Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 2

by E. M Jefferson

  I learned being Fae meant I couldn’t lie but I could use half-truths and learning that I was immortal was pretty cool as well. Knowing that I would not age or die of disease was helpful in my search to find answer. But that was soon becoming a long-forgotten dream as no one had heard of a missing Fae let alone one with silver hair.

  I soon learned that if I wanted to survive, I had to earn money by working and to do that I need to learn. It took a while until I became comfortable to wonder around. Even then Alex said I was his new adventure until I could find my way. Telling me I wasn’t a burden on him as he did enjoy my company.

  I asked him once why he was lonely which led him to telling me he was an outcasted Fae from the London courts. Being an outcast meant he was shunned from them, unable to return to the safety they provided. He offered to take me there so I could learn about what I was, but I didn’t want to leave the first person I met. Yes, it sounds silly, but he took the time to help me never asking anything in return. Plus, I did like being around him when he came back from travelling.

  “I see your still amazed by transport” He chuckles at me and I suppressed a giggle. Transport always fascinated me with how it runs underground and what should have taken hours, only takes few minutes.

  “What can I say, it interests me” Looking at him, his eyes soften at my words

  “Everything interests you. You can’t help but find it all fascinating” On hearing this I snorted out a laugh knowing what he says is true. I find the world amazing even with the horrid smells.

  “What? I’m like a child discovering the world. Can you ever see me finding something boring?” I say while Alex smirks at me.

  “I wonder would you find watching fish boring or would they keep you entertained?”

  “Considering I’ve never owned any fish and with all the different types there are. Then I would say I could watch them all day” Alex throws his head back and laughs as blond curls fall into his eye.

  He looks like an angle and acts like one, sometimes I mistake him for one. Until he told me they don’t live on earth and haven’t intervened in a very long time. “Oh yeah, I see it now…… Your new hobby and job would be in an aquarium talking about how they swim, live and feed”

  I burst out laughing instead of scowling at him, knowing he might be right. It was nice knowing we could bicker and banter between us, without any feelings getting hurt.

  Our train pulled up as we were laughing, putting our conversation to a halt as we got step in. “Oh yes, I could picture my perfect job now. Just you wait they will soon have me on the discovery channel where I could use my charm”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yep, soon I will be rolling in money and we would never have to work again” I say. Alex tries to hold in his laugh, but it soon spills out, making it contagious until where both in a fit of giggles.

  As quick as our journey started, it soon comes to an end as five stops later were getting off, heading towards his apartment.

  A 42-storey block, overlooking the river Thames stands before me like a mirror reflecting the sun light as it hits the glass. “Wait till you see the inside”

  “You mean it’s better on the inside than outside?” I look up at him in astonishment.

  “You better it is” A wide grin spreads across his face as we head into the lobby. Looking at Alex I silently say the word fancy. All around us were crystal chandeliers which hung from the ceiling, dancing like fairy’s as the light hit them. I was left to stand wide eye as I take in the design and beauty of the place. Brown wooden flooring and cream walls decorated the place with a warm but friendly feeling.

  “You might want to close your mouth unless you like the taste of flies….. Plus, we do need to get upstairs” He whispers in my ear.

  Flushing red from embarrassment I follow Alex like a puppy and walk into the elevators where he hits the 20th floor. Staying silent is an achievement when even the inside of the elevator looks to have been made from diamonds with how clean and shiny it is. I think I might be a magpie as I love all things shiny. It’s my kryptonite. Some people get inside and join us while we wait until we arrive at our floor.

  Keeping close we arrive at number 107 waiting for him to put the key in the lock he swings the door open. “Welcome to your new home of residences” He says in a booming voice while I roll my eyes.

  “Rule number one: if you're going to bring a guy home than please let me know so I can vacate the premises. Rule number 2: if you decided to get frisky with a shifter than please make sure you clean his fur up and keep his claws away from the furniture. Rule number 3: if it be a vampire dude than I suggest you cover the windows as they will burn, and their ashes will stain the carpets. Rule four: All bodily fluids will be cleaned by you”

  “OMG! What type of rules are they?” I have tears in my eyes from his weirdness.

  “That my beauty will make sure I don’t have to listen to you having sex while my home doesn’t get destroyed” He quips.

  “This is me where talking about, the virgin Mary. Never had a boyfriend, never had sex- “

  “You don’t know that. You could have been a porn star for all you know. Lapping up all them hard and juicy dicks”

  “Are you going to show me around or are we going to talk about my phantom sex life or lack off?” I counter his reply.

  Bowing at the waist with a pretend top hat that he takes off. “Very well my Lady, this way” Like a comedian he dramatical puts his arm out for me to take while he shows me around. To say I was jealous was an understatement, his home was incredible.

