Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 9

by E. M Jefferson

His eyes where golden, glowing like the sun, where two long golden horns had curled up and over his head, the veins in his face where burning bright like someone had injected him with the essence of the sun. He was magnificence to look at but at the same time he was terrifying. The three bears had backed away as my eyes stayed on this beast.

  He oozed power as he drew all attention to him, sucking the very air around him. “You dare touch what is mine!” He roared out in a beastly sound. His words where enough to snap me out of this haze that had taken over.

  In a pathetic attempt I tried to move but the she bear had taken a chunk out of my leg. A whimper had escaped my mouth as I tried to move. His eyes snapped to me when he heard the whimper that escaped. Like glass breaking it caused him to attack.

  Quicker that I could see he moved like a blur, slicing his claws through the closest bear towards him. Blood sprayed out as he had ripped the jaguar out of the female one, before his sight was set on his next target. They tried to run but he cut them both down, with savage attacks he made quick work of them both.

  I tried to stand up again. If I focused on keeping the pressure on my good leg, I could limp towards the wall where I could use it for support. Making it there I managed to keep my back pressed against the wall where I could keep my eyes on what was happening. Now I could see his back, he had two enormous wings coming out his back. Instead of being like the metal that coated his skin, they looked soft to touch. Colours of golden and black blended in together, like a well-oiled machine they would move with his body.

  It was then that I realised I didn’t fear this beast for I knew who he was, he was the one who crept into my dreams. I first though it had been Dante as there was something familiar about his presences. But now I knew that was impossible as now that I had seen this creature.

  I knew it was him the one who visited my dreams.

  The magnetic pull between us was out of this world one that you couldn’t describe. I wanted to go to him, but fear kept me paralysed, plus I didn’t fancy seeing what his claws would feel like. I watched in sick fascination as he cut them down. Mesmerised by how gracefully he moved with skill of an ancient warrior.

  What seemed like an eternity soon came to an end when their heads laid severed from their bodies. It was a gruesome sight where blood had covered the floor in all directions, bodies parts laid scattered around. One couldn’t tell whose limb was whose.

  Once he was satisfied with his kill, he stalked towards me like the predator he was, droplets of blood were on his face as his claws were dripping with the blood of his victims. I should be running away, get as far away as possible. But I didn’t, more importantly I wouldn’t be able to get far.

  He stood in front of me where I had to look up into his eyes, eyes that have haunted me for the last five years. It was him, my golden eyed beast. He was never my imagination but had been real this whole time. His claws reached out towards me where he brushed them against my skin. I through they would be cold but instead they was warm, as they ever so gently push the strands of hair behind my ear.

  “Don’t fear me little one, for I have been searching for you” He rumbles out.

  “Who are you?” I need to know; I need to figure out this obsession I have with him.

  “Now is not the time for your friends are here, but soon little one. You will know everything” He says before placing a kiss against my forehead. It didn’t feel real. I wanted him to stay, but like he could hear my thoughs he let out a chuckle before stepping back.

  “For now, I will be in your dreams until the time is right. You are not ready to know the truth”

  “What?! No! you don’t get to disappear on me when I have the chance to figure out who you are and why you have been invading my dreams” I go to grab him by the shoulders but instead I nearly crumble to the ground. His arms prevent me from falling as he leans me back on the wall.

  “Now is not the time, I must leave you. But I will never be far. I will never hurt you” He promises me before shooting up into the night sky.

  “Its not fair” I whisper on the breeze.

  Just as I’m about to call Alex, a large black wolf appears around the corner with an angry Alex and a very pissed of Dante.

  “Belle!” Alex runs to me wrapping his arms around me as he takes in the scene. “Did you do this?” He asked puzzled about what his found.

  “No, it was someone else” I tell him but there’s a voice at the back of my head that doesn’t want to tell him about the beast who saved me.

  “Who did?!” Dante snarls.

  “I don’t know, he was-“The picture I had of him begins to fade from my memory, almost like someone stealing it away, preventing me from remembering who he was. But why?

  “Speak!” Dante snaps, clearly not happy about my lack of answer.

  “I don’t know! I don’t remember” I shout at him feeling frustrated at losing another one of my memories.

  Dante curses in a language I don’t know as Ty appears half dressed, I guess he was the wolf. “Whoever it was that did this, doesn’t have a scent which is damn near impossible. Almost like this person or creature doesn’t exist”

  “I want everyone searching the area for who could have done this” Dante snaps at someone on the other end of the phone. I didn’t even notice he was on the phone.

  “Belle, I’m taking you home, we will discuss this later, but first we need to treat your wounds” Alex talks to me like I’m a child.

  “Stop treating me like a child Alex! I’m a grown woman, I know they need to be treated. As for the events of tonight there isn’t much to discuss. They attacked me and something killed them” I scream at him. Whether it was the shock of tonight or the fact that someone stole the memories of my saviour. I didn’t know but what I did know was that I was pissed off, I feel violated. Who would take them away? I feel like my mind isn’t my own anymore.

