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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 9

by Bridy McAvoy

  Crack! . . . Crack! . . . Crack! . . . Crack!

  Four blows rained down, two on each cheek and he seemed to be getting into a rhythm. It was still not entirely unbearable given the muffling effect of the clothing but I was sure that underneath them my skin was reddening and it was only a matter of time before that protection was removed. After that series of blows his hand roamed over the upturned globes of my ass, gently caressing the area he had just whaled.

  “I don’t think you’re feeling this enough.”

  Sure enough his hand went to the hem of my mini-skirt and pulled it up, revealing the white back of my cotton panties both to him and the cameras.

  “Daddy! No! I’m not a little girl anymore. You can’t do this.”

  Somehow I’d managed to remain in character despite the rising panic. The next blow or blows was going to hurt.

  “Yes I can. You are still my daughter and while you live under my roof you will do as I say.”


  This time the blow felt much harder, only a single layer of fabric was between my skin and his hand. The hand literally bounced back off and I screamed.


  The other cheek again and I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. They began to course silently down my face.

  Crack! . . . Crack! . . . Crack! . . . Crack!

  I could feel my ass getting hot from the repeated blows. I knew under the white cotton it was probably bright red by now. I’d seen it in an occasional porno but never experienced it. How any woman found this erotic was beyond me, but then again the protrusion sticking into my side told me the important person in this scenario did find it so. Owen had a monster hard on already and he hadn’t even pulled my panties down to survey his handiwork.

  Again he spent a minute or so running his hand over my stinging flesh, clearly savouring the moment. Then his hands rose to the waistband of my last defence. My own hands scrabbled to grab the middle of the waistband to stop him pulling them down as his hands slid to my hips to accomplish his aim. He managed to drag them a couple of inches before the resistance from my own grip became apparent.

  “Let go!”

  Despite the intense stinging and throbbing from my backside, and the tears streaming down my face, I had the presence of mind to stay in character and squirm around to look up at him.

  “No! Daddy! I’m not a little girl anymore. Not my bare ass. Please. Daddy. No!”

  He grinned down at me, the grin as much a grimace as a smile. The evil emanating from it was palpable.

  “Real tears? I’m impressed, Leah! Maybe this time you will learn your lesson.”

  With a jerk he savagely pulled the panties down, my grasp unable to be held against the total power he exerted. My fingers flailed futilely in an attempt to keep hold of them but they were already beyond my reach. I’d heard the elastic rip as he pulled them clear of my fingers, now I heard them rip even more as he rolled them onto the tops of my thighs, clear of my butt. I thought I knew what was coming next.

  Instead his hand descended to gently caress my burning flesh. It felt cool and soothing and I knew he could feel the heat radiating from my obviously reddened globes, although I couldn’t turn to see them myself. The hand broke contact and I automatically clenched my ass cheeks together.

  Crack! . . . Smack! . . . Crack! . . . Smack!

  The pain this time was intense and I couldn’t help the sobs that broke from my mouth. My ass wasn’t on fire anymore. Instead it was like someone was playing a flame thrower over it. Indescribable sensations flooded through my tortured body. Between sobs I managed to speak.

  “Please stop! . . . For God’s sake, please stop! I’ll do anything you say but please stop!”

  He chuckled and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “Does that include some location work?”

  I shook my head no and was instantly rewarded.





  “Anything, anything but that!”

  “Hmm . . . What if I decided to bring some friends around from the camera club . . . with their cameras?”

  Leo and I had discussed this already and knew it was a distinct possibility but I still had to play out the part.

  “Just to take pictures?”

  He laughed again at the hopeful tone of my voice.

  “What do you think?”

  A bloody gangbang – that’s what I think, you idiot!

  “I don’t know.”

  I sensed him raise his hand into the air above my defenceless burning bottom once more.

  “Yes. Okay. Anything as long as it stays in this house. Please not yet though. Let me work up to that, and stop this! Please!”

  I was sobbing between each word as I agreed to his demand, knowing I had to let him have his victory. Owen’s hand descended to caress my ass once more.

  “Deal! I probably won’t bring them all round ‘til next week. Maybe only one or two later this week for a taster session.”

  I was panting from the torture and exertion, not from arousal this time.

  “Okay. Please stop!”

  Suddenly his large hands moved to my panties and I felt a tug and then a tearing sound as he ripped them systematically into shreds. Eventually the gusset gave way and he yanked the ruined fabric free. Then he rested for a minute, returning to caressing my burning ass with his hard prick digging into my side.

  “I’m going to stand you up now, Leah. It might be uncomfortable but I’m trying to hurt you.”

  He slowly slid me backwards until my feet could reach the floor and then pulled my arms up to rotate me back into a standing position. I swayed unsteadily on my feet as my skirt dropped back into place. Even the touch of the fabric was torture on my abused skin. I could feel the heat radiating from it. Gently he guided me around to stand in front of him, between his legs and slowly turned me to face him. His hands went to the hem of my skirt behind me and flicked it up to show my red ass to the video camera and the two stills ones. After a few seconds he allowed it to fall back into place and he sat there looking at me.

