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Pure Blood (Time Spirit Trilogy, #3)

Page 10

by Melissa Pearl

  “How do you even know this guy?”

  “He’s an old family friend.” Penelope blinked then looked at her imperiously.

  Gemma felt her heart beat with foreboding, knowing a liar when she saw one.

  “I don’t like this.”

  “I don’t care what you like,” her mother snapped. “He’s a good boy and you will treat him with respect. You are to be friendly and welcoming. No more weekends flouncing off with your friends. You have someone new to entertain now.”

  Gemma’s jaw dropped. Pure horror stole all her vocabulary and replaced it with stunned silence.

  “I’m thinking of your future, Gemma. This boy will most likely be your match.”

  And with that she left her shell-shocked daughter standing in the marble hallway debating whether to race to the bathroom to hurl or her bedroom to cry.

  Chapter Seventeen

  St Augustine, Florida – 2011AD

  Harrison had returned home the night before unable to shake a stirring in his stomach. The necklace remaining hidden was great, but Gemma was wrong about one thing. This wasn’t over. His foreboding grew throughout the night as he tossed and turned, vainly chasing sleep.

  Rising that morning, he felt his agitation grow and couldn’t argue his way out of it. Rosie’s chipper chatter distracted him a little on the way to school, but the sensation of dread filled his entire system when he pulled into the lot.

  Cutting the engine, he gazed through the windshield in stunned silence as he watched a male model dismount his girlfriend’s bike, taking her helmet and flashing her a twinkling smile. She grinned back at him and let her gaze drop to the tarmac.

  Harrison slammed his way out of the car, reminding himself to be calm as there was probably a very simple explanation. Gemma caught his eye as he approached and shot him a warning look before subtly shaking her head and walking away from him as if he didn’t exist. He thought he might disintegrate the strap of his bag he was gripping it so tightly. Gritting his teeth, he entered the school beneath a black cloud and remained there until he managed to catch Gemma alone after first period.

  Dragging her towards the girls’ bathroom, he looked both ways before hauling her into the end stall and locking the door.

  “What is going on? Who is that guy?”

  “His name’s Simeon.” She drew in a shaky breath. “He’s an exchange student from out west and is going be living with our family for the rest of the year.” Her eyes welled. “I’m so sorry I had to ignore you this morning. I just can’t have my parents finding out about you. If your name’s even mentioned at home they’ll figure it out.”

  “What, so you’re just going to ignore me for the rest of the year?”

  “I don’t know.” A few tears escaped and he wiped them away with a gentle finger. “It’s worse than that. Mom said last night that he’s my match.”

  “Your match?” His confusion dissipated as he caught her helpless look. “No. No way.”

  “They control every aspect of my life,” her voice shook. “Did we honestly think they wouldn’t try this as well? Who the hell were we kidding?!”

  Her tears were falling in rapid succession now and Harrison couldn’t keep up. Ripping off some toilet paper, he dabbed her cheeks then rested her head in his palms.

  “You and me. That’s what’s going to happen at the end of the day.”

  Her head bobbed, but he could tell she didn’t believe him. Sniffing loudly, she blew her nose once then caught sight of her watch. “I have to go. I can’t skip class. He’ll know and my parents… I just have to go.”

  She brushed his cheek with a soft kiss before pushing past him. He remained in the stall, frozen by bad luck. Closing his eyes, he whacked his head against the tiles and cursed. One thing was for sure, he wasn’t spending the rest of the year watching his girlfriend be polite to some guy her parents had hand picked for her.

  The rest of the morning was hell and didn’t get any better when lunch rolled around. He ignored Gemma’s pleading glances and sat at her table anyway. He got a questioning look from Darren, but shook it off. Hopefully the guy would deduce that it was just plain jealousy, which he couldn’t deny was part of it. Simeon was as smooth as coffee. His laughter was rich, his smile was scintillating and girls were being drawn towards him from every corner of the cafeteria.

