Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 11

by E. M Jefferson

  “Where is what Dante?” turning to face him, I feel like the women from my dreams who wasn’t afraid of anyone. Could it be possible that a part of her had transfer into me?

  “My apology Belle” He looks down at me with impatience, but his eyes were not full black Instead the gold within them had taken up nearly half his eye. I wanted to watch them as they expanded before returning to normal.

  “I don’t owe you an apology, if anything you owe me one from how you said I was nothing but property” I kept my voice calm and neutral while crossing my hands over my chest.

  Closing the distance between us he stood right in front of me, where his chest touches mine. I had to prevent my body’s natural reaction that wanted to shiver from the contact. There was a pull between us like two opposites attracted to each other. How I wanted to run my hands up his chest and explore his markings that I knew are hidden beneath his shirt.

  “You don’t want to play this game with me…… you will find yourself on the losing side begging for forgiveness” He warns me.

  “I’m not playing any game with you Dante, I’ve come to work and if you don’t mind I would like to get back to it” I turn my back to him as I walk behind the bar. Shocked gasps could be heard from both Kyle and Alice. It took everything I had in me not to turn around and go back to the warmth his body provided. I don’t know why I would challenge him as he terrified me.

  On the plus side, I could feel my inner bad chick high fiving me at how I managed to deal with Dante without cowering. Now if only I could keep this confidant up, I might have a chance at finishing the night.

  “I can’t believe you just did that” Alice whispers.

  “Why not? I was only standing my ground and saying the truth” I shrug my shoulders and get to work as the first customer orders a drink.

  “Yes, but that is Dante. The Dante. The one who wrecks havoc against his enemies and destroys anyone in his way” She rushes out.

  “What do you mean “The Dante?” I say making quotation marks around his name. To me he was just as confusing as when I first meet him, he had threatened me, but then when I woke up here. He seemed to have cared about me and was worried.

  Going back to what she said, she must have noticed the confused look on my face as she rushed out to explain who he was. It turned out that Dante was in fact a royal Fae who rejected his crown for reasons unknown. As I kept asking question about how he was royalty, Alice explained his story.

  Dante was one of the original Fae blood lines who had come through the portal before Faerie was destroyed. No one knows how old he really is but everyone in the supernatural world knows he is the rightful King. One who refused to lead his people. Over time he became more and more brutal and savage towards others.

  “Everyone is scared of him after what he did during the blood war” Alice said but I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

  “Blood war? What was that?” I asked her as I was curious to know more about Dante. Alice was like my own personal wiki account!

  “How do you not know?! Everyone knows about the blood war” She drops her voice.

  “Never heard of it” We halted our conversation as the bar begins to pick up with more people arriving. I knew as soon as the bar died down, I would be hounding her ass for more information.

  Juggling between customers and stocking the bar, it was safe to say it was going to be a long and busy night. There were some familiar faces like Nick, who sat in the seat he claimed as his own. Some people who came to the bar remained half in their human skin and half in their other skin. It was fascinating to watch as I saw shifters, vampires and even some demons! I through they didn’t live on earth.

  I must have been staring to long at the person in front of me, as they gave me a toothy grin. I think they through I was interested in them when in actually fact he fascinated me. His pure white eyes stared into mine as he didn’t have a hint of colour in them. It was creepy! Yet I swear I could see my life playing out in them. Almost like I could see my future self-battling against an unknown foe. It was mesmerising to watch as it flickered between the past, the present and the future. However, the images moved far too quickly for me to catch a glimpse of who anyone could be.

  “I can show you want you want, but it would be for a price” He tells me in a low rumble of a voice.

  “No, thank you” I reply being polite. I do want to know but I don’t think I would like his price.

  “Very well” He says before getting up and going but not before I see a strange symbol on his hands. It looks like an eye within a triangle, but it blinked at me.

  Did that just really happen?

  “Hey, look who it is” Ty says wrapping his arms around me.

  “Good to see you working the floor” I give him a cheeky wink to let him know I’m playing around.

  “You wound me” He grabs his heart with a fake look of hurt as I giggle at him. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great. Like someone has blasted with me a ball of energy that needs to be burned off” I tell him. I do really feel great at the moment. I feel like I am onto of the world.

  “That’s good to hear I-“Ty drifts off as a commotion has started to break out between a vampire and a shifter. “I need to- “

  “Go” I finish off for him as I watch him leave the bar and help the security guys prevent it from getting out of hand. They both start scrapping on the dance floor where an innocent bystander gets caught. Soon enough it becomes a free for all as I watch it play out.

  I can see why Alex warned me about this place now as no one is scared to fight.

