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Two Wolves and a Dancer [Werewolf Castle 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Cara Adams

  Tatiana was certain neither Alex nor Piotr would be sexually selfish. She knew they’d always ensure she came and very likely more than once. This week or two with them would be the perfect test case. If they didn’t form a bond now it’d be more than obvious they weren’t suited to each other. Maybe that was the Alpha’s idea. To give them a chance to find out whether or not they were suited to each other. She had a great deal of respect for the Alpha. He was a very intelligent man and right now he was walking a very narrow and difficult line between the contenders to be Supreme Alpha of Europe. Yet he still had taken the time to consider the needs of Alex, Piotr, and her.

  Piotr had stopped touching her and was whipping Alex again. Tatiana could guess from the way Alex was relaxed into the bedding beside her he was very happy with the program. That made her realize that dealing with two subs at once must be quite a challenge for Piotr. Usually a Dom only had to focus on the needs of a single sub at any one time, but Piotr had to constantly weigh up the way each of them was feeling and balance their needs. Her respect for him grew in that moment, because he knew so little about her, yet he’d gotten it exactly right so far.

  And then his fingers were back on her ass, one pushing inside her, then a second one. She registered that his fingers were sliding in easily and knew he must be using lube but hadn’t noticed him getting it. Perhaps when he’d put the whip down. But for now she pushed back on his fingers, encouraging him to delve deeper inside her, to open her wider, to prepare her for his cock. Well, probably his, although possibly it might be for Alex’s cock she supposed. Either way she was ready and wanted them both now.

  With a sharp spank on her ass Piotr moved away from the bed, and undid their handcuffs. “If I take off the ball gags do you promise not to scream?” Alex nodded firmly, but Tatiana was more hesitant. She hoped she could control herself. Oh well, she could always bury her mouth in one of the men’s shoulders she supposed. She nodded, too.

  “I’m not seeing a huge vote of confidence here,” said Alex teasingly.

  As soon as the gag was removed she said, “I can always bite one of you to fill my mouth.”

  “Not if it’s on my dick,” replied Alex.

  “Lie on your sides, and Alex, move the pillow so she can bite that if she needs to.”

  They wiggled into position and Piotr took off his boxers and joined them. Alex was facing her and Piotr behind her.

  “Now we both claim you together,” said Piotr huskily.

  It took a little while with first one man, then the other lifting her upper leg above his so her pussy was opened wide enough to let Alex push his big cock into her. Then Piotr spread her ass cheeks, and she wrapped her upper leg over Alex’s hip so Piotr could broach her ass. This time there was only a burn at the very start, then gradually Piotr pushed deeper and deeper down her channel. Her tissues were already stretched wide, but they seemed to widen even farther to let him in, then clung tight to his cock once he was inside her. By the time both men were balls deep within her, Tatiana felt very full, but there was no pain, just a wonderful sense of possession and being surrounded by these men who were coming to mean so much to her.

  She was so aroused by their bodies touching hers, their skin covering her all over, and the sexy games they’d been playing, the moment they withdrew, then pushed in again her orgasm began coiling tightly in her belly. On every stroke her nerve endings sizzled with fire, until thinking was beyond her and all she could do was cling to Alex’s shoulders and lean her head back against Piotr’s chest.

  Again and again they drove into her together, their cocks spreading her wide, going deep, filling her beyond her wildest dreams, then withdrawing, only to gain enough strength to jackhammer into her one more time. Her long purple nails dug into Alex’s shoulders, but she was much too tense to loosen her grip. She was so close, so very close to coming. Yet she didn’t want the fucking to be over. The rhythm of two men pounding into her was drugging in its intensity and she wanted it never to end. Except she really wanted to come. She was perched on the very edge of the cliff and the tiniest thing would send her flying.

  The trigger was Piotr’s voice, deep and commanding. “Come now, Tatiana. Come for your Master.”

