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The Society of Orion Book #7: The Turkish Findings (Colton Banyon Mystery 21)

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by Gerald J. Kubicki


  Society of Orion

  The Turkish Finding #7

  A Colton Banyon Adventure/Mystery


  Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  Other Books by Gerald J. Kubicki

  A Dubious Mission #1

  A Dubious Secret #2

  A Dubious Dream #3

  A Dubious Terrain #4

  A Dubious Plan #5

  A Dubious Artifact #6

  Books by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  A Dubious Position #7

  A Dubious Curse #8

  A Dubious Crime #9

  A Dubious Device #10

  A Dubious Race # 11

  The Society of Orion Series

  The Weapons #1

  The Recovery #2

  The Deception #3

  The Orion Codex #4

  The Tayos Caves #5

  The Moroccan Affair #6

  License Note

  This ebook is for your personal enjoyment.

  It may not be re-sold.

  The Society of Orion

  The Turkish Finding #7

  Published by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  Copyright ©2015 by Gerald J. Kubicki & Kristopher Kubicki

  All rights reserved

  This book is dedicated to those who believe in something besides themselves.

  The Society of Orion

  From Books One through Six

  Colton Banyon and his Forever Ours team have been on the hunt for the one hundred and fifteen Orion weapons for some time now. They have been to Poland where they first discovered the Society of Orion and discovered that the weapons Orion possessed had real supernatural powers.

  Then they were summoned to Ecuador where they collected the Orion Codex, which lists all the weapons and much more, including the actual history of Orion. While there, they found and explored the Tayos Caves and began to understand that the original inhabitants of earth had returned many times to collect wood for a very specific reason — survival.

  In a cave in Ecuador they encounter a computer program that almost kills them. While exploring the cave depository they learn that the Sumi, the original inhabitants of earth, have big plans for earth. It is scheduled to be their new home.

  Banyon realizes that he must collect all the weapons if they hope to stop a possible invasion. He heads to exotic Morocco to face a Society of Orion member who is using the weapons to satisfy his own greed. He also learns some things about the people with him.

  While on this mission, Banyon discovers that a second depository has been found in Turkey and decides to investigate, but before he leaves, he is hit with a bombshell. Some of his team are not who they appear to be. He wonders if they are there to stop him from completing his mission.

  Current list of Orion weapons that Banyon possesses:

  * Influence – Can control what people think.

  Insight – Can see who last used a weapon.

  * Love – Part of The Magic Belt – Makes people passive.

  Determination - Part of The Magic Belt – Shoots a ball of fire.

  * Destiny - Part of The Magic Belt – Can hear thoughts of people.

  Health - Part of The Magic Belt - Can heal sickness.

  * Addition - Part of The Magic Belt – Creates paranoia.

  Emotions - Part of The Magic Belt – Sound waves that disable thought.

  Security - Part of The Magic Belt – Projects a blinding light.

  * Relationships - Part of The Magic Belt – Turns user into any animal they choose.

  Time – Uses Vril to bend time.

  * Courage – Gives immense courage to user.

  Reflection – Can make the user invisible.

  Imagination – Can build anything from nothing.

  Deliverance – Draws objects from space.

  Shield – Forms a protective shield around user.

  * Renew – Can heal wounds.

  Covers – Cloaks things that the user wants protected.

  * Climate – Creates tornados.

  * Zeus – Creates lightning.

  * Water-Wall – Makes Tidal waves.

  * Call – Calls animals that the user decides.

  Talk – Used to communicate

  Strong – Gives Incredible strength

  Same – Duplicates person (2)

  Seeker – Can look under earth (4)

  Repel – Repels anything organic (5)

  * Grower – Makes person twenty feet tall.

  Push – Creates a strong wind.

  Speak – Translates to any language

  Rise – Anti-gravity device (8)

  Reducer – Laser cutter. (8)

  Clear – Giant buzz saw (3)

  Stop – Chant jammer

  Insight 2 – Locates Orion weapons

  Mover – Move large objects (2)

  Cut – Huge knife that cuts stones (3)

  Weapons not in Banyon’s possession – yet:

  * Visions – Jug used by Nostradamus to predict the future.

  * Divider – Staff used by Moses to part the sea.

  Total weapons count: 65

  Total weapons of Orion: 115

  Original Orion weapons – non-alien: *14

  Part One

  The SIM Team

  Chapter One

  The silence was maddening. No one spoke for several minutes. They just stood and glared at each other. The two men faced-off in a large bedroom of the penthouse suite in one of the largest hotels in Casablanca, Morocco. The rest of the suite was filled with Colton Banyon’s team. They were resting and recovering from their takedown of Ahmed Fasi. Banyon had ordered the man into the bedroom for a private meeting as soon as he had come through the door.

  There was a large king-sized bed between them and only that prevented Colton Banyon from attacking the other man. He had somehow transformed from the ferret to an Air Force Colonel when Banyon turned his back. This stunned Banyon, but he didn’t want to lose his cool. Instead they played a game of who will blink first.

