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Two Wolves and a Dancer [Werewolf Castle 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  Werewolf Castle 3

  Two Wolves and a Dancer

  Tatiana Ivanov needs help to plan the medieval dances for the castle’s banquets. Piotr Tomic, manager of the candy store and as delicious as his candies, and Alexandre Novak, head of customer service, are werewolf shape-shifters, perfect dance partners for her.

  Piotr, a Dom, believes that at last the right woman for him to share has appeared. Alex wholeheartedly agrees. They take Tatiana up the mountain, under the stars at night, and begin to romance her, but right then the Alpha summons them. At first they’re concerned that the Alpha doesn’t want them to be together, but instead he sends them to Vienna to keep watch on St. Stephen’s Cathedral for messages for him about the warring factions over who should be the new Supreme Alpha of Europe. This is something completely unexpected to all of them. As well as learning about each other, they now have a very important job to do.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,518 words


  Werewolf Castle 3

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-607-9

  First E-book Publication: November 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author


  Werewolf Castle 3


  Copyright © 2013


  Somewhere in the south of Europe, where the summers are hot and the winters are mild, is a large castle nestled against tall mountains. The mountains are wild and untamed. And so are the werewolves who live in them. Including the ones in the castle. Werewolf Castle. Where the dungeons are the setting for intense scenes of BDSM punishment, love, and orgasms. And the partnerships are always in threes. Two werewolf men and one human woman.

  Chapter One

  Tatiana Ivanov stared hard at the pictures on her computer screen then nodded, stepped out from behind her desk, extended her right arm as if she was holding someone’s hand, then walked forward three paces and bowed. She backed away three steps, then turned to her right and began walking in a circle.

  “No, dammit, that won’t work.”

  She stomped back to the computer and glared at the screen again, then pointed a long blue fingernail at a tiny figure. “There. He’s skipping. Maybe skipping will work.”

  Back she went and did the three paces forward, bow, return. This time she skipped around in a circle. “Now if the partners go under each other’s arms it’ll be perfect. I need a partner to practice with though.”

  It was getting late, but Tatiana didn’t think everyone would be in bed yet. She walked the length of the hallway into one of the living areas. She was in the east wing of Werewolf Castle, an area locked behind several layers of security where only the werewolves and their trusted friends had access. Tatiana herself was actually human, but her two cousins were both wolves, and her family and that of her aunt had always been close, so she’d been brought up knowing all about the truth of Werewolf Castle. Now she worked here in the summer, helping out with the tourists, and was busy planning some more entertainment for them. Genuine medieval dances. If only she could accurately puzzle out the movements depicted in these old tapestries.

  Piotr Tomic was sprawled on a beanbag in the living room, his legs stretched out in front of him, watching tennis on the big screen television. The stores that lined the castle walls in the inner courtyard were known as the Village Traders, and Piotr managed the candy store. In Tatiana’s opinion he was every bit as delicious as the candy he sold. He was tall and lean, his hair and eyes so dark a brown as to almost appear black. The idea of dancing with him, even if it was only to plan a presentation for the tourists, suited her fine.

  “Hey, Piotr. I need a victim to partner me while I design a dance for the medieval banquet.”

  “Does this mean I get to hug you for no reason?” he asked her.

  His eyes were sparkling black pools but she rather thought he was teasing. That was a pity. She’d be more than happy to press her body against his.

  “Sadly, no. In those days holding hands was as sexy as it got.”

  He grabbed the remote and switched the television off, then rose gracefully to his feet, bowed, and said gallantly, “My lady, I’m totally at your service.”

  “If only.”

  She led him back to the office where she’d been working a
nd showed him the medieval tapestry of people dancing which she’d been looking at. She was impressed when he dropped into the chair she’d been using and muttered as he moved the mouse over the figures.

  “You’re going to have to tell me what to do. It just looks like walking, bowing, skipping, and going under other people’s arms to me.”

  “That’s what I think, too.”

  For the next five minutes she danced him through her take on the movements in the tapestry, then she said, “Wait until I find some music and we’ll see if our timing is accurate.”

