Book Read Free

Beautiful Mess

Page 3

by Preston, Jennifer

  “Cole? Cole!” Carly had to shout to regain Cole’s attention.

  “Oh...uh,” he shook his head to clear it. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”

  Carly gave him a predatory smile.

  “Look, Cole, we could go on playing this game all day. But I’m leaving in a few days, and I don’t really have time for games. So, I’m just going to lay it all out for you.” She took a step closer to him, intentionally invading his personal space. “I like you, Cole, and I’m pretty sure you like me, too. I think we could have some fun together. You know, some no strings attached, no commitment required, kind of fun.” She ran a finger down his chest. “If you’re interested.”

  “Look, Carly, I...”

  “Shhh,” she put a finger to his lips and leaned in close to his ear. “Just think about it,” she purred, and then turned, removing her sarong as she walked away. She threw Cole a suggestive look over her shoulder, before joining Bri on the sand.

  “And that,” Carly said smugly, laying herself out on her towel, “is how you do it. Give him ten, fifteen minutes tops, and he’ll be over here begging for it!”

  Bri could only shake her head at Carly’s antics. The girl was completely clueless. But, wanting to see how things played out, Bri didn’t dispute her.

  An hour and a half later, Cole still hadn’t come “begging for it”. And each minute that passed, Carly grew more and more agitated and angry. From the look in her eyes, Bri could tell something was brewing in that tiny brain of hers, but Bri wasn’t sure she wanted to find out what it was.

  Bri had spent her time much more enjoyably. She had been watching Cole, trying to judge his reaction to Carly’s offer. At least, that’s what she told herself. Wanting to watch him had nothing to do with the way his board shorts hung low on his narrow hips, or the way his white t-shirt accentuated his broad chest. She had been sneaking glances at him on and off, and from what she could see, he wasn’t remotely interested in Carly’s proposition. This, oddly, made Bri feel better. She was secretly worried that Cole would fall for Carly’s fake hair, fake tan, and fake personality and jump all over the chance for a little action. She was relieved to find he wasn’t that shallow.

  She rolled over onto her stomach, and laid her head on her arms, which gave her an unobstructed view of Cole. She watched him draw a bit, saw him talk to a couple of people who stopped to look at his work. Then, to her horror, Cole looked directly at her, a cocky smirk on his face. He winked, telling her that he knew she’d been watching him this whole time, and he was calling her out on it. Bri smiled guiltily before she could stop herself. Totally busted now, she felt her cheeks flush, which caused Cole to laugh. Bri rolled over, completely embarrassed, and turned her attention back to Carly.

  “So, Carly, what’s the plan here?” she asked. “Are we just going to wait around indefinitely for him to come over?”

  Carly scanned the beach and got a determined look in her eyes.

  “Nope, enough waiting. If he’s going to keep playing hard to get, fine. I’ll just have to take a different approach.” She grabbed her towel and a bottle of tanning lotion, and strutted her barely-there bikini up the beach, right past Cole. She didn’t stop, or even glance his way, but her butt was swaying, just begging for his attention.

  Cole glanced up briefly as Carly passed, but then went back to his drawing, unconcerned.

  Carly strutted right up to a small group of high school aged boys who were tossing a Frisbee around. Bri couldn’t hear what Carly was saying as she bounded right into the middle of group, capturing their attention. It then dawned on her what Carly was doing. This was her Plan B. Carly was trying to make Cole jealous by flirting with other boys. Bri couldn’t believe it. Did Carly really expect a guy who wasn’t remotely interested in her to get jealous enough to go claim her for himself? Bri knew Carly was shallow, and not the brightest thing, but she didn’t know her cousin could be this juvenile.

  Suddenly, Carly’s high pitched laughter rang out down the beach and got both Bri’s and Cole’s attention. They both watched as Carly playfully pushed the chest of a tall, burly, blonde boy. She laid out her towel, and sprawled out on her stomach. She smiled up at the boys and held up the bottle of tanning lotion. The blonde she’d pushed grabbed it from her with an enthusiastic smile, and proceeded to lather up Carly’s back for her. Bri thought she saw the guy grab Carly’s butt in the process, and Carly’s less enthusiastic laughter confirmed that he had, in fact, copped a feel.

