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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

Page 8

by Melissa Pearl

  His mother’s face puckered with confusion. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a stack of letters… from Nathaniel.”

  Her face went white and her eyes rounded. “Where did you… how?” She shook her head. “Just give them to me.”

  She snatched them from him and yanked the pouch open. Her frenetic movements stopped as quickly as they began and Harrison watched her stone figure gaze at the handwriting. Her lips shook and her eyes built with tears.

  “It’s his writing. Where did you get these?”

  “Gemma and I dug them up from a small plot at the St. Augustine Cathedral cemetery, about half an hour ago.”

  “How did they… I mean, how did I not know? All record of him is lost once he left New York. I haven’t been able to find anything!”

  “I don’t know what he got up to, but these letters might enlighten you.” He pointed to them. “They were pretty well hidden. No one could find them unless they knew exactly where they were going.”

  “So how did you know?”

  Thrusting his hands into his pockets, he cleared his throat and rocked back on his heels. “Gemma gave him very specific instructions before making sure he boarded the Albion.”


  He nodded. Helen slumped to the bed and closed her eyes. Harrison waited out the silence. It took an age, but she finally whispered.

  “For years now I’ve been having nightmares that Nathaniel is searching for me. He can’t find me and he never makes it to the ship, because he…” her voice wobbled, “he gets murdered in the forest by a group of bandits.” She licked her lips before continuing. “I didn’t have that dream last night. In fact I didn’t dream at all.” Her eyes swam as she looked up at Harrison. “Would I be right in assuming that up until yesterday my dreams were in fact reality?”

  “Yes,” he croaked.

  “She went back to save his life?”

  Harrison came around the bed and knelt before her. “She went back to save yours.”

  His mother’s body shook with tears. Harrison gathered up her free hand and rubbed his thumb over her skin.

  “Mom, read the letters. Just stop packing and read the letters.”

  That said, Harrison stood from his spot and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Anastasia State Park, Florida – 2011AD

  “So?” Gabe looked expectant.

  The sun was beginning its descent. The pelicans were dive-bombing the ocean and Gemma was nestled with her feet in the sand. Gabe had suggested they meet at the beach. He wanted to see why her and Harrison loved it so much. From the look on his face when he pulled to a stop, Gemma could see he got it.

  She had one full hour with him before she had to head home for a Sunday night dinner, so only made him suffer a few seconds before breaking into a smile.

  “They’re not moving!”

  Gabe laughed at her squeal.

  “What happened?”

  “Well, Harrison gave her the letters and she stayed in his room for the whole night reading them. The next morning she was a different woman. She walked into the dining room and announced to everyone that she’d changed her mind… that moving to DC was too disruptive for the family.”

  “They must have been pretty pleased.”

  “Rosie practically flew to school.”

  Gabe grinned.

  “You must be relieved.”

  “I am.” Gemma breathed and exhaled a peaceful sigh. “It’s so great knowing Harrison isn’t going anywhere… and he’s so relaxed and happy now. The last couple of days have been awesome.”

  “But something’s still bothering you.”

  Her shoulders slumped. One thing she loved and hated about her father was that he could read her like a book.

  “It’s two things actually.”

  “Go on.”

  “Well, I guess I was kind of hoping that after Helen had the letters she’d stop hating me and I could see Harrison again without it being a problem.”

  “I take it she hasn’t said anything.”

  “Not a word. Harrison said he was going to talk to her about it today, while I was with you, so I guess I shouldn’t worry too much, but I don’t know. What if she still doesn’t want me around?”

  “Then she’s a fool.” Gabe wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. “What’s the other thing?”

  Popping her thumbnail into her mouth, she clicked it between her teeth.

  “I think I threw a spanner in my parents’ work.”

  “What do you mean?” Gabe’s body tensed like it did every time the Hart’s were mentioned.

  “Something I did back in 1820 changed something they were planning to do. I heard them talking about how his research had changed and his pages were blank and then they were going on about having to find it and something being perfect.” She stopped, hearing how absurd she sounded. “I don’t know if it was something I did, but I have this really bad feeling in my gut. I can’t explain how, but I know it’s about me.”

  It felt good to share her fears, except for the fact that it made them so real. She hadn’t had a chance to tell Harrison any of this. He had been on such a high the last few days, gushing about his father’s letters and his amazing conversations with his mother. They had been talking late into the evenings. Harrison now knew all about how they met and why she had chosen to stay. Gemma’s theory about her leaving because she was pregnant had been correct. Harrison had been so grateful for his mother’s sacrifice and the two of them had been making huge progress on mending their stilted relationship. Gemma was so happy for them both and didn’t want to burden him with concerns that didn’t directly affect him. Gabe on the other hand…

  “They also said something about the patronus. Do you know what they’re talking about?”

  Gabe went very still. Dropping his arm, he ran his hand through his hair then leaned forward onto his elbows.

  “I haven’t heard mention of them in years.”

  “Who are they?”