  Harrison sat in disgusted silence watching him entertain the overflowing table. Gemma sat beside him meekly, smiling politely and laughing when appropriate. She did everything not to look at Harrison, which was driving him crazy since he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  The lunch bell rang and the hoard dispersed. Simeon left for the one class he and Gemma didn’t share. Harrison loitered in the background while he watched her give him instructions then caught his wink.

  “I’ll see you in History.”

  “See ya,” she mumbled with a wave.

  “Oh my gosh!” Rosie grabbed her shoulder; her eyes alight with pure idolization.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty… He’s…”

  “Perfect.” Rosie breathed before floating out the door after him.

  Harrison sidled up beside Gem and wove his fingers into the hair at the base of her neck. She usually smiled indulgently when he kneaded her neck, but much to his disappointment, her eyes stay focused on the zipper of her bag.

  “Perfect,” she repeated with a whisper.

  “What? You think so too?” Harrison pulled his hand away.

  “No, that’s what my parents were talking about.” She briefly relayed her eavesdropping from the week before, reaching for his hand as they headed to class.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?” He pulled her to a stop in the hallway.

  “You’ve been kind of distracted.”

  “Yeah, but not too distracted for you.” He kissed her knuckles and she gifted him a warm smile.

  “I didn’t want to ruin your high.”

  “It’s my fault.” He shook his head, annoyed. “I knew something was bugging you and I was just so wrapped up in my stuff that I didn’t ask. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” She pecked his lips. “It doesn’t really make any difference now. I just…” She nibbled her cheek.


  “Do you think there’s more at play here than just my parents finding me a new boyfriend?”

  “You’re wondering if it’s got to do with the box?”

  “Yeah, but I guess it doesn’t matter now… since they won’t be able to find that last piece.” They continued their reluctant walk to class.

  “It could just be another way to keep an eye on you.”

  “I know it is!” Her groan was a mixture of disgust and agony. “I just wasn’t sure if there was more to it. My father did say he wanted to make the trip beforehand. Well we haven’t gone anywhere, but… I’m sure they don’t have that last piece. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “We should stay wary. Whatever your parents are up to, I don’t have a great feeling about this Simeon guy.”

  “It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact my parents want me to marry him would it?” She tipped her head with a droll look.

  He sniffed out a chuckle before turning serious. “They think you’re single, so…”

  “But I’m not?”

  “Does he know that?”

  Gemma’s face puckered with irritation. “What am I supposed to do, Harrison? If they find out about you, I don’t know what they’ll do. I’m guessing it won’t be pretty.”

  “Gem, we have to do something.” He forced his voice to remain soft. “I’m not spending the rest of my school year pretending not to know you. My name will come up in conversation. Whether you like it or not he’s going to find out I exist.”

  “I know.” Her shoulders slumped and she stopped walking. She nibbled her cheek then squeezed his hand. “Come on. I’ve got an idea.”

  “Is it a good one?”

  “I guess we’ll find out in a minute.” She pulle
d him down the hallway and came to a halt outside Mr. Glayson’s Physics class.

  Knocking twice, she opened the door and asked if Simeon could be excused for a moment as she forgot to tell him some “first day” details. Her dazzling smile somehow gave plausibility to her pathetic reasoning and they were soon all standing outside the classroom.

  Simeon eyed him with dark curiosity before turning his charming gaze on Gemma.

  “Is everything okay?” His voice was silky.

  Thankfully it didn’t turn Gemma to mush like it did all the other girls. She got straight to the point.

  “Here’s the thing. This is Harrison.” She flicked her thumb towards him.

  Simeon’s eyebrow rose, his eyes unable to mask his disdain. Unaware, she ploughed on with her speech.

  “He’s my boyfriend, but my parents don’t know that. They think we broke up and they will freak out if they know I’m back with him. I need you to not say anything. In fact I need you to never mention his name, as though he doesn’t even exist. Got it?”

