Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 1

by E. M Jefferson

  Lost Girl

  Book 1

  Soul bound Series




  This book is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual living people, places or events are coincidental


  Lost girl is dedicated to my very close friend Charly who always told me to follow my dreams no matter how utterly mad it is.

  What it means to be mad (My version)

  In a world that forever spins as reality and fiction crash together

  Where those who don’t fit in are driven to madness by the relentless normal one

  As people use the word to describe irrational or unexplainable events which their mind cannot understand

  But its ok to be mad as all the best people are




  Chapter One- New leaf

  Chapter Two- Meeting Beast

  Chapter Three- Landing a Job

  Chapter Four- Nightmare

  Chapter Five- A Night Out

  Chapter Six- Midnight Walk

  Chapter Seven- Goldilocks And The Three Bears

  Chapter Eight- Saved By The Beast

  Chapter Nine- A Pirates Life

  Chapter Ten- Meeting Alice

  Chapter Eleven- Gym Membership

  Chapter Twelve- Stolen Memories

  Chapter Thirteen- Broken Truth

  Chapter Fourteen- Swimming With Ariel

  Chapter Fifteen- Dairy Of Tales

  Chapter Sixteen- A Poisonous Kiss

  Chapter Seventeen- A Rabbit, A Tiger. A Fae, Oh My!

  Chapter Eighteen- Captured By Dante

  Chapter Nineteen- Take Two Of Waking Up With Dante

  Chapter Twenty- Walk Of Shame

  Chapter Twenty-One -Collective Unconscious

  Chapter Twenty-Two -Jealousy Is A Bitch

  Chapter Twenty-Three -Date With Dante

  Chapter Twenty-Four- Knights Tavern

  Chapter Twenty-Five- Now You Have It, Now You Don’t

  Chapter Twenty-Six -Crazy Tea

  Chapter Twenty-Seven- Past Events

  Chapter Twenty-Eight- True And Lies

  Chapter Twenty-Nine- A Dragons Treasure

  Chapter Thirty- Day 1: Shattered. Broken. Grief. Denial

  Chapter Thirty-One- Day 2: Delusional Voice

  Chapter Thirty-Two- Day 3: Bargaining In Haunting Castles

  Chapter Thirty-Three- Day 4: Final Goodbye

  Chapter Thirty-Four- A bargain struck


  This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language and maybe considered offensive to some readers. This book is intended for sale to adults Only. It contains one possessive dominate Alpha male who is used to getting his own way, a utterly mad man with a spilt personality, a crazy witch and a clueless woman.

  This book has been written by a UK author who uses a lot of London slang to give the characters a more realistic vibe

  Prologue 5 years ago

  Who am I?

  Where am I?

  No memories come to tell me about what has happened here, it's blank. Empty. Devoid of any familiar faces or names. No background story to who I once was or what my life was like.

  Am I dead?

  Its this the afterlife of where souls go to rest before being reborn again? The land of darkness awaits me, waiting for me to walk onto its land. Will I find myself on the other side? Will I find anyone who can help me to regain what I lost?

  “CLEAR” The voice rings out. Jolting my body upwards. It hurts. The pain of being electrocuted has my body shaking, who are these people? Why do they feel the need to hurt me to get my attention?!

  Why can’t they leave me alone?!

  “Heart rate is steady” Another voice says becoming clearer than the last one. Voices chatting around me, but I can’t hear their words, let alone open my eyes to see who they are. Was I a bad person in the life I lived and now this is my eternal hell?

  Something cold wraps around my arm putting pressure on it, squeezing my arm until the circulation is almost cut off. Panic and fear wrapped its hand around my heart, increasing the rhythm. The more I panic the more something beeps and whirls. The sound hurts my ear, but I can’t move to block it out.

  Why does everything hurt?

  I can’t move my body at all. I’m paralyzed to whatever I have been placed down on. WHY?!

  “She’s waking up” A warm voice says, drifting towards my ears. Trying to open my eyes is hard, almost like they refuse to obey to my command. What happened? They hurt so much; it hurts to even try.

  Pushing past the pain I open my eyes, but I can’t see anything except white blinding light. I immediately close them avoiding the brightness from where I am. This time I open them more slowly letting my eyes adjust to where I am, giving them a chance to adjust to the light.

  People dressed in white with gloves move around me checking strange devices. Just what is this place? I want to curl up, pull my knees to my chest, but I still can’t move.