  Tatiana went back to the computer and brought up a medieval music site she’d found and clicked on the first track. It was just a flute playing but she thought it should work. Once again they went through the stately movements, but this time it was Piotr who shook his head. “There needs to be more people. When you go under our joined hands it would be much better if another couple or two other couples did that as well. Yes. Six people would be best.”

  Tatiana went and stopped the music. “That tapestry shows six people so that makes sense. Who else is still available right now? I really want to get this planned.”

  Piotr pulled out his phone. “Alex? Can you come down to the office? Tatiana needs some people to help her with a dance she’s doing. Yes, you can dance. It’s just walking really. Thanks. See you in a minute.”

  He looked at the time on his cell phone. “It’s not very late. Let’s see if Damask and her men are still around.”

  Damask was the human woman who worked with him in the candy store. Actually she’d be perfect because she played a lute and a drum and would have a really good sense of rhythm. She’d also recently formed a serious relationship with Jairus and Grigori, two other men from the werewolf community. So that would mean a few extra people to help right now, if she came. If the three of them weren’t already in bed or something.

  “Hey, Damask, it’s Piotr. No, nothing about work. Can you come down to the office? Tatiana needs some people to help her with a dance she’s doing and you and your men are just what she needs. Thanks.”

  He clicked off the call and smiled at her in a way that made her panties dampen. Damn, he was delicious.

  “They’re coming, too.”

  “Oh great. Awesome. Now we can really test the dance out. I want this to be ready for the first of the banquets. We’ve promised the guests medieval entertainment and no feast is complete without dancing.”

  Alexandre Novak arrived first. He was the head of customer service so he spent his days down at the entry area in the barbican. He and Piotr must be planning to share a woman when the time came, Tatiana thought. Since the werewolves knew from birth they’d be sharing a woman, they tended to look around for a man they knew they could cooperate with and enjoy being with in the future. Many of the partnerships were formed in adolescence and the men went on to become as close as brothers.

  Because Alex worked in a different area of the castle she hadn’t had as much opportunity to get to know him, but he was as nice to look at as Piotr. His hair was a light brown and his eyes hazel. He was tall, too, at least six feet. Hmm. She certainly wouldn’t mind getting to know him better. Much better. She already thought Piotr was a really nice man, kind and considerate all the way through. If he and Alex were a partnership, and Alex had a nature as nice as his looks, Tatiana could be very interested in them both. Not that she was ready to settle down yet, but a woman was entitled to have some fun over her summer, wasn’t she?

  Just then Jairus, Grigori, and Damask arrived, and she needed to explain what she wanted. For the next hour they walked and bowed, skipped and danced, until all six of them were laughing too hard to concentrate. But Tatiana knew her dance would work. She just needed to convince the others to join the entertainment team with her. Well, Damask would. She was already committed to playing the lute. And likely she’d bring her two men along with her. Which meant all Tatiana needed to do was convince Alex and Piotr they wanted to dance with her. In public and in costume.

  * * * *

  Piotr stood up from unpacking boxes of candy and stretched his back, looking around the empty store and smiling at his own little kingdom.

  Years ago Piotr had decided that finding a man he was prepared to live with as his best friend or brother, then together looking for a woman who they both could love and agree to share, was all too hard. He’d resigned himself to the thought that his own hand was going to be his best friend for the foreseeable future. Because even if he did find a wolf he was comfortable around, the chances of them agreeing about a woman were so small as to be not worth the effort of the search.

  So he’d thrown himself heart and soul into the candy store. Everyone loved candy and he made sure that, as well as shoppers’ favorite treats always being available, there was a constant stream of new lines to entice people to come back again and again. The so-called “genuine medieval” candies always sold to the tourists. Things like sweetmeats, Turkish delight, lollipops, and candy canes. Although he was pretty certain candy canes weren’t historically correct, despite having been around for a few hundred years. Hard sugar sticks, the forerunners of candy canes, had been invented about three hundred fifty years ago, so he thought that was close enough for historical accuracy. Besides, the customers loved them.