  “Yeah.” Simeon’s eyes flickered back to her and softened with a smile.

  “This is really important, Simeon. I’ll know if you’ve told.”

  “Why would I risk telling them and losing you as a friend. You’re the only person I know in St Augustine.” His smile was dream like, making Harrison’s stomach churn.

  “Trust me, by the end of the day you’ll probably have a flock of swooning females following you home.”

  Simeon leaned forward, his nose just inches from Gemma’s. “I’ve only got my eye on one.”

  Scarlet red flashed before Harrison’s eyes as he stepped in and wrapped a firm arm around Gemma’s shoulders.

  “She’s taken.” He barely got the words out, his teeth were clenched so tightly. Simeon nodded, unfazed, and shone them both a confident smile.

  “See you after school, Gem.”

  Harrison’s grip tightened as he watched the guy leaving.

  “Okay, that actually hurts now.” Gemma’s voice was calm.

  He quickly released her. “Sorry.”

  Stepping right up to him, so their bodies were touching, she ran her hand over his cheek.

  “I love you, not him… just you. So please, don’t get jealous. Trust what I just told you and don’t get jealous.”

  She then lavished him with an affirming kiss. His body sparked with flames the whole way to class, but it did nothing to ward off the icy chill of foreboding.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida – 2011AD

  Gemma returned her surfboard to its home in the garage. Turning back, she took Simeon’s and leant it against the wall next to hers.

  “That was a good swell today. I got some pretty decent rides in.”

  Gemma nodded with a smile. She didn’t want to admit how much fun she’d had. Simeon was an able surfer and it reminded her of some fun times with Dom.

  “Did you two have a good time?” Penelope greeted them with a grin as she danced down the steps.

  According to Gemma’s mother things couldn’t be going better. Simeon’s first two days at school had been a huge success. He had fitted easily into her group of friends and he seemed to enjoy all his classes. Thankfully he’d kept his mouth shut about Harrison, but Gemma was on edge waiting for him to slip up.

  Once the weekend had arrived, Penelope went into full match making mode, prompting the two teens to go out and have fun at every available opportunity. Gemma had tried to suggest a few group outings in the vain hope of seeing her boyfriend, but her mother had shunned the idea and suggested Simeon might like some one-on-one attention for a change. Gemma had obliged and the weekend had been filled with two surf trips, a hike, a movie and three meals out. As much as she fought enjoying Simeon’s company for the sake of Harrison she had found herself laughing at the Californian’s jokes and entering into some easy conversations. He was a movie fanatic like Dom so Gemma was able to immerse herself in those long discussions without too much stress.

  The weekend was coming to an end and for the first time in forty-eight hours she was getting a little over it. She missed Harrison. All she felt like was a long shower, some comfy PJs and a secret cell phone chat with her boyfriend. A smile fluttered across her lips.

  Squeezing the water from her ponytail, she wrung her hand dry and was about to announce her shower intentions.

  “Hey Gem, you want to watch a movie after dinner? We could choose from Dom’s collection.”


  “She’d love to.” Penelope’s grin was triumphant. “Why don’t you go shower up and I’ll get some food ready. You can eat while you watch. How fun!”

  Gemma tried to scorch her mother with a searing look, but she dodged the rays and waltzed into the house oblivious. Turning to Simeon, she forced a resigned smile.

  "Here, I'll take your towel."

  "That's cool. I was just going to put it in the laundry."

  Gemma winced. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

  "Huh?" Simeon's dark brows bunched together.

  She shook her head with a grin. "We're not allowed in there. Something about my father turning everything pink once and Mom getting super territorial over her precious washing machine." She rolled her eyes. "Trust me, I'll just drop our towels in the basket upstairs. It's the way it's done around here."

  He looked as though it was the weirdest thing he'd ever heard and he probably was right. Gemma was just used to the way things were and didn't think to question it when she dropped the salty towels into her laundry basket before taking a shower.

