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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

Page 4

by E. M Jefferson

  “Yeah, our bars and clubs are very different from what you are use to. A lot of our customers can be very rowdy and hands on. So you need to be able to hold them off and not put yourself in a position to get hurt” There is a hidden warning within his tone that tells me I could get hurt if I’m not careful.

  “I understand but a job is a job at the end of the day” I can’t be that much different.

  “As long as you are sure Belle” He said studying my face

  “I am” I said with confidences.

  The waitress came back over to deliver us our food and drinks on a black tray. “Can I get you anything else?” She asks keeping her eyes glue to Ty’s. Damn that was fast.

  “No thanks, were fine” Alex says while she blushes from head to toe.

  “How about it, do you want to scope the place out first before committing to working there?” Ty said in between sips of his coffee.

  “Sure, why not, it would be fun…. How do you drink that without any sugar?” I turn my nose up at the through of tasting bitter coffee without any sugar.

  “I don’t need sugar, I’m sweet enough” He was a cheeky flirt with the way he directed a wink in my direction. Looks like Alex will have some competition with who is the biggest flirt.

  “Ty, just for once can you not do this” Alex says letting out a tired exhale. Poor guy hasn’t really spoken much just leaving me and Ty to do the talking. “When are you thinking of going to club?”

  “Tonight. It is one of the calmer nights to work” Ty looks thoughtful for a moment. “Plus, Dante isn’t expected to arrive until the weekend”

  “Dante?” Something about his name had me sitting up straighter.

  “If Dante is around than there is no way Belle will be working there” Alex sounds angry with a hint of concern.

  “Who is Dante?” I ask again but they still ignore me as if I wasn’t there. I really wanted to know who this person was.

  “I will make sure he stays away from her; you have my word” Ty said.

  “I’m trusting you my friend” Alex says with narrowed eyes.

  The guys never answered my question instead they got into a heated debate over everything that could go wrong with Dante back in town. I don’t know why but the name Dante felt familiar to me, as if I had known someone. But as quick as the through came. It left leaving behind a really strange feeling. One I couldn’t put my finger on.

  I might have to ask Alex when we get back home as he might be able to clue me in. As they finished up their conversation where they both agreed to come together. We paid for our food and left the cafe.

  Ty walked with us for a bit where his eyes would check out every female that walked past. I sensed he was a man just like Alex who couldn’t settle for one. Instead he had to sample nearly every woman he could.

  I had waved bye to Ty before the elevator doors had closed where I followed Alex back down towards the car. With shopping bags in hand, I was looking forward to a night of fun.

  I really enjoyed meeting Ty as he seemed really friendly, someone you could relax around without him taking advantage of you. He had that charm around him where you couldn’t help but trust him and be drawn into him. I was looking forward to spending the night with him and couldn’t wait to see him tonight at the club. Also, my body was buzzing with excitement as I wanted to find out what it would be like to work there.

  Alex walked in front of me as we headed out in to the parking lot. He was very quiet and hadn’t said a word. Too lost in his own thoughts, it worried me with how distance he seemed.

  . It wasn’t until we were both seated safety in the car that he had broken the silence. “Belle” His face dropped, and I knew what he was about to say would be important. “I’m begging you, don’t work there. If you really want a job, I can get you one at mine”

  “What is so bad about this place? and you said yours was worse” I don’t understand what the big deal is about me working there.

  “Normally I would say yes. But if Dante is back in town. Then I want you as far away as possible from him. His not a Fae you ever want to meet” He looked desperate, eyes begging me not to do this.

  “I don’t understand why this person would affect you like this? Who is he?” Curiosity burned in me, wanting to know who this person is? Why does his name have such a strong pull on me? I haven’t even met the guy.

  “Look Belle, he is a dangerous man. One where stories run wild with what happens to anyone when they catch his eye. Some women have gone missing after last being seen with him, while men have ended up dead from refusing him” He made a face like he just smelled something rotten. “I don’t want to sound like I’m playing Chinese whispers, but it’s hard to ignore what everyone is saying”

  I hesitated with my reply, while his words sank into my mind. Could he be as bad as they say? But why judge a person if you, yourself haven’t seen it? “I will see what the place is like and if I don’t like it, then I will take you up on your offer”

  Alex didn’t look convinced with my reply but nodded his head as we started the car. We stayed in silence until we arrived at his underground parking lot. I didn’t realize how quick the journey was while I was stuck inside my own head.

  “I need to head back out, but your bags are in the boot. We will be heading out around 10pm so if you want to take a nap or chill before we go. That’s up to you”

  “I will properly go for a nap; you know how much I like to sleep” This draws the corners of his lips to tilt up in a small smile before he shakes his head. I didn’t like it when Alex is worried as his eyes would darken with pain.

  I never got the chance to cheer him up. The moment I got out the car and got my bags. Alex had started to drive away.

