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One Shameless Night: An Enemies To Lovers Stand Alone Single Dad Romance (The West Sisters Novel Book 2)

Page 24

by A. Hargrove

  “It’ll get better.”

  “Yeah, right. It is already though, now that I know the little squirt is okay. He’s fitting in at school, right?”

  “He loves it and is a huge help with the twins. You wouldn’t believe how much he helps Sylvie.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.”

  “Alessandro is gone a lot with the procurement of the manufacturing facility and the distribution center. It’s perfect with him here. Don’t worry.”

  “Okay, I won’t. With the trial coming up in March, I’m not sure when I’m going to get back there.”

  “Yeah, I know. But John is planning to be with you and so will Alessandro, so don’t worry.”

  “Thanks for calming me down. Kiss all the boys for me.”

  He chuckled. “I’d rather kiss my wife.”

  “Shut up. I’ll call later.”

  Tommaso was with me as I was on campus, on my way to the library. I had some research to do, and then I was going home.

  He turned out to be a great companion. He talked when necessary, but I wasn’t compelled to make conversation with him. We drove home and he started a fire as I made some coffee. I was sitting down to open my computer and get a bit of work done, when the front door opened and in walked Alessandro.

  Had I not been sitting, I would’ve hit the ground. I jumped up and ran straight into his arms as he lifted me in the air.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day!” he said, and then kissed me. He carried me upstairs, directly to the bedroom, and we stayed there for the next few hours.

  I lost count of the number of orgasms I had after four. The man was insatiable. He nearly ruined my jeans with his impatience. The zipper wouldn’t cooperate and I had to stop him from ripping it apart in his haste. I brushed his hands aside and undid it myself.

  He licked and sucked my clit until I moaned and screamed. Then he fucked me with my legs over his shoulders, and that was before he flipped me on my stomach and took me from behind. The next go-round, he had me straddle him and ride him as he tweaked my nipples and played with my clit. It was an orgasmic carnival as we made up for lost time. Afterward, we hit the shower which turned into another fuckfest, complete with an epic happy ending or two.

  When we were done bathing, he stared at me, saying nothing.


  “God, I didn’t think it was possible to miss someone this much.”

  “I didn’t either. Every night when I go to bed, I count the days until March. It’s been awful without you around. And I’ve felt like such a big baby.”

  He laughed. “So have I.” Then his arms were around me, kissing me. “Are we ever going to put clothes on again?”

  “I certainly hope so because I can’t go to class naked.”

  “And you won’t. No one will ever see you that way, except for me.” My alpha had landed. He backed me against the wall and pressed himself into me. “You’re mine. Every single bit of you. No one will ever have you but me. Tell me you understand.”

  “No one. I’m yours, Alessandro. Always.”

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  It was late the following day when I left my beautiful Piper. She was strong as she kissed me goodbye. Emma drove me to the airport in order for me to fly back to the states. On the way, Emma assured me she was doing fine.

  “Her counselor is the best around and Piper told me she loves her.”

  “She told me the same, but I wasn’t sure if it was just to make me feel better.”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve noticed a difference in her already. She’s quickly becoming her old self again. Not afraid to be alone. But I’m glad Tommaso is here.”

  Laughing, I asked, “Is that for selfish reasons?”

  “No. Okay, the man is quite a package, but I am more concerned about my friend than that.”

  “And you’ve been a very good friend to her too. I’m worried about her though during the trial. I wish she didn’t have to testify.”

  “Without her, we don’t have a case.”

  “I know. I’m planning to be here for it.”

  “You damn well better be.” She quickly glanced at me and scowled.

  “I am. The only thing that would prevent me is Gabriele.”

  “What about him?”

  “Nothing. He’s fine. I’m just saying if something with him came up, that’s the only reason I wouldn’t come.”

  “The only way I’ll give you a pass is if your bloody arse is dead.”

  “Don’t get all crazy on me. I won’t miss it. I’ll be here.”

  She grumbled something, but I didn’t understand what she said, and I was afraid to ask. Emma wasn’t someone you wanted pissed off at you. We made it to the airport and I only had a backpack with me, so I jumped out almost before the car stopped. Leaning in, I said, “Thanks so much for the ride, and thanks for watching out for my girl.”

  She didn’t answer but flipped me off. The wheels squealed as she drove away. I hurried inside to check in at the gate before she did a U-turn and decided to come back and kick my ass.

  The flight home was long. I was tired from not sleeping all night. Piper and I didn’t waste a second of our time together. But now I was paying the price. I thought I’d sleep the trip home, but my brain wouldn’t shut down. All I saw was her on the witness stand, facing that lunatic who’d abducted her. I hoped she would remain calm and give a solid testimony.

  A car was waiting for me at the airport. It was a good thing I hadn’t driven, as I originally planned. Evan talked me out of it, saying I’d be too exhausted. He was right. I slept on the way back to their house. But when I got there, I was greeted with some bad news. Gabriele had the flu, so they’d quarantined him in his room, afraid the twins would get it.

  I ran up there and his fever and cough were awful. He’d already been to the doctor, but the medicine hadn’t kicked in yet.