  On his words her body exploded into release, the climax bursting out of her belly, racing along her arms and legs, and out the top of her head. She pressed her face into Alex’s chest and gritted her teeth so as not to scream, and still the earthquake rumbled through her from her toes to her head and back again.

  Deep inside she felt blasts of cum in her cunt and in her ass as both the men orgasmed with her.

  Tatiana sagged between them, her nerve ends still hissing and fizzing from her release but her body suddenly exhausted. “Wow. That was something else,” she gasped.

  “We’re just practicing. We’ll get even better,” said Alex.

  “Better might kill me.” She let herself sag onto Alex, certain they’d untangle her body for her sooner or later. Later seemed fine by her. Right now she was too exhausted to care.

  * * * *

  The next morning Tatiana sat on the bed while the two men sat in the room’s two chairs. First, they went through the photographs of the people they were to watch for, then they planned who would go watch the cathedral for the next few days. Tatiana insisted on writing down what clothing they were wearing. “We have to do that each day otherwise we’ll forget and maybe repeat ourselves. We’ve got our own clothes and the six T-shirts from the castle which is not a whole lot of variety for fourteen days. Therefore we need to split up and go singly as well as in pairs. That gives us a wider coverage. Since you and I went yesterday even though it was just to have a look at the place, it might be better if it was Alex who went today.”

  “I’ll go early, get there by half past eleven, and that’ll give me plenty of time to find a parking space for the motorcycle as well as decide where to wait and watch.”

  “Don’t come directly back here, though, give yourself a bit of a tour of Vienna first, in case someone is following you. It’s unlikely this soon, but we need to be careful,” said Piotr.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll stay alert.”

  Tatiana found herself frowning. “I don’t know anything about this spy stuff. It looks fine in the movies where anyone is instantly capable of outwitting the bad guys. But I suspect it’s not that easy in real life.”

  “I think our best chance of success is if no one notices us at all. And that’s pretty much the Alpha’s entire plan. So go for inconspicuous,” said Piotr.

  While Alex watched the cathedral, Tatiana and Piotr went and bought bread and fruit and more bottled water, then sat in the sunshine and planned a walk around some of Vienna’s key attractions.

  And that was how they spent their time all that week. At midday they took turns to watch the cathedral, then their afternoons were spent sightseeing and their evenings in bed. Twice they moved hotels and every day they were careful to look for anyone watching them.

  Tatiana was sitting at a small table slowly sipping coffee, a magazine spread out in front of her, but her gaze on the cathedral entrance. Her mind was more on the fact they were planning to visit the Spanish Riding School and see the famous classical dressage performance of the Lipizzan stallions later that day. She’d dreamed of seeing the beautiful white horses dance their airs above the ground and today she would see it, including the dance considered to be the most difficult one in the world, a full twenty minutes of the School Quadrille performed to classical music.

  She was already staring at a man whose size and shape seemed vaguely familiar, before he glanced over his shoulder and she recognized his face from the pictures she’d studied almost a week ago. She didn’t reach for her cell phone, but stayed exactly as she was until he disappeared inside the cathedral. She picked up her coffee and sipped it, watching the entry carefully, and sure enough, maybe two or three minutes later, another man from the photographs entered. Tatiana remained at her post until half past twelve, seeing bo
th men leave the cathedral but no one else on her watch list. Only then did she send the two pictures to the Alpha along with a text message. Person Two, following Person One.

  She looked all around her as she stood up, dropped her empty cup in the trash, and rolled up her magazine. Tatiana tried hard to memorize the people around her, not just their clothing. One thing she now appreciated was how a different hairstyle or shirt made a person seem fresh and new. She didn’t want to miss anyone following her simply because they added or subtracted a shirt or sweater. Slowly she walked away from the square, looking in store windows, even admiring a few potted plants as she went. By the time she arrived at the subway she was reasonably sure no one was observing her but just in case she waited on the platform until the train doors started beeping before they closed, then jumped on the train at the last possible moment. She stood in the doorway and watched but no one caught the train after her.

