Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 3

by E. M Jefferson

  Gulping the lump in my throat I watched it with frightened eyes. A sound came out of its beak. A cross between a squeak and a growl came out it sounded like,. almost like it was laughing at my attempt at pleading.

  Just what is this hellish creature?

  Removing its single eye it kept going until a large daunting castle came into view. It looked like something out of a fairy tale where the villain would live. The stone castle was pitch black where large scary looking towers where place around it. It was gothic looking where strange metal iron work was embedded in the walls creating a crude symbol. One that had a beast head with bones underneath. But the scariest part was where a single hooded figure waited at the top. Covered in a long jacket which reached the floor covering his entire body. The figure was tall, dark and scary. He looked like a giant standing there waiting for something.

  That’s when it dawned on me. He was waiting for me to arrive.

  His facial features were hidden under his hood. Casting his face into the shadows. Something tugged withing my chest. Telling me not to fear this man as somehow my mind knew who he was. He was the one with the golden eyes.

  At first my natural instincts were to escape the being before me. Kicking out against the claws that held me I was trying to get the creature to release me. But it only seemed to amusement the guy. While I couldn’t see his face, I could see as his lips tilted up into a half smirk.

  He finally spoke. “You have finally arrived” His voice was as hypnotic as the first time I heard it. Claws opened up letting me fall to the ground where I brace myself for the landing. Instead of my ass hitting the ground, arms caught me, pulling me into his solid chest. “Where have you been little one?” I felt the fear leave my body as his arms tightened with me in his grip. Keeping me close to him as if he could keep me.

  My mind could not keep up with what was happening, instead it began to shut down, making it hard to form words. “Where are you in the world?” His whispered words dance along my skin, infecting my mind where all I wanted to do is give in.

  What is he?

  Unable to deny his request I felt my lips answering his question unlike the last time. “London” I say, doing little but to obey his commanding voice, as he gently lowers me to the ground.

  He pulls me along towards the walkway where I have no choice but to follow. Like a puppet following its master I no longer have control over my body, woven tightly into the spell he had cast.

  “Where in London?” He utters before we walk through a door that led into an open hall. One where my eyes wanted to stray, taking in the beauty around me. so different from the outside. However, the man before me has captivated my attention unlike any other as he pulls me once more into his warm body.

  He leans down and purrs to me. “Where in London little one?”

  “River Thames” I tried to take a peek under his hood to see who he was. My eyes were begging to see his face wondering if he would be as handsome as I imagined him to be. But he removed his head out of reach, leaving me to wonder why?

  Why send his beast to get me when he did not want to show me who he was?

  “I will find you little one and when I do…….. There will be no escaping me” It’s a promise. One I know he means while his effortless strength picks me up and carries me into a room, one bathed in darkness.

  I know I should have fought against him, kicked out at being taken into the darkness. But something about him seem so familiar. As if I was discovering a puzzle I once solved, but what?

  I tried in vain to move out of his hold and get onto my feet before he could trap me in there. However, his arms tightened possessively around me, pulling me impossible close. Trying to merge us as one!

  “SHE IS MINE” He roars out like a demonic being, one that has come straight from the deepest and darkest depths of hell. Then I felt it, the sensation of fading away once more from this man. I began to fade out, turning almost see-through. He couldn’t stop what was happening as I felt myself beginning to wake up in the real world. One where he couldn’t reach me.

  Instead of feeling the fear of losing him like I once did. This time I fear what would happen if he found me.

  The Beast with golden eyes.

  Chapter Three

  Landing a job

  Waking up I let out a loud yawn while stretching my body as far as I could. It felt great to be in such a soft bed while the morning light was streaming in from a gap between the curtains. The clock beside me said it was 10am in the morning but yet I still felt tired as if I never slept last night. The though had me checking the soles of my feet in case I had ended up sleep walking.

  “Thank god” mumbling to myself in relief as I have a habit of wondering around the city while sleeping. The last time I had one of my episodes as I like to call them. I had ended up boarding a train to Hitchin and walking around lost in a small town. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement, but to have been dressed in only my Pj’s which was covered in fairies was humiliating. With no phone and no idea how, I ended up there. Some elderly lady ended up taking pity on me. She took me to her house where I could call a friend. Learning Alex’s number off by heart had been one of my saving graces as lucky for me, he was home.

  Shaking away the memory I looked outside the window where I could see today’s traffic. But that wasn’t what captivated my attention, no. It was the river which sparkled with the rays of the sun, glittering out like tiny crystals. What was with my obsession with shiny things? I never know but anything that shines like diamonds, crystals or even sparkles then I wanted it.

