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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

Page 6

by Melissa Pearl

  “I know where Helena is and I need to find Nathaniel before…” Gemma’s voice fled. Looking at this fragile woman, she wasn’t sure what the knowledge of Nathaniel’s death might do to her. She swallowed back the information and ended lamely with, “I just think he needs to know that’s she alive and well and her reasons for leaving were actually quite noble.”

  Emilie’s face softened and she reached out a hand to smooth Gemma’s locks away from her face.

  “You are just as I remember you. All these years and you haven’t aged a bit.”

  Gemma blushed and let out an awkward chuckle.

  “You truly are magic and if anyone can save Nathaniel, it’s you. What can I do to help?”

  “I need a horse, supplies and preferably some warmer clothing.”

  Emilie rose from her seat and bustled out of the room. Gemma stayed near the fire for a few extra minutes, a meandering finger of guilt climbing up her spine. Gabe made her promise that if Nathaniel was more than a week ahead she had to come back.

  But Emilie said a week ago. That’s not more than a week.

  Nodding at her pathetic argument, she decided it would have to do. She would ride to the country estate and head north, stopping at villages and asking around. Surely people would have seen him. If she hadn’t found him by the end of the week, she’d go back. Her teeth found the inside of her cheek as she reminded herself that Gabe and Harrison loved her enough to forgive her.

  Chapter Ten

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison fiddled with the grass beneath him. Checking his watch again, he ignored his recklessly bobbing knee and pulled a clump of dirt from the ground. Jumping from his spot, he strode towards the caravan and back again.

  “Would you relax, kid, you’re driving me crazy.”

  Gabe’s calm demeanor was no longer working.

  “It’s been nearly three hours, Gabe. That’s over a week across the line. Where the hell is she?”

  Running an agitated hand through his hair, he paced back to Gabe, but the ants in his pants wouldn’t allow him to sit.

  “She must be going after him. We have no idea what Emilie said to her, all we can guess is that the woman knew where Nathaniel might be. Knowing Lucia, she’ll take any excuse she can get to go after him. She was pretty determined to pull this off.”

  “She promised if he was more than a week away, she’d abort. Something must be wrong. What if she’s hurt? What if she needs us? What if…”

  “Just stop with the ‘what ifs’, okay?”

  “How can you be so calm about this?”


  Gabe’s explosion silenced nature. Harrison watched the man’s wild gaze drop to the grass. He let out a long sigh then spoke quietly.

  “I hate waiting just as much as you, but there’s nothing we can do. She doesn’t need us jumping down her throat the second she returns. We just have to stay calm and trust her.”

  Infuriated by the answer, because he knew it was right, Harrison could do nothing but slump to Gabe’s side and resume his grass picking.

  “I hate feeling this helpless. I should have gone with her.”

  “You know you only would have been a burden. You may have the right blood, but you’ve got no training. She’s got enough to concentrate on without having to worry about you as well.”

  Harrison kicked the ground.

  “Sucks being the weaker one, doesn’t it?”

  “It definitely plays havoc with the ego every now and again.”

  Gabe smiled.

  “It takes a special kind of man to care for a strong woman. She needs you more than you know.”

  Harrison smiled and sent Gabe a short nod of gratitude. They fell back into silence and the trees around them began to sing once more as the birds took courage. Harrison listened to their effervescent song, closing his eyes and imagining Gemma on horseback, sauntering through an English forest and listening to the same sound.

  Chapter Eleven

  Yorkshire, England – 1820AD

  The birds in the trees were a full-blown chorus. Gemma listened to their sweet sound and felt a smile pull at her lips. It was the first one she’d managed all day. Upon leaving London, Gemma had been well equipped with enough supplies to last her two weeks. Emilie had been more than generous. Gemma had left the smelly city and headed into the countryside in high spirits. She had made it to the Clayton estate easily and after a good night’s rest had headed north like Emilie suggested.

  The next few days had flown by in a flurry of excited anticipation as people in each village had recognized her description of the lanky man and pointed her in the right direction. She had traveled with speed, the only thing slowing her being the need to rest her horse. She had cooked over campfires and star gazed until sleep captured her. Each morning she had awoken with fresh vigor, knowing today would be the day, but it was now the eighth morning and the village she had just passed had not seen Nathaniel. Her nights were getting longer as fears of her extended stay strayed unwelcomed through her mind. Worries of what Harrison and Gabe might be thinking and fears that her parents might suddenly call on her began to fester in the corners of her brain. But the darkest question of all was, “What if I don’t find Nathaniel?”

  As she sauntered through the forest she wondered if she was on the right path and a meaty discourse was raging in her brain.

  You said a week, Gem. If you didn’t find him in a week…

  Her features crumpled with frustration.

  But all this work for nothing. I can’t give up now! Surely I’ve gained on him!

  Rubbing her grimy face, she kept her horse moving, hoping to leave behind her argument, but she had no such luck. After another mile she was nearly ready to shoot herself over the indecision.

