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Two Wolves and a Dancer [Werewolf Castle 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  Piotr’s hands moved from Tatiana’s hips to her breasts and now Alex could hold her hips himself and put more pressure on her clit, teasing it harder and faster than before because his body was better balanced. Of course, what she was doing to his cock was becoming more purposeful and harder to control as well.

  “Oh. Oh! Oh!” she gasped.

  Lightly Alex bit her clit and felt her body climax and shake above him. Finally he could relax his own control, and as she sucked his cock again he exploded in her mouth. He had just seconds to wonder whether she’d swallow him down or not, but her tongue was steady on his cock as she licked him, encouraging him to spurt several more times in delight. She was beautiful, loving, perfect. Everything he wanted in a woman. And Piotr had been completely fair about sharing her. He couldn’t wait until Piotr planned a dungeon scene for them all, and then they could fuck together in a real bed. Not that this hadn’t been excellent. Under the stars was special to a wolf. Being outside validated the animal part of him and he was a mighty happy wolf right now.

  They untangled themselves and for the first time Alex put his arm over her body holding her. They couldn’t stay like this for long. With the sweat drying on their bodies and the cooler night air he couldn’t risk her catching a chill. But just for a moment it was very special for the three of them to be together.

  He was just about to lift his head to see if Piotr was trying to catch his gaze, when a phone began to ring. It wasn’t his, but from the way Piotr bounded up and grabbed his pants, it was evident whose cell phone it was. Idly Alex wondered who on earth would be calling this late. As far as he knew Piotr didn’t have parents or siblings. Unless there was trouble in the castle.

  Alex sat up straight and looked down into the castle. No. Everything was silent and no one was walking around in the inner courtyard.

  “Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.”

  Uh-oh. There was only one person Piotr would answer like that. The Alpha himself. Pain pierced Alex right through to his heart. Was the Alpha saying they were not to be with Tatiana? Were they being ordered never to see her again?

  Chapter Four

  One minute Piotr was in heaven, his woman in his arms, his cock at rest, and the man he was fast coming to believe would be the perfect friend for the rest of his life, lying on the rug with his arm around their woman, too. Then his cell phone rang and the world came crashing around his ears. His heart was in his mouth and his hands were shaking so much he could hardly swipe his cell phone unlocked.

  Yerik Vulf, Alpha of the Werewolf Castle pack and the man he’d sworn allegiance to on his eighteenth birthday, said, “Piotr, are you with Alex?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Tatiana?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want you three in my office in ten minutes.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Oh shit! Is he going to tell us never to see our wonderful, perfect woman again? The woman I hope will be our mate?

  The cell phone went silent in his hand. He stared at it for a long moment before he remembered the others didn’t know what was going on. And the ten minutes was already ticking away.

  “That was the Alpha. We have to be in his office in ten minutes.”

  “Probably only nine minutes now,” said Alex, scrabbling for his pants.

  “Fuck!” said Tatiana, crawling over the rug to grab her underwear.

  “Yes, we did, and it was wonderful, but unfortunately we don’t have time to stop for a shower.”

  “I hope I’ve got a comb in my purse,” muttered Tatiana.

  Piotr looked at her hair. It was beautiful of course. But yeah, kind of tangled as well. Oh, dear. In three minutes they were all dressed and walking down the track. Alex drove them back into the castle and Piotr was aware of Tatiana fidgeting and mumbling in the backseat. However, when they got out of the car her hair was smooth and in a long braid. He was amazed at how she’d managed that in such a short time.

  They ran across the outer courtyard, entered through the private door in the barbican, then ran across the inner courtyard and into the public rooms, out via the staff door, along the hallway to the east wing and up the corridor to the Alpha’s office. Piotr stepped forward and knocked on the outer door.

  “Yes, yes, yes, come on in, Piotr,” said Odette.

