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One More Chance at Forever (The Chance Series Book 5)

Page 11

by K. B. Andrews

  He looks up from the strings, and his ice-blue eyes meet mine. It’s like I’ve been struck by lightning. My heart jumps in my chest from the intensity of his stare. He never stops playing, and he keeps a perfect tune the whole time. As he sings about me taking his hand and his whole life, I find that I can’t help falling more in love with him.

  When he finishes the song, I fly through the air, landing on his lap while wrapping my arms around his neck. My lips are pressed to his before he can even process the movement.

  He lets out a quiet laugh as his lips move against mine. “Maybe I should’ve learned to play an instrument a long time ago,” he teases while I pull his shirt over his head.

  “Uh-huh.” I toss his t-shirt to the side, and the second it’s off, he’s rolling us over, into the grass while I shriek with laughter.

  We wake early to go to the hospital for my biopsy. The kids are still in bed, so I leave a note telling them Mason and I will be out for the day. I don’t want them to worry. I haven’t had anything to eat or drink since before I went to bed last night, and the smell of Mason’s coffee is calling my name. Coffee is always the first thing I reach for. Right now, I’m not even thinking about the reason I can’t have it. I’m just thinking how badly I want to taste that sweet mixture.

  Mason is driving my Jeep while I ride in the passenger seat. His cup sets in the holder between us. I look from the road to his cup and back.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he says, watching me from the corner of his eye.

  “Just a sip?” I plead.

  “Not a chance. But I promise as soon as you wake up, I’ll get you a cup of coffee.”

  “A white chocolate mocha?” They’re my absolute favorite.

  “If that’s what you want.” He nods.

  “Okay.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean my head back against the headrest.

  We make the rest of the drive in silence.

  When he pulls into the parking lot and turns off the vehicle, I look over at him. Worry and stress are etched on his face. Tiny lines are forming around his eyes and mouth. I place my hand on his, and he looks at me.

  I smile, hoping to ease his worries. “Everything will be okay,” I promise.

  He presses a kiss to the top of my hand. “I know. I love you so much.”

  I lean over and give him a strong kiss. “I love you too.”

  My eyes flutter open, and I look around me. All I see is hanging curtains. I’m in recovery.

  Mason stands in my line of sight. “Hey, how you feeling?”

  “Groggy. How’d it go?” I ask, rubbing my temples.

  “They got the sample, and it’s been sent off for analysis. We should know something in a few days.” He picks up my hand and kisses it.

  “Where’s my coffee?”

  He lets out a quiet laugh. “As soon as you get the okay, I’ll get your coffee.”

  “Oh, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” a nurse asks when she opens the curtain.

  “Like I need coffee,” I say, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

  She laughs. “I hear you. I’m a big time coffee drinker myself.” She walks over and checks something on the machines I’m hooked up to. “If you think your stomach can handle it, I say go for it.” She looks at Mason. “But if the doctor comes in, it belongs to you.”

  I gently push him away, silently begging him to go get my coffee.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be right back,” he says with a smile as he back-steps.

  “We’re working on your discharge papers now. For the next couple of days, try keeping your mind busy so you don’t worry yourself sick. Take it easy and relax. Your stomach may be a little upset today from the anesthesia. You should snack on crackers and water or club soda. Any questions?” She finally stops fussing with stuff as she looks at me.

  “How long until I get the results?”

  “A few days. A week, tops. Okay?”

  I nod.

  “I’ll go check on those papers,” she says as she shuffles away.

  Within minutes, Mason is back with my coffee. I take a sip, and it tastes heavenly. I drink half the cup before he takes it away.

  “Slow down, you coffee lush. It could make you sick.”

  I roll my eyes. “Me and coffee go way back. It would never turn on me.”

  The nurse walks back in. “Here are your papers. You may get dressed and go.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her as I push myself up.

  Mason hands me the bag my clothes are in and helps me to my feet. I remove my gown and pull on my clothes, still feeling a little dizzy.

  When we get home, the kids are gone. On the note I left, they left their own.


  I’m dropping Preston off with Jax and Levi. I’m going shopping with Macy.

  Love you,


  “Why don’t you lie down and take a nap?” Mason says as he helps me over to the couch.

  “Only if you come lay down with me.”

  He offers me a cute smile before walking over to join me on the couch. He sits up, propping his feet up on the coffee table and turning on the tv. I lay down with my head on his lap, drifting off to sleep as he absentmindedly runs his fingers through my hair.

  One week later…

  I’ve been on pins and needles for the past week, waiting to get my results. The nurse told me a week tops, and it’s been a week. Every time my phone rings, I jump for it, needing my results before I go crazy.

  I’m in the middle of folding laundry when I hear ringing in the kitchen. Dropping the shirt I’m folding, I run to the kitchen. I can’t believe I walked off and left my phone. I practically dive for it, sliding across the floor in my sock feet.


  “May I please speak with Lennox Reynolds?”

  “This is Lennox,” I say as calmly as possible.

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Reynolds. I was calling you today to let you know that your biopsy results came back, and everything looks just fine.”

  My heart jumps up into my throat. “No cancer?”

