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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women

Page 8

by Kim Wilkerson

  He came up beside her and finally took of his bra. Lying together on the bed he took her in his arms and held her tightly. As her breathing returned to normal, she began to realize what torture hiding this secret was for Steve.

  “You could have told me,” she said, running her fingers through the hair on his arm.

  “I know that now. But then,” he paused, as if studying his next words very carefully, “I didn’t. Hiding it was better than losing you.”

  “Not going to happen,” she replied, “Not ever. And definitely not for something like this.”

  She kissed him. It was a relatively innocent one, but perhaps one of the most significant of their lives together. With the lip gloss now mainly worn off — on other parts of her, she thought with an already fond feeling — his lips lost most of the smack they had had earlier on her legs.

  Their kissing continued and Lori was still firmly in the driver’s seat, which she was coming to enjoy. As they kissed she pushed him back onto the bed flat on his back. Having him where she wanted, she let their tongues touch and she reached for his cock, which was long and hard.

  She stroked it vigorously, enjoying the soft feel of the skin in her hands. She playfully pinched the purple head of it from time to time, and felt a drip of pre-come form on it as she masturbated him.

  She straddled him, guiding his cock into her as she sat on him. His hands went to her hips, helping to steady her as she began to rock softly on him. She felt him stiffen still further inside her and she cooed with her newfound feeling of fullness. As her arousal built and her pace quickened, she could feel the weight of her breasts as they moved with her, jiggling ever so slightly at the end of each erotic bounce.

  His hands went to them, and she felt the warmth from them seep into her. He began to thrust in time with her rhythm, heightening her pleasure still further. She reached behind her and fondled his balls as she rode him, finding the silky soft touch of the skin almost a forbidden fruit.

  She was still playing with them when he yelled her name into the ether and exploded inside her. She let them go and leaned forward to kiss him, letting her breasts rest on his chest between them. Still she rocked gently on him, feeling her own climax again starting to build.

  The thought of him in drag came from nowhere into her mind — of his glossy lips teasing her clit just a short time ago. Finding herself filled with a renewed respect and love for him, Lori felt herself come still again.

  This one — and she could tell the difference — wasn’t like the violent orgasms she'd had when Steve was licking her. This one was softer, almost if the waves of it merely washed over her when the earlier one had sent the waves crashing down all around her.

  Both were nice and to be cherished, but today she found herself enjoying the softer, more loving one.

  Feeling him begin to go limp from the workout her pussy had given it, she shifted slightly to let him slide out of her, though she still felt the warmth of him inside of her. The warmth too was something to be cherished, which she did. She lay beside him and neither said anything for several minutes.

  “So,” she said finally, “Anything interesting happen today?”


  [Hope you liked the story and don't forget your 8 complimentary books, which you may find a download link to on the last page of this collection, just after the 11th story ends. Now, on to the next story!]

  Daring Curves


  Cynthia Conley

  Teresa checked her text, scowling over her soon-to-be-ex husband’s words, ‘Have a safe trip. Stay in touch.’

  She almost laughed over the ‘stay in touch’. They hadn’t been ‘in touch’ since she’d discovered his fling with an online slut. Even though he insisted that it was nothing, his credit card bills for hotels and dinners said differently. Lies were something she couldn’t tolerate.

  When an old college friend had clued her in on a job with a company in Michigan, Teresa had jumped at it. She needed to get away from Cleveland as fast as possible. Waiting for the car to take her from airport to corporate home, she frowned over the vagueness regarding who she would answer to within the company.

  She’d interviewed with several people, learned of a restructuring, but would like more information before jumping into a new position. With her marriage in the dumps though, she couldn’t afford to wait so she’d gone against her better judgment and accepted the job.

  A voice suddenly called from a car, “Teresa Brentwood? Waiting for Holtz Industries?”

  She quickly moved, “That’s me.”

  The trunk sprung open as a driver with overly large shades and a cap pulled low exited the vehicle to stow her luggage away. She thanked him and slid into the back, relieved that the short flight was over. She hated traveling.

  Settling back into her seat, she closed her eyes and fought exhaustion from the quick change of pace she’d been rushing through for the last several weeks. The driver’s door closed before the voice asked, “How was your trip, Teresa?”

  The use of her first name made her eyes fly open as she answered, “Fast. I’m at a disadvantage here. You know my name but…”

  Amusement filled his tone, “My apologies. I’m Karla’s brother, Samuel Nagel. We’ve met once before when you were in college together.”

  Teresa’s eyebrows shot up, remembering the night of partying during college when she’d awakened in his bed, “Oh, hi! Small world, huh? So, you’re a driver for the company?”

  He laughed, “Yes it’s a very small world and no… I don’t drive for the company. I’m actually the owner—your new supervisor.”

  Her jaw dropped before she breathed, “Oh! Really?”