  I watched as Alex left me without a wave goodbye. Instead I waked through the fancy doors where I took my bags upstairs. There were only two bags filled with clothes because I refused to let him pay any more. Much to his dislike but I can’t have him spending all his money on me.

  Maybe a bit of quiet time would help me sort my head out and adapt to this craziest life. Riding up the elevator I pressed for the floor where I was staying. In the time it took for me to look up, I had arrived. Pulling out my keys I opened the door and put them down on the coffee table. Heading into my room I leave the clothes in the bag before removing the ones I had on, and jumped back into bed. Setting an alarm for 8pm, I close my eyes and let my mind dream.

  Chapter Four


  I woke up wrapped in the blanket while my body felt like it had run a marathon. I felt strange like I haven’t sleep yet I remained in my bed. Disoriented and confused I got dressed in hopes that Alex was home and maybe he could help me out.

  “Alex” I called out, but the house was empty. The clocked chimed nine times, telling me it was 9pm. But that couldn’t be right as I had set an alarm. So why didn’t it go off?

  I never feared the dark as I have seen the worst there could be, making it second nature. Plus, I have really good eyesight where I can see without any problems. Getting out of bed I made my way towards the living room.

  Walking into the living room a cold wind brings a chill with it, one that has me shriving from the cold. Looking around I see the balcony door open which would be the reason it was so cold. I know I didn’t open it and wondered if maybe Alex was out there. Pushing the curtains away I step outside. Its freezing cold making me wish I had a dressing gown on instead of the pair of shorts and tank top I had on.

  I expected to find Alex out here possible having a drink. But Alex wasn’t out here. Instead someone else is.

  My heart froze in my throat as a million scenarios played out in my mind, wondering what had happened to Alex. Could this man have killed him or has Alex not came home yet?

  But more importantly who was this man that sat upon the railings as if he owned the building?

  “So, you have finally been found” A low voice said, but unlike my dream man there was no warmth in this man’s voice.
It was cold, cruel with malice.

  Unsure of what to do I tried to take a step back, knowing I should have kept my phone on me, instead it was left on the bedside table.

  “There’s no point in running, not when he knows you’re here” He laughs cruelly at me, while his face is hidden under a mask. It’s the type of mask you would find on the night of the day of the dead, with its black and gold design. He reminded me of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland with the top hat he had on. Dressed in a velvet red steampunk tailcoat that looked like it belonged from the Victorian era. A black waist coat could be seen underneath. He looked ready for a gothic party, one that I never want to go to.

  I need to find out what is going on but at the same time I need to run. However, curiosity wins out which just might be a mistake.

  “Who are you? And who is he? Why are you here and what did you do to ALEX?!” I shout at him needing answers that only he knows. All the while the panic inside my body starts to rear its head.

  “My, my, my. You do ask a lot of question” He grins showing off his teeth but it’s the long fangs that capture my attention, glistening white. He sees what I’m looking at and runs his tongue along them. “Could it be? You have truly forgotten who you are, not an ounce of recognition in your eyes?”

  I feel so clueless right now that I try to rack my brain to see if we had ever met. But I know I haven’t as I would have recognised someone as delusional and scary looking. My heart is pounding as I watch his eyes darken with delight at my lack of knowledge. Watching as a dark grin transformed his face, its not the type of grin that means his pleased. But its more the type of grin that promises pain and misery. One where he could do whatever he please as there is no one around.

  I know I need to get away as somewhere deep inside of me tells me I need to run before he can do his worse. Making my decision I turn to run back inside the apartment as it’s my only option. However, I don’t even make it far as arms of steel band wrapped around my small waist.

  “LET ME GO!" I shouted out. Stamping on his feet in hopes to loosen his grip. But my attempt only caused a low rumbling through his chest which I think was a laugh. Using my elbows, I aimed for his chest but the first one didn’t connect. I tried again in vain to hurt him, but it was like hitting a wall. It hurt me more than him apparently as there was a dull throbbing pain.

  “This is going to be so much fun” His whispered along my throat before he nipped the soft flesh. Not enough to break the skin but enough to cause pain. It sent shivers down my spine as I though how vulnerable I was. Tears threatened to fall as I tried to fight against him where cruel laughter rang out. I needed a miracle to happen as he prevented me from escaping. Every time I struggled; he would tighten his hold on me to the point it became painful. I was well and truly trapped in the hold of a mad man.

  Where is my golden eye Beast when I needed him?!

  I closed my eyes as I felt him whisper against my throat. “I’m going to enjoy playing with you and-“he never got to finish as he was ripped away from me.

  “You dare hurt what is mine!” The Beast growls out in a dangerous voice. One that had me snapping my eyes open to the sight before me.

  Beast had the vampire pinned up against the wall where he started to pound into him with a sicking sound.