  Flocks of birds pass the window taking away my view, but that soon has me thinking about the creature which had kidnapped me. I shuddered as I got out of bed, not knowing whether it was a nightmare, or a dream gone wrong. It didn’t really matter what one it was as I dread to think of the promise, he made me before I had disappeared on him yet again.

  What was my obsession with the golden eyed Beast? I never knew but he had resurfaced and with that. My obsession with him.

  “Hey sleeping beauty! Time to wake up, get dressed and go shopping” Alex shouts before pushing the door open, bringing me a hot cup of coffee with extra sugar.

  He was a life saver! But I was a little bit envious about him not having to work. Alex didn’t need to work as he was in partnership with a few business friends who ran a nightclub. I’ve never asked to go but from what he has said, it is where all the supernatural beings go when they want to let loose. Be their true selves away from the prying eyes of humans. That’s the name all humans grouped us in when they can’t tell the differences between us.

  “Morning, someone is cheery today” Always the morning person who can never sleep in. He is worse than a child on Christmas

  “What can I say, you said the magic words…… Now get dressed you are not going out like that sleepy head” He only half jokes but I know there’s some truth in his words. His dressed in a navy-blue designer jean paired with a black top and trainers. Looking sophisticated as well as causal, he should have been a model with his looks.

  “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be dressed” I say while taking a sip of coffee. If I don’t have coffee in the morning that is super sweet, then I can be a raging bitch.

  “Alright Belle”

  Leaving me to it, I rush to get dressed knowing if I take too long, he will dress me himself and drag me out the door. He has done that once before so I know what he can be like.

  Opening up the chest of draws pulling out my clothes and started putting them on. Putting on a pair of ripped jeans, low cut top and my boots I’m almost ready. My hair is naturally straight that doesn’t need much work, so I tie it up in a high ponytail. Taking a quick glance in the mirror. I’m ready to go.

  Walking out I meet Alex in the hallway where he hands me one of his jackets. It’s too big for me but its better than being cold.

  “Come on we are heading down to the garage and taking the car today” Amusement dances in his voice as I follow h
im out the door and into the elevator. He hits the ground button which takes us to the underground parking lot.

  “Alex….. Just where are we going for this shopping trip?” My voice betrays my nervous as Alex is a man who likes to dress to impress with the latest fashion. Which means he has very expensive taste.

  “One just in the West End where I have a reservation for us” He says cryptically. But his smile is pure evil knowing wherever we are about to go. It’s not only mega expensive but full of snobby people.

  “Please tell me it’s not some fancy designer place which cost mega money?” I know he said he was more than happy to buy me some clothes as mine have started to fade away. But I can’t expect him to buy ones that cost more than the price tag is worth.

  “That’s the one” His lips spread into a wide smile, like the cat got the cream look.

  “ALEX!” I scold him, knowing now why he was super excited to drag me out the apartment. There is only one place Alex would go to get his clothes and that’s Zara’s designs. A very beauty and elegant Vampire who has a mad dress sense. Her company from what Alex said had blown up about ten years ago. Where everyone around the world wants her clothes as her fashion sense is out of this world. With the highest quality fabrics to make the clothes. They are made using silk, cotton, denim and flannel. There clothes to die for, literally as some cost more than a house.

  With the way my face dropped only made Alex laugh at me. I have nothing against people who buy clothes worth a fortune. But come on! the cheapest item they sell cost around £500! It’s ridiculous.

  While I stew in unhappiness about it, Alex just keeps a wide grin on his face. Watching people go by, I have no words to say but I swear every time someone looks at me. I could see golden eyes. It was freaking me out! But before I could dwell on how impossible or crazy it seemed. Alex was pulling up into the parking lot underneath the mall.

  “Are you ready?” Turning off the engine he looks at me. It’s the most happiness I’ve seen him.

  “No” It’s the truth. I hate fancy places and how they treat you. Well more like how they treat me as one look at me and I look like a charity case that Alex has picked up off the street. Alex must see my sour face as his laugh rings out as we get out the car. I know I’m going to regret going shopping, but it makes him happy.

  Wow. I think I have a spilt personality.


  “Never again Alex! Never again!” I shout at him as we left the shop. Carrying the few bags I had let him buy as the price was insane!

  “Come on it wasn’t that bad” He nudges me. but I can’t be mad at him as one look at his smile and I melt. Plus, it wasn’t his fault. It was theirs!

  Evil shop assistant!

  “Wasn’t that bad he says, no. They only tried to shove me in clothes too small, I know I’m tiny but that took the piss” The shopping assistants tried to stick me in a corset that was two sizes too small, making my waist appear smaller. But I feel like I was suffocating with how tight it was.

  I swear she was trying to kill me!

  “You didn’t need to be a bitch about it nor did you need to have a sour face” He mocks me, copying the face I had made.

