Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)

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Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5) Page 32

by Mikayla Lane

  Grai almost choked in relief as Tricia squeezed his hand gently and pulled him to the door. He followed her nervously inside and the first thing he saw was Balduen and Dare’s glowing faces.

  Grai tried to stay near the door, not wanting to disturb the close family gathered around the baby, proudly held in Balduen’s arms.

  The door banged open loudly and Traze slid into the room across the floor. “Where’s my nephew? Ok… he’s not my nephew, he’s my cousin. But he’s so little, he can be my nephew instead right?” Traze said on a rush of breath before David and Grai pulled him away from the family.

  “Hey!” Traze complained as he turned an irritated gaze on both of them while Dare and Baldy laughed.

  Dare smiled at Traze. “Let him go, Grai. And yes Traze, you can call him nephew instead. Family is family.” Dare said, smiling at Grai.

  Traze turned to smirk at David and Grai before yanking away from them and heading to the baby. Grai nodded at David, who left the room. When Grai turned back around, Balduen was standing in front of him. With the baby in his arms.

  “You know how to hold a baby, so no excuses.” Balduen said before he thrust the infant into Grai’s arms.

  Grai sucked in his breath as he looked down into the beautiful and chubby face of the baby. The connection he felt to the child was stronger than he expected it to be and was stunned when the baby opened his eyes.

  Clear blue eyes stared back at him with the black and gold swirls designating the two separate beasts inside of the child. The contrast to the boy’s head of white-blonde hair and light skin color was dramatic and gave the baby a mesmerizing appearance.

  Grai spoke through the lump in his throat. “He is beautiful.”

  Balduen laughed and snacked him on the back. “He is my son, he is handsome! Like his… mother.” Baldy said as he ducked the pillow Dare threw at him.

  Tricia looked at the precious baby and nodded her head. “Grai’s right, he is beautiful. Definitely like his mother.” She said teasingly, getting even with Baldy for picking on Grai’s lights.

  Balduen clutched his chest, as if in pain. “You’re killing me! Killing me!” He teased back.

  Dare laughed and was ready to throw another pillow at him when he charged the bed excitedly and hugged her close. Grai looked down at the baby and wondered what to do with him when the boy smiled up at him. Grai’s heart melted and a part of him hoped to one day give Tristan a brother or sister. He missed the wonder and joy that could be found in holding such pure innocence.

  Traze walked over to Grai and held out his arms for the baby. Grai looked over at Balduen and Dare to make sure it was ok and at their smiling nods, he handed the baby gently to his brother.

  “Hey neph! Damn you’re a little cutie aren’t you?” He asked the boy as he walked towards Dare with him cuddled close.

  “Have you thought of a name?” Vilaria asked curiously.

  Balduen smiled at his mate. “We’re calling him Lucan.”

  “Oooh, that’s lovely!” Vilaria said as everyone agreed.

  “It’s a strong name for a strong boy isn’t it? Welcome to your new world, little man. May you always find happiness and friends along your journey.” Traze said to the baby as he handed him to Vilaria.

  Dare and Balduen smiled at Traze’s blessing. “Thank you, Traze.” Dare said, sniffing back her tears.

  Balduen clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “We’re missing Koda, who said he’ll be here later. But we have a lot of people out there waiting to see what the little guy looks like and we want them to see he doesn’t have two heads, so it’s time for a family picture to show them. We’ll re-do it when Koda gets here.”

  When no one moved, Balduen began pushing everyone behind the head of Dare’s bed to stand for the picture while Vilaria handed Lucan back to Dare.

  When everyone was in place but Grai, Balduen put a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “You are more brother than cousin and I want you to stand behind me, not just for the picture. If anything were to happen…” Balduen said quietly, not wanting Dare to hear him.

  Grai choked on the honor Balduen was bestowing on him and had to be sure he was understanding him correctly. “What are you saying?”

  Balduen turned his back to the others. “I am telling you that you are to be my Ri-alla. Under the law of our people, if anything happens to me, I am trusting you with the protection and care of my family.”

  Grai was speechless for a moment so Balduen continued. “Before you say it, yes I am sure. Yes, I discussed it with Dare and she agrees. Now get over there and let’s get this pic over with.” Balduen said as he dragged a still stunned Grai over to the bed.

  Chapter Two

  A week before Christmas

  Grai stood in the middle of the gymnasium of the Dillon High School and tapped on the mic to make sure it was working. The majority of the town was sitting here in the gymnasium, so it took a while for them to stop talking and settle down. When everyone became silent, Grai began his planned speech for the people of Dillon.

  “We came here, to your country. To learn and honor your ways and share our own for the sake of our children and their children. What we found was an amazing town of people that we are proud to call friends.”

