anyway, she confessed that she allowed him to take nude photos of her, actually she showed a lot of them to me and I realised there was an angle here. Maybe, just maybe, I could set something up to allow Owen to take some sexy shots of me for you, with Mia present so that I was safe. I wasn’t going to do nude, just sexy.”

  “His pictures are good then?”

  “Very good, he’d make it as a pro if he tried, but he’s obsessed with getting as many conquests as he can. That gets in the way of taking the pro shots, you know babies, weddings, that sort of thing.”

  Suddenly she giggled.

  “I bet he’ll want to take some shots of me stripping out of my wedding dress.”

  I laughed with her.

  “So, you intend to go along with him then?”

  She shook her head emphatically.

  “No, not unless . . .”

  “Unless what?”

  “Unless you want me to
. . .”

  This rocked me back on my heels. I quickly picked up my coffee cup and moved over to the machine to refill it in order to regain some measure of self control.

  “Anyway, back to the story. We were going to do a shoot with Mia present on Wednesday but something came up at the last minute and I refused to let Owen do the shoot on his own. He was bitterly disappointed and suggested the next time you were out of town he could come over. I turned him down flat.”

  “So how did today happen?”

  She giggled again. Caffeine sometimes did this to her, the earlier experience as well had her pretty well wired, she couldn’t sit still. As she was still not fully dressed this did wonders for her body and I could hardly tear my eyes away from the ripples and movements of her flesh beneath the thin slip. Suddenly I remembered what happened to her panties and I chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I know what happened to your panties.”


  “Owen walked out with them in his pocket.”


  “You let him take them off, honey.”

  Just for a moment the flash of vulnerability was back. She was silent for several moments then resumed her story.

  “I set you up this morning.”


  “Yes, I rang Ted yesterday and asked him to set up an urgent meeting, just told him I needed to get you out of the house for a couple of hours and he could cancel at the last minute when I rang and told him when.”

  “So the argument this morning was a fake?”

  She nodded.

  “Sorry, sweetie, it was necessary. I needed to control your movements very accurately.”

  “So how did Ted know when to call me to say sorry?”

  “I used the GPS tracker, honey. I watched you all the way there and rang him and said ‘now’. What excuse did he give?”

  “He said his fourteen year old had fallen off her horse and broken her leg. Hang on, my brain must have been asleep. Ted’s children are all grown up! I should have remembered that! Damn it!”

  “I watched on the web until you were just turning off the freeway on the way home and called Owen and told him to come over, you had settled into your meeting.”

  “So how did you arrange he would be walking up the drive as I turned into the street?”

  “I kept him talking until I saw your car, sweetie. I knew how you would react—stop and watch. You did.”

  “So, how did you know I wouldn’t pull into the drive and demand to know what was going on?”

  “Well, what would you have found if you had? Owen setting up to do a portrait head shoot, so I could give you a nice large portrait for your birthday next month. Instead you did what any paranoid—” She laughed to take the sting out of her words, “—fantasy private eye would do, and decided to sneak around and spy on your wife.”

  She laughed again, and then looked at me coyly.

  “And you got to see more than you bargained for.”

  I sipped my coffee for a minute, thinking. Leah refilled her own and sat back down opposite me once more. She smiled at me tentatively, then let it broaden when I responded with a smile of my own.

  “You’re not mad at me then?”

  “No, honey, I couldn’t be. That was just about the most erotic thing I ever saw, and I’m horny now thinking about it. Mind you, if I hadn’t sent that text, how would you have stopped him making love to you?”

  “He said it right, Leo, he had no intention of making love to me, he intended to fuck me silly.”

  “Hmm . . . You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I had my own fake message set up, and a fall back plan in case you didn’t come sneaking around, or left in a huff, and another one if you jumped out and went for him, fists flailing.”

  “You conniving devil!”

  She batted her eyelids coquettishly at me, and then grinned.

  “I know, and you love me for it.”

  Unable to reply, I childishly stuck my tongue out at her and we both collapsed in a fit of giggles.

  “Unfortunately, we do still have a problem to deal with, honey. Owen is threatening to show me those photographs if you don’t do as he says.”

  “So, you’ve already seen them, he doesn’t have a hold over me now, does he?”

  “What about if he sends them to your family?”

  “I don’t think he’d do that, that was just hot air, after all if he did I’d tell everyone in the street what kind of blackmailing bastard he is. What he doesn’t know, is I recorded the whole conversation on my phone. When I cleared your text, I switched the recorder on.”

  “So you’re going to confront him and tell him to disappear up his own asshole then?”