  Bri felt a twinge of worry. She hoped Carly knew what she was doing, and she wasn’t getting in over her head. Hopefully, she’d end this charade before things got out of hand.

  Bri glanced over at Cole to see how he was reacting to Carly’s little display. A second later he looked over at her, and she was relieved to find no trace of jealousy on his face. In fact, he looked slightly relieved as he smiled at her.

  Dang it, caught again. She was getting a little tired of seeing that cocky, knowing grin on Cole’s gorgeous face.

  Wait a second...gorgeous? No, she did not just think that Cole was hot! Where did her stupid brain come up with that? Unfortunately, her brain didn’t have time to defend itself, because he started walking towards her, and she lost her train of thought.

  "I thought redheads didn’t tan so much as burn,” Cole smiled and sat down beside her on the sand.

  “First of all,” Bri replied, taking a little offense. Just a little, though. “My hair is not red. It’s auburn. And second, I have worked long and hard to get my skin to the point where it will tan. So, no, all “redheads” don’t burn.”

  “My mistake,” Cole held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t ever call a girl with red hair a redhead! I’ll have to remember that in the future,” he laughed.

  “You’d better!” Bri smiled. “It’ll save you a punch in the nose!”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “I don’t know, we redheads are known for our tempers. And nothing upsets us more than being called redheads!”

  “Not a redhead, bad it!” he laughed. He leaned in and nudged Bri’s shoulder as she laughed with him. “I have to say, I was worried that I wouldn’t get you alone long enough to talk to you today.”

  “Oh, really?” She was surprised he’d wanted to talk to her at all.

  “Yeah. I was really relieved when your cousin left to make some new friends. I was a little worried what she’d do to me if came over while she was here.”

  “But, you’re not worried she’ll look over here, see you talking to me, and come hurt you?” Bri raised her eyebrow.

  “No,” Cole looked a little confused. “Why would she do that? It looks like she’s moved on, found someone new to torment.”

  Boys could be so obtuse sometimes.

  “You know what Carly’s doing, right?” When Cole gave her a blank look, Bri continued. “She’s trying to make you jealous. She’s hoping that if you see her flirting with someone else you’ll march over there and sweep her away.”

  He looked horrified. “But, I’m not even remotely interested in her. I thought I’d made that clear.”

  “She thinks this is you playing hard to get. It’s twisted, I know, but this is how she thinks.”

  “Oh, man, how do I get out of this one?”

  “Well, the next time she, um...propositions you,” Bri couldn’t hold back her chuckle. Cole gave her a pointed look. “Sorry.” She sobered. “Next time, maybe you should just spell it all out for her. Tell her that you don’t like her, and there is absolutely no way she’s ever getting any action!” She burst out laughing again.

  “Hey! This is serious!” Cole admonished her, but was quickly laughing himself. “Okay, enough talking about Psycho Chick.” He paused as Bri raised an eyebrow at him. “What? I call them like I see them. Anyway, I didn’t come all this way to talk about her. I came to talk about you.”

  “Okay,” she replied warily. “What about me?”

  “Well, how about we start with the basics. How
old are you?”


  “A senior this year?” Bri nodded. “And, when is your birthday?”

  “December 21st.”

  “Ah, a solstice baby. Do you live around here?”

  “Yeah, I actually just moved here last month. I live just up in Santa Monica.”

  “Get out! Me too! So, where did you live before you moved here?”

  “Well, I grew up in Phoenix, but I moved here from Dallas. We lived there for about four and a half years, before my dad got transferred out here with work.”

  “So, how do you like California so far?”

  “It’s nice. I love the weather and the ocean. In fact, the one thing I insisted on when I found out we were moving here was that we lived close enough that I could walk to the beach.”

  “Nice. So I take it you’ll be going to Santa Monica High, too?”

  “Yes. You, too?”

  Cole nodded looking out at the ocean.