  “Well, from what I understand, the patronus are the protectors of the box. They would do anything to make sure it remains locked. I don’t really know much more about it, but they’ve spent centuries fighting off the liberatio.”

  “Let me guess, the ones who want to liberate the box.”

  “You got it.” Gabe’s head shook as he looked out at the ocean. “I can’t believe how true all these stories are turning out to be. When I was told them as a kid there was always this element of mystery surrounding them. It was easy to fool yourself into believing they were only based on vague facts.”

  “Do you think Alistair and Penelope are part of the liberatio?”

  Gabe shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “They’re still looking for that last piece aren’t they?”

  Gabe’s face was hard as he nodded. “Definitely.”

  “I wonder if Nathaniel had it? But why would he have it? He’s not even one of us.”

  “Helen is.”

  “Do you think she might have given it to him?”

  “Sounds like she may have. You’re going to need to ask her. In fact, I’d be mighty keen to find out why she was back there in the first place.”

  “How am I supposed to ask her a question like that? She won’t even acknowledge me.”

  “That may change. Let’s not lose hope there.”

  “What should I do in the meantime?”

  “Just keep an eye on things and watch your back. Keep telling me about any unusual conversations. We may need to keep an eye on Helen now too. If Alistair works out that she’s somehow involved, things could get dangerous for her.”

  “Thankfully they’re still living under the assumption that she no longer exists. I can’t believe they haven’t spotted that glitch in history. I’m living on borrowed luck with this one. It’s only a matter of time before they notice.”

  “Well, you need to make the most of that time.”

p; Gemma’s lips fluttered with a smile.

  “I fear that nothing’s going to stand in their way when it comes to getting that Decimus piece.”

  “I’ll keep my eyes wide open and listen through as many key holes as I can.”

  Gabe shot her a proud grin.

  “I guess we should be grateful you’ve screwed up their plans. That little trip back to 1820 did more good than we thought.”

  Gemma nodded.

  A comfortable silence settled as they both took a thought path of their own. The waves created a soothing soundtrack to their meanderings, but Gemma’s spirit could not be settled.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  Gabe’s arm moved around her providing a warm shield.

  “I’m not going to let them hurt you, Lucia.”

  “But what if they find out I can travel on my own? It’s not just me I worry about. What if they get to Harrison and his family? What if they get to you?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now we need to focus on stopping them from getting that last piece.”

  Gemma worried her lip while Gabe stroked her back. His calming movements did nothing to quell her agitation. Life just seemed to be getting harder and the more she fought, the less control she had.

  Gabe moved away from her side, distracting her.

  “Here.” He rummaged in his bag and brought out a book shaped gift.

  “What’s this?” Gemma took it with a smile.

  “Your birthday present.”

  “But it’s not until Tuesday.”

  “Yeah, well I don’t get to see you then, so…” He blushed and nudged her shoulder. “Just open it.”

  She took her time peeling back the paper. Inside was a framed photo of a beautiful woman with dark hair; her eyes were gleaming with insatiable joy. In her arms she cradled a newborn, wrapped in a pink blanket with a tuft of dark hair protruding from the top.

  “I took that the day you got home. You must have been five days old. Lena was showing you around the nursery, pointing out her handiwork. She spent hours decorating that room and she’d sing while she painted or talk to you about what colors would be best. She couldn’t wait to meet you.”

  Tears built on Gemma’s lashes as she pictured her mother busily creating the baby haven.

  “She’s so beautiful.”

  “Just like you.” Gabe tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “What was she like, Dad?”

  The corners of his eyes curved north and his mouth shimmied with a smile. His voice was like hot cocoa when he formed his words. “She was like champagne… sparkling, rich, decadent.” His grin broadened as he obviously pictured her before him. “She was pure joy. Everything I ever wanted.”

  Gemma’s throat clogged as she watched him. A flicker of pain crested over his face, stealing his smile. Looking down at the picture, she ran her thumb over her mother’s face and suddenly yearned to meet the woman.

  “I wish I could have known her.”

  “Me too, kid. Me too.” Gabe wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.

  “This is…” Gemma struggled to find her voice as she studied the contours of her mother’s smile. “Thank you for this. I’ll keep it in my locker at school so I can see her everyday.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  Abruptly turning, Gemma wrapped her arms tightly around Gabe and rode the wave of emotion coursing through her. “Thanks for looking for me… for not giving up until you found me.”

  “I would have crossed oceans for you, kid.”

  She leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  The fears that were constant companions were quieted, if only for a moment. She nestled into the sanctuary he offered and relished the peace residing there. Swiveling in his arms, she pulled the photo of her mother into view and studied it until her watch beeped with the command to go home.

  * * * *

  Being her 18th birthday, she was expecting to feel vibrant as she rose from her bed and showered. Instead she felt a growing eminence that wiped the smile from her face and followed her all the way to breakfast. Her parents were overly chipper, showering her with excessive gifts and kisses. She accepted them all politely then spent the next half hour on Skype listening to her siblings gush about how she was all grown up. She rolled her eyes and laughed at the teasing.

