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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 11

by Bridy McAvoy

  Part VI

  Promptly at six o’clock I opened the front door opened and strode into the house. My mind had been a whirl all day. Certainly I’d been unable to concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing. Images of Owen ravishing my wife flowed through my head one after the other all day. It was still going on inside there as I entered the hallway.

  Leah must have heard the door, as a dervish in a flowered dress raced from the kitchen, across the hall and threw her arms around my neck. Her body crushed against me with such force I nearly fell backwards against the door.

  “Welcome home, honey. I love you.”

  Her lips suddenly glued themselves to mine, her tongue prodding against my lips from her open mouth. Reflexively I opened my own and her tongue darted in, looking for its playmate. My arms went around her as much for self preservation to prevent being knocked to the floor. Her tongue darted aggressively around my oral cavity, her body was moulded to mine, mashing her chest into me, her thighs rubbing suggestively against me, her back almost undulating under my hands. I don’t think there was a single part of her that wasn’t in motion, all at the same time. Behind my back her fingers were running through the short hairs on the back of my neck. I couldn’t prevent the automatic response to her actions and very quickly I had the painful constricted feeling as my prick rose to full attention, confined within my trousers. It was obvious as she increased her writhing she could feel it pressing against her stomach.

  After what seemed like an eternity, but couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes, she broke the kiss and held her head back, looking up at me with shining, sparkling eyes.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say anything?”

  I took another gasp of air.

  “Give me chance, Leah! You’ve only just let me up for air. I love you too.”

  She squealed in delight and squirmed out of my arms.

  “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes, go and change into something more casual. We’ll eat and then I’ve got something to show you. I’ve set the laptop up downstairs, hooked up to the big TV. It’s all ready. Now scoot, you haven’t got long.”

  “What about—? Did he—?.”

  She brought a finger up to my lips while her other hand gave my erect member a gentle squeeze.

  “Shhh . . . You’ll have to wait and see. For now get going, buster. The sooner you are changed the sooner we can eat and the sooner you’ll find out the answers to your questions.”

  She was in the kind of mood where there was no way out other than to follow her obviously carefully scripted plan. I sighed and headed for the stairs to shed the suit and grab a pair of jeans. As soon as I was upstairs I found she’d already selected what she wanted me to wear, a pair of jeans that weren’t too tight and her all time favourite shirt of mine. Telling me to wear that shirt was a signal she sometimes used. I can’t think of a single time I’d worn the shirt where we hadn’t ended up making love. Clearly Leah was sending me a signal tonight, although her earlier actions were signal enough.

  She thought she’d managed to side track me completely from the events I’d missed during the day but I had another idea, so quickly got changed, actually in record time, before heading to the main PC in the upstairs study to have a look at the recordings. Leah, however, was one step ahead of me. There was a big sign on the keyboard.

  Knew you’d try this, honeybun. Sorry. I disabled the main box and it would take you too long to find how and fix it. Get your ass downstairs for dinner. X. Leah.

  I might have originally dated her for her looks but I’d married her for more than that, including her mind. Defeated, I walked back downstairs to find Leah dishing up dinner at the breakfast bar, not the dining table. It was a simple chicken stir fry and as always smelt and tasted delicious.

  Another reason I’d married her.

  Halfway through the companionable silence of the meal, which we both attacked with considerable gusto, despite the feelings tying my stomach in knots, I decided to try again.

  “Well, I take it he showed up?”

  She nodded around a mouthful of beansprouts.

  “So, what happened?”

  She smiled.

  “What do you think happened?”

  “Don’t answer a question with a question. That’s not fair. ”

  Leah lowered her face for a moment and I could see her biting her lip, then she peered up at me through her eyelashes. I could see her cheeks had reddened a little and she squirmed in her seat. That answered the question, although her earlier actions and words had told me the answer.

  “He showed up. Did you answer the door the way he told you too?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Sort of?”

  “I’d got my robe on over the top.”

  “Bet that didn’t please him.”

  “No, he told me to lose it.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see. Now eat the rest of your dinner before it gets cold.”

  I took another two or three mouthfuls and pushed the plate away. I was too anxious to find out what had happened with, and for that matter to, my wife, to actually eat any more.

  “Did he get you stripped naked? Did he make love to you?”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “Leo . . . What exactly do you think we’re going to be watching downstairs? If he hadn’t done so, would there be anything to watch?”

  She was blushing furiously now.

  “So, he did make love to you.”

  Leah bit her lip.

  “No! The bastard fucked me. He didn’t make love to me. Only you can do that. He fucked me more than once.”

  Her anger wasn’t directed at me but I was the only person in range.

  “Did he cum inside you? Once? More than once?”

  “Please, darling, no more questions. Just watch the footage with me downstairs in minute.”

  She cleared away the remains of the dinner before grabbing a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses as I sat there somewhat stunned, my mind whirling once more with lewd images of my neighbour with my wife.