  Blood starts to spray out amongst the gathered crowd when claws appear. Ty and two really big guys try to intervene, but it only gets worst. Some of the people involved end up shifting into their animals. I see lions, wolves and some bears. Seeing another bear had my body unconsciously shaking from seeing one so soon after last nights attack.

  The Vampires aren’t defenceless as they had let their fangs come out fully, extending down past their jaws.. It’s a brutal fight where anything goes, I think I even saw a witch start casting spells. Sending a few people flying around while chairs and table start getting used as weapons. As this is happening, I lean on my elbows and watch as it unfolds.

  My show had soon come to an end, as an ear piecing roar sounds out having the effect of stopping everyone. Ty is covered in someone else blood whose blood I don’t know. One of the guys he was with is sporting claw marks as a few bodies are on the floor bleeding out, making a messy over the floor.

  “Well that was entertaining” I jump at the soft voice, as Alice had snuck up on me.

  “Jesus girl! I think I need to get you a bell” I tell her as I try to calm my heart down. I didn’t think she could move so quietly.

  “No, it wouldn’t suit me, plus I use a silencing spell” Shrugging her shoulders she moves to get a drink. Alice must be some type of witch if she can use magic.

  My eyes return to the scene in front as I watch Dante pick up the person who started it. Low words are exchanged before the sound of bones snapping could be heard. Dropping the body like a sack of potatoes, he walks back to his table like he didn’t just kill a guy.

  “FYI, that’s why people are afraid of him. No one knows if he will kill you or spare you…. All depends on his mood” As quick as she came, she disappeared again.

  After the group disbanded with the silent warning from Dante, people were hiding in their seats. Afraid that they would be next. I didn’t blame them as he hadn’t even shown an ounce of remorse.

  I could feel his eyes watching me all night. But whenever I looked at him, his eyes would be focused on someone else. I tried to avoid looking at his table but every now and then I would sneak a peek at him. It was starting to develop into an obsession that had come out of nowhere.

  I didn’t want to seem like I was pinning for him when actual fact, he intrigued me. So instead I focused on the tasks at hand and set myself a challenge not to look over th
en again.

  As I made this plan, I set my self a challenge to not peek anymore. Or if I couldn’t help it, then it would only be once every hour to get my fix. As I came to this decision the rest of the night became easier to manage. As the customers started to slow to a dip, it meant I could chat freely with Alice. I found out she was a covenless witch who held no loyalties to anyone but herself. Her reason behind this was that the last coven she joined was into making blood sacrifices. Ones she didn’t want to be a part of or join in. So, she made the decision to leave and make her own way into the world. One I could relate with except I’ve never joined a court.

  I really enjoyed talking to Alice as she was really fun to be around and was very witty. She was always quick with a comeback and kept coming up with the craziest ideas. One of her crazy ideas involved us doing a round of vampire drinks before moving onto shifter drinks. I gave her a firm no as I didn’t want to drink blood for a start. And two who knows what effects it would have on me as some of them were magical infused.

  She really started to grow on me as the night went, so much that I gave her my number. We agreed to meet up on our days off and do some fun stuff together. What really made me click with her was how she was into collecting Disney, Dc and Marvel comic books as well as figurines.

  We were like two peas in a pod. Soon enough our shift had ended where we walked out the club together.

  “Oh my, who is Mr sexy?” Alice said while running her fingers through her hair.

  “That my new friend, is my all-time best friend Alex” pointing in the direction of Alex I watched as her gaze became heated.

  “Is he single?” She whispers to me behind her hand.

  “For now he is, but I will warn you he likes to sleep around” I really hope this puts her off, as I don’t want to lose my first girl friend to Alex’s notch.

  “I hear you, but one night with him then I could certainly say it would be worth it” She puts a seductive smile on her face as she sashays over to Alex.

  Trying to hold in my laugh I watch as he rolls the window down and leans over the seat.

  “Hey sexy, what are you doing tonight?” She is direct and straight to the point. Flickering her hair over the shoulder which has the desired effect.

  Alex looks between her and me before making his decision. “Hey cutie, I’m sorry but I don’t fuck my girl’s friends” He shoots her down making her face turn bright red. I really through he would have taken her offer.

  Huh? Guess he cares more for my new friendship then notches on his belt.

  “Alex!” I shout at him. I don’t know whether to laugh or not as Alice looks hurt. Either one I’m happy about him shooting her down. Friend or not, nobody wants to be catch between the after mass it would cause.

  “I appreciate your honesty. Belle, I will call you tomorrow have a good night” She says with a small wave before heading in the opposite direction.

  “Maybe next time Alex, try and be nicer” I say holding in a wide smile. Alex starts the car and begins to drive off, heading home.