  “Papa, I’m sick,” he croaked.

  “I know and I’m sorry.” I took off my shoes and got into bed with him. Neither of us had gotten vaccinated, and we were paying the price. Even if I didn’t get sick, seeing him ill was bad enough. Resting my palm on his forehead, I found him to be burning up.

  “Gabriele, have you had anything to drink?”

  “My throat hurts,” he croaked.

  “You need to drink to help it get better.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  He needed ice, so I was going to force it down him.

  “Don’t leave, Papa.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  When I returned, I carried a tray filled with all sorts of items. Sylvie told me she had no luck in getting him to drink. It was my duty to see he did.

  “Here.” I handed him a cherry popsicle.

  “No, Papa.” He didn’t even lift his head off the pillow.

  “You don’t want a popsicle?”


  “The cold will help your throat.” His dubious expression told me everything. “Just try a tiny bite to see. I’ll hold it for you.” I poked him on the lips with it, to tempt him. Finally, he opened his mouth and nibbled at it. It wasn’t long before the thing was gone, leaving his lips and tongue bright red.

  “Better?” I asked.


  “I brought some orange drink too.” It was something for sick kids that Sylvie gave me. “It’s on crushed ice so it should be good.” I stuck the straw by his lips and he sucked.

  “Mmm. Good.”

  He finished the glass and when the appropriate amount of time passed, I checked his temperature. It was still 102. “Did Aunt Sylvie give you any medicine?”

  “Uh huh. Orange kind.”

  I shot her a text and she told me she’d given him something for the fever two hours ago. It should’ve worked by now. Gabriele didn’t get sick, so I was surprised he was this ill. I’d rest a while and then check it again in a little bit.

  Gabriele woke me
up climbing over me.

  “Papa, I have to go to the bathroom.”

  I was groggy with sleep, but I got out of bed and checked the time. Shit, I’d fallen asleep for six hours.

  “How are you feeling?”


  “You sound better. Less like a frog.”

  “I’m not a frog.” I was thankful for the half-grin I received.

  “I know, but I thought you were when I got home.”

  He washed his hands and got back in bed. “I’m thirsty.”

  There was water on the tray but no ice. “Do you want some more orange drink?”

  “Si. Yes, please.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Mmm. Not much.”

  “I’ll be back.” In the kitchen were some snacks that Sylvie left out, along with some more of the drink she’d given me earlier. The house was quiet with everyone asleep. I refilled the tray and carried it upstairs to the waiting patient. He hesitantly ate but any little bit pleased me. When he was done, we both fell back to sleep.

  In the morning, he was better. He still had a low fever, but only 100.

  “Looks like no school for you today and you’ll have to stay in your room since we don’t want the babies to get sick.”

  “Can I watch TV?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He didn’t have one in his room. That was something I was adamant about. I had one in mine, so I’d let him get into my bed and watch it.

  “Did Piper like my heart?”

  “She loved it and oh...” I went to the backpack I’d dropped on the floor last night and pulled out his gift. “This is for you.”

  “It’s a big sucker from my favorite store!”

  “It sure is.”

  “Papa, can I have it now?”

  “Maybe later today. First, you have to eat some breakfast. I’ll go down and get some for you.”

  “Papa? Does Piper still love me?”

  He sat in bed with the covers pulled up to his chin. The huge bed dwarfed him, making him appear lost and forlorn. I pulled him into my arms immediately. “Of course she does. With her whole heart.”

  “If she still loves me, why isn’t she here?”

  “Because she has classes in England. Remember?”

  “I miss her.” Then his tears came. I wondered how long it would take for this to begin.

  “Guess what? She misses you too and can’t wait to come back here. When she does, we’re going to move into our own house.”

  “How much longer, Papa?”

  “In March. One more month. That’s all.”

  “Will I still be sick?”

  I had to laugh. “Goodness, I hope not. You’re already getting better. Yesterday you didn’t even want to eat or drink. See?”

  “Uh huh.” He curled into me and held on tight. This little ball of love was my everything.

  “Papa, if Piper loves me with her whole heart, how can she love you too?”

  “Because when you love someone, there is always room in your heart. Just like you love me, you love her too. And your nonne and nonni.”

  “Then is it okay if I love Chelsea at school? Because she kissed me and said she loves me.”

  “Did she?”

  “Yep, and she gave me a candy heart that said it too. It was pink. The other boys laughed, but I told them they weren’t lucky like me because she’s pretty.”

  “I’m proud of you, Gabriele, for doing what’s right. And not just because she’s pretty.”

  “But, Papa, she is. She has yellow hair and big teeth, and her own ball for football too.”

  “I see.” Yellow hair and big teeth made her sound quite wolfish, but I’d hold my judgment for when I saw her.

  “You will at the school program next week. It’s for some man, but I can’t remember his name.”

  “Do you mean President’s Day?”

  “Yeah. Who is president?”

