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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

Page 15

by E. M Jefferson

  At least that way he could never reclaim me in another life for I was done living. I had watched the world begin. Watched as cities and kingdoms rose and fell with greedy kings. Watched as castle turned to dust forgotten in history. I remembered it all. I always did. I remember when the worlds were young, and we could travel between Faery and Earth. Our worlds mingling and combining. It was a time of peace and joy. Until it all started. I push these thoughs out of my mind as I never want to relive that time again. One filled with betrayal and heart ache.

  There was never going to be any peace for me here in this time. Especially with the name people had chosen for me. They called me The Silver Witch who captivated men and killed them. But that wasn’t true. Men got the name from my hair. But the witch part was born from my ship and crew that could sail into the heart of a storm and never drown. Eventually people became jealous and tried to take my ship. They were the foolish ones as they soon found themselves walking the blanket into their watery grave. Others tried overthrow me which led to the rumours of me being a man-eater. How I found the stories and tales to be exaggerated but it kept most away from me.

  I was hunted by many a man and envied by many a woman. Men wanted to bed me while women wanted to kill me. It made it hard to find a place to rest until I learned I was safer on the sea. Never to find refugee or seek solitaire again. Outcasted to the seven seas where I never stepped foot on land anymore.

  I need to get away as I could feel time slipping away until the day me and Durante will have our finale encounter. I hope I would be strong enough to end his life as I knew he would never kill me. He would rather chain me to a room and secure it then do the deed. But he had killed many of my crew and at last he killed my lover in a fit of jealous”

  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. The handwriting was extremely girls and ornated that I was taken back. This wasn’t my writing as mine was scuff and messy. Which lead to wondering where this book had come from and why it was inside my drawer?

  I shook off the intrusion I felt as once again someone had invaded my privacy. How many more times will this keep happening?! I need to invest in metal bars and locks to prevent this from happening.

  Thinking back to the women of the story I could feel her pain as each word written. Felt like it was written for me. Why I felt that way? I was unsure, but I wanted to find out more as my heart bled for this woman who was tormented by this man. He sounded cruel and heartless to have killed her lover, one she cared for.

  Turning the pages over there was dates that related to this story, but I couldn’t understand what they meant. All I knew was that it was written during the age of pirates.

  Instead I kept going to the next set of pages. Where another story began about a woman who was held captivated by Jasper. Her name was Rosanna but there was no date or indication about where this story was. But I still read it as it looked intriguing.

  “I remember the day I found Jasper wondering the forest looking lost. It was sad to think how mad and crazy he looked. I approached him like a wounded creature and was careful not to startle him. His black hair was wild with pale skin that had never seen day light. I couldn’t understand how this poor man got like this. His clothes were torn and I through he might have been attacked by a monster or wild animal. But there wasn’t any blood or markings on the poor man.

  Putting my basket down I walked over to him where he jumped from our contact. He couldn’t speak and I don’t think he had the intelligence to understand a word I was saying. Or it could have been because he wasn’t from around here. Either way it didn’t matter as I took this poor man home where he could have a warm meal and a bath.

  For the first few says he stayed huddle in the corner of the room where I would bring him food and water. But he would always bat it away and hiss at me, like I was the cause of his pain. But it was the first time I had meet this creature. For I soon learned he was a vampire that required blood to survive. But he could walk in the day light which should have been impossible, yet I was witnessing it.

  He must have been starving as there are no nearby animals or settlements for him to feed. So instead I did the unthinkable. I allowed a vampire to drink from my body until he was strong enough to walk. It was stupid of me, yet I couldn’t sit back and watch as he was tormented with madness and pain. Some might class him as a monster, but he was still a living being. One I wanted to help.

  At first, I had given him my wrist to drink from until he drank his fill which almost caused me to pass out. Lucky enough he stopped before he drained me dry which I was grateful for. So, in the end I would cut my wrists and pour blood into a glass for him. I did this for the next two weeks as I watched his appearance change. Crystal blue eyes stared back at me instead of the black eyes. They were enchanting to look at as his iris remained black instead of white. His skin was snow white with raven black hair. A man that was incredibly handsome. One I soon found myself attached to, for a few months later we had become married.

  It was perfect. Life was great and amazing as we lived as a family. I knew I couldn’t have any children so we both wasn’t bothered about it. He promised that when I was ready, I could become a vampire like him.

  However, our happy ending soon started to become a real-life nightmare.

  A monster had started to inflect my dreams where he would whisper sweet words and promise. Ones that shouldn’t have an effect on me as I was a married woman! I was happy with Jasper and longed to be faithful to him. I didn’t know what to do as I kept dreaming of him where he would do sinful things to me. How I began to crave his intoxicated touch every night.

