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One Shameless Night: An Enemies To Lovers Stand Alone Single Dad Romance (The West Sisters Novel Book 2)

Page 19

by A. Hargrove

Why the fuck had I taken this route? I could've avoided it by driving a different way, but no.

  “No one.”

  Before I could stop her, she got out of the ranger and walked toward the monument. This wasn't any ordinary monument either. I'd commissioned one of the most famous sculptors in Italy to do it. It was magnificent. A beautiful cherub sitting above a tangled grapevine, her wings spread, to mimic her soaring above the field, but the most arresting thing about it was her face. He'd copied it from a picture I gave him of my daughter. And he'd hit it dead on.

  “Oh, God. This is unreal,” Piper called back.

  The inscription on the monument said, “May you always soar high in the heavens, My Angel, Francesca.”

  She ran her fingers over the words as I froze in the seat. She turned to stare at me, and I was lost. Tears filled my eyes as I thought back to the day she died.

  “Alessandro, who was Francesca?”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Tragedy upon tragedy. Why had this man been dealt so much? Angel, or Francesca, was his daughter. He whispered the words as I listened to the dreadful story.

  “I hadn't planned to bring you here, but subconsciously I must've wanted you to know.”

  “She was such a beautiful baby.” My heart was breaking for this man and the baby he had lost.

  “You can't even know, Piper. It took me a long time to be able to talk about her. And that bitch I was married to—she never once expressed remorse over what she’d done, not even at her trial. She walked away from the scene, only concerned about herself. She'd left Gabriele in his car seat, hanging upside down, as she stumbled down the road, drunk.”

  Mortification over her behavior nailed me. How could someone do that to their own children?

  “Many people came to her defense, saying she wasn't in her right mind and that the alcohol had made her crazy, that it was the disease that had gotten to her. But by that point, I didn't care anymore. I'd sent her to rehab, but she only wanted one thing, and that was money. After the accident, she went to prison where she remains. But now she's trying to contact Gabriele and I want him far away from her. That's why we can't stay here. I'm afraid she'll find a way to take him.”

  “That’s awful. You must worry about it all the time.”

  “If you recall, when we first met I told you the job was so important. It’s because I wanted to stay in the U.K. to keep him away from here.”

  “You mentioned the U.S.?”

  “Yes, if I didn't get the job in Cambridge, I was going to try for that.”

  “I see.”

  “And I was thinking when you were finished, we could all go there. I've even been thinking of changing our names since they're so recognizable. I don't want her to find us.”

  “It wouldn't be that hard. If you changed your name, would your degrees convey too?”

  “My attorney is checking into that. But I think so since I earned the degrees, my name didn't.”

  “You'd really leave all this?” Her arm fanned a circle.

  “Piper, I'd do anything to keep my son safe.”

  “Maybe Evan can help.”


  “He has tons of resources. We can ask when he gets here. But one thing you haven’t thought of. How would she be able to get a passport with a criminal record?”

  “That was something I hadn’t considered and it’s a good point. But knowing her, she’d figure something out. She’s very conniving.”

  The conversation on that subject ended and we finished the tour. But Angel's Field had soured his mood. It was easy to see how it had troubled him. Maybe not Angel’s Field per se, but Chiara.

  He slammed his hands against the steering wheel.


  “I should've listened to my father and never married that witch.”

  I covered his hand with mine. “Yeah? Then you'd never have Gabriele. He's your blessing, Alessandro. You were given him in return. I'm not sure you want that.”

  “You're right. Life without him would be unimaginable.”

  We crested a hill and he pointed to a view. “This is my favorite spot. I'll bring you here sometime with some wine and cheese and we'll watch the sunset.”

  “How about tonight?”


  “Yeah. I'd love that.”

  “Maybe, if it doesn’t get too cold,” he said.

  “We could bring blankets and snuggle. Even better.”

  He stopped the ranger then leaned over and kissed me. My lips were getting better, still a bit puffy, but not nearly as painful. So I grabbed his head and pulled him even closer, deepening the kiss. He groaned and kissed me back. Only he stopped before I got my fill of him.

  “Piper, I need you. It's been too long.”

  “It has. I need you too. Do you think we can...”

  “I don't want to hurt you.”

  “We could try different positions. You know, maybe one that wouldn't?”

  “You're tempting me.”

  “I'm trying my best.”

  He put the ranger in gear and floored it. We got back to the house and he parked the thing out back. Then we took the terrace entrance into his room and he locked both doors. We were kissing as we walked inside.

  My pants didn't stand a chance against his needy hands. I was just happy he didn't ruin them like he did my panties. They weren't cooperating, so he ripped the sides and tore them off as I laughed.

  When his fingers landed on ground zero, it wasn't easy to breathe. I'd waited too long for this. His mouth devoured mine and I gave back what I could. But his hands—they were everywhere I needed them to be. He fingered me to a quick orgasm as he swallowed my moans.

  “You're so wet for me and feel how hard I am for you.”