  Banyon was very angry with the other man in the room. His name was Colonel Gerald Cole, but was also known as Bart Longwood and Edgar Neville, two longtime friends of Banyon. The man had been playing a sting on Banyon and his crew for a long time. Banyon wanted to know why.

  “What the hell is going on?” Banyon finally roared and flapped his arms.

  “We need your help,” Colonel Cole replied sheepishly. “In fact we can help each other.”

  Banyon knew that eventually he would have to deal with Colonel Cole and his super-secret SIM team. The name was an acronym for “Scientific Investigations Mandate”. Banyon actually knew a lot about the colonel and his team, but didn’t want to divulge anything. He had learned it from Wolf some time ago. However, he wanted to know what the man knew about him and his secrets.

  “Why did you infiltrate my team?” Banyon angrily demanded.

  “Perhaps I need to explain,” the colonel responded and opened his arms.

  “Who are you?” Banyon rapid-fired back at him.

  “My name is really Colonel Gerald Cole. As I told you, Bart and Edgar are two of my personas.”

  “I’ll be damned if I’ll ever call you Colonel Cole,” Banyon huffed.

  “Just call me Jerry, Colt,” the man replied in a defeated tone.

  “You haven’t answered my question, Jerry,” Banyon said sarcastically.

  “My team had to make sure that we could trust you,” Jerry re

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “You have sixty-five Orion weapons,” the colonel answered. “We needed to make sure that you would use them for good and not for personal gain. I’m satisfied that you and I are on the same side.”

  “And whose side is that?” Banyon bristled.

  “The side that is going to save the world,” the colonel responded.

  “Save the world from what?” Banyon asked suspiciously.

  “The imminent Sumi invasion.”

  Chapter Two

  “What imminent Sumi invasion?” Banyon asked with extreme concern.

  “Colt, there are two starships already here,” the colonel replied. “They are stationed behind the dark side of the moon. They have been there for a month. We have been able to track them once they appeared.”

  “My God!” Banyon uttered out loud. He didn’t know that the spaceships were in orbit. Wolf couldn’t track things in outer space. “There could be over four hundred thousand invaders in the two space ships.”

  “More,” the man replied. “Carol has actually calculated that there are two hundred and thirty thousand Sumi on board each of the ships. That’s nearly a half a million people.”

  Banyon suddenly remembered that Carol had done the calculations while they were in the Tayos Caves.

  “Why haven’t they invaded? What are they waiting for?” Banyon suddenly asked.

  “Our guess is that there are more ships coming,” the colonel said matter-of-factly.

  “But if they attacked in a concentrated force, we wouldn’t be able to stop them,” Banyon reasoned in a panicked voice. “They could deliver hundreds of thousands of Sumi to a specific spot in a few minutes by using their shuttle ships.”

  “We know that, Colt,” the colonel responded. “In fact, some Sumi are already here on earth doing the ground work,” the colonel added.

  “What?” Banyon cried out.

  “We have a general area where they landed, but we haven’t been able to pinpoint their exact location.”

  “Hmm, I’ll bet they are using the Covers cloaking device,” Banyon reasoned thoughtfully.

  “Yes, we believe that is true,” Colonel Cole said and nodded his head.

  “What general area?”

  “We have tracked shuttle ships to Southeast Asia around Cambodia,” the colonel responded.

  “Crap! They’re going to build their new capital in the middle of an unlimited supply of wood,” Banyon gasped. “There they could produce an unlimited supply of Vril, the ultimate power source and weapon.

  “Which is why you and your team need to work with us to stop them,” the colonel pressed Banyon. “If we don’t find a solution then there will be a huge blood bath. The military is planning to fight with everything we have and may even use nuclear weapons to stop them. A war like that could destroy the whole planet.”

  “But what can my team do?” Banyon asked suspiciously.

  “We have some special weapons of our own,” the colonel replied. “We also will be able to use some of their own weapons against them. Then there are the original Orion weapons which the Sumi can’t control.”

  “So you want us to fight? Is that it?” Banyon asked curiously.

  “Colt, we also know that you have a special power to find things and people. We don’t know how you do it, and I don’t care how you do it. But I have been tracking you for a long time, Colt. You have been 100% accurate in discovering things. We need to find the Sumi base camp and pinpoint their leaders.”

  Banyon was quickly feeling much more comfortable. He realized that the colonel didn’t know about Wolf even though, as Bart, the colonel had attempted to find out his secret for several years. There was still the problem of Colonel Cole knowing that he could find things, but Banyon rationalized that he could deal with that at a later time.

  “Do you have a plan?” Banyon asked.

  “First we need to collect all the Orion weapons. Then we need to clear out the second depository. And finally we need to confront the Sumi leadership before the killings start,” the colonel responded as he counted off the items using his fingers.

