Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 10

by E. M Jefferson

  “Ye can ne'er get rid o' me beauty, fer I shall always find ye” He promises me, one I know he intends to keep as he has been chasing me across the seven seas.

  “Be that so? Wha' would happen if I loot yer head 'n mounted it on me wall?” I threaten him, standing my ground before raising my cutlass up in a striking position,

  “I'll rip an' burn yer Jolly Roger, t' teach ye a lesson afore I chain ye t' me cot, if ye ever try t' threaten me again” He sneers down at me with a cruel glint in his eyes.

  I attack him with his guard down, but my cutlass meets his as he blocks my attack. All around us we could hear the cries of pain while we battled amongst the deck. Dodging and parrying we continue to fight each other. He moves like a well-seasoned seadog, but I can match him blow for blow.

  We move as if it’s a dance we had rehearsed were we would break apart and return to one another once more. He was an inflection in my blood, one that needed to be eradicated. Sweat poured down my back from blocking his attacks, barely even managing to hurt him. As we fought the storm raged on, becoming more violent as the waves had started to sweep people of deck, sending them into the sea where they sunk below in the murky waters.

  “Be that th' best ye can do witch, I through ye had more skill. Maybe th' only talent ye 'ave be in between th' sheets” He taunts me making me cry out in rage.

  Running at him I drop low, letting the water help me slide underneath him where I manage to cut his leg as he didn’t expect it.

  “I shall watch as ye dance wit' Jack Ketch while th' life drains from yer eyes, ye PICAROON!” I shout at him but all he does is laugh at my insult.

  Thunder rolls above us becoming more aggressive as its bolt hits the ship sending me and Durante flying in opposite directions. The ship rocks uncontrollable where it seems it may turn overboard. But the is the least of my worries.

  For another has joined our battle.

  “Davy Jones be here! 'n he has brought th' Kraken wit' 'im!” One of the lads shout out, to warn us. but its too late.

  For there is the flying dutchman and with-it Davy jones. When blood is spilled into the sea, it calls to him, beckoning Davy Jones to come. And collect the souls of those who have either died or about to. A once mortal man who was scorned by the sea Goddess Calypso. He fell in love with her and in return Davy Jones was meant to carry the souls to their afterlife.

  However, he became enraged at the task he was meant to complete and inside turned to returning to the seven seas. Now he is called to the sound of war and blood spilled in the seas depths. Enslaving crews and recking havoc on pirates and sailors alike. As he turned his back on Calypso, she cursed him into a monster who no longer resembled a man.

  That was the stories told, I never believed them till now as I watch his ship join the battle.

  His ship looks like it has been dragged up from the darkest depths of the ocean. Seaweed and sea creatures are stuck to the side where moss has started to grow, while the ships emblem is that of the Kraken. A monstrous creature with eight tentacles similar to an octopus as they could grow bigger than an armada. The Kraken hides beneath the water where only dark brown tentacles shoot up and grab its closes prey, dragging them to their watery grave. A man-eating monster that only respond to the commands of his master.

  Davy Jones.

  “Till next time me love fer I think we 'ave a much bigger threat on our 'ands” Durante says putting a cease fire in our battle.

  “Listen to the sky ye, scallywags an' bucko, all 'ands on deck to fight Davy Jones an' 'is bilge rat, fer dead men tell no tales” Durante shouts out loud enough for all to here while my crew look to me.

  “Dead men tell no tales” I roar out to the sound of the lads raising their cutlass in agreement.

  The flying Dutchman crashes into us, sending us flying about before his monstrous crew board the ship. Its now a battle of survival where enemies are now temporary allies. Sea monsters with shark’s head and leathery green skin charge forward. More then half of his crew looked like sea creatures with webbed hands and fish scales where skin should have been.

  Wasting no time, I begin to attack these creatures, aiming to make it a quick kill. We fight as one, working together to dispatch them, our cutlass ring out, covered in the blood of our kills. Its bloody and brutal where many lads had fallen. But there’s no giving up as this has turned into a battle of survival as more of my crew has fallen to their deaths. For even the Kraken has joined the fight as it steals lad from the top deck before dragging them below. More and more climb on board as soon they have overrun us.

  “Thar be too many o' them” I say pulling my cutlass out of a creature’s chest that looks like a cross between a skeleton and a crab.

  “Then we go down wit' th' ship 'n we shall meet in th' next life” Durante says as he beheads another one that got too close.

  “Thar will ne'er be another life where ye will 'ave me, fer this I promise” I will make sure of it as my soul shall die tonight.

  “Nah even destiny can keep us apart, ye only needs t' accept this” His eyes soften as he looks towards me. Reminding me of the man I once loved. The one I could have had except he had taken my rights away by forcing me into this loveless and lifeless marriage.

  I never got to reply as a stillness entered the air, halting the current monsters from attacking. We stay back to back while we figure out what is going on. They just stopped moving, looking over to the flying dutchman

  “Do ye fear death, do ye fear th' dark abyss,” A crackling dark voice says as heavy footsteps approach us. With each step taken, I can feel the vibration from the wood where it groans out from the weight of this man.