  I only had one hand to use, so I cupped him over his pants to find him more than ready for me. I undid his jeans, with a bit of help from him, and he sprang out fully erect. His cock was gorgeous. Some are, some not so much. He was one of the lucky ones. He spun me around and leaned me against the wall, spreading my legs with his thigh. His cock inched inside of me, and damn did I ever need this.

  In, out, in, out, faster, harder, and he banged me like an expert. An arm wrapped around me, while his hand spread across my lower abdomen. His pinky slipped down over my clit and pressed a circular motion as he thrust into me. I was chasing my orgasm and when his finger touched me, I caught it with both hands, and ran with it.

  My muscles clenched his cock and it didn’t take long before he was getting his own. I felt his heat inside me as he continued to pump against me. Then he lifted my hair and kissed the back of my neck, the side of my face, my temple, and finally the corner of my mouth.

  “Piper...I love you. I love everything that you are. Tell me I didn't hurt you.”

  “You didn't hurt me. You made me feel awesome. The best. Alessandro, I...”

  “Hush. You don't have to say anything. I didn't tell you that to get you to say it in return. I only wanted you to know my heart.”

  “I do and I love you too. I was going to say that I am so happy we met on the plane that night, even though you were an ass to me for a while.”

  I whimpered when he pulled out. “Don't move,” he said.

  He came back with a warm cloth and cleaned me up, which was a little weird.

  “What's wrong?” he asked as I squirmed.


  “You’re embarrassed.”


  “I've seen all of you. I didn't want you having to walk around a mess.”

  “That's actually kind of you. And yeah, it's a bit awkward but sweet.”

  He turned me back to face him and said, “Nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, I adore that part of you.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Definitely, yeah.”

  Then we kissed again. I'd never taken my shirt off but he lifted it up now. “You're healing up quickly.” He kissed my breasts. “Have I told you h
ow much I love these? They’re gorgeous.” He pulled a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  I hissed. “Not today. Must be that arnica cream.”

  He released it with a pop. “No, I was talking about your stitches. We have an appointment in three days to get them taken out.” Then he took the other nipple and nibbled on it.

  “Ah. Yes, and I can't wait. They itch.”

  “Your nipples?” He grinned.


  He inspected the stitches and tilted his head. Then his eyes darkened with anger. “Fuck. Those are that bastard's initials.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  She crumpled when the words left my mouth. How had this escaped me before? It was so clear now. M was carved over and over across her abdomen. It crisscrossed in areas but he'd done one hell of a job on her. I wanted to wrap my hands around his murderous neck and squeeze until there was no life left in him.

  The force of my hatred impacted me with a crushing blow to my chest. The word revenge echoed in my head. It was her hand on my cheek that brought me back.

  “Don't, Alessandro. It's over. The doctor told me the cuts weren't deep enough to leave lasting scars.”

  “You had to be sewn up, for fuck’s sake!” She shriveled at my words. Then I knew. I should've thumped myself in the skull. “Oh, God, I'm sorry. It's you who has suffered and I'm acting like an idiot.”

  “It's ugly, I know. I'm sorry.”

  Now I'd really done it. “Piper, you could be covered in the worst things imaginable and I will always believe you are the most beautiful person alive. Scars wouldn’t change a thing. These don't change a thing. Nothing can mar your beauty. I was angry with him for hurting you and causing you pain. But I now recognize something. It used to be about what Chiara did.”

  “Chiara? I don’t understand.”

  “Seeing this made me realize I value you more than anything. What you went through and how you were hurt is more than what Chiara did to me. Yes, I lost a child, and I'm not minimizing that, or what she almost did to Gabriele. That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is I am more emotionally attached to you than anything.” I scrubbed my face. “Am I even making sense? When I say it out loud, it sounds like I don't care about my children but that's not what I mean.”

  She looked as confused as my words sounded. “I think so?”

  “Let me try to explain. When I saw what he did, it nailed me right in the heart. Before you, I was maybe feeling sorry for myself at what Chiara had done to me and my family. Papa kept telling me to let it go or I would grow old and be forever bitter. He was right, only I didn't see it. Until you. But it took seeing this” —I ran my fingers lightly over her abdomen, which she'd covered with her shirt again— “to make me truly understand.”

  “I think it's becoming clearer. In other words, Chiara dominated your headspace, until this.”


  “But, Alessandro, what she did was unforgivable.”

  “True, but what Michael did was too.”

  “Yeah. We both have our demons, even though they are different.” She plucked at her shirt.

  “I think we can help each other grow from them and learn to not let them dominate us. That's something I haven't been able to do.”

  She sat on the bed. “Did you go to counseling?”

  “Yes, but I didn't stick with it. My anger got in the way. And I don't think I chose the right counselor. My focus was Gabriele and I assumed if I put all my energy into him, it would heal me. I was wrong.”

  “It's not too late.”

  “I know.”

  Then came a loud knock on the door. “Papa? Papa? Where is Piper? I want to give her a tour.”

  We looked at each other and she yanked up her pants. I grabbed her destroyed underwear and tossed them into the trash as I hurried to zip my own pants. Then I opened the door when we were both presentable.

  “You want to give her a tour?”

  “Yeah. Nonno said I could.”