  “But there are only a few of us, how can we stop them?” Banyon found himself asking.

  “We know some of their weaknesses. I’ll explain.”


  After the two men discussed what had to be done, Banyon decided that he needed to find out what information the colonel would share with him. I don’t know if I can trust him. If he doesn’t share information or if he lies, I can’t trust him.

  “Jerry, who do you work for?” Banyon asked.

  “I am a DoD employee and have been ever since I finished my education. They recruited me while I was still on campus,” Jerry replied.

  Banyon knew that anyone who was recruited directly from the college world was special and had specific skills that the DoD wanted — usually for an existing project. What is the project?

  “What’s your background?”

  “I graduated from MIT when I was fourteen,” the colonel responded humbly. “I have two doctorates. One is in physics and one in ancient foreign languages. I also hold a law degree from Northwestern University and a license in Illinois.”

  “Wow,” Banyon responded as he was expected to do. “You must be very smart.”

  “My IQ is 182.”

  Banyon didn’t respond to that, but asked another question. “What is your mission, Jerry?”

  “My mission and the mission of my team is to scientifically investigate things that are not normal. We are charged with explaining how they work and how the DoD can benefit from the information.”

  “Your team?” Banyon prompted.

  “Yes,” the colonel answered. “We are called the SIM team, The Scientific Investigations Mandate. We use science to find answers to anomalies in the world.”

  “Who is on your team?”

  “There are actually only four of us. My team includes myself, my children, Kenny and Carol, and one other person.”

  “Let me stop you right there,” Banyon suddenly said hotly.

  “Why?” A confused Colonel Cole asked.

  “Because I don’t believe I can trust you,” Banyon growled angrily and gave the colonel a mean look.

  “Why do you say that?” the perplexed colonel responded.

  “Because you have already lied to me,” Banyon noted.


  “I know that Carol and Kenny are not your children.”

  Chapter Three

  “How the hell could you know that?” Colonel Cole shrieked. “Only one other person in the world besides me and the kids knows about the adoption and he is a federal judge. The records are all sealed.”

  “I find out things remember,” Banyon warned as he waved his finger back and forth. “I know that they are the children of your good friend Ernie Pulver. He was the diplomat in Ecuador. He was the one killed by the drug cartel. You adopted the kids when they were in their teens.”

  “I did lie,” Colonel Cole admitted sadly and dropped his head, “but only to protect them. The drug cartel still has a bounty on them.” Banyon knew that too, but he wanted Colonel Cole to know that Banyon knew a lot about Gerald Cole and the SIM team. I need him to tell the truth.

  “What’s the truth, Colonel?”

  “They are Ernie’s kids,” the colonel agreed. “I promised to take care of them if anything happened to Ernie. I was able to provide them with complete educations. But they are very bright and have been on the team for about five years now and obviously can keep a secret.”

  “Any more lies and I walk out of the room,” Banyon threatened as a warning.

  “I agree, no more lies, Colt” the colonel uttered like a blood oath.

  “When did you become aware of me?” Banyon now asked even though he already knew the answer.

  “Several years ago you found a German antigravity machine in a cave in Death Valley. Do you remember?”

  “Of course,�
� Banyon responded. “But it was destroyed when I used it to escape a gang of supremacists. It was a dubious plan, but the only one available at the moment.”

  “My team investigated the incident after a report crossed my desk. It was then that we discovered you and the Sumi antigravity device. The Germans had obtained it before the war. They were rumored to have several of the Orion weapons on loan from a society member.”

  “So you arranged for me to come to work for you at Dewey & Beatem through your friend the President,” Banyon filled in the rest.

  “Soon after that we discovered the increase in traffic from and to the transmitters and the Sumi invasion threat. We have been working on a solution ever since,” the colonel explained. “It was the reason that I left the firm as Bart. I couldn’t keep up with all the illusions.”

  “And how long ago did you meet Father Hector?” Banyon asked.

  “Ernie Pulver was a member of the Society of Orion. I knew Father Hector for over ten years before he died. He agreed to test your commitment and powers when I asked him. We needed to find someone to collect the Orion weapons, someone that we could trust. We have only found a few on our own.”

  “Just so you know,” Banyon started. “I knew about you and your team shortly after you put me in the dubious position as a principal at the law firm.”

  “I guess that’s why I could never find out how you were able to collect information so fast and accurately. You knew I was watching you all the time,” the colonel said with a shrug.

  “That’s correct and also why I have not made you forget what you have learned. I could have done it several times, but decided that we were mutually working towards the same goals,” Banyon said and shocked the colonel.

  “Thank you for that,” Colonel Cole responded.


  Both men were silent for a minute as they thought about what they had learned from each other. Then Banyon asked another question.

  “Who is the fourth member of the SIM team?”

  “I believe that you already know him too,” the colonel explained. “Remember when you were protecting a white supremacist woman and were trapped in a safe house in Wisconsin?”


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