  With one look I ended up laughing as it looked like he had been sucking on a sour sweet. “Come on! I so did not look like that”

  “Belle darling….. You looked worse” I playfully hit his arm.

  Walking over to the escalators we pressed the button for the food court. I didn’t really know my way around, so I left it up to Alex to lead me.

  We walked out and soon enough arrived at a small café. It looked like one of those 1950 café where they kept it homey but at the same time posh. Streaked wooden flooring and white tables were dotted around the place. It was small but it was also jammed packed with people. Making our way through people leaving we sat in a corner table that had fabric seats.

  “ALEX! My man” A guy said dressed in all black. Taking in his appearance his hair was cut short and spiked up. He was tall and well built.

  “Ty” Alex replies to the guy I know now as Ty. Together they went in for a manly hug while slapping each other on the back.

  “Hey Alex, how are you doing?” He asked in a husky voice.

  “Yeah, things are going great” He must be a really good friend as Alex was very relaxed around him.

  “Who is this pretty young lady?” He purrs down at me while his eyes flash to orange slits. Shifter, what type of shifter I’m unsure but all shifters has an animal spirit within then where they can change from man to beast.

  “Isabelle, but you can call me Belle” I said sitting down as they did too. Guess this party of two has become a party of three. Not that I mind as I never really get to meet many people. As one look at me and they run.

  Or it could do with how clueless I can be sometimes.

  “Where have you been keeping her, Alex?” Ty said.

  Letting a laugh “He hasn’t been keeping me anywhere Ty” I smiled at him. “Would you like to join us?” I ask to be polite as he had already taken a seat opposite me.

  “Lunch with a beautiful woman and an old friend? I think I will” Ty sends me a wink while Alex just shakes his head. “Tell me Belle, what do you do?”

  “Nothing really, just relocated to Alex’s apartment until I can get back on my feet, other than that….. I’m boring” I hate this whole thing about not being able to lie. As I really suck at half-truths.

  Ty looks taken back with my answer looking to Alex for what to say. “Belle” Alex says in a soft voice. One to warn me not to be too honest but I can’t help it. It is who I am.

  “What? It’s the truth. Until I can find a job or find my feet, there’s not much about me” shrugging my shoulders I pick up my menu as I look at what food they provide. Gods I’m starving.

  “Well if you’re a friend of Alex’s-“

  “Best friends but yes” I say interrupting him, leaning on my hand.

  “I might be able to help with the job as I may know someone, if you can keep up” Now that has my attention as it would be great to get myself a job. One where I could pay Alex back.

  “NO!” Alex slams his hand against the table making me jump.

  “Why not? You haven’t even let him finish, plus I really need a job so I can help out” With wide innocent eyes I use my charm.

  Alex groans while Ty laughs and I just smile. “Fine!” His not happy about it, but he will let me make my own choices. Smiling at the small victory I put my menu down as I already know what I want.

  I turned out their conversation as my thoughs were invaded once more by my Beast. Yes. I’ve decided to call him my Beast as it reminded me of the fairy tale.

  Beauty and the Beast.

  I wanted to know more about this strange beast. Was there a man that hid within him? One that needed me to help him find? I was a sucker for happy endings and believed everyone should find that one special person. One that changes your world for the better, a true love that surpasses even time itself.

  I must have lost myself to my throughs as a young waitress made her way over to us. She had come over to take our order wearing a pleasant smile. One that held general warmth inside. She was young and pretty with her brown hair with plaits. She had applied a small amount of make-up that enhanced her eyes. Soft wide brown eyes took in the company around me, human. They were always attracted by the pull of supernaturals, unable to help but stare. Her uniform was ivy green and black, giving some bright colour to the place.

  “What would you like?” A soft voice came from between her full lips. I almost felt bad for her as her eyes glazed over from meeting both Alex and Ty

  “Black coffee and a bacon sandwich” Ty said while the poor girl couldn’t take her eyes away from his. I had to hide my snicker with a cough.

  “Just coffee for me” Alex said startling her away from Ty. I mean sure he was handsome one that oozed sex appeal. She final took notice of Alex as they widened even further. She must have forgotten about me
until I had coughed to get her attention. She meets my eyes as her cheeks turned to a rosy colour.

  “Coffee, extra sugar and scrambled eggs on toast please” I had missed breakfast due to Alex pulling me out the door and really fancied having something light but filling.

  Once she had taken our order, she had left us alone but not before stealing one more look at Ty. Poor girl had it bad.

  “As you were saying, what job would it be?” I asked as soon as she had left.

  “How are you at working at a bar, do you know how to make drinks?” He enquiries.

  “I’ve worked at a few bars so I know the basics but that was at the human one” I though back to how well I managed before. But that was short lived as I kept missing my shifts due to waking up in random places.


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