  “I was nice, I took a page out of your book and was being blunt”

  My mouth drops open as Alex laughs at me, “Don’t try and say that was out of my book, I’m polite and sweet. You cheeky shit” I say in between fits of giggles.

  The ride home was peaceful and relaxing.

  But tonight, I dreamt of black eyes that would hold me and whispered sweet words.

  Promising me the world and everything in it. If I only submitted to him wholly.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gym Membership

  Alice true to her word had called me the next day as we both had stayed on the phone for hours. We talked about everything and nothing at the same time.

  At one point during our conversation we had video called each other. Where we had compared our collection of Disney figurines. I always kept my collection at Alex’s as I was always afraid in case someone would rob my old shitty apartment.

  To say she had a good collection was an understatement as she had some ultrarare ones. Some of them I was jealous about as I really wanted them, especially the big stich character as they are hard to come by.

  During our conversation I had asked Alice what she was talking about with the blood war. Apparently, I really am clueless as Alice had to then explain about the blood war. Just after the golden age of piracy Dante had started an all-out war. No one knew what had caused it except he had started to slaughter everyone. This raged on for a few years as he had built himself an army and a reputation. He became known as the Savage Beast, who would tear people apart with an uncontrollable blood lust. Hence the name of the club.

  Many beings were force to either bend the knee or meet their maker. Most choose to bend the knee as it would mean they would keep their lives. However, there was a select two who had refused to bend to his will. One was known as the Mad King and the other was known as the Soulless One. Alice didn’t explain much about them only that they were both Kings who would challenge Dante trying to prevent him from causing genocide. Until one day he had just stopped killing people vanishing completely as no one could find him or truly knew what had happen. Rumours began to spread that he had met his match and was killed. Many celebrated his death as it meant the war had ended and everyone didn’t have to live in fear anymore.

  Until the day he walked back into society during the Victorian era. Dante had walked right back into the spotlight where he started to build his empire once more. This caused riots as people feared for the worse as no one knew what he was up to. They feared the worst in case he started another all-out war. But they were soon shocked as he kept himself isolated keeping to his own self as his business grow.

  After dropping that bombshell, we had said our goodbyes for that day as I needed to get ready for work on that day. But Alice promised she would finish the story as there was more to it. I dreaded to think of what else he had done.

  But as the week passed Alice never did fill me in on the rest as the week had passed really quickly. I had also forgotten to ask her on my next shift and before I knew it, I had completed another three shifts. In total I had completed five days that I had successful made it into work. I was really happy about this as it meant my first paycheck would be here soon as we got paid weekly. Not only that but I had managed to wake up in my own bed without wondering the streets at night.

  The club kept getting busier as more and more people travelled for a chance to see Dante. Some of the women that arrived had his name painted on their T-shirts while others would faint. It was becoming outrageous with how many fans he had. One would mistake him for a celebrity not the savage men he was.

  I all but ignored him and his groupies as I focused on making it through the night. Keeping my eyes firmly to myself I would work the bar where my confidence kept growing. Kyle would praise me with how well I could hold myself and Alice still through I was her hero.

  None the least it was becoming a place I really liked to be, the only downside was, I kept getting the feeling that eyes were watching me. It would make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, but I could never find the person. It was that creepy feeling you would get when you know a predator is nearby but your unable to identify the threat. I didn’t tell anyone this, I didn’t want Alex to freak out on me.

  Not after him and Ty had planned a surprise meal to celebrate me completing my first week. It was thoughtful and kind of them and I was looking forward to spending some of my wages on them. I planned to get them these cool small gifts as a thank you for how much they both helped me out.

  My phone rang out loud playing Savage love by Jason Derulo, pulling me from my mind I picked up the phone.


  “Belle! I’m downstairs waiting for you, hurry up” Alice’s voice came through on the other side. Checking my screen, I could see she was early.

  “Be there in five” I hung up before grabbing my jacket and bank card.

  Taking the elevator down made life easier a
s I didn’t need to go down the stairs. As soon as they opened, I could spot Alice straight away as her hair stood out making her look out of place. But that was her whole idea as she enjoyed being different.

  “Hey girl” I gave her a hug as we greeted as she was fast becoming a dear friend to me.

  “Hey, come on let’s get going before were late” Alice said linking her arm with mine.

  Today we were heading towards a gym near Oxford street which was a few minutes up the road from the night club. I wanted to join a gym and Alice through it would be a good idea to have one near to work. Her reason behind this was that we could get a workout and shower in before work, as it would only be a five-minute walk.

  So, we both had brough our gym kit where we could buy a locker to keep them in. At least I won’t have to carry it around or wash it. As they have a cleaning service which is included in the price.


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