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Secret Prince's Bride (Imperial Draka Book 2)

Page 5

by Alyse Zaftig

  He didn't grunt as he stood with me in his arms. I locked my hands around his neck. He kissed my forehead as he strode to a door that we hadn't opened yet. I had just enough time to see that it was a small bedroom before he was pulling my clothes off. Then he stripped off the clothes he put on after the fight. Up close, his muscles looked a lot more defined than the TV had been able to show. I touched them, half sure that he was some kind of illusion. There was black fire lurking in the back of his eyes. He bent his head to take a savage bite of the top of my breast. His teeth would leave marks on me that I'd have to be careful to conceal. I moaned beneath him, my back arching as he savagely bit my breasts and neck. I'd have to wear hot clothes in order to hide these marks, but every second was worth it. I tried to rock my hips against his, sliding against the lower half of his body, but he shifted so that it was out of reach.

  "Right now is for you, starlight."

  I couldn't think in complete sentences anymore. The only words that I could say were "Harder" and "More." He complied.

  Just from the biting, I orgasmed into a million pieces beneath him on that bed. He waited while I tried to catch my breath. Maybe the altitude contributed to how breathless I was.

  He turned me over so that I was on my hands and knees. "You've recovered enough from Round 1 that I can start Round 2." I didn't get a chance to ask what it was before he showed me. He parted my thighs, lowering my body a little bit on the bed. Then he pushed his tongue inside of me.

  "Xuan!" I screamed. I hadn't expected it, so I didn't know if I was screaming in surprise or if I wanted him to stop touching me there. In another moment, I just didn't know becasue my body was blazing with pleasure. I could only moan in short pants.

  He did something where he rotated the pressure that made me start scream his name uncontrollably. My body shook so hard that my face touched the chartreuse bed covering. My legs felt like I would never walk again, but it was worth it.

  "Do you want another orgasm?"

  "I want you inside of me," I growled at him. I looked over my shoulder. His face was a little shiny from my juices. "Now."

  "So demanding," he said, although he lined his cock up with my opening. "Just for that, I should make you wait."

  I squeaked in protest as he rubbed his cockhead all over my labia and clit. I writhed, trying to throw my hips back on him, but I just couldn't catch him. He use his cock in long strokes that touched me from clit to ass. I couldn't get my timing right and he used his strong hands to keep me in place as I tried to take him inside of me.

  "Xuan, I'm going to die if you don't take me right now," I panted. I felt half crazy from trying and failing to get him inside of me.

  "Whatever you want, Arienne." He slid just an inch inside of me. My mouth opened. He was huge, the girth stretching me further than I thought possible.

  "I need to tell you something," I panted.

  "Can it wait?" he asked as he slid another inch inside of me. "Stars, you're tight."

  "I've never done this before."

  "Had sex in a hovercraft above a lagoon?"

  "Had sex," I said.

  He pulled out of me, making me feel cold where he'd pulled out.

  "You're a virgin?" he asked. His face was paler than I'd ever seen it.

  "I'm supposed to wait for marriage," I said. "But that's my mother's decision, not mine. And I want you."

  Xuan ran a hand through his hair. "I shouldn't do this."

  "Then let me." I crawled to the edge of the bed, grasped his shoulders, and swung him so that his back was on the bed while his long legs were still dangling off. I couldn't force him to move if he didn't want to. There was a small moment where we stared into each other's eyes before he pushed off of the floor and got on the bed fully. I straddled his body, my breasts swinging the tiniest bit. I grasped as much of his cock as I could fit in one hand before I pressed it to my opening. I tried to open my mouth to relieve the pressure in my throat.

  "You're too big for my body," I moaned. He gasped as I clenched around his shaft.

  "Just take it slow. You're wet enough," he told me. He reached up to pinch one of my nipples. Startled, I fell down another inch on him. I was feeling all kinds of pressure and discomfort now.

