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When You're With Me

Page 9

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Jude ignored the pain and ran her hand down next to his to fondle her slick folds. It felt crazy and out of sorts to touch herself, and even crazier to do it with a man, but Ramon wasn’t just any man. He was the epitome of her naughtiest fantasies. The guy who made her body do things she’d never thought possible before. Could she feel this exhilarated with anyone else? She doubted it and didn’t want to find out.

  The burn between her legs shifted from pain to pleasure and each thrust made her feel more alive. Instead of fighting the feeling, she ground on him and met him action for action. Jude wondered what Ramon thought about as he impaled her on his surging cock. Did he enjoy her or was this just an act to fulfil a need?

  She glanced over her shoulder again. His eyes rolled back and his teeth clenched together. Either he liked it, or his acting skills were impeccable. A low rumble came from his throat as he came. Jude bit her bottom lip and enjoyed the experience. Life had never been this consuming and raw.

  “Come for me, Jude.” His voice was a husky growl that sent a shiver of desire the length of her spine. “Let it go and ride me. Fuck, I’m coming.”

  Jude screamed in pleasure as the orgasm racked her body. Hot seed coated her pussy and warmed her from within. Wet hair clung to the sides of her face in soggy tendrils. She pressed against the chill of the tiles and gasped for breath. Talk about an experience… Why had she waited so long to indulge in sex? She pushed the thought aside to deal with it later…much later.

  Ramon braced his hands on the slippery shower wall on either side of her head. “Turn around, beautiful.” The smouldering need burning in his eyes drove her senses wild. Jude had no idea what ran through his mind, other than fulfilment. Did he sense the same deep connection she knew existed between them?

  With the flick of his wrist, Ramon turned off the water. Jude stepped out of the tub and used the closest towel to explore his body. She took in the ripples and valleys with intense interest. He was gorgeous, manly…and so out of her league. The connection was real, but his interest would wane. She wasn’t sexy enough to hold his interest for long unless she proved him otherwise.

  In a burst of moxie, she planted tasting wet kisses along his sternum to the slender patch of hair that led to his cock. Her tongue blazed a trail of passion along his taut abdominal muscles.

  He moaned. “Oh, God, babe.”

  Heat seared within her body. She didn’t want short term. As she’d done so many times on stage, she shifted her hips in time to the music in her head and dropped to her knees. “You’ve pleasured me twice—now it’s my turn to love you.”

  Ramon twined his fingers in her hair, sending sparks straight to her toes. He groaned. “Yeah, babe.”

  Jude grasped his cock in one hand and kneaded his balls with the other. The springy curls and soft skin contrasted with the hard-as-steel rod saluting her. A bead of moisture glistened on the tip.

  He gasped. “Babe, you’re gonna make me come too soon.”

  His statement diverted her attention. Jude licked her lips. Make him come? Good idea. In one swift move, she took his cock in her hot wet mouth and simulated the sex they’d just had. Either she was a quick study, or he was a fantastic teacher. She guessed both.

  Ramon’s eyes rolled back in his head. A moan escaped his lips. His hands gripped her head, increasing her actions and making her wet once again. Jude hummed her approval and milked him to his second orgasm. She liked the taste of his salty offering mixed with soap and sweat from their bodies. She was living on the edge and loving every minute of it…and him. He tasted as good as he looked.

  Ramon used one hand to brace himself against the sink. Jude inwardly grinned—she’d made his knees go weak. She released his semi-hard cock and licked her lips once more. She hadn’t thought she had that kind of power. Maybe she did.

  He scooped her into his arms. “I’m all for sexing in the shower, but I’m a traditional kind of guy. Why don’t we try it in there?”

  Jude giggled and nestled her face into his neck. Even after sex, he smelt wonderful and masculine. “By all means. Take me on your bed.”

  He became hard at her command. “Yes, sweet girl. We should do that.” He dropped her feet to the ground. “After a nap. You’ve worn this old man out.”

  Jude snuggled into the blankets. Slumber filled her eyes and mind. “Sounds good,” she mumbled.