  Odette Vulf was the Alpha’s mate and every bit as formidable as him. When Piotr opened the door she was peering over the top of her glasses at him. She smiled, so that was a good sign, he thought.

  She glanced at her wristwatch, nodded, and picked up her telephone. “They’re here.”

  Again she nodded and said, “Go on in.”

  Piotr thought they must have been very close to being on time. It had seemed to him it couldn’t have been ten minutes, but realistically he supposed they might have taken that long. After all, they were up on the mountain when his cell phone had rung. So that was okay. Also Odette had smiled, not frowned. So that was a second positive sign. But he was still petrified about what this meeting might mean. He couldn’t help but think it was a very bad thing that the Alpha had summoned them late at night when they were all together.

  He stood silently just inside the Alpha’s office, Alex on one side of him and Tatiana a little behind them both. He wasn’t sure whether he was trying to protect her from the Alpha’s anger, but it appeared Alex felt the same.

  Yerik Vulf had a head full of pure white hair and piercing black eyes that were focused on the three of them. “Sit.”

  There were some straight-backed hard wooden chairs against the wall. He pulled out two and Alex grabbed a third and they sat with Tatiana between them. He had to swallow hard. He felt absolutely sick with worry about what the Alpha was about to say. On the one hand he wished the man would just spit it out and get it over and done with. On the other hand, if he was going to tell them to part he never wanted to hear it.

  “Tatiana, how much of wolf affairs do you know? Do your cousins tell you our news?”

  “They speak in general terms, sir. They don’t usually mention specific people by name.”

  “You’re aware that the Supreme Alpha of Europe has recently gone to be with his ancestors, and that several factions are endeavoring to take control?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Excellent. I want you three to drive to Vienna tomorrow and take over the watching post at St. Stephen’s Cathedral for the next week. Maybe two. Take a lot of different colored shirts and T-shirts, and things to conceal your hair, Tatiana. You men take some hats and caps. I don’t want you recognized. The people whose job this is are convinced they’ve been recognized, so go in different combinations, sit and stand in different places, try to look different. You’re to be on watch at the main entrance of the cathedral from 11:45 to 12:15 every day. Be very sure you aren’t followed when you leave. Get there early sometimes. Stay late other times. Move hotels every two or three days.”

  “What about the candy store?” It wasn’t until after he’d spoken Piotr realized how rude that sounded, but shit, he was so confused. Watching a cathedral was not something he’d ever expected to be asked to do. Especially when he had no fucking clue what was going on.

  “Damask knows what to do and Jairus can help her as well as Henry. And no, before you ask, I can’t send Jairus to Vienna as it’s likely he’d be recognized too.”

  “What are we watching for, exactly?” asked Alex.

  Piotr was glad his friend had his wits about him because his were still up on the mountain somewhere.

  “I’ll send some photographs of people to your cell phones. All you have to do is send the pictures back to me if you see that person. Don’t follow them. Don’t speak to them, don’t let them know you’ve recognized them. Your job is to be as invisible as possible for a week, or possibly two, until the professionals I’ve hired can take over. I’ve sent for some security experts from America because they’ll blend in as tourists and know how to find out things and be invisible. But they’re finishing up an
other job and can’t come immediately. I need to know what’s going on and I need to keep my lines of communication open. What I don’t need is anyone following my people or even working out who they are. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” All three of them spoke together.

  “Use public transportation or hire a motorcycle when you get to Vienna. Your car license plate might be recognized. I’m relying on you three to manage the situation until the experts arrive.”

  Piotr stood up and bowed to the Alpha. “We won’t let you down, sir.”

  “It’s a long drive so have seven or eight hours’ sleep, then go. You start work the next day.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Piotr put the chairs back against the wall and followed Tatiana and Alex out of the office.

  “The pictures will be on your cell phones before you leave,” said Odette.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Piotr followed the others down the east wing hallway but instead of heading toward the public rooms, Tatiana turned the other way. “Where are you going?” he asked her.