  It wasn’t fair to my husband as he laid sound asleep next to me. I tried to fight him away, tried to tell Jasper. But every time I went to tell him the dreams would disappear. It was only through reading this journal that I remembered them until I showed Jasper.

  I through he would be outraged or upset. But no. Not my sweet husband. Instead he looked dejected and devoid of emotions as the days went on. He never explained what was going on or told me why this was happening.

  Instead he became distance with me as I started to change. It first started with how I felt more confident in my body and would walk around feeling on top of the world. Soon I began to feel the reason behind this sudden change as I felt her. Like a poisonous infection that you couldn’t cut out or find a cure for.

  She had come trying to control me and mould me into who she wanted me to be. She invaded my body and mine drawing the monster nearer to me. She would whisper her cruel words where I would lash out at my husband.

  Soon our home turned into a nightmare where neither of us could stand to be near each other. From living the dream to a continuous nightmare. All I wanted was my life back, but she wouldn’t let me. Her cruelness and longing for the monster would bring him near to me.

  Until the day he came to claim me. I knew he was soon to arrive which was why I begged Jasper to do the unthinkable. Pleading and begging him not to let this monster have me. But he wouldn’t do it. I told him if he wouldn’t do it then I would. I would make sure this creature from hell could never have my body as it belonged to one man.

  “To my darling Rosanna, I know you will never read these words I have wrote for you, maybe that is why I have the strength to tell you how much I love you. And how sorry I am for keeping my distance in the weeks leading up to our goodbye. I’m sorry as I should have fought harder for you, should never have let him take you away from me. For I will make you a promise bound in this book. I will do what you asked of me even if you no longer remember me,

  I will make sure you will never have to experience his touch again as I will kill him for you.

  Love you always Jasper”

  Tears rolled down my cheek and onto the book I held where big drops smeared the page. Ink smudged across the page as more tears started to fall down. I couldn’t help it. Their story touched my heart in a way others couldn’t. Closing the book to prevent any more damage I had forgotten about my coffe
e as I was lost to the diary.

  “Belle, what the hell are you still doing up? Its way past three o’clock in the morning” My coffee cup went straight for Alex’s head as he scared the shit out of me.

  He ducked in time, but the sound of a cup breaking could be heard as coffee spilled down the wall. I grimaced as I took in the damage. “Oops. My bad” I looked apologetic towards Alex as he looked wide-eyed at me before morphing into disbelieving.

  “Well that’s one hell of a hello……”

  “You startled me as I didn’t expect you back yet” I say as I go to clean up the mess

  “Well the chick was fucking crazy talking about how she was going to chain me up in her basement” He bends down to pick up a piece of broken cup before looking at me.

  “Sure, you’re not into that kinky behaviour?” I tease. Watching as his face turns to mortified.

  “No darling. Never would I let a man or women chain me up. I would be the one chaining them up. And trust me my sweet innocent Belle, they love it” He teased with a wicked look in his eyes.

  Snorting at him I told him “I would have to take your word for it” Shaking my head we pick up the broken pieces.

  “How come your still up?” He enquires making me feel like I’m being integrated.

  “Couldn’t sleep” Shrugging my shoulders I drop them in the bin before returning for the journal.

  “Well if your still up and bored give me a shout and I’ll chill out with you”

  Shaking my head, I tell him no.

  “If your sure?”

  “Yes. Now go get some sleep” I tell him firmly watching as he heads into his room.

  Signing to myself I go back to where I was and continue to read the journal. Until my eyes close and I pass out on the sofa with the book on my lap.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Poisonous Kiss

  I had dressed in my new work shirt and a vest top as it was hot working in the club especially with all the extra newcomers swarming the bar.

  I wore my hair up in a neat knot which kept my hair out of my face. It was going to be another normal night with Alice but somehow, I had a strange feeling it wasn’t. It might have been my intuition telling me something was going to happen tonight. One that would change everything.

  “Belle!” Alex shouted outside my door as he was in a hurry to leave. Something had gone wrong at his club this morning that required him to investigate what happened. I wasn’t sure of the details as Alex had been in a foul mood. He was usual relaxed and chilled out but whatever happened had caused him to have a short temper where he would snap at anything.

  I hope it was nothing major.

  The club was heaving when I arrived where even the security guards were struggling to keep people out as many tried to make a break for it. The live band had already began playing who were a different set from last time. I didn’t really know who they were. But they were more upbeat and club then heavy metal.

  Thank God! As it was a nice change from having my eardrums blown off.