  “Cool. It’ll be nice to know at least one person there, to see a familiar face,” Bri smiled at him. A look passed over Cole’s face, but quickly disappeared. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought it might have been regret. Before she could say anything, he turned back to her.

  “Well, I’d better get back,” he thumbed behind him to his stand. “Besides, I don’t want your psycho cousin coming after me,” he smiled jokingly, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “See you, Bri.” And he was gone.

  Bri had only a few moments to ponder Cole’s abrupt disappearance, when Carly came running down the beach.

  “Bri, we have to get out of here. Like, now!”

  “Why?” She was becoming alarmed at Carly’s agitation.

  “Well, let’s just say one of those guys got a little too friendly, and I smacked him. I don’t want to give him the chance to come down here and return the favor. Now, move!”

  Bri rolled her eyes as she stood and gathered up their things. This was Carly’s classic MO. She caused a mess of trouble, and then ran away. Bri glanced at the guys up the beach, and sure enough, they were all glaring at her and Carly. Yep, definitely time to go.

  As the girls passed Cole, Bri smiled and waved goodbye. Carly didn’t even spare him a parting glance, as she rushed from the beach. Cole waved back, and the girls hurried to the car.

  “Do me a favor, Carly,” Bri begged when both girls were safely in the car, and on their way home. “The next time you decide to do something irresponsible, stupid, and potentially dangerous to impress a boy, leave me out of it!”

  Chapter 3

  Carly did not take rejection well. Not that she accepted Cole’s rejection as actual rejection. She believed he was purposely dragging things out, trying to maintain the upper hand in their fictitious relationship, and she was furious. So on Wednesday, she dragged Bri back to Venice Beach for one last shot at some Cole lovin’.

  Though, it wasn’t as if Bri hadn’t tried to dissuade her. She had done everything she could think of to keep her from going back, but Carly would have none of it. She was a girl possessed. She told Bri she had one last sure-fire plan, she was certain wouldn’t fail. So, with great reluctance, and after exorbitant amounts of whining, begging, and threatening (this from her parents), Bri drove Carly to the beach.

  “This plan better not involve another group of testosterone fueled, touchy-feely guys. Because if it does, you’re on your own.” Bri exited the car.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Bri,” Carly chided. “You worry too much. It’s going to give you wrinkles. No, this plan doesn’t involve anyone but me, Cole, and Dalton.”


  “He’s my boyfriend. You’ve listened to me talk about him, and to him, this whole week!”

  Bri hadn’t heard Carly talk about any Dalton at all. Bri was pretty certain this Dalton didn’t exist.

  “Why would a plan to get Cole involve a fake boyfriend?” Bri was confused.

  “Ugh, Bri, you don’t get anything! And Dalton is not fake! Guys like Cole are only interested in what they can’t have. When he finds out that I have a boyfriend, that someone else wants me, he’ll want me, too. The whole forbidden love thing will kick in and will be too much for him to resist. He’ll be all over me!”

  This was the worst plan Bri had heard.

  “Don’t you think Cole is too smart to fall for something this obvious and stupid?”

  “Please,” Carly scoffed. “Guys like Cole aren’t known for their brains. And his brains aren’t what I’m after anyway.”

  “Carly,” she made one last ditch effort. “The only thing all your plans and schemes have proven is that your theories about boys are completely insane! Are you sure you want to put yourself through this again? Why don’t you just get over it and move on?”

  “This coming from the girl who’s barely dated and never had a boyfriend in her life,” Carly replied snidely. “Watch and learn. Who knows, if you follow my advice, you just might lose your virgin lip status before you graduate.”

  Again, none of those things were true. Again, Carly was not the kind of person you wanted knowing the intimate details of your life. So, once again, Bri let the comment pass.

  “Now,” Carly said as they spotted Cole. “Just follow my lead, and don’t screw this up!” She walked up to him, her demeanor completely changing. “Hi Cole!” she smiled sweetly at him.

  Cole looked a little taken aback and worried, but he quickly covered it with a smile.

  “Hi Psy...uh, Carly,” he caught himself. Bri had to stifle a laugh. Apparently Carly’s nickname was a keeper. “Hello, Bri,” he winked at her.