  “Our people celebrate bonding day. A day where we bond with our friends and neighbors. A day where we appreciate the sacrifices our neighbors have made for us and they appreciate those we have made for them.”

  “It is a time of joy and remembrance of the times when we stood, as one, to fight a common enemy or for a common goal. Of the past, when our forefathers fought as allies and friends for the sake of all.”

  “It is a time to celebrate selflessness and compassion for another. Not only for our similarities but our differences. In the spirit of our holiday and your easy acceptance of our strange ways...” Grai paused as the townspeople chuckled.

  He looked at the crowd of humans, aliens and hybrids and choked up a little over what they had all accomplished before continuing.

  “You have all been assigned seats, please look under them now. What you will find, is a gift from my people to you, completely paid for out of our salaries and with a generous donation from Freedom Enterprises.”

  “With this gift comes the promise that we will be here for you, as neighbors and friends. We hope that you have come to feel the same. Enjoy the festivities and may your chosen holiday bring you peace and joy.”

  Grai finished to the gasps and shouts of those in the town who were just now opening the envelopes containing the deeds to their homes and businesses. Also included was a thousand dollars in cash, to help them with any bills they had.

  Grai accepted the shouts of thanks and slaps on the back as he and the others headed out of the gym to the headquarters building where they would be celebrating their bonding day without the prying eyes of the human townspeople.

  The extra security teams that would be patrolling the town would blend in better with the crowds that would be swarming the downtown area for the party Grai was putting on for them. It had been strategically a better idea to put on their celebration and ensure the security of the town, than to let everyone go elsewhere.

  Meanwhile, his people were exhausting the portals as those who could get away from their posts, arrived to celebrate with friends and family. With so many coming from all over, Grai and Ivint scheduled a meeting with the heads of the different sectors for after their party.

  He headed into the building and went directly to the platform that was set up in the middle of the dining hall. He smiled as Tricia walked to his side, holding Tristan’s hand. He placed his arm around her waist and his other hand on Tristan’s shoulder as he looked around the room at his people.

  Scaden and Cari were laughing with Jax and Reven while Tessa and Amia played with Bayla and Melina. The twins were still an amazing sight among their people and they flourished under all of the attention.

  Now two years old, they had turned i
nto very beautiful girls, Grai thought as he watched the children play. They had long blonde hair that curled at the ends, bouncing at the middle of their backs. Their piercing blue eyes, just like Scaden’s, were swirled with hazel beast swirls.

  Tessa chatted with everyone as if she had known them forever, while Amia was much quieter, more reserved than her sister, yet her sharp eyes didn’t miss anything going on around her.

  Melina, who was never far from Bayla’s side, was shyly talking to Traze, while David was nearby to make sure the boy behaved. Grai couldn’t help but smile when Dare and Balduen arrived with little Lucan. His baby cousin was a pretty popular addition with his striking looks and unique eyes.

  Grai’s heart constricted with love and fear for his people. The responsibility of their safety and happiness weighing on him until Tricia gave him a nudge, reminding him that he was supposed to speak.

  Giving her a small smile, he whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Happy Bonding Day to you all and welcome to our celebration.”

  Grai paused while everyone returned the greeting, some more effusively than others, he thought with a smile as a few whooped and whistled.

  “We’ve come so far in the last year and accomplished so many things together through friendship and respect. We represent a multitude of races, from human to the rarest of them all, the Batranti.” Grai said with a nod at Cristali.

  “Yet we all have all come together as friend, as family, for a common goal. For the safety and happiness of our people. Our families and friends. Those here today and those who could not be here with us.”

  “We’ve all lost so much and fought so hard to be where we are right now. But the fight isn’t over yet. Our strength is not in our technology, our science or even our beast. It comes from within each and every one of us and it’s formed from your compassion and love for each other and the humans on this planet.”

  “And the hope that one day we will all find peace, understanding and happiness. We’ve lost friends and family to this cause and I wish I could say we won’t lose anymore, but we will. Although, the sacrifices made may never be known by the humans we’ve saved, we will never forget.”

  “My gift to you on this bonding day, is remembrance. Not for you, but for those that have paid the ultimate price so that we may stand here today and every day forward.”

  Grai paused when everyone gasped as the lights dimmed in the room and the lights came on in the garden area just outside of the glass windows and doors.

  Everyone started to head out the doors into the garden area and Grai and Tricia waited until everyone was out before following the sound of the voices outside.

  The first person they came upon was Cristali, who was being held by David as she wept quietly in front of the large stone, situated just outside of the glass doors to the building.

  When Cristali looked up and saw Grai, she launched herself into his arms. Tricia wiped the tears from her eyes as Grai held the small woman close as she whispered, “Thank you.”

  Choking back his own emotions, Grai whispered back, “No Cristali, thank you.”