  Last year he’d asked Henry, one of the older men, to help out in the store for a couple of hours in the middle of the day, as it was getting too busy for him to give the customers the kind of attention he wanted to. This summer, he’d hired Damask to work full-time in the store. She’d been a wonderful help, chatting to the clients and helping them choose their purchases, as well as willingly talking about stock ideas with him. Now she was going to mate two of the castle wolves and live in the castle year-round, which meant maybe he’d be able to take a vacation in winter and leave her in charge. Werewolf Castle, the tourist attraction, only opened weekends and holidays in winter, giving all the wolves a chance to rest and relax.

  Quickly and efficiently Piotr pulled the box apart and flattened it, ready to be packed away until it was needed again. He dragged a second full box over to the shelves of candy and knelt again to his work. His thoughts continued from where he’d left off.

  Seeing Jairus and Grigori fall in love with Damask, and she with them, had made him realize that he was still quite young and it would be nice to have a woman around. Not Damask. He liked her but she didn’t turn him on. Tatiana, however, did turn him on. As soon as he’d accepted his opinions were starting to change he’d looked at the other wolves his age.

  Many of the young men had gone off to study at the various universities in Europe, and they always went in pairs. Partly that was because the Alpha usually had them doing some work for him while they were away, but it was also a good opportunity for the men to see if they could get along well with their friend.

  He’d been happy here in the castle, working for the Alpha, and now managing the candy store. Alexandre was another man who’d never left the castle. Quite often they’d sit in the east wing living room at night watching sports on the big screen television. Many wolves had a regular TV in their own room, but Piotr liked being in the community. Oh sure, all day long he worked with people, but they were humans who were led to think the whole “werewolf” thing was just a gimmick to make the castle more appealing as a tourist attraction. Here, in the private wing of the castle, he could let his inner wolf run free.

  Piotr grinned. Running free was a key term here. He and Alex had developed a race where the wolves saw how many times they could run to the top of the south tower and back down again inside ten minutes. It might sound rather silly and childish, but the wolves enjoyed the challenge and jumped many steps on the way down, often leaping the entire first flight to land on the ground, turn around, and run up again.

  Not today though. Today he was wondering whether he would be prepared to consider partnering with Alex in the search for a mate. Well, not even a search so much. He was more than happy with what he knew o
f Tatiana so far. He’d need to get her into the dungeon to see how well they all matched there, and then into bed. Although maybe that would be considered crass, going straight into the dungeon for some BDSM play. Perhaps they ought to have a regular date first? But what did adults do on a date? They weren’t teenagers to hold hands and walk up the mountain, or drive somewhere private and make out in the back of a car.

  He supposed they could go to a movie, although choosing something all three of them wanted to see might be complicated. Besides, he was really just as happy watching the big screen TV in the living room in his community, surrounded by whichever of the wolves wanted to watch that show. There they could talk and laugh and eat popcorn if they wanted to without ever having to leave the safety of their castle.

  He sighed. Yeah, he was sounding like an old, old man already, where home was best. Too damn bad he actually felt like that. Still, it wasn’t the way to impress a woman, which was likely part of the reason why, at thirty-two, he didn’t have a woman to impress.

  Piotr quickly flattened the box he’d just emptied and took both boxes around behind the counter out of sight of the customers. Last thing each evening Damask told him which candies needed replacing, and first thing each morning he restocked the shelves. Often he couldn’t collect the boxes of candy from the storeroom until after the shop was open, but today he’d been early so it was all done. He’d hoped the mindless task of filling the shelves would help him think, but he hadn’t actually come to any conclusions. Except, maybe, that he did want to get to know Tatiana better. So that meant he’d have to talk with Alexandre. If they were to share a woman they needed to decide if they could work together. They last thing Piotr needed was to have Tatiana hurt became the men couldn’t agree on things. Likely he was going about this all wrong. First he needed to talk to Alex and together they should lay out some ground rules. Then they could begin to date Tatiana. Yeah. That sounded better. He could do that.


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