  At school she was inundated with well wishes, something she’d never experienced before. Being friends with Courtney had its perks… or nuisances. Gemma took it all with a courteous smile. Rosie did more gushing and even her History teacher said something as he passed her in the hallway.

  Gemma was sure her cheeks flamed all day. Gabe broke the rules and called her on her regular cell phone. She snuck out of the cafeteria and listened with tears in her eyes as he related the day she was born. Hanging up with a sniff, she erased any trace of his call before having to rush to class.

  By the end of the day she felt frazzled and near grumpy. Not one for much attention, everyone had totally disregarded her needs and lavished her with it. Harrison was the only one who seemed to get her and his quiet hand around her waist for most of the day had been the only thing keeping her grounded. Pulling her out of the school building, he leaned against his car and drew her towards him.

  “It’s Tuesday, so that means you have an extra hour after school, because your parents think you are studying with Courtney, am I right?”

  Gemma nodded into his shoulder.

  “Perfect, that’s plenty of time to give you your birthday present.”

  “Not you too,” she groaned.

  Harrison chuckled then pushed her away so he could look at her face.

  “Trust me, you’re going to like it.”

  Gemma frowned. With a cheeky grin, he dove into his pocket and produced the keys to his Corvette.

  “Care to take your boyfriend for a cruise down the coastline?”

  “In your car?”

  Harrison breathed in slowly and nodded.

  “You’re going to let me drive your car?” Gemma felt her lips stretching with a smile as she grabbed for the key.

  “Just... be careful with her.”

  “Babe.” Gemma gave him a pitiful look.

  “I know, I know… you’re brilliant, but no one else has driven her. Ever.”

  Curling her fingers around the key, she tipped her head and narrowed her gaze.

  “Wait a sec, you’re not just doing this to get a free ride on my Ducati are you?”

  “I would be lying if the thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but no, today, being your birthday, is all about you.”

  Gemma chewed on her cheek as she enjoyed the warm bubbles massacring her stomach. Taking her time she weighed up the pros and cons then started speaking before she changed her mind.

  “I did miss your birthday.”

  She saw a tingle of hope light the corners of his eyes.

  “So I guess it would be fair to give you your gift today as well, right?”

  Her lips quirked as she watched him struggle to be noble.

  “Seriously, Gem, it’s okay. You don’t have to let me ride your Ducati. I just really want you to have a great day.”

  Taking a step back, she eyed him thoughtfully before digging into her pocket and producing a key.

  “You’re sure you can handle it?”

  His grin was delectable. “I’ve ridden a few bikes in my time.”

  “It’s a powerful beast, Harrison.”

  “I’ll be just fine.” He looked cocky as he reached for the key. Gemma let a wide smile spread over her lips, enjoying the teasing.

  “Race you to Anastasia then.”

  Anticipation warred with anxiety as she hopped into the Corvette and watched Harrison swing his leg over her Ducati. The milling crowd seemed to fall silent as they noticed the sudden change. Eyes lit and tongues wagged with excitement as two engines roared to life then squealed out of the parking lot to loud w
hoops and cheers.

  Gemma won in spite of Harrison’s efforts. She was both miffed and impressed that he could handle her machine so easily. He nearly had her at the end and if it weren’t for some swift maneuvering she would have been pulling in behind him. He took the defeat graciously, although she did note his very close inspection of the car as she was stepping out of it.

  “Handles like a dream.” She swung the door shut.

  “Your ride’s not too bad either.”

  “I think I’d rather drive a car though.”

  “I think I’d rather ride a bike though.”

  They said the lines in unison and both laughed. Gemma giggled her way into his arms and thanked him with an elongated kiss.

  “I love you.” She brushed her hands through his waves. “Thank you for making this day perfect.”

  “I do what I can.”

  He took her hand and led her to the beach where they spent the next hour just playing. They wrote each other’s names in the sand, surrounding them with love hearts, then raced down the beach, Harrison catching her up and swinging her over his shoulder. They wrestled near the surf, which turned into a passionate kissing interlude before Gemma’s alarm began beeping. They reluctantly returned to the parking lot and leaned against the Corvette to say their goodbyes.

  Harrison’s eyes turned mushy as he gazed at her then produced a small box. “Here’s your real present.”

  Gemma felt her breath catch.

  “I know it’s not practical with your travel and stuff, but I just had to buy it for you.”

  Taking the box with shaking fingers, she slowly undid the ribbon and pulled off the lid. Nestled inside was a gold chain holding a small star shaped diamond.

  “It looks like a morning star, don’t you think?”

  She nodded, speechless.

  “And since you are my morning star.” He kissed one cheek. “And my jewel.” He kissed the other. “I thought it’d be perfect.”

  He lifted it from the tissue paper and undid the clasp, reaching around her neck and refastening it.

  “You can hide it under your clothing, so...”

  Gemma pulled it away from her skin and studied the small jewel.


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