  Ramon laid her down on his massive queen-sized bed and curled up at her side under the sheets and thick comforter. “Was it all you expected?” He wrapped an arm possessively across her stomach. “I’m hoping I made it special.”

  I’m hoping I made you mine.

  Jude turned to face Ramon. “Better than I could’ve ever expected,” she murmured. “Now I see who I was waiting for… You.” She finished her sentence, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

  Ramon baulked at her statement. Waiting for him? What was so special about him? Being a virgin, she could have had any man. He stared at the ceiling. Jude was more than one in a million. She understood him and didn’t run from the dark parts of his soul. Well, she got Drew anyway. He rolled onto his side and nuzzled her hair. His eyelids drooped. Just a short nap…

  * * * *

  Ramon jerked. The screech of his cell phone ripped him from sleep. How long had he been out? He glanced at the clock. Only an hour had passed. Jude wriggled beside him, but didn’t wake. Fine. He scrubbed a hand over his face and grabbed for his phone.


  “You’re late.”

  Ramon groaned. Corey. Trust the shit to give him shit. “It’s six. I’m not due in until seven.”

  “Judy Blue’s supposed to be on stage right now.”

  Fuck. “She’ll be there.”

  “Just get her here within the hour. Or not. I’d love to fire you.” Corey clicked off the line.

  Ramon gritted his teeth. God damn it. There was only one way Corey and Tiny could have known about them being together at the same time. Did they have a tracker on her? A remote camera operation on her phone? Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Jude drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. “You look tense. Here.” She crawled onto his hips and leant down. “Let me relax you.”

  He should be worried about her being sore. Should care about getting her to the club so she wouldn’t have to deal with the wrath of Balthazar. But one touch of her slick heat against his cock threw his thoughts from the phone call. Screw the distractions. Time for Jude.

  “Stand up, sweets.”

  Jude slithered off his lap and stood beside the bed. Anticipation sparkled in her eyes. “Now what?”

  Ramon turned her around. “Hands on the mattress.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Like this?” She leaned over the edge of the bed and brought one leg up high, knee on the bed.

  Ramon stepped up to her position. So much for being in control. “Where did you learn this?”

  She reached around and guided his erection into her slippery pussy. He leaned into her and started to thrust. One taste of her wasn’t enough. He wanted forever.

  Jude ground her body into his and placed his hands on her breasts. “I’ll die if you don’t touch me.”

  Ramon obliged with a sexy growl. He wrapped one arm around her waist and used his other hand to pinch her swollen nipple. “We wouldn’t want that.”

  Jude’s eyes rolled back in her head. “If I wanted to learn things, I watched movies.”

  He slapped her butt with the flat of his hand, bringing a groan of pleasure from deep in her throat. “Smart-ass.”

  Jude arched her back and squealed with pleasure. “Yes,” she said in a sensual groan. “Faster, Ramon.”

  He released her breast and gripped her hips to drive into her deeper. “You’re such a hot, bad girl, sweets.” She managed to push him to the ragged edge in less than a heartbeat. “I love bad girls.”

  She gripped the sheet and trembled. “Ramon! Don’t stop. I’m coming.”

  His orgasm hit its peak with hers. He groane
d, sated. “God, you’re good.” Ramon added a couple of extra thrusts once the orgasm had passed. He slid to her side and stroked her hair. “So good.”

  Jude took his arm and wrapped it around her body. “I can’t move.” She giggled. “But I like it.”

  “I don’t think I can either.” Ramon sighed and nibbled her ear. “Great sex will do that and I’d label this right at the top.”

  She wriggled onto her side to look him in the eye. “We need to get to work.”

  “I know.” He growled. Damn it. “I’ll take you in, little girl. I got a reminder call and you were supposed to be on stage an hour ago.”

  “Oh, Christ.” Jude trembled and her eyes widened. “Just protect me. I like knowing you’ve got my back.”

  “Anything.” He tucked her close to his side and stroked her hair again. Just let me keep her safe and with me.

  Chapter Six

  Jude tapped her fingers on the notebook in her lap and rolled her eyes. “AH four-thirteen.”