  “Your awake” A feminine voice says. A small smile lifts the corner of her lips while she looks at me in wonder. “For a second there. I through we were going to lose you”

  Taking in my surroundings I ignore her comment about losing me instead I let my eyes travel around. I can see it’s a whitewashed room with four walls, no pictures or warmth greet me. Instead it feels like I’m about to die. Everyone stops and stares as I turn my head, grasp of shock ring out. Why? Looking down my body I can see the garments I wore were cut open, exposing my body for all to see. I shiver in fear from what they could have done to me. There are no straps tying me down to the bed I’ve been placed on. My eyes widen in fright from the unfamiliar place I am. Taking a long inhale I see something is stuck inside my arm before a grey band is wrapped around it. Preventing it from falling out.

  Now that I’m awake pain explodes from my chest and back, all across my body until nothing but the feeling of burning. Feeling like I’m burning from the inside out I try to scream. But no words or sound comes out, a silent cry for help which no one but me can hear. Tears leak from my eyes where they roll down my cheek.

  “Sedate her before the pain becomes too much” The warm one says. Through blurry eyes I can make out that he is a man with soft blue eyes and wrinkles. I can barely see what is going on as more tears pour free. Please someone take the pain away.

  My intentions are telling me this is the end for me, that whatever happened to cause this pain, is about to take my life. It hurts so much, burning worse than the flames of hell, melting my skin while I scream out.

  The pain gives me back control of my limbs where I use my legs to kick out as the pain becomes too much. Throwing my arms out and lashing out at nothing, I just want to stop the burning sensation.

  “HOLD HER DOWN” A deep voice says while trying to pin me down. More and more hands grab me, pinning them down while something small but cold pieces my skin. “You are going to be alright”

  I whimper from losing the ability to move, whimper from the pain that steals my breath, my body. Whatever they injected me with starts to work. It starts with a tingling sensation in my limbs like a warm and fuzzy feeling. As it spreads around my blood, I start to become light, while the world arounds me starts to dance in colour.

  I do not feel the hands that release me, but I do
feel the weight that settles on them. Making it hard to lift them but I don’t want to, I want to watch this light show. Vivid blue flames start to dance, bathing the room in shades of blue. Crimson red joins the party, mingling with the blue one. Soon enough they change to a purple glow while the faces begin to change, they stretch wider than they were before.

  Big eyes look at me in concern before laughter rings out, I feel my eyes glossing over the longer I watch them, becoming too heavy until I have no choice but to close them. The last of the pain leaves my body while warmth envelopes me, keeping me safe while I drift off.

  The place I go to is not the land of darkness where I through I would end up. But instead to a place far away where the sun never sets while I stand on sand watching as the waves roll. It is peaceful, freeing me from the pain I felt. Is this my afterlife now?

  “No, I’m afraid it’s not. For I won’t let you go.” A deep hypnotic voice says. Spinning around towards the direction of the voice there was no one there. Scanning the empty sand there was no one behind me as the sand laid undisturbed, rolling my shoulders. I turn to head back towards the water while my eyes remained over my shoulder in case someone was watching me. Going forward I walked straight into what felt like a wall. Strong arms wrapped around me securely before I could fall backwards onto my ass.

  “I have you now” He said, as his unyielding arms pulled me closer to his body were, they wrapped tighter, preventing me from escaping him. I dreaded what I would find if I looked up.

  Loose hair had fallen in front of my face from colliding into him were rough hands gently removed the loose strand of hair. His hands gently raise my head up where my eyes looked up at him. I was stunned to find a pair of the most intense eyes I have ever seen.

  Golden eyes stared down at me, ones that could hold the entire galaxy in them. They were so cold, so hard and yet. The feelings that he invoked within me attacked my system. Flooding me with feelings of need, desire and longing. It felt like time had stopped between us and were we the only people here. I was confused about who he was, holding me so protectively like a long-lost lover his come to reclaim while looking savage enough to kill anyone who dare challenge him.

  There was something so unnerving about him with the way he had markings across his forearms dressed in a black suit, looking like a mythological warrior from a time long forgotten.

  But where did that through come from?

  His face remained in shadows where only his golden eyes glowed with power. Power that could destroy me if I got to close. “Where are you little one?” He runs his nose along my collar bone before inhaling my scent. Almost like he was branding it to his memory.

  “I-“Where was I? Did I truly want someone who I didn’t know to come find me? To search for me where I laid on a table with my clothes cut open?

  My mind told me not to tell him while my heart thudded under his watchful gaze. He opened his mouth once more to say something, but this time no sound came out.

  I felt sleepy, tired. My eye lids started to close while the man in front of me tried to shout out almost like an echo of his anger I watched as he roared. Arms held me until my body started to fade away.


  I could smell his fear of losing me but why? What makes me so important to him? What did he mean to me to have made my heart pound? Could he be a missing link towards my past, towards what happened to make me forget?