  “I’ll explain later. Right now I’m going to get us something to eat.” I chuckled all the way down to the kitchen.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  Graduation Day arrived and what should’ve been an exciting moment had lost its luster due to the upcoming trial for that dickhead, Michael Critchly. Alessandro wanted to be here, but I told him to come to the trial instead. I would much prefer to have his support there, as opposed to seeing me get my degree. Antonio made a surprise visit, though. It was wonderful to see him

  “You look magnificent—so much better than the last time I saw you. Your color is back in your cheeks,” he said, hugging me.

  “And you don’t have to treat me like fragile crystal either. No more purple Piper.”

  “I’m happy to hear that. And your cast is gone too.”

  “That was the biggest blessing to get rid of. I never imagined how those things could itch. The only thing left is my shoulder. It doesn’t bother me much so I’m not sure if anything is even wrong with it.”

  He came inside and I followed him into the kitchen. Knowing him, there would be wine accompanying his visit. I was correct. He told me he would unpack and be right back. When he returned, it was with several bottles of my favorites.

  “You are a god,” I teased.

  “Not quite. Only a good winemaker.”

  After pouring two glasses, he toasted me. “To the new graduate.”

  “Finally. Now to get the trial behind me.”

  “What have the lawyers said?”

  “Not much, other than it should be a speedy trial. I’m praying for one.”

  We were seated in the living room, and Tommaso had a fire going. I thanked God for him every day. The man had been a huge help to me. He helped with everything from errands to minor things around the house.

  “My friend, Emma, has kept me informed. It helps to have a friend on the police force.”

  “I’m happy she’s been of help. Gabriele cannot wait for you to come home. He begged to come with Alessandro.”

  “I know. We’ve talked nearly every day. I felt terrible when he had the flu, and then Alessandro got it. They were awful.”

  “Yes, and your poor sister with the babies. It was a good thing the nannies were there to help. And your father.”

  “True, and my aunt took the babies to her house. When Sylvie started with the headache, they knew she was getting it. I think Evan was secretly happy she stopped breastfeeding then.” I realized who I was running my mouth to and said, “Oh, I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”

  Antonio only laughed. “It’s fine. I’m sure your sister was ready to stop. I remember Alessandro’s mother couldn’t wait. Some women love it and others…not so much.”

  “Sylvie having two, I’m not sure how she managed.” Changing this weird topic, I asked, “So how are things at home?”

  He tapped my arm. “Promise you won’t get upset, but the nonne want to know when you and Alessandro are going to give them more babies to take care of.”

  I choked on my sip of wine. Sputtering, I coughed as he patted my back.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset. You might say it caught me off guard.” He went to the kitchen and came back with some napkins. Thanking him, I wiped up the mess I’d made.

  “Honestly, Alessandro and I haven’t gotten that far. We haven’t even discussed our wedding plans. My sister, Reynolds, will be moving to Charleston this month and she wants us to get married there. She claims it’s gorgeous.” I shrugged.

  “Where ever you do it, I’m sure it will be perfect for you two.”

  The doorbell clanging broke up our conversation. Tommaso answered it and his hearty laugh echoed throughout the house. It was Emma. After a month of badgering him, and joking around, she’d finally cracked through his steely exterior and they had become friends. She eyed him like an ice cream cone waiting to be licked, but he only gave her salacious grins in return. Who knew what would come between those two?

  “Happy Grad
uation,” her boisterous voice shouted as she walked into the room. In her hands, she held a large wrapped gift and a cake.

  “Wow! This is great! Thank you!” I hugged her. “You remember Antonio, Alessandro’s father?”

  “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure.” She waggled her brows and held out her hand.

  “Stop it, you wicked flirt,” I said.

  “Don’t stop her. I love it,” Antonio said, taking her hand and kissing it.

  “Aw, he’s a cheeky one, isn’t he?”

  I didn’t dare think of them together. Alessandro’s dad and Emma? Time for a topic change. “Can I open my gift?”

  She eyed Antonio and shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

  I tore into the paper like a crazed beast, shredding it to pieces. When I lifted the lid, I gaped in shock. Or maybe horror. Yeah, it was horror, since my future father-in-law was sitting next to me.

  “What do you have there, Piper?” he asked.

  Slamming the lid on the box, I said, “Nothing.”

  “Surely it’s not empty. Show us.”

  With a glare that would murder most humans, I scowled at Emma and lifted the lid again. Inside was a see-through nighty.

  “It’s for your honeymoon. I wasn’t sure if I’d make it to your wedding so I wanted you to have it now.”

  It was scarlet red with bows and rhinestones on it, particularly where certain body parts were.

  “Well, isn’t that, um, interesting,” Antonio said.

  “Go on, love, there’s more.” Emma sat there with an expectant grin. I was hoping for maybe slippers or even a soft robe to cover up this nightmare. No such luck. Under more tissue paper was hidden a few pair of ghastly thongs. One had a rhinestone heart in the front and in the back was a rhinestone string. Ouch. What the hell had she been thinking? “I’m sure your man will love that one,” she said, eyebrows waggling. It dawned on me then that Emma did that a lot—I wondered if her poor brows ever got tired. I went to close the box and she said, “Oh, not yet. Plenty more in there.” I wasn’t sure my heart could stand it. My fingers reached under the paper and sure enough, there were all sorts of things in there.


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