  “Ok Belle” He doesn’t say anything else as he guides me to his car as Ty walks behind me. Acting like a bodyguard. I feel useless.

  “You can’t be serious about leaving? we need to find who did this” Dante says.

  “Why? Why is it important for you to find him? it wasn’t you who was attacked?” Why does he care so much?

  “There where your wrong, an attack on you is an attack on me”

  “Why do you care?” I ask in a tired voice, I want to go home and sleep.

  “Because you work for me! An attack on my employee is a direct attack on me, I don’t take to kindly to people messing with my property”

  “Is that all I am to you?! Your property one you think you own, but newsflash. I am not your property, I have just started working at the club, one you own. But that in no way means you own me. I am my own person!” I scream at him. My sanity long gone.

  “Take her home Alex” Ty whispers down as Dante’s face is a picture. His mouth has dropped open before he composes his self.

  “Belle” he drools my name. “You will soon realise you are my property whether you like it or not. So, go home think about what you’ve said as I expect an apology when I next see you” His eyes darken with a cruelness to them before he walks away.

  Is that all I am in his eyes? Property like some slave he thinks he can own. I want to drag him back here and give him a piece of my mind, but the confidence I felt before has started to fade away.

  “Come lets go home” Alex wraps his arms around my shoulders where he lets me use him for support but the pain comes back with a vengeance causing me to cry out.

  Alex hears my cry and sees the pain in my eyes as he reaches down and carries me to car. I feel weak and dizzy all of a sudden, possibly from the amount of blood I lost

  “I don’t feel so good” I warn him as my mind becomes dizzy, my body becomes heavy as he clips me in.

  “Hang in there” He tells me. But his voice sounds far away, my skin feels hot and clammy. I can’t tell if I’m burning up or if I’m cold.

  I tried to look out the window to take my mind of it, b
ut it made me feel worse. Everything began to spin around me in swirls of colour that only hurt my eyes. I had to close them from the pain. I think Alex was saying something, but it was hard to tell as it felt like I was under water.

  Apart of me knew I needed to stay awake until he could sort my leg out, but my body begged me to give in. I needed to stay strong for a little while longer as I think I was almost at the apartment. The sense of touch had left me as I couldn’t feel anything. Was it possible that they had rabies? Or even be diseased?

  “Belle!” Hands pushed my eye lids open as the light blinded me, making me want to hide in the dark.

  “We need to work fast, her blood-“

  The pain became unbearable enough for me to want to cry but I couldn’t make a sound, something was very wrong with me.

  “I know don’t you-“

  Someone kept opening my eyes making it hurt every time. Who would be cruel enough to do this to me? Don’t they know how painful it was to get blinded?! I was unable to identify to person as their face was all fuzzy like a bad aerial connection where you can’t see anything but can hear white fuzzy noise.

  “Keep her awake-“

  I think there was an earthquake as my body rolled side to side like a bumpy ride where you couldn’t get off. I felt my leg begin to burn up, like someone had set gasoline on me before lighting it with a match. Someone was burning me, melting the flesh off my skin. I’ve felt this type of pain before when I was taken into the hospital five years ago.

  Am I about to die?

  “Fuck off why do you care-“

  The darkness beckoned me to join them, promising me freedom from this pain, tempting me to leave my body behind. I really wanted too; the pain was unbearable.


  “Sleep little one, I will keep your mind safe while your body heals” A hypnotic voices whispers in my mind one that was more appealing than the offer from the shadows.

  “That’s it, give into me”

  The voice infected my mind where I couldn’t do anything but obey. But I could picture his eyes in my mind’s eye, pleading me to join him. I really wanted to. I wanted what he promised whether he was a beast or not. Just as I was about to submit to him fully, I felt my body come alive. It felt like lightening was coursing through my veins, untamed and wild. Wanting to be free of its cage, like Zeus had thrown a thunder bolt at me, it made my heartbeat franticly.

  “What the-“

  “Get back-“


  Voices rang out at the same time, but they could not affect me as I was trapped in the feeling of power. For once I wouldn’t be weak, I could be strong. I could do whatever I pleased, and no one could stop me.

  “Fugit autem perdiderit unam mea” (Sleep now my lost one in Latin) A voice whisper in my ear in a language I didn’t know. It was soft and smoothing as if it eased this forgotten soul. Whatever words had been said had a foreign power behind them, calming the power down before it slivered back to where it came from.

  There was something about this voice that once meant something to me, like a memory just out of reach. If I could just bottle it then I might be able to figure it out. But my mind soon started to shut down as my body started to give up. I knew it wouldn’t be long until I was lost to the abyss.