  “No cancer. The mass is benign.”

  I’m so relieved and happy that I’m speechless.

  “Are you still there, Mrs. Reynolds?”

  “Yes, I’m still here. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome. Everything should be just fine, but the doctor would like to see you in six months to repeat the test, just to make sure there are no changes.”

  “Okay, thank you again.” I hang up the phone and quickly call Mason.

  “Hello?” he answers.

  “The test came back. No cancer!” I’m jumping up and down in the middle of the kitchen floor like a crazy person.

  “Thank fucking God,” he says, relief evident in his tone of voice.

  “They want to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t develop into anything, but for now, I’m fine.”

  “I knew you would be. I think this is cause to celebrate!”

  I laugh. “What are you thinking?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s get everyone together and meet up at the grill tonight.”

  “Okay, I’ll call Alissa and Sarah,” I say with excitement filling my voice. We haven’t all hung out in so long. Already, I can picture all the trouble we can get into.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Lennox and I walk into the grill at 7:00 P.M. The place has a few customers, but it isn’t packed. It is a Tuesday night, after all. Sarah and Trent are sitting at the big, circular table in front of the stage, and Alissa is behind the bar. Dane walks out of his office and takes his place beside his wife. “Congratulations on the good health, Len. Just for you, and only tonight,” he holds up his index finger, “it’s an open bar!”

  Len jumps and giggles. “Thank you. This is amazing. You know,” she says, spinning to face me, “you may just get lucky tonight.” She leans in and presses a kiss to my lips.

  Suddenly, sex is all I can think abo
ut. “Beer and Jack for everyone,” I tell Dane. He grins and shakes his head but gets busy lining up the shot glasses.

  Everyone lines up at the bar and holds their shot in the air. “To Lennox,” everyone shouts in unison before downing the amber liquid.

  All the shot glasses clink off the bar top at the same time. Sarah lets out a squeal, and Lennox quickly chases back the whiskey with a sip of beer. She looks at me and already her cheeks are flushed. “It’s been a while.”

  I smile and pull her against my side. “Let’s grab a table. Are you hungry?”

  She nods before grabbing a couple menus off the bar.

  We all sit at our table and put in our orders for dinner. The jukebox is blaring loudly, meaning we’re all practically yelling to talk to one another.

  “I’m so glad that everything came back fine,” Alissa says. “I don’t know what I’d do without my best friend.” She leans over and hugs Lennox.

  Len hugs her back and rubs her shoulder. “You’d be lost without me, just admit it.” She pulls back with a wide grin.

  Alissa rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  Lennox picks up her glass of beer and takes a sip. “Can you guys believe that the kids are about to be in college already? It feels like just yesterday they were swimming in the kiddie pool in the backyard in diapers.”

  “I, for one, am glad Jax is going to college,” Dane says, sitting back and stretching his arm out to rest on the back of Alissa’s chair. “I’m ready to get back to it just being us.” He grins and winks at Alissa.

  She smacks his chest playfully. “I’m going to miss the little shit. Yes, he’s been a handful, but I didn’t expect anything else. He’s definitely a product of me and Dane.”

  “He’s a good kid. He keeps his eye on Em for the most part. All the boys do,” Lennox says. “I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love that our kids are so close.”

  “Me too,” Sarah adds in. “They remind me so much of us back then. Preston looks and acts just like Mason did. Em, she’s practically you all over again. Jax…” She looks at Alissa and Dane. “I’m sorry, but he’s just like you, Dane.”

  Dane laughs and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I see a lot of myself in that little punk.” He lifts his glass and takes a drink. “Let’s just hope he chases after that dream of his.”

  “What’s he planning on doing?” Lennox asks.

  Dane shrugs. “Honestly, I think he’s just looking forward to college, so he can meet some people that can play. He hasn’t had much luck forming a band here.”

  I laugh. “He’s going to college to start a band?”

  Dane nods. “I think so. When we ask him about it, he tells us more about the band he’s going to start than anything about classes.”

  “Macy has been in college a couple years now, and she’s no closer to graduating than when she started,” Sarah says.

  “What’s she going for?” Alissa asks.

  “It keeps changing!” Sarah practically yells. “You don’t even want to know how much money we’ve paid out for her college. She’s like a professional student.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Alright, enough about the kids. Let’s have some fun,” I say, raising my glass.

  Many hours later, we’re all feeling pretty good. Sarah and Trent are on the dance floor. Dane and Alissa disappeared into the office. And Lennox and I are heading out to hop on my boat.

  “Are you sure about this, Mason?” Lennox asks as she climbs over the side while I untie it.

  I scoff. “I do this every day. What do you mean, am I sure?”

  I jump on the boat and sit behind the wheel.

  “It’s been a long time since we went out in the middle of the night.” She takes her seat.

  I turn the key and start the engine. “I grew up on this ocean. We’ll be fine.”

  I push the throttle forward, and we slowly start creeping away from the dock. Once we’re no longer in the no-wake zone, I give it more gas and start slicing through the water. I can’t help but watch Lennox as her dark hair blows in the wind. She’s wearing a wide smile, and her eyes are lit up with excitement.