  "Slow," he said. I breathed out and took another inch. I knew that he'd pushed up against my barrier.

  "No," I said as I seated myself fully on his giant cock. I screamed in pain and pleasure. The sensations coming from between my legs were a mixture of both. I didn't know that I could feel like this or even survive it, but he was incredible. I leaned forward and braced my hands on his shoulders. "You're so big," I grunted with my throat a little tight to speak comfortably.

  "Breathe through it," Xuan said. I took in little pants of air. He moaned below me as my body involuntarily clenched around him again.

  "Like that," he said. "Imagine those muscles relaxing."

  I let go and we both groaned. I rose two inches.

  "And now tighten them again." He put his big hands on my hips, guiding me down. His cock didn't hurt anymore. It felt like the best thing ever, better than the nicest chocolate cake or the most expensive wine.

  "I'm going to die from pleasure," I told him. I was having a hard time getting enough air.

  "We'll die together," Xuan told me. He started using his grip on my hips to rock my small body on his big one. My head fell back. I couldn't look at him, just feel as my mind filled with white fire that blanked out all my senses: sight, taste, hearing, and smell. The only thing that I could feel was touch. I felt like the sex between us was consuming my entire body in red-hot fire that could never be put out.

  When I climaxed, I did it harder than any other time I'd ever experienced. The two orgasms that he'd given me earlier were tiny compared to this one. I shuddered all over and lost control of my muscles as every single one went taut.

  "You're beautiful," Xuan said as he slid out of me. He was still hard. I knew he hadn't orgasmed, and that seemed unfair as he'd given me multiple orgasms. There were some rumors that men liked it when you put their cock in your mouth. I reached for him, but he dodged out of the way.

  "I want to taste you," I pouted.

  "Another time," he said. "I'm going to take you from behind. Put your face down and lift your ass."

  I could feel my body waking up again as he moved into position behind me and tested my body with two fingers. They weren't as big as his cock, but he moved the fingers around so that he touched my G-spot. I shook on the bed in front of him.

  "You're ready," he said before shoving the entirety of his dick inside of me.

  I screamed. I was still tender from losing my virginity. And here he was, shoving into me roughly, much more roughly than he could take a virgin. But the pleasure that radiated from the pain he generated overwhelmed me.

  His pace, now that he was standing at the edge of the body, was rhythmic and unstoppable. I writhed under him, but his hands were holding my hips so tightly that I knew that he'd leave bruises. I could hear his breathing start to quicken behind me. As his thighs got a little tighter, I felt the beginning of his climax. It was just a little pre-come. He started groaning in earnest as he held me in place as his cock moved a few more times inside of me.

  "Ah!" Xuan screamed as he let go inside of my body. I could feel my entire body filling with his warm seed. I knew intellectually that it could only be going into my opening, but it felt like he was pouring far more than I could hold. I could feel it spilling out of my body as he filled me with more and more. When at last his body stopped spurting into mine, he pulled out.


  Showering Together


  "I need to clean you up," he said softly. He turned me in his arms so that I could stare into his face. There was a softness that hadn't been there before. He walked into the small bathroom and set me on my feet inside of the sonic shower. Both of us were naked, so it was trivially easy to press a button and get both of us cleaned up. Xuan kissed me as the son
ic shower cleaned our bodies of all the fluids that coated both of us.

  I leaned into his huge body. "You're good for me," I said. I felt freer than I had for years, encircled in his arms. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

  "We have to eat and sleep sometime," he laughed, although he kissed the top of my head. "You feel good in my arms."

  I felt something warm inside of me. I didn't know if it was the first bud of something that would bloom into love, but it felt good. I sighed. "My mother will slaughter me if I'm not home by dark."

  "It's almost dark now." He climbed out of the sonic shower. He was fearlessly nude. We were the only ones in the ship. He went to the front and charted a quick course home.