  “Piper?” I asked. “What do you say?”

  “Sure. I love tours.”

  Gabriele's tour had nothing to do with the vineyard. It had everything to do with his favorite play areas—the pond, the pool, the giant sandbox the nonni had made him, and the tree swings.

  “Come on, Piper, let's swing.”

  They were huge, so I put her on my lap as we sat on one. She whispered, “This is actually romantic.”

  “It is.” I hadn't thought so when the nonni built them. Gabriele was four.

  “Watch, Piper. I can jump from this.”

  As I was getting ready to warn him, he let go and jumped. It didn't turn out so good as he crashed into the dirt and let out a howl.

  Both of us were at his side in a flash. His knees were bleeding and so were the palms of his hands.

  “Gabriele, stop screaming,” I yelled. Piper shot me a nasty glance. I was terrible in emergencies.

  “It's fine, Gabriele. Only a few minor scratches, but we need to go home to get them cleaned up.”

  He still cried and I was worried something was broken. Anytime he hurt himself, I freaked. I hated blood and wounds on this child.

  Piper couldn't hold him, so I had her drive while he sat in my lap. I was almost fainting myself. When we arrived at the house, I carried him inside and put him on the kitchen counter. Where the fuck were the nonne? They were always in the kitchen.

  One scolding look from Piper and I was reduced to a twelve-year-old.

  “Alessandro, I need some clean cloths,” she said calmly.

  She ran the cold water and I handed her the cloths. She took off Gabriele's shoes and put his legs into the sink in order to wash his knees. He was wearing shorts, so it made it easier. When the water hit him, he let out a shrilling yelp. It was even worse when the soapy cloth washed him. Tears ran down his face as he called out for me, but I couldn't hold his hand because it was covered in dirt and blood.

  “Almost done, my brave boy,” she said.

  Then to me, “I need some antiseptic cream and Band-Aids.”

  I went off for some and when I got back, she was working on his hands. He was still hollering but by the time she finished and bandaged him up, he'd gotten to the point of hiccups. A pitiful sight he was, so I asked him if he wanted some gelato.


  I scooped us all cups and we sat around the table and ate. By the time we were finished, his tears had dried and he was smiling again.

  “Gabriele, remember how I told you not to jump off the swing? And that you could crash and hurt yourself?”

  “Yeah.” He hung his little head, acting remorseful.

  “That was what I meant. You have to be a little older to do that.”

  Huge hazel eyes reached out to me. “But I wanted to show Piper.”

  “I know. And Piper will see you do it someday. Just not quite yet. She doesn't like it when you’re hurt, just like you don't like it when she's hurt.”

  “Okay, I won't do it until I turn seven.”

  “But that's only three months from now. I was thinking when you’re nine.”

  “Papa, I'll be old then. I won't want to swing anymore.”

  “You won't?”


  “What will you want to do then?”

  “Drive race cars.”

  And he ran off.

  “Drive race cars? When he's nine?” Piper asked, then chortled.

  “Didn't you know?”

  “Know what?”

  With a very serious expression, I said, “That's when we start teaching our kids here to drive them.”

  Chapter Forty


  Three days later, we sat in the doctor's office as he removed my stitches. It took a while, as there were so many. When he finished, he asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “Still sore. The ribs mainly. My jaw still aches and all the bruises too. Other than that I'm fine.”

  He examined me and wanted to d
o another MRI. I wasn't all that excited about it, but Alessandro persuaded me to have it done.

  “What harm is there? At least we'll know how things are.”

  “Fine.” Grumpy Piper made an appearance.

  We told the doctor, who was pleased with the decision. He scheduled it for the following week. Upon hearing this, I refused.

  “No. That's when my family arrives and I'm going to spend every possible minute with them. It's either today or after they leave.” I wasn't budging on this.

  Alessandro pulled the doctor out of the room. They came back after a while and the doctor said, “I have you scheduled for this afternoon.” Alessandro wore a smug grin. What the hell had he done? Paid off the guy? I'd find out when we left.

  When we were out of there, I asked him.

  “I didn't pay him. I offered him a case of wine.”

  “That's the same thing.”

  “It accomplished getting your test done.”

  “But what if someone needed the MRI worse than me?”

  “Piper, they aren't kicking someone out. They're squeezing you in.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “I am.”

  I didn't want someone dying because of an unnecessary exam. We ate lunch in Florence. I'd never been here, and it was a fantastic city, filled with things I wanted to come back to tour.

  “You will. We will come when your family arrives and you feel like walking and doing these things.”

  “But Sylvie won't want to leave her twins.”

  “Huh. Wait until the nonne see them. She won't have a choice.”

  I had my MRI and we'd get the results the next day, Alessandro told me.

  “How do you know that?”

  “The doctor told me.”

  Apparently they didn't have HIPAA here.

  “Another case of wine?”

  “Of course.” He winked. Wine came in handy for everything here, I was learning. “Is there anything you want to do while we're out?”

  “I'm not sure. You tell me.”

  We drove to the small town of Siena, the one with the horse races that Gabriele told me about.


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