  Wide open living area space with a purple and black fabric sofa with silver stitching sat int the centre, fitted with dark oak flooring where a rounded glass coffee table sits. Walking in the walls are kept empty as bolted into the biggest wall on the left is a wide screen television.

  “It’s- “

  “Amazing, fabulous or absolutely dream worthy” He said beaming at the stunned look on my face.

  “It’s out of this world Alex” I said as I take a seat on the sofa which tries to hold me hostage as it sinks with my weight.

  “Glad you like it, your room is on the left and the kitchen is behind you. Go explore till your heart is content” He says.

  Doing as he suggested I have to try and free myself from the sofa that tries to keep me. Managing to get up I take in the kitchen which looks like it come from a fantasy dream magazine where the top is black and white marble along the sides, dark brown draws and cabinets. This place was huge being bigger on the inside than it looked. I don’t know where I wanted to go first! Do I check out the bath, bedroom or explore all the doors? Like a kid in the toy store I ran around pulling doors open while Alex’s booming laughter reverberated around the place.

  One room was designed like an office with dark interior and leather chair which gave it a professional but relaxed looked, another room was filled with a tumbler dryer and washing machine. It wasn’t long until I found my room and it was enough to melt my heart.

  I felt touched at how much effort Alex went into to make it feel like my own place, knowing my love for Disney films. He had a glass cabinet to one side which had the whole collection of beauty and the beast and even had the snow globe which cost an arm and a leg. It was girly yet fit for a woman as the bed was a queen size with black and purple covers, photos of us both at different places and events was placed on one wall. And finally, there was a bookshelf with all my favourite books and movies that I had watched.

  Sitting on the bed it took all of five minutes to get settled in as I didn’t own much stuff except the clothes I wore and the ones in the bag. I was grateful that my window had a view which looked over the River Thames where I could see the London eye, as well as the water below.

  “Hey Belle. What do you fancy for dinner?” Alex asked dressed in a pair of shorts and a vest. Alex had stunning ocean blue eyes that twinkled like the moon, with tanned brown skin for all the traveling he did. His blond hair fell in curls around
his shoulders. He was well built and toned, not overly muscle like some people but a body of a surfer.

  “I’m easy, whatever you fancy”

  “Ok that’s helpful…… How about a good Indian curry with extra spice?” Nodding my head as we both loved hot food, he left to place an order.

  Alex could cook like a professional chief if he wanted to, but he didn’t like the mess it left. He would rather get a takeout than complain about it. Anything to avoid cleaning up.

  Chilling out I decided to get in the shower and change out of my clothes as I wanted to feel relaxed. Stepping into the shower was a dream. A large bath took up the centre space where it had the attachable top head for the shower. Squealing out loud I just had to try it.

  Waiting for the water to fill up I took in my appearance, I was a tad too skinny from all the meals I kept missing with creamy pale skin, long silver hair which reached my waist. I did want to have short hair but every time I had cut it. It would magically grow back to its full length the next day. Lime green eyes stare back at me with plum natural red lips and high cheek bones. My pointed Fae ears stick out through my hair, the only give away that I’m not human.

  Settling into the warm water it feels lush against my skin, clearing all the dirt and emotions I feel. I feel like a failure from how bad my life has gotten, losing my job and crappy one-bedroom apartment. But it was my apartment that I had worked for, unfortunately I couldn’t pay the rent no more and here I am.

  Washing the shame and guilt I feel for having to rely on Alex, I know he don’t mind. But I wanted to be able to look after myself, the independence I need to feel. I want to be strong, be able to look after myself.

  I take my time in washing myself, before getting out the bath just as the doorbell rings.

  “Hurry up. Food is here” Alex knocks twice before walking down the corridor. Getting out I put on some loose trousers and a long t-shirt. The smell of spices and chicken hit my nostrils making my mouth water.

  “Hmmmmm food” I say as I join Alex on the sofa where he has Netflix on.

  “Someone hungry?”

  “Why yes I am” I was starving, Alex poured me a glass of coke and handed me my food while he chooses a film for us to watch.

  “Have you seen this?” He had chosen one of the marvel films, the one with iron man.

  “Nope, never seen it. Any good?” I asked tilting my head at him.

  “Belle darling, we really need to catch you up to speed” I smirked at what he said, knowing he was a lover of all things action and heroic.

  “I know but at the moment I need to find a job, get money and go clothes stopping” Tapping my finger against my lip I wait for what his about to say.

  “Did you just say clothes shopping?” His eyes light up at the words.

  “Yes I did unless…..” I trail off knowing what his reaction will be.

  “Yes Belle! Tomorrow we are going clothes shopping and before you say anything. It is on me until you can find your feet” He gave me a pointed look one that said I have no choice but to accept.

  Like a child caught by an adult I accept his offer. Munching away on the delicious food I watch the film.