  It’s over, Gem. Just go home. Just…

  A loud cry filled the forest, an explosion of pained fear that silenced the birds and had Gemma spurring her horse forward. Seconds later she was pulling her sword free as she took in the scene of five men attacking an unarmed wanderer. Two were rifling through his belongings while the other three tore at his clothing and punched him senseless. Gemma’s presence was soon noted and the man closest to her licked his lips and approached her with a sneer. Dropping from her horse she knocked him to the ground in one swift movement.

  A sharp punch to her jaw made her senses ring, but a knee to the man’s groin had him stunned enough to push him away. Jumping smoothly to her feet, she dispensed him with a kick to the head and moved to aide the victim.

  Blades flashed. Fists flew. The air was filled with groans and curses. Gemma’s system roared with adrenaline as she watched the five men stumble away in fear of the feisty tigress.

  Sheathing her sword, she knelt to the ground and tried to pull the man over. He resisted her with more strength than she had anticipated, his hand clinging to his necklace with a vice like grip that Gemma decided was not worth the battle after a couple of attempts.

  “Just relax and let me look at you.” She kept her voice gentle, yet commanding. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  After a little more persuasion, his posture loosened and she was able to turn his body and get a decent look at him. He had a gash to his forehead and deep facial bruising.

  “I think your nose is broken.” Pulling in her breath, she placed her thumbs on the crooked cartilage. “I’m sorry, but this may hurt.” With a quick jerk she righted the injury and winced at the man’s pained expression.

  Rising slowly from the forest floor, he pinched the bridge of his nose and dropped his head between his knees.

  “Do you have any other injuries?”

  “None that I want you assessing thank you very much.”

  Gemma smiled. She waited in silence as the man drew in a few deep breaths. Finally lifting his head, he opened his eyes. He gazed at her intently for a moment before his eyes lightened with recognition.

  “We meet again.”

  “Hello, Nathaniel.”

  * * * *

  The horses were easily retrieved and the duo walked their beasts to the nearby stream. Gemma stroked her mare’s mane as it drank.

  “I must say, I never I thought I’d be seeing you again, much less watching you save my life so easily.”

  “Well, I owed you one.” Gemma shot him a wink.

  He grinned back at her.

  “You’ve been looking for me, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, and I have to say, you’ve been very challenging to find.”

  The glimmer in his eye faded and silence reigned. Gemma ran her fingers over the sleek coat of her horse, forcing her lips shut. She watched the turmoil of emotion rolling across his face like breaking waves. Suddenly it cleared and he looked at her.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Because you need my help… and I need yours.”

  “How so?” His eyes were probing and Gemma felt the weight of her knowledge. She gazed back at him, unsure how much to share. Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she decided to throw all caution to the wind and go for the one hundred percent, foolproof truth.

  “I know where Helena is.”

  His face stilled. “You’ve seen Helena?” His eyes stared at her with such open hope she almost didn’t want to say the next line.

  “You can’t reach her, Nathaniel, well not physically anyway.”

  His brows furrowed. A deep sadness settled into the crevasses of his face. Gemma couldn’t hold in her sigh.

  “Here, why don’t you let me clean that wound and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Taking her horse’s reins, she led the mare to a clearing and began a quick collection of firewood. It didn’t take long to get a fire roaring. Gemma heated water over the flames, added some healing herbs and dipped the rag into the mixture. As she washed and dressed his wound then prepared him something to eat, Gemma told him what Helena really was and her theory on why she had to leave him.

  “I have a son?” Nathaniel leaned back against the tree, his astonished features morphing to an expression of soft marshmallow.

  Gemma felt her eyes grow moist as she studied him.

  “His name’s Harrison Nathan Granger and he’s… amazing.”

  Nathaniel glanced at her and smiled.

  “He looks a lot like you actually. Scarily so.”

  “You called me Harrison the first time we met. I’ve often wondered about that. How old is he now?”

  “He turned 18 a couple of months ago.”

  Nathaniel shook his head and grinned.

  “I wish I could meet him.”

  “Me too. He’s… he would make you really proud.”

  He nodded then turned his gaze back to the stream. His features leveled out to a wistful sadness.

  “She did the right thing… leaving here. This future you speak of sounds remarkable.”

  “I’m surprised you can accept this all so easily.”

  “Helena was a very mysterious woman.” His eyes glimmered. “I could spend a lifetime trying to understand her.” He shook his head with a grin. “Certain things she did, or knew, make so much more sense to me now. I can’t believe she was willing to give it all up for me.”

  “I get the impression she would have done anything for you. Putting your child’s future before her own was a huge sacrifice.”

  “How does she fare?”

  “Not well.” Gemma frowned. “She blames herself for everything you’re going through. The murder accusations, your… death.”

  “My death?”

  “Well, not anymore.” Gemma smiled lightly trying to take the punch out of her truth.

  “So you just… changed history?”


  “Hm.” His head tipped in contemplation. “Remarkable.”

  “I’m not done though.” Gemma nibbled on her cheek. “I need your help to keep changing it. You see Helena needs to know you forgive her. She’s never… gotten over you.”