  Cristali pulled back and reached out to run her hand over the massive twelve foot tall stone, inscribed in Batranti symbols that glowed at her touch. David reached out and nothing happened. He looked at Grai curiously.

  Cristali answered David’s unasked question. “It is a Torelian Stone. Our legends say that the power and spirit of my people came from the stones and that as long as the stones survived, our people will live on.”

  Cristali choked back the lump in her throat before continuing. “I thought that they were all destroyed with my planet.” She said as she ran her hand over the stone again, causing the symbols to glow eerily.

  Grai cleared his throat when Tricia nudged him. He didn’t want to tell Cristali that he and Koda had nearly died trying to save that rock. They had barely cleared the debris field after his father had blown the planet.

  He’d ended up beaten severely by his father for damaging the ship they had used. He couldn’t tell his father that he’d gone to save a rock or he’d have to admit he’d also smuggled Cristali off the planet as well. So he’d taken the beating while Koda hid the rock and Cristali.

  He smiled warmly at the emotional Batranti. “It was the only one we could save and we had nowhere to permanently place it for you, until now.”

  Cristali nodded through her tears and hugged him again before he and Tricia moved on through the garden with the others. Each of their fallen had a permanent rock memorial installed. Like Earth, their people also buried or entombed their dead. Because they could not leave any trace of their existence behind on this world, friend and foe alike were disintegrated with the light stones out of necessity. This, was Grai’s way of ensuring their sacrifice would never be forgotten.

  Ivint and Sacara approached and the large man slapped Grai on the shoulder. “You did well, my friend.” He said looking around at the lighted stones. “Very well indeed.”

  Ivint had been surprised to see a special stone circle installed in the middle of the garden, with the names of each of the original outpost crew that had crashed on the planet. He was touched that Grai had given them the honor.

  Grai knew Ivint was speaking of the stone circle and responded. “They are the reason we are here. All of us. It was they who led my father here and eventually me and my brothers and your son. I hope to one day find more of them, like Randor and Banatar so we can remove their stones and bring them back to our people. To home.”

  Ivint nodded his head mutely, wishing the same thing. There were still dozens missing who could still be out there in the world, unknowing that they were not alone. He also wanted them found. To give their families peace.

  Grai and Tricia moved among their people, making their way through the garden and the remembrance stones that were interspersed throughout it. They spoke quietly to those who were mourning their friends and family.

  The frigid air drove most back inside after a half hour or so and Grai turned concerned eyes to Tricia before herding her and Tristan back into the warmth of the building.

  Tricia smiled at Grai. “Stop handling me like a child. We’ve been through this before and you know I will not break.” Tricia said with a giggle.

  Grai couldn’t help it, he was a wreck. He really panicked when Balduen slapped him on the shoulder and said loudly, “Why would you be handling your woman so carefully, my friend? You have news to share maybe?” Balduen teased, while Grai blushed.

  The room became completely silent and Grai was trying to think of what to say when his precious son patted Tricia’s stomach and said, “Baby, baby, baby.”

  The room erupted in loud applause and congratulations were shouted around the room while Grai endured so many good-natured slaps on his shoulders, he knew he’d be bruised later.

  Grai was a little overwhelmed. By everything at this point. He hadn’t expected to be blessed with another child. In fact, Tricia had only confirmed it with Amun this morning. It was an unexpected surprise, but a joyful one that he was grateful to have.

  With the threat of his father’s discovery hanging over his head, Grai had never had the chance to be there with Tricia when she was pregnant with Tristan. He had almost missed his birth out of fear for their safety. This time, he thought, this time will be different.

  Chapter Three

  Christmas Day

  Grai, Tricia and Tristan were sitting around their Christmas tree sipping coffee while Tristan absently played with the wrapping paper from his presents. Grai couldn’t help but smile as he thought he should have just given the boy the paper instead of the gifts inside. He was getting more joy out of the paper.

  Grai tried to hide his yawn, but Tricia saw it. “Why aren’t you sleeping? What aren’t you telling me?” She asked bluntly, knowing something was eating at him for the last few weeks. Since Lara and the Tezarian brothers had left.

  Grai shook his head, unwilling to burden his pregnant mate with his thoughts and f
ears for his family and his people. “Now is not the time to discuss this, my love. Things will work themselves out, as they always do.”

  Grai stood and kissed his mate on the top of her head. “I need to head to the office for an hour or so, will you be alright while I am gone?”

  Tricia looked up at him worriedly and nodded her head, knowing that if he wasn’t willing to discuss it right now, nothing she could say would change his mind.

  Grai squeezed her hand gently and gave her a small smile. “No ice cream?” He teased, trying to distract her from her worries.

  Tricia laughed and shook her head. “No, there’s still some in the fridge.” She said as he nodded and left.

  Grai was heading down the hallway to his office deep in thought, barely acknowledging the greetings of those on duty in the building.


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