  "We'll stay away from mountains," he assured me. I went to get my clothes from the floor inside of the tiny bedroom. I realized the entire room was done in shades of green, which made me think of frogs. I giggled to myself as I got dressed enough to satisfy polite society.

  Xuan was sitting naked at the control panel.

  "Do you want to put on clothing?" I asked him.

  "Why are you dressed?"

  "Because when we dock, I'm going to have to run home and explain to my mother where I was. I can't exactly do that naked."

  "I can take you home."

  "You can take me part of the way home." I didn't mention that I was too sore to ride on his airbike, because I wouldn't give up an opportunity to stick myself to his back as we went roaring through the streets. "But not to my door. My mother won't approve."

  Those four words punctured the mood of this afternoon. I watched his face fall.

  "I should get dressed," he said, his voice sounding as lively as a piece of battered gray driftwood. He moved past me.

  I knew that I'd said the wrong thing. I bit my thumbnail, thinking of how to make it up to him. How could I explain that my mother never thought that anybody was good enough for me? She wanted me to save myself for marriage, but she didn't get to make all of my decisions. I was an adult now, no matter what she thought. I needed to have a talk with her about Xuan. Maybe it would be good for hi to come to the door after all. What could she do to me anyway?

  When we got to the dock, Xuan let the ship float into its place. I trailed him like a kitten as he headed back to the office and talked to the proprietor for a few minutes. We walked back to the place where he'd fought. I could see that his air-bike was under a big bubble. He scanned something which made it retract.

  "Take a helmet," he said. He climbed on first. I clutched his waist and turned my head. I could feel how tense his back was.

  I couldn't enjoy the bike ride as much as I had before. I was just twisted up inside and I was sore. I wanted to clarify that my mother uniformly hated every man, but I couldn't spit out the words. The roar of the engine would've drowned them out anyway. He took me to the corner of our estate.

  "This is your stop." He cut the engine. I took off my helmet.

  "Xuan, I..."

  "You better get inside before your mother sees someone she doesn't approve of." His eyes were hard and cold when he turned to talk to me.

  "But it's not you!" I protested.

  He tilted his head, a movement made larger by his giant helmet. "What do you mean?"

  "She doesn't approve any men. Didn't you wonder how I made it to adulthood without being touched? Draka morals are pretty loose when it comes to that sort of thing, but I've just never had the opportunity to..."

  "Do anything," he finished for me. His eyes were sparking a little bit. "I see." He took the helmet from my hands and stowed it in the storage compartment below him.

  "I really like you," I said, feeling as shy as I'd ever felt.

  "Do you want to meet tomorrow?" he asked me.

  "Yes," I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

  "Then meet me at the port tomorrow."

  With that, the airbike roared to life. I watched him go by as I walked into the house just as darkness fell.

  "Where have you been, young lady?" My mother's voice cracked like a whip.

  I sighed. "Out having fun, Mother." I felt cold inside of the stone palace that I called home.

  "And without a note for your poor mother? I've been sick with worry that you were lying dead in a ditch somewhere."

  "They know better than to let a Draka noble die in the street."

  "I heard that you went to a fight and left with one of the fighters." I froze in the act of going upstairs.

  "I did," I said as carefully as I could. "What else did you hear?"

  "That's enough for me. I had several comm messages from Draka nobility who saw you behaving disgracefully and being involved with a Yore."

  "He's wonderful, Mother," I protested.

  "Then it's true!" she half-screamed. "A noble lady doesn't behave like a cat in heat in public. How am I supposed to arrange a good marriage for you if you can't behave properly?"

  "I didn't act like a cat in heat," I protested, but she was already screaming over me.

  "You've brought disgrace on me and your family. You can go to bed without dinner."

  I felt like a little kid all over again. "Yes, Mother," I said as I ascended the stairs. I didn't tell her that I'd already eaten with Xuan. She'd cool down overnight and we'd have another talk tomorrow.