  We cruise around for a little while before I shut off the boat and drop anchor. She turns to look at me. “I have a feeling this was your plan all along.”

  I stand and take her hand, leading her to the bench seat in the back of the boat. “What makes you think that?” I pull her down onto my lap, straddling me.

  Her hands wrap around my neck, and her eyes meet mine. It feels like my heart stops when she looks at me this way — like I’m the only man on this planet that she could ever love.

  She offers up a small grin and shrugs. “Isn’t it always?”

  I press a quick kiss to her lips. “It’s always my plan to get you alone.” I smile widely before leaning in and really kissing her.

  Her fingers tangle into my hair as she pulls me closer. My hands glide up her thighs, landing on her ass with a tight squeeze. Once I can no longer control myself, my hands circle around to the front of her jeans, unbuttoning them.

  She breaks the kiss and pulls away, standing directly in front of me to shimmy out of them. Seeing her bare all to me, I quickly work my jeans down my thighs.

  She lets out a heavenly giggle and shakes her head before taking her place back on top of me. I’m positioned right at her entrance, so ready to slide into her, I’m practically shaking from restraining myself.

  Slowly, she brings her lips back to mine with her hands on either side of my face as she slides down my length. The moment we connect, I let out a sigh. Finally, it feels like I’m right where I belong — like she was made for me and only me.

  My hands land on her hips, egging her on. Our breathing picks up, filling the night air around us. All I can hear is my heart pounding for her, my breathing rising for her. She lets out a moan. That sound has always been the key to my undoing. I can no longer let her have control. I have no choice but to thrust up into her with all the force I can gather. When I roll of my hips, her nails bite into the skin on the back of my neck. The pain makes me try harder. I want her falling apart in my hands — I’ve never seen something so beautiful.

  I drive into her until she shatters around me. I watch her face as waves of pleasure wrack her body. Just watching the reaction I cause in her brings on my own release. I let it go, pumping into her until I’ve spent every last drop and can no longer move.

  She relaxes against me, breathing heavily in my ear. Her heart pounds wildly against my chest, and I know she can feel mine. I press a kiss to her cheek as her head rests on my shoulder. “I love you, Lennox.”

  She lifts her head to look me in the eye. “I love you too, Mason.” With her hand on my cheek, she lowers her lips to mine once again.

  We walk back into the bar to find the place empty. Alissa and Dane are moving behind the bar, cleaning up. “Hey, where’d everyone go?” I ask, sitting down on a barstool with Lennox at my side.

  Alissa shrugs. “They went home. It is almost midnight on a Tuesday.”

  Dane laughs. “God, we’re seriously getting old. I remember when this place was packed until 2:00 A.M. every night of the week.”

  Lennox giggles beside me. “Well, you stopped serving minors too.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I only allowed you and your friends to be served. It wasn’t just any kid who walked in.” He looks down at the floor. “But yeah, there is that.”

  We all laugh. “Man, things sure have changed,” I say, reaching over the bar and grabbing the bottle of Jack.

  Alissa hands me a glass. “Yeah, but I like to believe that everything worked out like it was supposed to.” She looks back and Dane, and he grins.

  I’m unbelievably happy he finally got his happy ending. Thinking back on that first time I told him about Lennox, and he gave me the worst advice possible, I laugh. I think that was his little way of trying to protect me. Dane’s always tried to protect me, even if he had his own method.

  I finish off the glass
I poured. “I think we better get out of here.” I stand and take Lennox’s hand.

  “Goodnight, guys. And thank you, Dane,” she says as I pull her toward the exit.

  I wake bright and early the next day to find Lennox sound asleep. Her head and upper body are dapped over my chest and stomach while her feet hang over the side of the bed. I silently laugh to myself. How in the hell can she sleep like that?

  My quiet laugh wasn’t quiet enough, and she stirs awake.

  “Good morning,” I whisper. “How are you feeling?”

  “Shhh, my head is killing me.” She grabs her head and flops back down on her pillow. She pulls the blanket up under her chin, and she’s right back out.

  I softly kiss her shoulder before leaving her alone to sleep while I take a shower and get ready for the day.

  I take longer than needed in the shower, but it’s been a long time since I’ve tied one on like that. Sure, I’ve had a few drinks for special occasions, but doing the nightly drinking thing, that stopped years ago. Once Lennox became pregnant, we started spending more time at home, and since she couldn’t drink, I didn’t either. Once Emma was born, we were more concerned with being good parents than going out and drinking, not to mention, we were just too tired to even attempt it. As the years passed and the kids grew older, it wasn’t even something we thought about. They kept us busy, and we wanted to set a good example. I think we’ve done a pretty good job. We’ve never found out that one of the kids went to a party and knocked a few back. They are much better kids than I was, and I can’t help but to thank Lennox for that. All of this — everything we have… is all because of her.

  If she wouldn’t have come back to me, who knows what would’ve happened. I never could picture my future without her, and I sure am glad I didn’t have to. I can’t picture living my life any other way.

  As I’m about to turn off the water, Lennox steps in behind me. I turn around to face her with a grin. “Drink too much last night?”


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