  “Come on, lets put you out of your misery. I think we’ll both need a drink.”

  Leah led the way down the stairs to the den. I could see her whole body trembling as her emotions warred with each other. We’d set this up so we both knew what would be happening to her during the day when I was at work, but clearly actually showing me what had happened was going to be a trial for her. As much as I was anticipating watching, it was a trial for me.

  She put the glasses down on the coffee table and poured from the bottle before sitting down on one end of the couch. Leah had positioned the two wine glasses at either end of the table, obviously expecting me to sit at the other end, leaving a large distance between us. No way was I going to let that happen, no way was I going to let anything put distance between me and the love of my life.

  I sat right next to her, ignored the wine glass, immediately wrapped both arms around her fragile body and hugged her to me. Leah buried her face in my chest and I felt her heave as the tears began. I knew what she needed; it had obviously been a trying day for her. With a conscious effort I put my own curiosity, burning as it was, aside and simply held her with one arm wrapped around her, the other massaging her hair gently. Slowly the sobs subsided until she was lying against my chest quietly. Finally she brought her hand up and pushed on my chest to tell me to let her go. She sat up and smiled weakly at me.

  “Give me a minute, darling. Let me straighten up.”

  “You look fine to me.”

  This brought a startled laugh from her and she poked her tongue out before rising and heading for the smallest room. I reached for my wine glass and drained it, refilling it from the bottle and this time putting it down next to hers. The symbolism was unmistakeable and I saw Leah notice it as she sat back down again. She leaned close to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

  “No fair, you’ve already had a glass.” />
  “Well, I needed to calm my nerves too.”

  She smiled but instantly became serious again, looking straight into my eyes, no longer crying but still looking vulnerable.

  “Promise me something, Leo.”


  “When you see what happened today, please don’t judge me.”

  I instantly wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her into a fierce hug.

  “Of course I won’t, honey. We set this up together, and we’ll get through it together.”



  “I love you, Leo.”

  “I love you too, sweetie. Now will you play the movie?”

  “Remember your promise, please Leo . . .”

  Leah slid a piece of paper with a lot of close typed references on it; obviously she’d prepared a play list of specific camera’s and time frames. She’d clearly been a busy girl once Owen had left, the house was spotless, there had been no trace of anything having gone off and she’d managed to prepare the camera system for my—no our viewing pleasure too.

  She pulled the laptop toward her and began typing. When she clicked on the play button the random static pattern on the large television cleared. As it did so she typed in the next reference but deliberately didn’t actually click the play button, she was as ever fully organised around a computer program, much more IT friendly than I was.

  The screen cleared to show me Leah in our bedroom shedding her robe. The clock on the wall behind her told me it was just after I’d left for work. Obviously she’d turned the camera system on straight away. As always she looked magnificent nude and my cock began to twitch at the sight. I tried to put my arm back around her but she gently dissuaded me.

  “I can’t control which view you see while you distract me, honey. Wait. We’ll have plenty of time later.”

  Her voice sounded full of promise as she clicked on the button and I was treated to a view from behind the dressing table as she touched up her makeup, her naked breasts swinging gently in plain view. The camera switched again and I watched her slowly get dressed in the red underwear set Owen had specified as he’d left the week before. She looked absolutely delicious dressed like that and my cock was starting to strain at my shorts and jeans. I tried to adjust it without her noticing, to relieve some of the discomfort, but her soft chuckle told me I’d been caught. On screen she put the robe on again and walked downstairs. She typed on the keyboard for a moment and this time I was treated to her walking across the hallway towards the door as the doorbell chimed.

  She opened the door to Owen standing there, case in hand once more. He walked in as if he owned the place, and for that matter, my wife too. I could feel my lips compress into a frown at his proprietary attitude, not that I hadn’t anticipated it of course but his attitude and the way he spoke to her to tell her to remove the robe. He wasn’t that nasty but it really didn’t sit well. I was beginning to have misgivings but we’d agreed to this and I couldn’t back out now. I’d promised Leah after all. Leah’s hand came across the miniscule gap between us to land lightly on my arm.

  “It’s okay, honey, he could have been a lot harsher than he was. I wasn’t supposed to wear the robe remember, the way it was set up he had the right.”

  I allowed myself to watch as on screen Leah bit her lip and then her hands went to the sash of the robe and slowly undid the knot before dropping the robe. I already knew how she was dressed because she’d shown me how she’d got ready for this but the sight of her standing there in her thin red underwear in front of an avidly watching Owen was an incredible turn-on. I was rock hard, and it was getting uncomfortable again.

  Leah typed on the laptop again and the screen changed once more. Both the video and sound quality were absolutely crystal clear, the system was delivering exactly what Bill had promised it would: high end, high definition video and audio. On screen I heard Owen speaking.

  “Now stand up for me, it’s time for that final denouement. Are you ready for this, Leah? Are you ready to get naked for me?”

