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Operation: Monarch

Page 24

by Valerie Parv

  "This is a lot to get used to," she said.

  "The promotion or the marriage part, Lady Marin?" Garth teased.

  She knew which meant the most to her. "What do you think?"

  His expression sobered. "Are you sure I didn't pressure you into saying yes? We were in mortal danger when I proposed."

  Anxiety stabbed through her. "Do you feel pressured?"

  "God, no. My only worry was who you would be marrying."

  Her certainty projected into her voice. "I didn't care. I said yes to a man, not a title."

  "No second thoughts?"

  For herself, she had none. Her fears about Garth eroding her carefully built independence seemed foolish when compared with the heaven she had found in his arms. During the crisis, she had seen enough to know that he would never seek to control her life the way her parents had done. She could still be her own person, but with the man she loved at her side. It was enough to give her the courage to say firmly, "Not a one. Unless you have doubts?"

  He pulled her into his arms. "How can I when I love you more than life itself? When you threw yourself into the sea, trusting me to be there for you, I knew I couldn't live without you." His hand cupped her nape. "Although, if you put yourself at such risk again, I may have to wring your beautiful neck."

  "I love it when you're so romantic," she murmured.

  He grinned. "Then try this. I want to wake up beside you every morning, make a life with you, father your children."

  "Whoa, I didn't think you wanted children."

  "I didn't think I wanted a lot of things, until you showed me what I was missing. At least now I have something to offer our sons or daughters."

  She tensed. "You always had a lot to offer."

  "Perhaps as Lord Marin. Not as the navy's black sheep."

  She reached for the second folder, her smile widening as she perused the contents. "This morning Lorne told me he hoped to have some good news about that tonight. When this began, I asked him to reopen the investigation into your discharge. According to these documents, the defective equipment was supplied by the brother-in-law of the admiral who brought the charges against you."

  Garth nodded. "By the time I found out the truth, I was already out of the service. The admiral didn't want the truth coming out."

  She handed him the folder. "In here is a full apology from the navy, as well as restoration of your rank and record. You can return to active service whenever you want." She didn't let her tone betray how hard it would be to deal with being apart from him when his duty required, but she suspected he knew. They both had adjustments to make, but a love as strong as theirs was a powerful incentive. "So you have no more excuses," she added.

  He looked puzzled. "Excuses for what?"

  "For not shaping up, my Lord Marin."

  His hand grazed the side of her face. "I guess this means we can't live out of the pickup or aboard my boat?"

  Nuzzling his palm, she affected a sigh. "It's tough, but I don't think Carramer is ready to have an earl living aboard a dive boat."

  He laughed, the warm sound making her tingle from head to toe. "I can't blame you if you never want to set foot on a boat again."

  In this she could surprise him, too. "A lot depends on my diving buddy. When I wasn't being besieged by sharks or dodging bullets, I found the experience more agreeable than I expected to. Breathing the same air is wonderfully intimate."

  His breathing quickened and she saw his eyes darken at the memory. "You mean like this?"

  As his mouth closed over hers, the room rocked. "Mmm-hmm," she said around the delicious pressure of his lips.

  "I knew there was something special about you the first time I kissed you," Garth murmured.

  She lifted her head, remembering not only the kiss but the strength of the youthful feelings for him that had led to it. She was filled with wonder to think those first tender yearnings had flowered into the all-consuming love engulfing her now. "When we first kissed, you laughed at me," she reminded him.

  "I was terrified of you—so beautiful, so capable, so far beyond my wildest dreams."

  "And now?"

  "You're still the most beautiful, capable woman in the world, and now you're mine."

  She fanned herself theatrically. "I need oxygen."

  "Delighted to assist."

  Sharing air was definitely an intimate experience, she thought as she gave herself up to the heady pleasure of his kisses.

  Garth could hardly believe his good fortune. Discovering he was of royal blood and part of the country's first family was astonishing enough. He would have to take some time to deal with his feelings about that. More amazing still was the woman in his arms. "You actually went to bat for me with the Royal Carramer Navy?" he murmured.

  Her eyes shone. "I'd take on the world for the man I love."

  He rained kisses over her eyes and nose. "I knew there was something I loved about you."

  She kissed him back. "Nothing else?"

  "Why don't we go back to my suite and I'll show you."

  She pretended affront but her pulse throbbed. "Think of my reputation!"

  "I am thinking about it. You've been way too good for too long."

  "Why do I think that's about to change?"

  "Because it is. As Carramer's first bad-boy royal, I warn you I'm going to be a thoroughly disturbing influence on you."

  He'd already started and she had no complaints. "Until we have children, then we have to set a good example."


  A thrill of anticipation coursed through her. "But not just yet."

  His mouth crushed hers. "Definitely not tonight."

  As he swung her into his arms and she linked her hands around the strong column of his neck, she felt duty bound to agree with him in this, at least.

  In matters of the heart, she knew they would always be in complete accord.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8109-1


  Copyright © 2004 by Valerie Parv

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  ††The Carramer Trust


  ††The Carramer Trust


  *The Carramer Crown


  *The Carramer Crown


  *The Carramer Crown


  †The Carramer Legacy


  †The Carramer Legacy


  †The Carramer Legacy


  ††The Carramer Trust


  ††The Carramer Trust


  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

>   Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19




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