  Just like a clock striking midnight, I felt the darkness swallow me up, taking me away.

  It took me to a place far from here one that took me to a new world.

  One filled with…... Pirates?

  Chapter Nine

  A Pirates life

  Thunder and lightning mixes above the ship, lighting up the black sky with a terrifying boom. You could see where the lightning was about to strike as the clouds would flash with light. It was enough to rattle the ship as we sail across the seven seas. The storm had come, and we were in the heart of it. Wild waves crashed against the sides sending sea water to hit the deck, some of the crew lost their footing, falling to the ground. If they are not careful, they will soon find themselves overboard.

  Large angry waves could be seen as far as the eye could see, raising up to claim anybody foolish enough to sail tonight. The rain pelted down with thick drops, soaking into my clothes and drenching the deck even more. It was savage even for the most seasoned sea dogs aboard my ship.

  “Captain! Another ship has been spotted flyin' th' red Jolly Roger” One of the crew members shouted, pointing towards the ship that changed it course towards us.

  For it was a ship we had meet before, one who intended to sink us down to Davy Jones locker. The sails whipped in the wind, flying their colours. Black sails with three crimson red skulls intertwined together. There calling card took up the whole space on the sail as the red flag was raised up.

  “Ready th' cannons 'n prepare fer battle” I shouted out to the sounds of the crew cheering. “Fly th' Jolly Roger fer no quarter will be given tonight” I raised my cutlass as my quarter master began to get the ship ready for battle. If we die, then I will go down with the ship. For only one will leave here alive.

  Jack was barking out orders “Sound th' bell 'n get me th' master gunner up here” Jack was dressed in a pair of brown breeches and a black Monmouth cap with a black waistcoat which was tight on him. His cutlass hanged down his right leg as he kept his hand on top of it.

  The men scurried to follow out the orders given, while I stayed behind the wheel, taking charge of ship. It seems tonight will be the night for one of us to die either I will go down with the ship or it will be my nemesis.


  We had been at war with each since he first stole me away from my home. That was over 10 years ago were he forced me into a marriage that I didn’t want nor agree to. But that was the life of a pirate, one he claimed I was his prized booty. How I longed to send him to the bottom of the ocean floor where he would meet his death. Ever since I had escaped him by throwing myself overboard. I had made a name for myself The Silver Witch. That was what people called me when they saw our flag fly. It was the face of an angry women who represented Calypso with her face in a violent wave.

  Our ship was midnight blue with polished wood flooring which I made the crew swab the deck everyday as this ship was my home. The sea was my calling, for no prey, no pay.

  With Durante’s ship picking up speed heading directly towards us, I could see the naval ram heading towards us. Spinning the wheel, I change the course, heading for a head on collision.

  “Hands on deck, raise th' sails, hold tight thar comin' in t' ram us” I warn them. Tightening my grip on the wheel as I prepare for the impact knowing it was about to get bumpy.

  “BRACE” I shout staying low as we collide into each other, wooden decking goes flying off, both ships take a heavy hit. The sound of wood breaking and crunching rings out above the pelting rain. “Send them t' Davy Jones Locker, Crush Ye Barnacles” I shout as our enemies board our ship.

  “Fire” The Master Gunner shouts, as cannons shoot out, sending pieces of the ship flying where some people ended up getting hit.

  The roar of cannons sounds out while the ship takes a heavy pounding, war cries echo within the noise. Metal against metal ring out as both sides fight to the death. But I’m not interested in the crew, no, my eyes are set on Durante who waits me for.

  Pulling out my cutlass I run through anyone who gets in my way. No one will stop me from killing him. Walking alone the board that connects our ships I take long strides while my hair whips behind me.

  “Me beauty, 'ave ye come t' surrender” Durante says where the wind carries his voice like a lovers caress, where he rolls the ‘r’ in a purr.

  “Ne'er 'usband o' mine, I 'ow come to cut this here tie between us, once an' fer all” I tell him with a bite in my tone as I had enough of this man.

  His pitch black eyes stare back into me where a ring of gold can be seen around his iris, dressed in the finest silk one could buy, he was dressed in all black expect for his waist coat which was crimson red, just
like his symbol. A golden earring could be seen in his right ear. He had a days’ worth of stumble around his chin, his hair had been braided in beads pulled back away from his face. He was godly to look at, well-built and muscular. Unfortunately, I knew how cold and cruel he could be.

  Once upon a time I could have loved him like no other women could. Could have been the wife of his dreams except he was far to cruel to me. Yes, he kidnapped me which may have been the reason I started to develop stockholm syndrome waiting on his every word. But that was before he showed how cruel he was, how he enjoyed giving me the rough treatment,

  As I approached him, we began to circle one and another as we both had our cutlass drawn. I eyed him up as he did the same. Tonight there would be no mercy shown, not even if Davy Jones showed up on the flying Dutchman


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