  “Does Leah think her father has punished her enough?”

  “Yes, daddy!”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Daddy, no more please!”

  Somehow I was staying in character and from his smile I could see he liked that. He moved me backwards a little and levered himself up to stand facing me before pushing the chair back a little way to allow himself some room. He took hold of my arm and spun me round to face the camera.

  “I haven’t even begun to punish you yet, young lady.”

  I swallowed nervously, knowing the cameras were capturing every nuance of expression on my tear-ravaged face. Still cuffed I was helpless to defend myself from whatever he chose to do next, and that wasn’t long in coming.

  His hands moved around me, held me tight around my waist for a minute, pulling my body back into his. I could feel his erection against the crack of my ass but the contact to each side of it was indescribably painful.

  Remembering his threat of ripping my clothes off, and how he’d just dealt with my panties, I guessed he intended to carry out that threat and tried to brace myself. He must have sensed my movements because suddenly he raised his hands to cup my breasts through my blouse and bra. I gasped, partly still in character and partly from the suddenness of his movement.

  Owen didn’t linger there though, his hands rising to the neck of the blouse behind the fastened tie and suddenly yanking downwards and outwards. The blouse wasn’t designed to withstand such treatment and didn’t, ripping along the shoulder seams and all the buttons down the waistband of my skirt popping off in an avalanche of plastic circles. Suddenly I was standing there, my white bra exposed to the camera, the tie dangling in a line down my cleavage as he roughly stripped the ruined garment off my shoulders and down my arms to hang uselessly over the cuffs.

  His hands returned to my bra encased breasts,
roughly cupping and squeezing them.

  “Daddy, what are you doing? Please stop!”

  I felt his cock lurch where it was pressed against my ass in reaction to me staying in character.

  “I told you I was going to punish you and punish you I will. Now not another word or I’ll thrash you again, this time with my belt.”

  He was partly in character for the video he was shooting and partly instructing me not to talk again, letting him do as he wanted. I didn’t take the belt thing seriously anyway – I had enough presence of mind left to know that would leave marks Leo was bound to notice and give Owen’s game away.

  Owen continued to maul my breasts for some time, cupping, squeezing and occasionally pinching my nipples through the cotton fabric. I could feel them responding to his rough handling and knew it wasn’t just the nipples, the humiliation and incipient exposure was having an effect on my sexual responses once more, something the spanking hadn’t achieved. His hands finally slid up to above the bra edge and I felt him get hold of the top edge of the cups before savagely jerking the fabric down and off, leaving my nipples exposed. I doubted the bra would be of any use after this.

  One hand moved to squeeze an exposed nipple between finger and thumb, squeezing hard and twisting at the same time. The audible gasp was obviously the reaction he wanted. The other hand moved to the strap holding the two cups together and he gave another savage jerk. Momentarily the shoulder straps cut in painfully and then the fabric at my cleavage parted and the ruined bra fell way to the sides to join my equally ruined blouse behind me.

  “Nice tits for a girl your age.”

  His warning made me hold my silence as his hands returned to their rough treatment of my breasts. The nipples were fully distended now and my breath was coming in rapid gasps as he continued to humiliate me in front of the camera.

  “I wonder if you are getting wet down below as much as your nips are getting hard.”

  I shook my head no, but could obviously not defend myself as one hand snaked down over my belly to the waist of my skirt, then further to dip into the slit left by the undone buttons at the bottom. A quick tug and his hand was on my bare pussy, exposing it to the camera as he displaced the skirt.

  “You lied to me again, you little slut, Leah! You’re wet. You are actually enjoying what I’m doing to you.”

  His hand reappeared and he reached up to my face, showing both the camera and me the glistening moisture on his index finger.

  “Suck it clean you tramp!”

  He pushed his finger against my lips and reluctantly I parted them, allowing him to push his finger into my mouth. I did as I was told and he removed it again after a few seconds. It tasted okay, not something I particularly wanted to taste again, but okay, just as it had earlier when he’d got me to lick his face. Somehow I knew I’d be tasting it again before the week was through.

  Both hands dropped to my waist this time, grabbed hold of the two halves of the skirt and jerked them apart. The four buttons holding it in place were no match for his strength and they quickly joined the blouse buttons on the floor as the skirt came away in his hands, leaving me essentially naked in front of him. The treatment my breasts had endured was now dished out to my pussy as he ruthlessly inserted a knee from behind to force my legs apart and his hands descended on my defenceless vulva.

  With two fingers from one hand buried deep inside my channel and his other hand working on my clit, it was difficult for me to maintain my concentration. It was all I could do to stay upright on legs that were becoming shakier by the minute. Keeping me like that, he slowly edged to one side and then turned so we were both facing the arm of the chair.