  By the end of the film I was falling asleep snuggled up to Alex, it was a fighting battle to keep my eyes open. Eventually he gave me a gently shake and told me to go bed. Struggling to keep my eyes opened I creeped to my room feeling like the dead.

  Once I hit my bed, I fell asleep where my dreams played havoc on my mind. in over five years I haven’t dreamed of the man with golden eyes but tonight I did.

  Chapter Two

  Meeting Beast

  I woke up to the feeling of sand beneath my feet as I was bare footed. I haven’t seen this place since the night I passed out in the hospital. It felt strange to be here to be in a place that was identical to a dream long forgotten. I walked along the sand which felt warm and soft beneath my feet. I always loved the ocean which was why I walked toward the edge of the water. I have never been to a beach unless it’s been in the dream world. Which is why I really wanted to dip my feet into the sea and experience what the ocean feels like.

  As I started getting closer, I never got to dip my feet in as the sun started to disappear. The sky began to darken blocking out the sun where clouds turned to grey. A storm was coming in that started as the water started to become aggressive. The once calm waves began to violently crash against the shore. A booming sound echoed above where thunder rolled across the sky. I looked up into the sky expecting to see lighting. But I never did. Instead above me was a large creature that had flown by.

  “I don’t like this” I whispered to myself I turned around looking to find cover as the first drops of rain splashed against me. I wanted to escape the rain but more importantly I wanted to avoid drawing the attention of the creature in the sky.

  “I need to wake up before I become somebody’s food” I said as I pinched myself in hopes to wake up in my bed. But it was like the creature above me had heard me. It let out a screech as its warning as it descended from the stormy clouds above me. As it swooped down towards me, I couldn’t help but look at it in wonder as it was magnificent. I couldn’t see much of the creature however what I could see was that it was a large flying animal with raven black wings and a sharp beak. A sharp beak that was heading directly towards me before letting out a sound crossed between an eagle and a hawk.

  Hell no!

  Turning tail, I ran away from the bird like creature before I soon became its dinner. Instead I headed towards the vast land where the landscape began to come to life. Almost like my mind had conjured up a safe place for me to escape. As this was my dream after all.

  I knew if I could make it past the sand and onto the familiar streets of London. Then I had a chance to survive and not be eaten. The bird creature screeched once more in annoyance as I ran away from it. Like it was disappointed that I didn’t want to stay and pet it! Like really! Why the hell would anyone sane do that? Like sure, come here pretty birdie let me give you a good old pet and scratching. And why you’re at it you may take a chunk out of me!

  Why the hell did my mind come up with this?! This is so not fair. Why couldn’t I have a calming dream instead of a death creature trying to kill me! I should have been having a lovely dream about anything but this!

  The bird that I through was an average demonic one turned out to be a giant bird by the sound of the squeaking that could be heard as it came closed. Looking over my shoulder was like a horror film I once watched with Alex. One where you turn around and get a good look at death knocking on your door. Gigantic wings beat above me where I could feel the air coming from them. I could see the shadow below my feet. Cold fear began to creep its way around my body as it was gaining speed on me. If I could make it to the building maybe than I could escape it and wake back up.

  It should work as it was only a dream. Nothing but a dream. One I should be able to control.

  Except this didn’t feel like a normal dream. No. It felt like someone was controlling it, pulling the strings to control the landscape around me, pushing me towards them. I didn’t want to meet them for whoever they are would only be worst then the monster above me.

  I ran as fast as I could to get away, my feet pounded against the concrete as I tried to make my escape. I was almost there. Almost in the safety of a building, one where it couldn’t get me. Just as I used the last of my strength thinking I would make it. I never did. I never got the chance to get to safety as the creature's large cold talons wrapped around my small frame.

  I never got the chance to react as it swooped low and snatched me from the ground. Like a bird getting the worm from the ground. Where I was the worm about to become its food. The creature took me up into the air as I looked longing at my failed freedom. Watching as the ground became further away, we rose above the tallest buildings. I let out a scream of terror.

  I couldn’t decide what fate I would prefer as it soared through the sky. Would I prefer to be brough back to its nes
t where it would eat me alive? Or would I prefer to be dropped to my death by this monster? Whichever one it was going to be, it wasn’t going to end well for me. Dream or not, no one wants to feel their bones shattering or getting eaten.

  Half of my body was dangling out of the claws of this creature. I felt my body move of its own accord clinging onto a single claw. My fingers gripped its single claw where they tried to embed themselves in hopes It wouldn’t try to drop me. I really didn’t want to die!

  It was terrifying holding on and watching as it flew through the sky where I was only a passage. The destination was unknown to me as it seemed to be heading somewhere.

  “Please don’t eat me” I pleaded in a high-pitched voice. Pleading to the monster that held me. Being this close I could make out black scaly skin running over its chest and wings. While the Beak looked very sharp and shiny. One large golden eye looked down at me where they morphed into cat slits.


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