  Wilde Yore


  Before she woke up, I ran out of the house. I was dressed in more durable clothes than what I'd worn yesterday. I was a little breathless when I made my way to the port. The second that Xuan spotted me, he whisked me off of my feet and kissed both of my cheeks, Draka style. I could see Draka nobles looking at us, but I didn't care if my mother got a dozen comm messages. If she knew who Xuan was, maybe she would leave us alone. The connections that we could forge with his brothers-in-law might be worth consorting with a Yore. I wasn't anywhere near done with him, no matter what my mother believed.

  "Where are we going today?"

  "Did you mean what you said about learning about your Yore heritage? You only were hesitating because you've been told not to?"

  "Yes," I said.

  "Then you might like what we're going to do today." He brought me back into the hover floater where we'd shared my first taste of passion yesterday. "Be polite."

  He started up the motor. This time, I didn't jump when the floor turned into the view of what was below us. He took me far from the city, into a tiny town on a mountainside. He anchored the hover floater above a lake.

  "We're going to visit some people."


  "The wild Yore."

  I didn't know what he was talking about.

  "When the Draka colonized the planet, there were places that they couldn't touch with their guns and superior technology. The planet itself fought them out of the wildest places. The place that I'm taking you today doesn't exist on any Draka map. I'm trusting that you won't speak a word of this to anybody who asks you about what we did today. I can send the hover floater on so that it looks like we're taking another cruise through the mountains. You can talk about the lagoons, but you can't tell the Draka about this. Do you understand?"

  I was choked up with emotion by the trust that he was placing in me, a stranger. We might have made love yesterday, but that didn't mean that the two of us had spent much time together. "I promise not to talk about it."

  "Good." He took me to the exit. There was a tiny platform. "Wrap your arms around my waist like we're going for an airbike ride."

  I stepped on the platform and wrapped my arms around him. He smelled spicy.

  Then we were falling to the ground. I wrapped my arms a little tighter. His arms came around my shoulders and he nuzzled the top of my head. "You'll get used to it if you do it a few more times," he said. I didn't know if I even wanted to, but maybe it was necessary to be a Yore instead of just a Draka.

  When we got to the ground, there was someone waiting for us. He had skin the same color as Xuan's. He eyed me with suspicion. />
  "Who's that?" he asked


  "Someone new. Someone I trust." Xuan shrugged. "You can tell us to go back if you want."

  "I want to be here," I said.

  "She won't betray us," Xuan promised.

  "I don't like it, but you're already here. Send the airship on."

  Xuan touched some kind of control on his watch and sent the airship away from the lagoon.

  "Come in, then," the man said. Then he vanished.

  I jumped in the air, but I realized that it was simply an illusion. He'd been standing next to a rock. Xuan came to show me the concealed entrance before waiting for me to enter. It looked dark in there, but there were tiny points of green light.

  "Where's the light from?" I asked as I went into the ground in a cave full of green stars.

  "Glow worms."

  "Ew!" I yelped.

  "Relax. They're tiny. They won't hurt you."

  I knew that her mother would believe that the glow worms were filthy. If I were a little younger, I knew that I'd be spanked for even getting near them. But I wasn't a little girl anymore, which meant that I could descend into a glow worm cave surrounded by untamed Yore. I kept descending, even though the cave floor was incredibly wet.

  "Xuan," I said. She heard the endless number of echoes in the cave. "Wow, it gets loud in here."

  "Yeah," Xuan said. "They don't speak out loud down here."

  I wondered what they did speak and how I could be expected to learn about my Yore heritage from people who didn't speak. But Xuan seemed to know what he was doing and had taken the risk of bringing me here, so I felt like seeing what he had in store.

  As we got lower, the number of glow worms increased and the lights were brighter. I finally reached a small underground lake. Beside it were a bunch of small huts built out of stone.

  A lot of little kids were playing with a ball outside of the huts, but as soon as they saw me, they went into hiding, screaming "Trốn" to each other.


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