  Ramon cocked his head. She’d rarely used the phone in the three weeks they’d been together. “What are you—?”

  She put her index finger to her lips. “AS four-forty-one.”

  Frowning, he peeked over her shoulder. Class catalogue? She’d not said a thing about taking more classes. If she had, how hadn’t he noticed? He folded his arms and paced. Things at the club had hit a plateau, but that meant nothing. Drugs still swirled around the club and the girls continued to offer extra services. Tiny just observed it all.

  If Tiny wanted to cause trouble, all he had to do was say the word and with the cameras everywhere… He glanced at the walls. A red light blinked in the vent above the door. Another fucking camera. Didn’t Tiny have anything better to do than spy on his employees? For all Ramon knew, the tapes were ending up on the Internet.

  He groaned and turned back to Jude. “What’s up?”

  Her shoulder edged upwards a fraction of an inch. “I missed too many class meetings this semester. I need to take one of my history classes and a studio class over if I don’t manage a high enough grade. It sucks, but that’s life.”

  Take them over again? That’s life? He scoffed. He’d seen her work and knew she devoted herself to both her art and her job. Well, hell. “What can I do to help?”

  “Besides make it so I can get more schooling done and work less?” She waved her hand. “I’m behind on one of my portraiture projects.” Jude tipped her head. The corner of her mouth curled in a smile. “Can I use you?”

  What did she have on her mind? “Didn’t you use me three times already? Or was it four?” He chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong. I loved every moment. Feel free to bend me to your will.”

  She licked her lips. “I want you to pose for me. I want to render you in charcoal.”

  Ramon grasped her hand and considered her words. A drawing of him. His body and her emotions captured on paper for anyone to see. Dangerous. Someone could recognise him if she used it for a class and yet he didn’t mind. “How?”

  “I’ll use my charcoals and the sketch pad from class. You just have to sit or lie there.” Jude slid from the bed. Her ass swayed as she crossed the room to retrieve her supplies. His mouth watered.

  Ramon finger-combed his hair. “Okay.” He slid from the bed to retrieve his boxer shorts. “How would you like me?”

  Jude rushed forward and grabbed his hand. “Nude.”

  He cocked a brow. “Me?”

  Jude nodded. “Are you scared?”

  “Scared? Never.” Ramon tossed the underwear across the room. “I’m game. Whatever you want, babe.”

  Pink flushed across her cheeks. “Really?” A smile started at the corner of her mouth and widened. Genuine. Sweet. God, he loved her natural beauty.

  “How do you want me, babe? Stretched in front of you? Posed like I’m thinking hard? Or maybe I could re-enact that ridiculous pose the professor put you in.”

  Jude nibbled her fingernail. “I did have a pose sort of picked out.”

  Ramon slid his arms around her body. He kissed her until they both couldn’t breathe. “Shape me. I’m yours.”

  She licked her bottom lip. “Recline on the bed like you’re watching television.” Jude wriggled from his embrace and arranged the pillows. “Don’t look at me. Focus on the screen and hold still.”

  He stretched out across the mattress as she’d instructed. Jude sat in the armchair to his right. She closed her eyes and took a long breath. He couldn’t smother the grin forming on his lips.

  Each time her gaze strayed over his body, each time she studied him, the closer he felt to her. He shivered. It was like she saw through to his soul. Like she knew his secrets…and she didn’t mind them. His connection to her became deeper, more intimate. Jude shared her body through their lovemaking. When she created art, she shared her entire being down to her soul. Damn, she was sexy when she worked.

  A furrow crinkled between her brows as she concentrated. When she pushed her hair from her eyes, a bit of charcoal smeared across her forehead.

  Blood surged through his system at warp speed. He’d thought he liked women who were elegant and refined. Why did that smear send his senses reeling? Because she was real, honest and unabashed. His admiration for Jude grew in proportion to his erection. He ran his tongue around his dry mouth. “Sweet girl, I need a break.”

  Jude tucked another lock of hair behind her ear, smearing charcoal across her cheek. “You can move. I’m done.”