  I guessed what he was about to do but couldn’t do anything to prevent it as he ruthlessly pushed on the middle of my back while keeping his legs in place. I jack-knifed forward to land face down on the seat of the chair with my ass draped over the arm and my feet still on the floor. He kicked the inside of my ankles to force my feet further apart and I heard the sound of his zip being drawn down. My ass and my pussy were perfectly presented to him and I could hear him chuckling at the sight. In order to breathe I turned my face to the side, looking straight into the camera and the unwavering red light that showed it was still recording.

  “Now which one shall I use?”

  I began to panic.

  “Shall I use your ass or your pussy, Missy? Which one do you think?”

  He rested his cock along the crease of my ass, the head just above my anus which puckered at the thought. My ass still throbbed from the earlier spanking and I was sure it was still very red and inflamed. I began to writhe in panic, unable to move any further than that.

  “Oo . . . I think Leah wants it in the ass.”


  I almost screamed out a response, completely ignoring his earlier command to stay quiet.

  “No . . . Please not that, anything but that!”

  He chuckled harshly and pulled away. Suddenly his hand descended on my ass in a slap. Luckily this time it was clearly meant to be sexually playful, nothing like the force previously delivered. Nevertheless it still stung like crazy as it hit the sore, inflamed, throbbing flesh.


  “Oo. . . She likes that, she’s forgotten to stay quiet.”

  He slapped again, the other cheek this time. I bit my lip to stay quiet. Another couple of spanks followed, but lighter still than the earlier ones. I could feel by the way my ass had warmed up again from it that clearly he was reddening it for the camera.

  Owen inserted his fingers into my upturned vagina once more, coating them with my slick juices. Then he pulled them clear and began to massage the lubrication I was providing into the area around my anus. My eyes widened, I could see where this was going but the idea of him fucking my ass in the condition he’d reduced it to was panic inducing. I began to struggle against the position I was in but Owen simply placed one hand firmly in the middle of my back, effectively stopping any possibility of me pushing myself clear of the position he wanted me in and continued to dip his fingers into my wet channel and then smear them around and eventually onto the ring of my puckered asshole.

  It seemed for all the world he was about to push his thick cock into my underprepared ass, between buttocks that had been spanked into a red agony. Owen at least had a different intention. The preparation for the ass fuck had been nothing other than a red herring, he stopped playing with my juices, grasped his cock and adjusted its angle of attack and suddenly rammed it home into my pussy with all of his weight behind it. His belly thumped against my reddened bottom but at least it wasn’t the same as penetrating into it.

  The breath was driven from me explosively as he thrust home. There was no pretence at finesse from Owen, he thrust in, pulled almost the whole way out and thrust again, and then again. The rhythm was fast, hard and very, very brutal. On each thrust he was filling my pussy with his thick prick but there was no other stimulation, other than the pain from my ass. My breasts and my clit were being ignored; he was using me for his gratification not for mine. Nevertheless I was wet and somewhat willing, the presence of the camera guiding me towards a dim and distant peak of arousal which, given Owen’s earlier speed, was likely to be unobtainable.

  He continued to thrust into me, harder and harder, faster and faster, eliciting grunts from me but no more than that. I was panting for breath, more from being pummelled in this way than for any other reason. For a simulated rape it was a very good simulation.

  His thrusts continued to increase in intensity, and I could feel his balls swinging into the inside of my thighs as he thrust his entire length into me. As he got faster and faster it was obvious he wasn’t going to last long this time. I expected him to bury another load deep inside me but again he surprised me. As his strokes got more ragged and the rhythm failed he suddenly pulled out and when a splatter of warm liquid coated my backside, followed by another, I realised he’d gone for the porn star finish again, this time liberally coating
my ass with his jism.

  He stood back and I could hear him breathing heavily. I, however, couldn’t move, there was no way I could lever myself out of this position. All I could possibly achieve would be to roll sideways to the floor which would probably involve a certain amount of pain. I heard Owen zip himself up again and then he reappeared near the video camera which he unlocked from the tripod and moved round behind me once more, obviously zooming in for some close-ups of my sticky red ass and my gaping pussy.

  Finally I heard him put the camera down and he leaned in. I heard one side of the cuffs unlock, followed by the other.

  “Stay still a moment.”

  I did as he said as he slowly disentangled the remains of my bra and blouse from my arms and removed them completely.

  “You can stand up now.”

  It was painful to do as he said, my arms ached from being held in that position for such a long time, but I eventually managed it, extremely conscious of the way my backside felt and obviously looked.

  “Clean up time, honey. I’ll give you some extra time, you’ve earned it. Twenty minutes in the bathroom, I’d use cool water rather than hot on that ass, it’ll take the sting out. Don’t have the power spray on, keep it gentle. Mia says that works better. When you come out of the bathroom, I’ll have your next outfit lying on the bed. Scoot.”

  Wearily I headed for the stairs on tired and wobbly legs. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take. Glancing at the clock, I saw it wasn’t even two o’clock yet and he’d had me four times. There was at least two more hours to go, and I had to get the house cleaned up afterwards. Besides which my ass hurt, I mean it was really stinging. I hoped he was right, cooler water in a gentle spray to soothe as Mia had said it did.


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