  “To the costuming department. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have fourteen different colored shirts, and a whole bunch of hats. But I know where we can borrow them.”

  “Oh, good point,” said Alex.

  “You’re a damn smart woman, Tatiana,” added Piotr.

  Most of the clothing was medieval, of course, but there was also a rack of plain colored T-shirts. Piotr had no idea what they were used for, but he obediently went down the rack, taking one of each color in his size for himself, and Alex and Tatiana did, too. Then he watched as she took some brightly colored lengths of fabric, which she practiced wrapping around her head, and she also picked up a wide-brimmed straw hat that completely hid her hair. Finally she rummaged in a chest of drawers, pulling out things and muttering.

  “What are you looking for now?” he asked.

  “I know there’s a blonde wig here somewhere.”

  “A blonde wig?” He and Alex looked at each other then shrugged.

  Meanwhile Alex went over to a corner of the room and pulled a new trash bag off the roll there, and began shoving all their clothing into it.


  He turned around at Tatiana’s gleeful cry and found himself staring at a blonde. She really did look different.

  “It won’t fool anyone close up. It’s a reasonable wig but not a really expensive one like cancer victims wear. Still, it should be good enough for someone watching the cathedral not to recognize me as the former brunette.”

  “We’ve got a long drive tomorrow so we can plan how we’ll do everything on the journey. It’s midnight now. What say we meet at my car at nine tomorrow. That will give us time to shower, pack, and have breakfast as well as sleep.” Piotr looked at the other two.

  “Nine it is,” said Alex.

  “Should one of us stop off at the kitchen tomorrow and pick up some food? That’ll save us having to stop for our first meal,” suggested Tatiana.

  “Oh good idea. It’ll be about twelve hours driving so I’ll grab us some food and some bottles of water as well,” said Alex.

  * * * *

  Because almost all Tatiana’s things were still in her suitcase packing only took her a few minutes. However, Tatiana had thought of another idea, which meant she needed to speak to Anastasia, and like everyone else, Anastasia started work at eight when the tourists arrived.

  So at ten to eight Tatiana staggered out of bed and into the kitchen, the largest room in the old monk’s house and where the women met to socialize. Fortunately Anastasia was still there. “May I borrow your sunbathing clothes for a couple of weeks, please?”

  “Huh?” Anastasia just stared at her.

  “The Alpha is sending Piotr, Alex, and me on a job and I expect to have lots of free time. I’d like to sunbathe and get a tan,” she explained. Well, it wasn’t a lie exactly.

  “Where are you going?” asked Anastasia.

  “I don’t know if we’re allowed to say.”

  Her friend grinned. “Yeah. Good point. Better we don’t know. Oh well, I hope you have a nice little vacation anyway.”

  Tatiana felt her cheeks heating in the start of a blush. After last night, being alone with Piotr and Alex for a week or two sounded mighty fine to her, too. Fortunately the long drive to Vienna would give her plenty of time to think about last night. The meal, the hike, the sex, and then the summons to the Alpha’s office and their spy job. Fuck. I’m going to be a James Bond girl!

  Anastasia came back into the kitchen and handed her the clothing. It was a tiny halter top in blue and white and very short cut-off denim shorts. Tatiana knew if she was wearing these clothes no man would be looking at her face or her hair. All eyes would be on her bare skin. As a disguise it would be perfect.

  “Thank you.” The other woman raced off to start work and she shoved a bagel into the toaster for breakfast. Then, remembering what a long drive was ahead of them, she added a second bagel. There was no sense risking being hungry in an hour or two when she could eat more now, and perhaps save time and money or suffering from a rumbling, hungry belly later on.

  Tatiana also collected a pen and a notebook and put them in her purse. Likely as they drove there’d be things she’d need to do later. Making to-do lists could be good.