  Davy Jones has just stepped foot onboard. A squishing sound could be heard as he moves, turning my head around. I get my first sight of him. Green scaling skin that shimmers and moves arounds, his face is made up of various aquatic fauna looking like a cross between a Kraken and a squid. His horrifying to look at but his eyes are like the dark abyss. But what was freakier was the way his eyes would blink as he took us in.

  “Wha' has th' storm bough afore me, I see two lovers who fight against one another. Th' smell o' thar love be sickenin'” He sneers which makes a sound between a popping noise and a crackling sound. Cold shrivers ran down my back but I refused to show any fear.

  “Look wha' th' storm brough us, a shrivelled-up fish who doesn’t belong” I fired back standing my ground. If tonight will be the night I will die. Then so be it but never will anyone say I was a coward

  “Ye will be th' first t' die by th' Kraken where yer body will feed th' creatures at th' depths” He promises me as he signals his crew to action.

  Rough hands grab me before I can escape there hold as monstrous tentacles rise up from the depth. As they wrap around the ship in a crushing hold. The sails fall down smash into the deck as I’m dragged before Davy Jones.

  “Such a shame, fer ye be a pretty one” His wet slimy hands rub down my face where they leave slim.

  Spitting at him I make one final stand at defiance as I head butt him, taking him by surprise. Not even Durante can save me now.

  “Throw 'er o'er board” Davy Jones shouts.

  I’m pulled towards the plank where my hands are tied behind my back where I can hear Durante trying to make his way towards me. But this will not be my end. For I will return one day, I know this deep in my soul. I am not ready to meet my end, but I know I will be born once more.

  With dignity I walk the blank where a cutlass is pushed into my back. “One day I will repay ye fer this here, mark me words Davy Jones, I will meet ye again” I promise him.

  “Ye will die, where ye deeds will be laid bare, where no afterlife waits fer ye except th' depths” Davy says.

  With one last look over my shoulder I see Durante eyes wide with fear screaming my name. But I smile before stepping off the plank where the Kraken waits for me.

  I make no sound as I dive towards the monster’s jaws that open before me. Like a portal into hell its
blacker than night.

  Chapter Ten

  Meeting Alice

  I woke up suddenly to the echoes of screams, feeling as if I was being strangled. Pushing whatever was around my neck, I found myself tangled in my bedsheets. Relief poured through me that I wasn’t about to die a horrible death. It felt so real, like it was a memory from the past. One I didn’t know the significates of but yet I could still feel the pain of the beast that had eaten me. Can dreams really effect you in the real world as my leg felt like it was burning.

  Getting out of bed I noticed the bandage across my leg where something most definitely had taken a chunk out of me. As the dream was still vivid in my mind. I quickly took out a note pad and pen from my bed side table. Writing the names Durante, Davy Jones and Silver Witch before I would forget them. Leaving a note beside them to research them later on.

  I felt like a hot messy, sticky from sweat that had coated my body and the bed. Gods above I think I would be a therapist’s wet dream where they could pick apart my mind. It felt cramped up inside my mind as I could see lock doors in my minds eyes. Ones that wouldn’t open for me. I wanted to try and open them but from the smell coming from myself. It could wait.

  I really needed a shower but first I removed the bandage to see what damaged had been done. Pale smooth skin greeted me, not a mark on my body. Running my hands alone my leg, I remember the three bears that attacked me. It comes racing through my mind. But just like when I was attacked, and Alex arrived. I still don’t remember who had saved me.

  Sighing out loud I got up into the shower to wash away the memories. As no one wants to remember almost getting killed let alone eaten. Stepping inside the cool titles greeted my feet, cooling them down. It was a blessing.

  Taking a long shower helped me sort through my mind leaving me to wonder. What happened when I passed out? I took these through with me as I dressed in casual clothes being a long sleeved top and a pair of blue jeans. They were comfy to wear.

  “Alex” I shouted once I was dressed. I needed to ask him what had happened last night.

  “Belle, your awake?” Alex looked worse for wear as his hair was dishevelled, like he had been running his hands through it for hours.

  “Yes, I am. What happened?” I ask

  “What happened?! What happened was you were attacked and poisoned!” He shouts where his voice breaks on the last word.

  “I know I was attacked but how was I poisoned?” Would that have explained the burning sensation I had felt? Or the weird dream I had? Maybe it was all in my head and didn’t mean anything.

  “We don’t know, Ty has been checking the security footage to see if anyone slipped something in your drink. While Dante has been on a rampage” Long fingers run down his face where black circles could be seen under his eyes.

  “Could it have been when the female bite me as I only drank water…… why is Dante on a rampage?” That did surprise me.

  “Belle. Shifters don’t carry disease let alone have a poisonous bite” I know he mentioned it before but surly it could be possible if they injected the poison into their system and passed in on through saliva.