  “But you said she’s… married.”

  Gemma noted the distinct edge to Nathaniel’s voice. She softened her own to compensate. “She is and she loves Bryan, but… not like she loves you.”

  It was a sad reality. Gemma knew the art of moving on was a hard one to master. Helen had done her best to give Harrison a normal life, but she had paid a significant price.

  “She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever encountered, such strength, such passion. She was my life. If only she had told me the truth.”

  Gemma hugged her knees and rocked forward. “I think she wanted to, but was afraid.”

  “I would have still loved her.”

  “I know… and I think she knew that too. I’m guessing she didn’t tell you, because she knew you’d be able to convince her to stay. She probably stole away in the dark, because one look at your face would have annihilated her will. It was the only way she could be strong.”

  Nathaniel could only swallow and shake his head. Gemma allowed the silence to linger, giving him time to process the bombshell of information. She averted her gaze, choosing to admire the horses instead. Her thoughts lingered on Helen as she waited, wondering how she would cope with this change in history.

  “I do forgive her, though there’s hardly a need. Her reasons were virtuous.”

  Gemma’s head whipped around with the quiet statement.

  “I love her so much. I’d do anything for her.”

  A smile grew on Gemma’s face as she felt her belly ignite. “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  Nathaniel’s head shot up, his eyes narrowing. “You have a plan?”

  She nodded. “How do you feel about sailing?”

  Nathaniel’s eyebrows rose then dropped as understanding dawned.

  “They’ll just keep hunting you if you stay here,” Gemma quickly justified. “There’s a passenger ship leaving from Liverpool in a few days time. It’s the closest port to where we are. If we leave today, we should be able to make it.”

  “Where’s it bound?”

  “New York.”

  “You want me to go to America?”

  Gemma nodded with a hopeful grin.

  “And what am I supposed to do there?”

  “Write a letter.”

  * * * *

  It took them three days to reach Liverpool. Gemma tried not to push Nathaniel too hard. They rode at a slow amble and stopped early in the day to set up camp. They spent their evenings talking of Helen and Harrison. Nathaniel remembered every detail of his time with his “morning star” and Gemma relished his intoxicating stories. She tried to stay casual about her feelings for Harrison, but Nathaniel’s passion was inspiring and she had soon shared all her secret dreams and fears over the relationship. Nathaniel listened with a patient smile. He reminded her so much of Harrison sometimes she found it hard to breathe and ached to see her boyfriend again.

  The sound of seagulls filled the harbor. Gemma glanced up at the greedy birds circling the docks and nearly bumped into a cart overflowing with merchandise. She apologized with a blush and kept moving. The atmosphere was a stark contrast to the quiet ambience of the countryside and Gemma’s senses were struggling to digest it. Staying on full alert, she concentrated on getting her horse to the end of the dock without injuring anybody. Thankfully they found the ship quickly.

  The Albion was moored at the end of the pier, sitting on the ocean top with majestic stature. Gemma felt a morose sadness settle on her shoulders as she watched people boarding with their bundles and thought about having to say goodbye to Nathaniel.

  She tied the horses while Nathaniel sought passage. He returned sometime later with his bundle and a resigned smile.

  “We sail within the hour.”

  “I hope it’s smooth for you.” She shone him a smile, before getting down to business. “Now, you remember what you need to do?”

  “Yes, I need to make my way to St. Augustine and make sure my correspondence is buried in the cemetery of the cat

  Gemma nodded.

  “I’ll dig it up when I get back and make sure I pass it on to Helena.”

  His eyes grew sad.

  “I know.” Gemma placed her hand on his shoulder. “I wish you could see her again too.”

  They gazed at each other in silence. There was nothing left to say. Gemma filled the awkward dumbness by reaching forward and wrapping Nathaniel in a warm embrace.

  “I will miss you, Mr. Clayton.”

  He squeezed her middle and whispered a soft endearment in her ear before dropping his arms and striding down the pier. Gemma watched him and waved once more when he boarded.

  Blinking at her tears she moved from the dock in search of a quiet corner to hide in. Exhaustion seized her as she stepped into an alcove and leaned her head against the grimy wall. The tears she had been fighting surged forward in a torrent and she covered her face and wept.

  Chapter Twelve

  Liverpool, England – 1820AD

  Gemma waited until her tears dried up before stepping out of the alcove and watching the Albion set sail for America. She prayed for its safe passage and hoped with a passion that Nathaniel would stay true to his word. She also hoped he might find happiness in his new life and that he would die a contented man. He was leaving everything he knew behind to complete this one mission. His sacrifice deserved a reward.

  Dabbing her cheeks, she wandered to the outskirts of town and made sure she was well hidden before taking a deep breath and heading home.

  * * * *

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison gathered her into an embrace before she got a scrap of clothing on. He didn’t care. He clung to her as if she had come back from the dead.

  After some powerfully silent persuasion from Gabe, her boyfriend was forced to release her and let her get dressed.

  “So, how long was I gone for?”


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