  “So Cole, today I kind of need a favor, and was hoping you could help me out?” Carly pleaded with a pathetic smile.

  “Okay...” he replied hesitantly. He looked more than worried. He looked down right scared.

  “You see,” Carly began, “I was talking to my boyfriend Dalton last night...”

  “Boyfriend?” he interrupted, looking confused.

  “Yes, my boyfriend back in Phoenix. Anyway, I told him about that beautiful drawing you did of me and Bri, and he said he’d like one too. So, I need you to do another drawing, of just me this time, that I can take back to Dalton.”

  “Um, okay, I guess.”

  “Great! Dalton will be so excited!”

  “Sure he will,” Bri muttered under her breath.

  “Oh, and Bri, since you’re not needed here, you should go shopping. Or go find a nice spot to read,” Carly sneered. She pulled Bri in close and whispered in her ear. “I don’t really care what you do, just don’t be here!”

  “Or,” Cole interrupted, “you could hang out here if you want?” His eyes pleaded with Bri not to leave him alone with Carly.

  The glare Carly gave Bri made her decision.

  “Okay, I’ll stay. If you really want me to,” she smiled at Cole.

  “Sure I do,” he smiled back, relieved.

  “Fine, whatever,” Carly grunted and stomped over to the bench. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Cole grabbed his supplies and sat down. It didn’t take nearly as long for this portrait as it had the last. He was done in just over five minutes.

  “Well, here you go,” he handed Carly the drawing.

  “Wow Cole, I think this is even better than the other one you did! Dalton will be thrilled! Do you mind if I call him real fast to tell him?”

  “Nope, go right ahead.” Cole took the drawing, rolled it up, and tied it with his signature black ribbon.

  “I’ll be just a second,” Carly smiled as she pulled out her phone and stepped away.

  “Hey,” Cole said to Bri as soon as Carly was immersed in her conversation. A conversation Bri was ninety percent sure was fake. “Thanks for not leaving me alone with Psycho over there. I really appreciate it!”

  “No problem! I just thought you might’ve wanted to talk to her, though. Put her out of her misery?”

  “Well, I guess I should talk to her. I just thought I could make a lit
tle money first. Plus, turns out she has a boyfriend. She can’t be too hung up on me. Maybe I can just ride this out until she leaves, without making her angry.”

  Bri looked at him skeptically.

  “Hey, all guys know that angry and crazy are a lethal combination! It’s probably better for my physical safety and well-being if I try to keep Psycho from blowing a gasket!”

  She burst out laughing. “Well, by all means then, keep Psycho happy!”

  Carly returned, beaming happily. “Well, I can’t tell you how excited Dalton is! The poor guy, he’s just lost without me. He’s so desperate for me to come home. I just hope he can make it through the next couple of days!”

  “Um, okay. That’ll be twenty bucks, whenever you’re ready.” Cole wasn’t taking Carly’s bait.

  “Oh, of course. Here you go,” she handed him the cash. “Seriously, though, sometimes I think Dalton wants me a little too much. I’m not sure I can return that level of commitment,” she pushed.

  “Uh, yeah, good luck with that,” he replied uncomfortably. “So Bri...”

  “Okay, that’s it!” Carly yelled, furious now. “What the hell is your deal, Cole? Can you just quit with all the mind games and crap? I don’t get you. I all but throw myself at you, and you like, totally brush me off! What exactly are you playing at here?”

  Cole and Bri were stunned for a moment at Carly’s outburst.

  “Uh, look, I’m not playing anything here. I’m just not interested. I’ve never done anything to lead you to believe I was.” Cole replied coolly.

  “Not interested?” Carly fumed. “And were you ever going to mention that little bit of information, or were you going to let me keep throwing myself at you, over and over? Huh? Was this all just some freaking ego trip?”

  “Hang on,” Cole was getting angry now, too. “I have done everything I can to let you know I’m not interested. I tried to let you down easy. Any other girl would’ve taken my lack of any reciprocation as the sign it was and moved on. It’s not my fault you can’t take a hint.”


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