  Time was running out until I faded away, gone from the man who held me, the sand I stood on.

  My thoughts were tossing and turning within my mind as I through about where I would end up next.

  Chapter One

  A New Leaf

  Every day there was a new sight, new smell.

  London never ceased to amaze me with how it was forever changing, a city that never slept at night. The diversity that walked among me with smells from all around the world. I hitched up my bag as I made my way through the busy street. I held nothing but the few items I had, the only belongings I owned as I went about my day. I felt brave walking alone, understanding the world I lived in. No longer being the ignorant woman, I once was. When I first left the hospital over five years ago.

  I looked up taking in the clear blue sky with no clouds in sight, only the sun with its warmth. Walking with confidence I made my way past the herd of people who rushed around with suitcases, while some remain locked into a heat discussion.

  It didn’t matter as there was only one person I was meeting, one person who changed my life for the better.

  “Alex” I shouted as I ran to him while hitching my bag up higher. Looking like a mad woman who was on speed.

  “Belle” My best friend said looking over the top of people’s heads while waiting at the station. Darting between people, not caring who I knocked into. I ran into his warm embrace as he opened his arms to catch me. He had been my rock these last few years.

  “Belle” He laughed picking me up like a feather while I was squealing like a child as he spun us around.

  “Did someone miss me while they were away?” I said laughing as I felt him tighten his arms, squeezing the air from my lungs.

  “You could say that I missed you lost girl” I laughed at his nickname he had given me from when we first meet.

  “You can’t call me lost girl; I’m not lost any more” I tell him nudging him in a playful way.

  “Oh, I don’t know. You still have this lost girl look about you” He commented making me smile. “Here let me take that while we travel” Removing my bag he took it before I could object.

  “So how long are you planning on staying here before you go off on another adventure?” I ask him. Alex is the type of person who can’t stay in one location to long as he likes to wonder the earth, discovering his next big adventure.

  “I plan on staying around for a while considering someone keeps getting into trouble” He gives me a pointed look while I blush from embarrassment.

  Ever since I woke up at the hospital with no name or memories, I have struggled to hold a job down. It’s not through lack of trying but more like something was missing. There was this invisible pull that kept trying to guild me to where it wanted. But whenever I tried to find it, it would always move, relocating to another place.

  Sometimes the need to find it would cause me to sleepwalk towards an unknown destination. Feeling like a puppet while someone was pulling the string, I was a slave to the call. Sometimes I would wake up at an airport not knowing how I got there or why I was there. Because of this I kept missing work or being late. Unfortunately, that would lead to me getting fired.

  “I’m sorry, you don’t have to stay around to baby sit my ass” I said.

  “I’m not babysitting you, I’m looking after you since you no longer have a home” Alex said making my embarrassment and guilt double. As I lost my 10th job, it meant I could no longer afford to pay my bills, let alone my rent. This led to me being evicted and homeless. Alex said I could crash at his place until I got myself back on my feet.

  “I tried so hard to make it work” I mumbled, loud enough for only Alex to hear.

  “I know Belle. One day you will figure this out. I promise you I will be there every step of the way”

  “Tell me, what new adventure did you find?” I ask him, diverting the attention away from my depressing life.

  With a wide smile Alex started to tell me about his adventures that lead him going to Roman as he visited the colosseum before venturing to Venice. It was a nice feeling knowing that I would always have someone who would be there for me.

  Pushing our oyster against the gateways we continued along, while I half listened to what he was saying. It wasn’t because I found his stories boring. No. It was the fact that I had to once again move to a new home where it would take a while to readjust to my new environment.

  It was a hard decision to have called Alex about my financial difficulty but as he always said, he was there for me no matter what.

  I wanted to be able to repay everything h
e had done for me from being the first person to help me understand this world, to being someone who become family to me.

  When the hospital discharged me with no name or family to get me, only telling me that my blood was that of a Fae. Meaning there was nothing they could do to help me as it was out of their hands. Instead they recommended me going to the nearest known venue where you could find them. Walking along the street with no knowledge of the world, I was attacked and dragged into an alley way where I tried to fight my attackers.

  However, I was still weak from almost dying and had little hope of getting away. Doesn’t mean I didn’t try my hardest, I fought with everything I had until he came. My saviour came in the form of ocean blue eyes. Once Alex took in the scene, he almost killed the men who tried to harm me, leaving there bodies bloody and broken, he took me home. From there he asked who I was and why I was alone. I told him my story, which wasn’t much as I still don’t remember anything apart from the hospital. Alex had taken it upon himself to teach me about the world we lived in and all its inhabitants.


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