  Ramon slid to the edge of the bed and stretched. “Show me. I want to see how you see me.”

  Jude blushed. The scarlet hue spread from her hairline to her breasts. She presented him with the sketch pad. “I see you like this.”

  Ramon snaked an arm around her waist and studied the drawing. She had indeed captured him. The control in his eyes, the hard line of his muscles, the birthmark on his thigh and the jagged scar on his chest. He chuckled. She had given him dark hair, despite the ridiculous streaks dyed into the brown. He looked tired yet strong, conflicted yet sure. She’d captured Ramon as his true self…as Drew.

  “Sweet girl, it’s amazing.” He placed the pad on the dresser. “Come here.”

  Jude sat on his lap. Uncertainty clouded her blue eyes. Ramon cupped her face, rubbing his nose along her cheek. “I’ll tell you what’s just as amazing.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath. Her fingers wound through his hair. “What?”


  She pulled away. Her lips parted on a small gasp. “Flatterer.”

  Ramon nipped her bottom lip. “You’re mesmerising in the club, but you’re sexier when you’re creating.”

  Jude stared deep into his eyes. She opened and closed her mouth like she wasn’t sure what to say.

  “Talk to me, babe. I can see the wheels turning.”

  Her gaze never wavered. “I love you.”

  Shock thundered through his system. Sure, he’d wanted to hear those exact words from her from nearly the moment he’d met her. And now he couldn’t take what she offered. She’d fallen in love with Ramon. Not Drew. Fuck. “Come again?”

  She shook her head and wriggled in his grasp. “Nothing.”


  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  She scampered under his arm and disappeared behind the bathroom door. Ramon raked his fingers through his hair. She loved him. His heart clenched. She’d made love to him because she’d followed her emotions. How was he going to get her to love the man behind the disguise?

  “Sweet girl, come out and talk to me.”

  Jude splashed water on her face once more to wash away the evidence of her disappointment. She’d told him she loved him and he’d acted like she hadn’t said anything. Some men weren’t good with emotions. Some men cared only about what they wanted. She couldn’t read him. Did he care or not? Or was he the type of guy who wanted nothing more than an afternoon fuck?

  She studied her reflection in the mirror. Red-rimmed blue eyes, flushed chee
ks, mussed hair and a very nude body formed the image. A lump lodged in her throat. She looked easy, like a tramp. Nothing like a woman with morals and self-esteem. Did Ramon see her in the same light? She had bared not only her body to him, but also her soul. Tears burned behind her eyelids and she gulped air. Time to walk out with dignity.

  Jude twisted the knob and opened the door. Ramon stood on the other side with one hand propped on his hip and the other hand rubbing over his face. “Honey, I—”

  She placed her index finger over his mouth. “Ramon, don’t.” Her heart ripped in half within her chest as she held firm to her pride. Jude scooted past him and grabbed her clothes from the floor. “I need to go.”

  Ramon touched her shoulder. “Why?”

  Jude tugged her jeans past her hips and yanked her T-shirt over her head. “I need air.” She edged past him and strode to the door.


  She froze.

  “Honey, I’m not the type of man who can tell you he loves you. I’m not sure what love is. I refuse to sell you a line of bullshit.” Until I’m sure I can give you what you need.

  “I know.” With that reply, she walked stiff-shouldered into the hallway and down the corridor to the stairwell. As her bare feet moved over the worn carpet, Jude replayed her time with Ramon in her head. Tears burned her cheeks as they slid from her eyes. How could she have been so foolish as to think love would come after a few weeks? It wasn’t like she knew his life story—only bits and pieces. Why did her heart feel raw and exposed? Because she cared about the man. She loved him.

  She burst through the door to her floor. A voice in the back of her mind nagged at her. Was he worth it? Was he really the man who deserved her heart and what was left of her virginity? True, she’d made a failed attempt at sex once with Neil McDaniel, but with Ramon it had been a transcending experience. He made her feel sexy, wanted and cherished. Why did those emotions seem so foolhardy now?


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