  Tatiana changed her clothes, swapping her jeans for a skirt, changing to a different colored shirt and even altering her hairstyle, before they went to see the horses. It was a wonderful afternoon, certainly the highlight of Vienna for her.

  Afterward they all sat in a small park, eating takeout and talking about the horses. Finally she said, “I keep expecting a message from the Alpha. The first man I saw obviously has something to tell him, but the second man is following him. The Alpha has removed the people here Person One usually gives his messages to, so we must be supposed to talk to him, but there’s been no instructions yet.”

  Alex gave her a hug. “Don’t stress. We’ll figure out how to detach him from his shadow.”

  “Yeah? How?” Tatiana had no idea how to do that. Presumably both men would be able to run and do things like in the movies. After all the other pack’s Alpha wouldn’t send an unfit or incapable person to be the pursuer.

  Piotr spoke very slowly. “Alex could be waiting on the motorcycle with the engine running. I walk up to him and tell him to jump on the bike. I guess I’ll be given a password or something so he knows I’m genuine since I won’t be the person he’s expecting to see.”

  “And what about the pursuer? He’ll come and hit you upside the head or capture you or something and you’ll have no way to escape,” said Tatiana. Already her gut was churning with all the things that could potentially go wrong.

  “I’ll wear the stupid lederhosen. There’s no way anyone will recognize the real me in them. Maybe I’ll just run like hell as soon as I’ve given the first man the message.”

  Tatiana shook her head. As a plan, that sounded like a recipe for failure. He needed a way to move faster than the pursuer, who presumably would be very fit.

  “If the meeting place was near the subway you could run like hell into the subway and catch any train at all as long as it was leaving right then. You’d just need to be sure you weren’t followed before you changed trains to get back to the hotel,” said Alex.

  Tatiana smiled. “That’s a better idea.”

  * * * *

  Alex was dressed as much like a true motorcyclist as he could manage. He had black jeans, a thick jacket, a cap covering his hair, and sunglasses hiding his eyes. He’d even thought of renting a full-face helmet but most riders didn’t wear them so he thought it might make people notice him rather than ignore him, which wasn’t what he wanted.

  The Alpha had agreed with their plan, and also with an addition Tatiana had made which he and Piotr had tried to veto. She was dressed in nothing much more than her skin, carrying a bunch of flowers, and was to be Piotr’s backup if things went wrong.

  The meeting place was a small but popular square. Alex was sitting on his motorcycle, the engine running, facing the way he would be driving, which meant he had to watch what was happening in his side mirrors. He’d plotted a route through a maze of tiny side roads, just like on the movies, and then he would ride out to the international airport. They could talk in the parking lot there, and his passenger would have no trouble catching public transportation back to wherever he wanted to go. The advantage of holding their meeting in the airport parking lot was that no one would notice people standing talking. It was absolutely normal behavior for airports. Plus there was a wealth of options for the man to get home again.

  Alex was still nervous. They’d gone over and over the plan and he’d memorized his route and a few possible changes to it. He and Piotr had also done their best to dissuade Tatiana from coming half naked as Piotr’s backup but she wasn’t listening to them and once the Alpha had agreed with her they couldn’t stop her. He just had to hope she wouldn’t be needed. Surely he and Piotr could handle the task themselves. After all, the Alpha had been getting news from these people for years. It was only since the Supreme Alpha of Europe had died that everything had started going wrong. Hopefully this man’s information would be worthwhile after all the effort to get the meeting set up. Of course, it must be important. He wouldn’t be putting himself in this much trouble and danger otherwise.

  And here came the man right now. Person One. Tall, blond, fair skin, wearing business clothes. Piotr had seen him as fast as Alex and stepped up to him, using his body to cover his movements as he pointed out Alex sitting on the motorcycle. Still watching in his side mirror, Alex took the bike off the kickstand and opened the throttle the tiniest bit.

  Person One walked fast across to the motorcycle and said, “Spanish.”

  “Riding School. Get on the fucking bike. Another man is following you.”