  “Turn your back to me, Leah. Now lift your hands to your bra strap in the back. Good. Turn your head and look back at me over your shoulder. Don’t forget to smile, great. Now unclip the hook but hold the bra in place until I tell you. You are one sexy lady. I hadn’t realised just how sexy the rear view is until just now. Hold the strap ends about four or five inches apart, now freeze like that. I want to get some shots of this luscious ass of yours, as well as the naked back. Perfect. Stay still.”

  I watched, virtually spellbound, as Owen slowly talked Leah out of her bra. Any moment now my wife was going to be topless in front of him. I could see from the way her back was moving she was breathing deeply and the video quality was such that I could see her legs were trembling slightly. Leah was getting turned on by the situation and the humiliation of the language he was using. The view from behind Owen of her naked back and barely encased ass was captivating, and I could see Owen was as captivated as I was watching it.

  “Okay, Leah. You can drop the bra now. We won’t be needing it again. Put your hands in front of you, cup your breasts and turn to face me again. Very nice. You look ravishing like that, or should I say ravishable.”

  I heard him chuckle at his own joke, and watched as Leah licked her lips and prepared herself to drop her hands. Of their own accord, my eyes dropped to check the front of her panties on the screen and I could see the wet spot. It was equally obvious when Owen spotted it as well.

  “Oo . . . What have we got here? I think you’re a naughty girl, Leah. You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  On screen she blushed bright red as Owen was provided with the evidence of her arousal, and I stole a glance at her in person to see she was blushing again as well. Her hand moved from my arm to my lap and as she obeyed his command on screen, to move her hands to expose her breasts to the camera, in real life her hand began to softly stroke my erection through my trousers.

  “Drop your hands to your sides, Leah. I want to see those gorgeous tits of yours.”

  “Very nice rack, Leah. Very nice indeed. Arch your back a little, thrust your chest out at the camera, good. Lick your lips, toss your head back and now forward again. Lower it and look at the camera through your eyelashes. Square your shoulders a bit more. Perfect. Now lick your lips again. Excellent. The camera loves you, sweetheart, and you love it right back. Now go and perch your bum on the edge of the couch. Good. Reach down and undo the snaps on your garters.”

  “Now I want you to caress the stocking down your left leg, slowly, sensuously, make the picture really look sexy. That’s it. Stretch the leg out and lean forward. Let your tit press against your right knee. Perfect. That is so sexy. Keep going until the stocking is around your ankle. Now, slip the shoe off, remove the stocking and replace the shoe. Good girl. That looks fabulous, really, really sexy. No, more than sexy, fuckable. Now repeat with the other leg.”

  I watched the screen, spellbound, just as I’d watched from hiding in real life the week before as Owen slowly talked my wife through stripping her clothes off as she sat on the sofa. Just as then, his words had an almost hypnotic quality and she followed each command to perfection. On my lap her hand had now wrapped around my dick, with only the layers of cloth between its burning skin and the cool touch of her fingers.

  “Hand me your stockings please, Leah, now stand up. Good girl. Extend you left arm towards me. Good. Now your right arm, now let them drop to your sides.”

  Somehow she’d simply stood still while he tied the stockings around her wrists. I watched open-mouthed in shock as he moved around behind her and sat down. It was obvious she had no idea what he was going to do and I noticed his patter was designed to distract her.

  “What a delicious ass you have, Leah. Absolutely delicious, unblemished, perfect. I can’t wait to spank this!”

  It was clear from the way she shuddered at his words that he was stroking her ass at the same time. This was so erotic
it was unreal.

  “Yes, to drape you over my knees, to lift the little plaid kilt up to your waist, draw your white cotton panties down to your knees and spank your bare bottom. You’d love that wouldn’t you, Leah?”

  “You didn’t answer, Leah? Would you like me to spank you?”

  Her half strangled negative didn’t sound that convincing to me and from the grin on his face, which she clearly couldn’t see with him behind her, Owen had realised that too. It was equally plain Leah was approaching the point where she was desperate to come, teetering so close to the brink of an orgasm. I’d assumed he was going to tie the two stockings together and draw her hands together behind her back but when he clipped them onto the garter snaps I was just as surprised as she had clearly been. Her hands were now fastened to her sides, very little freedom of movement and no way of protecting herself. The look on her face on-screen was priceless.

  “You enjoying this, lover?”

  I looked over at the real Leah sitting next to me and I could see she was breathing deeply, obviously enjoying watching herself being tormented as much as I was. I nodded, not sure I could trust my voice to respond. She was still stroking my cock with one hand, languid strokes, keeping me hard not really trying to go further. Her other hand was buried in her lap and when the fabric moved I realised it was under her dress, probably she’d undone one of the buttons on the front to allow herself access and was stroking herself too. Instantly I moved my hand across to take over but she shooed me away and motioned me to turn my attention back to the screen.


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