  “You are a fool to have left her unprotected for so long” He laughs out like he is truly insane. He looks crazy with the blood pouring down the cut in his cheek. His eyes return to me once more where I have stayed rooted to the spot “She won’t survive old friend” He spits the word ‘friend’ out before headbutting Beast.

  The motion caused them to savagely rip into each other as fist started to fly. Powerful blows connected with flesh causing the sound of bones to crack. They moved far too quick for the human eye to tract. But I’m not human. Grateful to be Fae I watched them battle it out. It was like watching two gladiators fighting in the colosseum with how brutal they were. Pushing myself against the railing as they were destroying the balcony. I watched as they crashed through the glass window, with shards of glass flying everywhere. Ducking down I avoided the piece that whipped through the air towards me. Neither one of them paid attention to the destruction around them as there was no stopping them.

  Now it was easier to move around, I ran to grab myself a weapon in case things go south. I didn’t fancy being unprotected again and left to feel weak. Plus, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to run as they were currently fighting in the centre of the room. Nothing was left untouched as the sofa was thrown at Beast who batted it away like it was nothing but an annoyance.

  Cries of pain and roars sounded out as they set about trying to kill one another. I wanted to cover my ears from the noise but instead I picked up the bat that Alex keeps in case of a bugler. It was an average size bat except for the nails that had been hammered into it.

  Keeping the weapon raised back I swing it around when fang boy gets to close managing to hit his head. I watched as the bat hit him in the temple where a sickening sound rang out. The sound reminded me of crushing nuts. Staring in horror, I watched him fall back, hitting on the floor. A perfect indent of the bat and nails had marked his face.

  “OMG I think I killed him” I say astonished as the guy just disappears into nothing but black smoke. Does this make me a murderer?

  “No, you didn’t… but he will be back” I was still jumpy and couldn’t be held accountable as I swung the bat at him. But he caught it. “Not bad, but you need to work on your aim” His golden eyes stare down at me as mine widen.

  More than half his face had been revealed to me due to the fight that had taken place. I could see he had a strong jaw line, dark skin that shined and a perfect nose. I watched as the dark skin I mistakenly though turned out to be some type of scaly skin. I didn’t realise I stepped away from him. One he didn’t like as his jaw ticked.

  “I have told you before, there is no need to fear me for you are mine” He stepped closer to me where he had dropped the bat down making a clattering sound. I didn’t even remember giving it to him.

  “I don’t know who you are, how can I take your word?” I back away from him but he doesn’t allow for space between us. He kept walking forward backing me into the wall where his arms and hands are placed on either side of me, caging me in like the prey I felt like.

  My breathing increase but I couldn’t tell if it was from fear or excitement. I itched to touch him but at the same time I was afraid of what he would do to me.

  “BELLE” Alex calls out. His voice breaking whatever spell had been placed over me.

  “I’m here-“ I didn’t get to finish my sentence as Beasts hand clamps over my lips preventing me from speaking. My eyes looked to his where I could see just a hint of a black ring around his iris.

  Beast leans down towards my exposed neck where his breath tickled my skin, as his nose ran up my neck before stopping at my ear. “You are mine little one, I will soon claim you” He finishes with a kiss against my cheek. One that’s leaves a tingling sensation were his lips once was. I felt compelled to press against him but fought the need as I took in his soft smile.


  “WAKE UP” Alex’s voice roars around becoming frantic with worry. His voice causes the world around us to tremble.

  Golden eyes flash in annoyance before he steps back. “Until we meet in the real world” What does he mean by that? Was it possible this was nothing but a dream?

  I could feel the room shaking as I watch him fade away from sight. This time he was the one to disappear from me, instead of it being me. However, unlike the anger l witnessed in his gothic castle he was smiling. Beast was smiling in a way that I couldn’t decipher.

  I watched as the world started to spin as the walls began to crumble, all the while my eyes stayed on the man before me until he was completely gone.


  I jolted up right in bed almost hitting Alex in the face. “Belle are you alright, what happened?” He held my shoulders while h
e looked into my green eyes, looking for something.

  “It was a dream?”

  “Yes and no. Tell me what happened?” He asked in a soft voice.

  “There was this guy inside the apartment on the balcony but…….” The dream started to slip from my mind, almost like it never happened, denying me my memories. “I don’t remember, what is going on Alex?” I’m scared. Something isn’t right. I should have been able to remember my dream as I always remember them.

  “Someone had taken over your dream” He grates out through clenched teeth. Alex looks angry as he looks around the room.

  “What?” Did he just say someone was in control of my dream because I though I miss heard him?

  “If someone is powerful enough, they can enter your mind within the dream world. They can take over your mind and turn you into their puppet where you have no control over your body. Or they can break your mind apart where they can learn your darkest secretes or as I suspect leave you with a warning, one you won’t remember” My mouth fell open in shock as I listened to his words. Why would someone do that to me?


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