  The second man had pushed past Piotr and was running toward them. Person One clambered on the seat behind Alex and Alex lifted his foot off the ground and opened the throttle wider.

  “Hold on tightly,” he yelled as he fed more power into the machine and wove his way into the traffic and around the first corner.

  The man’s body pressed hard against his and sinewy arms wrapped around his waist as he turned corner after corner, winding through the neighborhood, ducking between cars and trucks, and trying not to speed, but not to waste time either. By the time he zoomed down the entry road onto the autobahn he was as certain as he could be no one was following him. No car could have traced them through the narrow streets at the start of their journey, and there was no other motorcycle following them onto the autobahn.

  It wasn’t all that far to the international airport, and he slowed down and drove into the short-term parking area. He stopped the bike beside a seat and gestured to it. “Let’s talk.”

  “My Alpha has known from the very beginning of his time in Vienna that Gustav Weber is not to be trusted. Gustav was the late Alpha’s second in command, but he saw himself as the Supreme Alpha’s natural successor. Unfortunately his—um—management style wasn’t conducive to people trusting him and he wasn’t the right man for the job, which is why the Alpha chose my Alpha to become Alpha of Vienna.”

  Person One stared at Alex and he nodded. There were a lot of “his Alpha” and “my Alpha” and “Supreme Alpha” in there, but he was reasonably certain the various people were clear in his head. Besides, there was no way he was going to ask this man for names. If he wanted Alex to know a name he’d tell him, just like he’d used Gustav’s name.

  “Gustav has realized he’ll never be an Alpha under his own power, so he’s been assisting the Alpha of Turkey in his bid to become Supreme Alpha of Europe. Your Alpha knows this. What he likely doesn’t know is how the various packs feel about Turkey’s case to be Supreme. The Alpha of Turkey is holding one-on-one meetings with all the pack leaders who support him in Izmir next month. Gustav is meeting with them and talking to them all now, finding out who might be supporting the Alpha of Turkey. Then the Alpha himself will meet each one personally in Izmir.”

  “Does anyone know any dates other than ‘next month’?” asked Alex.

  “That’s all I’ve found out. However, the Alphas of France, Germany, Vojvodina, and Denmark, likely have their own sources of information. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to hear their people will be visiting Izmir shortly on a
fact-finding mission.”

  Alex grinned. “That could be quite interesting. Wolves on every street corner all watching each other. It sounds like something out of a bad movie.”

  Person One grinned. “Unfortunately my use to your Alpha is now ended. Gustav has left our pack and is now staying with the Alpha of Turkey. So my only chance of finding out any more information for your Alpha is if anything comes through needing translation. It’s been interesting meeting you.”

  Person One nodded and started walking toward the airport terminal building. Alex stared after him, then pulled out his cell phone and started tapping out a long text message to his Alpha.

  * * * *

  Piotr was wearing the lederhosen, a white open-neck shirt, brand-new long white socks, and his boots. He felt ridiculous but knew he looked like many other German tourists and therefore blended in. But long socks up to his knees combined with short pants just didn’t feel right to him.

  He’d seen the man they were waiting for almost as soon as he entered the square. And fifty feet behind him was another man following him, dammit. Piotr knew he’d have to deliver his message quickly, and then distract the follower. On the other side of the square was Tatiana, her long hair wild and free, her body almost bare with the tiniest of blue and white tops barely covering her breasts, and shorts so short he could almost see her ass cheeks. She was holding a bunch of flowers and singing softly to the earbud in one ear. At least he assumed she was singing. Obviously he couldn’t hear her from where he was, but that was her plan.

  The idea was that every male between the ages of nine and ninety would be looking at her body instead of her face. Well that was true. Her body was certainly worth looking at. His plan was that he’d deal with the follower all by himself and she wouldn’t be needed. There was no way he’d let anyone come close to Tatiana. Especially when she was wearing so few clothes.

  The moment the man with the message had come near him he gave him a “thumbs up” and said, “Spanish.”


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