  Amusement again as he answered, “Yeah, really. Nice to have you on board. I’ve heard great things.”

  Her eyes narrowed, “So… Karla knows you work for Holtz?”

  He chuckled, “Yes, where do you think I heard about you? She’s the headhunter we use.”

  Teresa nodded thoughtfully and asked, “How long have you owned the company?”

  His gaze shot to the rearview mirror, “I’m one of the founders.”

  Her eyes widened, “Oh, wow! She never mentioned that.”

  Making a disapproving sound in his throat, he reprimanded, “She shouldn’t have to. From what I hear, you investigate everything thoroughly.”

  “Well, I tried but everything pointed to reorganization and your web site’s been under construction.”

  He nodded, “Yeah, we’ve shaken things up a bit lately.” He pulled off the interstate and informed her, “I’ll get you up on the latest when we arrive. Is that’s okay with you?”

  She quickly nodded, “That’s great.”

  Trying to study him in the rearview, she couldn’t tell anything of his appearance with the huge shades and cap. All she could see was a square well-groomed jaw and full lips with a slender nose. She swallowed hard, attempting to remember what he looked like from that one night but she’d been rather inebriated. In fact, she couldn’t remember anything about the sex either.

  Waking up drunk, seeing scarves tied to the bed frame along with a sore ass was the extent of her memories. She wondered, to this day, if she’d imagined the electrifying goodbye kiss he’d given her. She looked down, feeling her cheeks heat upon speculating if he remembered that night. She silently cursed her dumb luck at having a boss with whom she’d had prior relations.

  He suddenly braked and she glanced up to find them in a driveway within a suburban area. He quickly vacated the vehicle, opening her door for her before he went to grab her bags. Noting his courteous gesture, she slid from the back of the car and, for lack of anything better to say, commented, “Nice neighborhood.”

  He nodded, “I’m across the street at the moment while my house is going through some remodeling.”

  She stared at his lips for a second, taking a deep breath and nodding while trying to kick her mind out of the gutter and come up with something to say. He suddenly grinned, show
ing dimples and a perfect smile, “You look rather anxious. The fridge has the basics but, if you’ll make a list, I’ll have someone get some things.”

  “Oh… sure… um… thank you!”

  She adjusted her purse on her shoulder, mentally kicking herself for being a stumbling idiot. As he led them over the threshold, he said, “I know you don’t like to travel but, unfortunately, this job requires it. We’ll be doing it in style, though. The jet was in use and it was…”

  “We? Jet?”

  He grinned, “Yes, we. You’ll be working closely with me. Traveling by company jet, which is now in Europe, so it wasn’t available to hop the short trip from Cleveland to Michigan.”

  “Oh!” She winced and laughed, “That seems to be my favorite word today.”

  He waved it off, “Your lack of knowledge is understandable since our restructuring is taking place… as you pointed out.”

  He motioned toward a laptop and phone resting on the counter, “You’re company car is still in transit but should be arriving next week. Like I said, I live across the street so…”

  He smoothly took the hat and shades off, leaving her jaw sagging at his intense good looks as he swept his arm through the air, “Welcome to your…”

  Seeing her stunned look, a grin split his face, “Oh… the memories?”

  She gasped before breathing, “You do remember!”

  He laughed, “I rarely forget nights like that. I’m sure we’ll have some interesting moments.”

  “Oh-kay. Did you hire me…?”

  He frowned, “No. I don’t usually make a habit of hiring women that I’ve… slept with. You, on the other hand, are too good…” He laughed at her blush, “Let me rephrase that. You’re portfolio reflected what our company needed.”

  Dragging in a breath to clear her head, she stammered out, “Look…I’m going through a—”

  “Divorce. I know. In fact, I make it a point to know whatever I can about my employees before I hire them. I probably know more than you think or want but that’s beside the point.”

  She snapped her mouth shut and nodded, hating the feeling that she was at a distinct disadvantage but said anyway, “I have to admit—I don’t remember a lot about that night.”

  Nodding, he grinned, “I can imagine. You were plastered. Don’t let it bother you.”

  Relieved, she nodded but couldn’t help noticing his highly interested and rather intense gaze. He suddenly glanced at his phone and asked, “Are you hungry? It’s around six.”

  The memory of the kiss dropped her gaze to his lips. She jerked it back up to his, “Yes, actually. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

  He winced, “Like I said before, we supplied the basics.” He motioned to the door, “Join me across the street and we can catch up over dinner. Sound good?”

  She nodded, trying to shake the alertness around him that threatened to blister her cheeks. Crinkling her nose, she said, “Give me a moment so I can get out of these clothes, okay?”

  He nodded, watching her grab a bag but stop suddenly, “Where’s the bedroom?”

  He pointed down the hall, “The master is the end one.”