  She looked at me, giving me the same calculating stare she had given Owen as he coaxed her supposedly unwillingly out of her clothes.

  “Well . . .”


  “That depends.”

  “Depends on what, Leah?”

  “How you want me to handle it.”

  She caught a strand of her hair between two fingers and began to twirl it, a sure sign she was nervous.

  “What exactly do you mean?”

  She smiled again and licked her lips.

  “It occurred to me that since you enjoyed such a near run thing, you might enjoy getting the chance to watch it for real next time.”

  “You’re kidding me!”

  She lowered her face and stared at me through her eyelashes, her tongue flicking out to lick at her top lip, a sure sign she was getting turned on again, just talking about the possibility. I felt you know who stirring in my trousers again, which meant I was too!

  “You’re not, are you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Think about it, honey. How about getting the chance to watch your neighbour taking thousands of sexy snaps of me and fucking me hard, whilst you’re at work? With him thinking he has me in his power, and all the time he’s actually doing my bidding. What a rush!”

  “Hang on . . . How can I watch when I’m at work, and what makes you think I’d want to watch you get fucked like that?”

  “You mean you wouldn’t?”

  Suddenly she hopped off the stool and moved rapidly around the breakfast bar, her hand snaking straight to my crutch where the bulge in my suit trousers was again obvious.

  “Don’t try to kid me, sweetie, you’re rock hard even thinking about it.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “That’s easy. Give Bill a ring, your mate with the security company. Tell him, I don’t know . . . Tell him we’re a little concerned about some stuff going missing when the cleaner’s been here. Nothing big, just small things. Tell him we would like some concealed cameras installed in the lounge, kitchen, den, main bedroom, bathroom, and on the deck outside, and recording in high def to a computer system in the loft. I remember him talking about that kind of set-up at the party last month.”

  “You have thought this through, haven’t you?”

  “Not really, Leo. Contingency plan. I didn’t know he was going to try to blackmail me ‘til he tried it. Mia thought he might, but I didn’t know.”

  “So Mia knew he was here?”

  “Yep. She thinks it’s hilarious.”

  “I bet. So is she going to confront him?”

  “When she’s ready and not before. Then she’s going to throw the book at him. Nice classy lawyer too.”

  “So, you really want to go through with it?”

  The whole time she was talking about this, her hand was steadily stroking my cock through my trousers. He was definitely responding to the attention he was getting.

  “Only if you want me to. I don’t want to risk our marriage to help a friend or for some quick gratification. I did enjoy it this morning, and not simply because I knew you were watching. Perhaps I do want him to force me to do these things, just once in my life to be dominated like that. You can’t,
you won’t—you’re too damned nice. I married you because I love you and I won’t risk our marriage, but putting myself under someone’s control like that, whilst actually controlling him, is like a natural aphrodisiac.”

  “So what if he decides to expand his horizons? Expect you to go over to his house, do something obscene in public, or go somewhere else for a session. What about if he turns up with a friend in tow?”

  She looked at me again.

  “Only one? Can’t you think of something more than that? How about the whole camera club?”

  “Christ! You mean a gangbang?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to watch that?”

  She laughed, then was suddenly serious once more.

  “No, sweetie, I’ll draw the line. Our activities won’t leave the house, under any circumstances. Well, the house and the yard. I won’t go anywhere with him, in case I’m recognised. If he tells me he’s going to be bringing someone with him then I’ll tell him no, or talk to you about it first. I draw the line at the big gangbang though. It’s not in my fantasy list.”

  It was my turn to tease.

  “Are you sure?”

  “No. Actually I’m not sure. But the control I have without his knowledge gives me the chance to pull the plug at any stage.”

  She straightened up and took one step away. Her hands dropped down and crossed in front of her, grasped the hem of the slip and pulled it off over her head in one fluid motion. A second later the front fastening bra joined it on the floor. My now nude wife grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bar stool.

  “Come on, sweetie. You can think about it later and we can talk about it later too. In the mean time there’s an itch I need you to scratch. It’s a few inches inside my pussy and you are going to scratch it for me, buster!”

  She led me, unresisting, up the stairs.


  “Bill! Thanks for coming round on a Sunday! Come in, how about a beer?”

  “No thanks, Leo, it’s a bit early for me. I’m fine and so are Sandy and the kids, before you ask. Hi, Leah! You’re looking fabulous as ever.”

  Given Leah was dressed in her comfy casuals, baggy sweat pants and equally baggy t-shirt, that was simply Bill’s way of saying hello.


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