  Ty and Alice were both working tonight but they looked swamped of their feet. More people kept pushing to get served but there was only three of them including another guy I hadn’t meet yet.

  “Belle! Thank god you’re here! Its hectic tonight and I need all hands-on deck” Ty said sounding tired as he served another customer.

  “Roger that” I said before putting myself to work. Together we worked to clear the massive crowd of customer. Faces became a blur as we needed to get the orders out before we got hit with another wave. After a while we managed to get on top of it were only a few customers would return.

  “You are a life saver girl” Alice said leaning against me. Tonight, Alice had light maker on which really suited her better than her gothic look. With the lighter make-up it really made her eyes and hair stand out. Dressed in the same work top only difference is she wore a mini skirt and pumps. How she bends down in that I will never know.

  “Not really, its only because Alex dropped me off early that I was here when you needed me” I tell her as I hand a man his change as he winked at me. It had been strange tonight as a lot of men and women has been sending me flirty winks and smiles.

  “Doesn’t matter you was still here” She sounded tired which I don’t blame her as she must be exhausted from the mad rush.

  “Alice its-“ I never got to finish as a voice interrupted me from behind.

  “I don’t think we’ve been introduced” A silky voice said as I turned around to see a man smiling at me. He looked like he was from the Caribbean with his soft dark skin, dark eyes and long black braided hair that went past his shoulders.

  “No, we haven’t. I’m Belle and your are…….?” I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

  “Name is Jay and it’s a pleasure to meet you Belle” He chuckled softy at the way my face heated when he kissed my hand before leaving a wet trail. It felt like he had licked me!

  “So, Jay how long have you been here?” I smiled at him.

  “Well lets just say I’ve been here for a long time” I didn’t really understand why he would stay in one place for so long. Surly working at the same bar gets boring after a while…..Right?

  “Ok?” I didn’t want him to think I was simple, but I didn’t know how to reply to that.

  “Tell me Belle. Are you seeing anyone at the moment or are you a free bird?” The way he purred every word had me thinking he was a feline shifter as they were very well known for the way they rolled their words.

  But more importantly how do I answer that question when I’m being chased by a possessive Beast and obsessing over another? Do I really want to?

  However, the words that left my lips wasn’t the answer I wanted to give as Fae can’t lie. “No, I’m single” I could feel the taste of magic that prevented me from lying tingle over my tongue. I really need to ask Alex how he gets away with telling half-truths.

  “Perfect” I watch as his eyes turn to orange slits before returning to his deep dark black ones. There was something about him that had goose bumps breaking out on my arms. I didn’t like the way he was looking at him and wanted to get away.

  Alice sensing my need to get out from underneath his predatory gaze had asked if I could collect the empty glasses. Not wasting the opportunity presented I take the chance to get away. Darting between the crowds I make my way collecting the empties. It takes a while to do as there are so many to collect that by the time I’m almost done. It's nearly the end of my shift.

  But that’s when it goes to hell.

  A man pushed into me hard enough that I was knocked into someone else. I lifted my head and saw him. Dante had caught me before I could fell. My face went scarlet as I mumbled a quiet apology to him. His eyes stayed lock onto my face which only managed to make me turn into a beetroot colour.

  Straightening myself up I went to take a step back which caused him to growl out in warning. Whether it was to do with the space between us. Or the fact I had fallen into him I don’t know.

  “Sorry” I said louder taking another step backwards to put some space between us, but that seemed to have been the wrong move.

  Before I knew what was happening Dante had pulled me back into him where he rose my head up to look into his eyes. Holy Mary. His eyes where more stunning when gazing into them. I could see tiny flecks of gold flicking like the cosmos in his eyes as I watched them. Eyes that I could get lost in for all eternity.

  His eyes narrowed down on me as he looked me up and down. What he was looking for I was unsure, but I could feel his hands running down my back sending my nerves into overload.

  Holy shit!

  He was touching me without trying to kill me or dominate me. What the ever-loving fuck is going on? I couldn’t foam words or move as my body lost all sense. There was something about him that held you captivated under his spell. Shivering under his touch he growled in what sounded like approval before clearing his throat.

  “I suggest you rethink your
idea about going on a date with him little one, as that is something, I will warn you against” Rough fingers grip my flesh under the shirt.

  “He only asked me if I was single not if I wanted to go on a date with him” Looking at him in a puzzling way. I watch as surprise and desire cross his features before going back to being cold.

  “Let me make this clear for you Belle” He drools my name making me think twice about being this close to him. “The next time someone asks if your single. You will tell them that if they even think about trying to pursue you….. Then I will rip their head from their shoulders before mounting it on my fucking wall!” He roars the last part out making any one near us jump back in fright.


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