  She soaked in the hot spray until her mother pounded on the door telling her to hurry up. Shutting off the water with an irate flick, she stomped out of her sanctuary and ordered her emotions to settle. What she wanted to do was tell her mother where to go and ride down to Harrison’s house. What she was going to do was paste on a sweet smile and sit through a movie she’d probably seen already.

  The idea was irritating, but not completely hideous. She dried off and decided to at least go for comfy pajamas. Slouching into the movie room, she slumped down on the couch while Simeon inspected the huge collection. She noticed he had gone for comfy clothes too. His sweats and white t-shirt outlined his near perfect form. Gemma could see why all the girls swooned and was grateful she didn’t feel aroused. I mean, sure, he was nice to look at, but he wasn’t Harrison. She smiled as she thought of her streamline boyfriend. She was looking forward to clocking up a few kisses at school the next day.

  “What do you feel like watching?”

  “Whatever.” She shrugged and reached for a bottle of peach iced tea. Her mother had assembled an impressive array of crackers, cheeses, dips and fresh fruit.

  Would pizza really be that bad?

  Gemma picked off a green grape and popped it in her mouth resigned to the fact fast food would never exist in this house.

  A few minutes later Simeon had made his selection and Gemma found herself back in ancient Greece watching Brad Pitt play the role of Achilles in Troy.

  “Man, I love this movie.” Simeon demolished another cracker and wiped the crumbs from his lips. “It’s got everything… good fighting, good history, a strong storyline, a little romance. What’s not to like?”

  Gemma grinned.

  “What’s your favorite movie?”

  She shrugged. “Too many to choose from.”

  She cut off the conversation by turning back to the screen. She actually wanted to absorb herself in the story, that way she wouldn’t be conscious of just how close Simeon was sitting and the fact she wanted him to be Harrison. Or the fact that if Harrison could see them right now his blood would be boiling.

  It was dark by the time the movie finished. Unsettled and busting for tomorrow to arrive, Gemma rose from the couch and bade Simeon a quick farewell.

  “Hey.” He grabbed her hand and stood. “Thanks for a great weekend. I had a really good time.”

  “No problem.” Gemma
tried to pull her hand free, but he dragged her into his arms. Before she could protest his lips were on hers. They felt hot, foreign and so hungry for more Gemma nearly capitulated. If they hadn’t felt so wrong, who knows what she would have done. Pushing him away, she stepped back and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What, I can’t give you a good night kiss?” He said with an easy smile.

  “No, you can’t.” Her heart was thundering a mile a minute as she tried to rein in her emotions. Clasping her indignation, she used its force to pull her body tall. “I have a boyfriend.”

  “O-kay.” Simeon looked doubtful.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh come on, Gem.” He threw his hands up. “You can’t tell me this thing with Harrison will last. You seriously think you can keep him a secret forever?”

  “We’re going to make it work.”

  A lopsided grin threw Simeon’s features off balance “Face it, you’re living on borrowed time.”

  She wanted to call him an asshole, but didn’t think she could do it without crying. Instead she clung to her dignity and turned to leave the room.

  “No, wait.” He vaulted the couch in one swift move and blocked her path. “Don’t leave all pissed. I’m sorry, okay. I’m just trying to be a friend.”

  “A friend?”

  He shrugged. “I always think it’s better to know what’s coming than be blind-sided, you know?”

  Gemma looked to the floor.

  “All I’m saying is that when it’s over, I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  Her head shot north, her eyes burning. “Well, it’s not over yet, so you can just back off!”

  Simeon raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I get it.”

  “Do you?”

  “You think you love him.”

  “I know I love him… and I need you to respect that.”

  Simeon looked at her for a long moment, his eyes deep and sincere.

  “You’re right. Kissing you was out of line.” He looked to the floor. “You’re just so beautiful and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for so long. I didn’t expect you to be as great as your parents described.”


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