  “Ok, how long was I out? …… Oh, when is my next shift as I don’t think Ty said when it was?” Shit I might be late already. Running into the kitchen I go to make a quick bite to eat.

  “You’re not working there anymore not after what happened yesterday!” He shouts stomping after me.

  “Oh, good I wasn’t out for long. We have already had this conversation that was a one-time thing. Plus, I survived didn’t I” Ignoring his complaint as I munch away on the ham and cheese sandwich I made.

  It was 7pm which told me I must have slept for a good 12 hours, knowing the doors don’t open till 8pm. I knew I needed to get going soon.

  “Belle! are you not listening?” Alex says in a frustrated voice.

  “No, not really. I have work tonight and you can’t stop me, I need this job. And I really do enjoy it” I tell him while pouring myself a drink. Finding my throat, a bit husky from dehydration.

  “You won’t be able to get there if I don’t take you” Crossing his arms over his chest I ignore his disapproving look.

  “I can always catch the train. Its not a big deal. This time I will wait by the main doors” I carry on eating and drinking while Alex stomps about with his hundred and one reasons why I shouldn’t return.

  However, something had changed inside me, whether it was from the weird dream. Which I can still remember bits and pieces of. Or it was the attack. I felt stronger in myself, more confident than before. It was a nice change instead of feeling scared and lost. Maybe what I had really needed all this time was a wakeup call, to remind me that life can be very short.

  “Fine I will drive you! But! If one more thing happens to you at the club, I will band you from working there” Alex said as he put on a change of clothes, but his words had me taking notice of how serious he is.

  “Ok” I nod.

  “Ok?” he questions, but I’m done having this argument as I start to head towards the door. There is no point going around in circles, back and forth between each other.

  “Yes ok. However, I was thinking of joining a gym and maybe take up some self-defence classes again” I’ve decided I need to learn to really defend myself as I don’t want a repeat of what happened. Plus, I really needed to work on my cardio and strength.

  “Ok who are you and what have you done to Belle?” he looks at me funny as if I’ve been abducted by aliens.

  “Nothing Alex. Nothing has happened but I realised I can’t keep walking around with my head in the sky. I needed a wake-up call and got one in the form of three bears. Maybe it’s time I started learning how to defend myself and start training” He knows I speak the truth as Fae can’t like and I’m not really good at half-truths.

  “Sure, and why you’re at it, do you think you could start learning to cook as well?” He jests.

  “Do you really trust me to attempt cooking in your lovely kitchen where I might end up burning the apartment?” I raise my brows at the suggestion.

  “No, your right” He had a worrying look on his face as he through about all the possible ways I might accidentally burn his lovely home.

  “That’s what I through”

  We made our way down into the car park where we once again, took his car and drove towards Savage Beast. On the ride over Alex kept worrying about everything that could go wrong. I mean I love that he cares but he needs to let me spread my wings and learn.

  I understand his point as no one wants to be attacked but it was a one off. Somehow, I just knew tonight would go much smoother than before. Call it a sixth sense but I had a feeling that people would be wary of me.

  Pulling up at the curb I wave bye to Alex as I hurry into the club to avoid getting soaked by the rain. Darting pass the security guards I said a hurry hello before I made it out of the rain. It was a good thing to as it started to hammer it down. I knew as I heard a thunderclap in the sky before the heavens opened up.

  Hurrying up the stair I make it on time just a few minutes before eight o’clock.

  “Well I’ll be damned; I didn’t expect you in tonight, let alone to come back” Kyle said with his sandy brown hair slicked back. His eyes had a hint of respect in them.

  “I really enjoyed my first shift and wanted to come back….. Will I get a club shirt as well?” I asked being cheeky, as I really did like the uniform he was wearing.

  Letting out a laugh he takes a long look at me. “Something has changed since last night, whatever it is. It suits you” Reaching underneath the bar he pulls out a shirt. “Here try this” He says giving it to me.

  “Thanks!” heading towards the girl’s bathroom I changed my top over. The black was a stark contrast to my pale skin which brough out my green eyes. It fit perfect, happy with how I looked, I tried my hair up into a high ponytail as I didn’t want it getting in the way.

  “Nice, it suits you…. Belle I want you to meet Alice. She h
as recently been moved from downstairs to up here”

  Taking in the girl before me she was very confident in the way she stood tall. Meeting my stare head on I noticed that her eyes are amber in colour, with short purple hair that had highlights of blues. Dark mark-up covered her face in a gothic way and red lips smiled at me. From how dark she appeared she gave me a very warm smile.

  “Nice to meet you” I said being polite and holding my hand out.

  “Its you” She looked starstruck with wide eyes that looked at me like I was her new role model.

  “So, finally sleeping beauty decided to wake up. So where is it?” Dante's voice comes from behind me. Stopping me from asking the girl what she meant. His voice drew me in as I could listen to it all day and night. I could sit for hours listening to him speak.

  But then I remember what he said the other night.


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