  As she dropped Anastasia’s sunbathing outfit into her suitcase Tatiana had another idea. But if she walked through the castle she’d have to change into her costume first, then out of it again. Crossing her fingers and hoping that Kady had her cell phone with her, Tatiana dialed Kady’s number. She heaved a sigh of relief when Kady answered straightaway.


  “Hi, Kady. Are you able to bring two of the largest size lederhosen to the monk’s house for me? I’m in regular clothes about to leave and just thought some people might be able to use them for a couple weeks.”

  “Oh. That sounds all very mysterious. Sure I can, but when you get back you have to tell me all your secrets.”

  “It’s a deal. Thanks, Kady.”

  “I’ll be there in five.”

  Many German men of all ages wore lederhosen, and since they were going to be in Vienna, it might help Piotr and Alex blend in. They’d look like locals on vacation and it would be a change from jeans as well. A bit of a different look, anyway.

  Tatiana slung her purse over her shoulder, slid her feet into her running shoes, and grabbed the handle of her suitcase. She looked all around her tiny bedroom, but couldn’t think of anything else she might need, so she walked down the hallway and out to the front of the old wooden chapel. Kady was just crossing the inner courtyard, a plastic bag in her hand.

  “Here you go. Remember, I want all the details when you get back.”

  “Thanks, Kady. You’re a real friend.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Tatiana had only walked a few paces when she saw Alex coming toward her. He took the suitcase from her and they walked silently together to the barbican. He swiped his ID at the gate they used for deliveries which made it much easier to take the suitcase out than through a turnstile. Once in the outer courtyard they made their way right across the parking lot, around clumps of tourists, and past a couple of coaches, to the wall.

  Piotr was standing at the open trunk of a navy-blue Volvo. Alex lifted her suitcase in to join a pile of other bags, some of which they had to move around so it’d fit. When it was in she dumped the plastic bag with the lederhosen on top of it. She climbed into the backseat which had a twenty-four pack of bottles of water already sitting on it and a cooler. It looked as though Evan the chef had provided plenty of food for their long trip. That was good. They’d only have to stop for gas and bathroom breaks. And maybe to walk around if they started to get stiff. Although with three of them to drive the six hundred fifty miles it wasn’t that big a deal.

  The men jumped in the car and Tatiana rested back in her seat. She had so much to think about. Her very first ménage sex. Her
very first outdoor sex. Her first date with these two scrumptious men. The Alpha had sent the three of them away together. So that meant he knew about them. He knew about them on their very first ever date. I guess that means he approves of the relationship, then. Because if he didn’t, he’d hardly send us away together. I mean, we might all get separate rooms in a hotel, but it’d be much cheaper to all be together in the one room. The one bed even. Tatiana closed her lips tightly so she didn’t giggle.

  She let her mind drift back over their mealtime conversation and their time up on the mountain. They really were both extraordinarily kind and helpful. Not to mention they were both built like sports stars. They had the kind of taut bodies of men who worked and played hard. Not buff and shiny from manscaping, but real men with real muscles. She preferred that. And if they took their shirts off in the square outside the cathedral no woman would be looking at anything except their chests. Unfortunately most wolves, and therefore most of the people likely to be looking out for them, were men. Oh well, that’d work for her disguise.

  * * * *

  Tatiana was driving. They were on an autobahn and traveling fast, but she seemed to be a capable and confident driver, Piotr thought. He’d downloaded the Vienna public transportation app onto all their phones and was now Googling hotels.

  “Choose somewhere with several different transportation options so we aren’t always coming and going exactly the same way and at the same times,” said Alex from the backseat.

  “We need to find a good place to leave the car as well. Not just on the street, in a parking lot somewhere so it’s not so easy to see our license plate,” added Tatiana.

  He smiled at her. She was a smart woman. Nothing much passed her by. “I’m looking for three-star accommodation. We don’t want to share our room with bedbugs and cockroaches, but we don’t want to be somewhere too expensive either or our funds will run out long before our time is up. But I agree with you about secure parking,” he said.


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