  She swiftly headed that way. Plowing through her bag for a T-shirt and jeans, she stopped and went to the door, “Forgive me if this seems stupid but jeans are okay, right?”

  Amusement flew over his face, “Perfect unless you want to wear a swimsuit.” Seeing her eyes widen, he laughed and shook his head, “Just wear what you want. These homes come with pools.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  She shut the door and frowned at it, wondering if his intense charisma would always cause a breathless state. She eyed her swimsuit but shook her head, grabbing a T-shirt and jeans instead. Shaking her hair loose from its ponytail, she swiftly redid it and checked herself in the mirror.

  His knowledge about her divorce bugged her. She’d just signed the papers and hadn’t told anyone—not even Kayla. Making a note to ask him, she quickly dressed and joined him in the living room. Without a word, he opened the door and led her across the street to his house, which appeared to be the same as hers.

  Before she had a chance to say anything, he admitted, “I was thrilled when Karla mentioned you were looking to relocate and change jobs. This reorganization happened because many of our best people were retiring. I bankrolled her trips to those conferences just to try to lure you. Did she tell you that?”

  Disbelief flew over her face, “We kept in touch pretty often—talked at least twice a month—but I never took any trips with her.”

  His eyes narrowed as he glanced back at her, “You never went to any conferences—Vegas, Cincinnati, or Canada?”

  Teresa’s jaw dropped before anger flooded through her, “OH! Excuse me for a moment.”

  She spun around but didn’t know where his restroom was so she raced out the back patio. Once outside, she drove her hands into her hair, jerking the ponytail out in the process, and loudly growled , “That bitch!”

  Hearing the patio door slide open, she jerked as she dragged in a deep calming breath. Turning back, she tried to smile but scowled on a cynical cough of laughter instead.

  Utter surprise flooded his face, “What did I say to piss you off?”

  With eyes closed, she shook her head, “I was wondering how you knew about my divorce. Karla told you, didn’t she?”

  Her eyes flew open when he didn’t answer to see him nodding with a confused frown. She shook with anger as she gritted out, “I didn’t go with her to those conferences or tell her about our divorce. My husband did. He was having an affair with someone—her!”

  Her voice broke on the last word. He dragged a hand down his face, shaking his head, “I’m so sorry, Teresa. I had no idea!”

  She nodded, trying to control her tears as she sank into a chair. He cursed and shook his head, “What the hell was she thinking?”

  Biting her lip, she tried to contain her screech of rage but it rumbled out of her as she bent forward. He knelt beside her, “I know this is going to sound empty but I understand how you feel. I went through the same damn thing a couple of years ago.”

  She wiped her tears away, “The thing that gets me is the lies. Even though I knew we ultimately wouldn’t work, I was at least trying. He was busy searching elsewhere!”

  He winced, “I don’t mean to pry but how long…?”

  “I don’t know. When I checked credit card receipts, I discovered it was over a year.”

  His eyes widened before he snapped, “Holy shit!”

  Appearing ill, he held a finger up and went inside. She remained seated but when he didn’t return, she glanced inside to see him angrily speaking into the phone. Her eyes widened.

  Hoping it wasn’t Karla, she wondered if she should go back inside but he hung up before she had a chance to decide. He grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses from the counter and returned to the patio. She bit her lip before asking if it was Karla with whom he’d spoken

  He nodded, “I got her voicemail and fired her.”

  Her eyes widened, “I wish you hadn’t…”

  “She not only lied to you, she also lied to me… repeatedly! Like you, that happened with my divorce. I don’t need an employee, regardless if she’s my sister, that lies her ass off to multiple people. She was well-paid numerous times to woo you and I find out she was…”

  “Oh! Jesus! It’s worse than I thought, then.” Her jaw sagged as she watched him nod.

  “For your sake, let’s drop it.” He swiftly poured wine for them both before asking, “Are you still hungry?”

  She shook her head, “Not really.” He reached across and squeezed her hand, “I feel horrible that you discovered it like this. If I’d had any idea that she…” With a cringe, he finished, “I would have fired her a long time ago.”

  “It’s not your fault. Really.” Wanting to put it behind her, she asked, “Do you have some material or anything business related?”

  He nodded and went back inside. She dow
ned her glass of wine before pouring another, feeling the need to get drunk off her ass. By the time he came back out, she was almost through her third glass. He put the laptop in front of her, leaning over to show her the project they’d be working on.

  More tipsy than she realized, she started nervously giggling which stopped him in his tracks. She gained control enough to slur, “Sorry but I think we need more wine.”

  His gaze fell to the bottle and flew back to her, “Oh shit, Teresa!”

  Her gaze dropped to his lips, “Maybe we should eat.”

  He cocked an eyebrow, “I only know one thing that I’m hungry for right now.”


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