Blood of Extraction

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Blood of Extraction Page 51

by Todd Gordon

  578 La Jornada, “Los Ngäbe-Buglé de Panamá defienden su comarca y sus recursos: Contra los intereses de empresas estadounidenses,” La Jornada, July 14, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on August 9, 2013.

  579 Mining Watch, “Two Killed in Panama Mining Protests,” Mining Watch, February 8, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on February 8, 2012.

  580 M. Keevil, “Inmet keeps wary eye on smouldering Panama policy debate,” p. 13.

  581 Central America Data, “More conditions for mining project,” Central America Data, January 16, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on August 10, 2012; Cultural Survival, “Panama Campaign: President Re-establishes Mining Code,” Cultural Survival, April 11, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on April 14, 2012.

  582 La Jornada, “El gobierno de Panamá anuncia apoya a la investigación a Financial Pacific,” La Jornada, December 30, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on August 9, 2013.

  583 La Jornada, “Regresan directives de Financial Pacific 12.2 millones de dólares tras escándalo,” La Jornada, January 6, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on August 9, 2013.

  584 P. Kent, “Minister of State Kent to Visit Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, January 12, 2009.

  585 In 2008, Foreign Affairs provided C$88,000 for a project to provide equipment for specialized training at the Central American Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre in Guatemala. See Proactive Disclosure, Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards over $25,000, Award date June 26, 2008. Available online at: Accessed on April 14, 2012; and C$58,000 for technical assistance for counterterrorism. See Proactive Disclosure, Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards over $25,000, award date September 2, 2008. Available online at: Accessed on April 14, 2012.

  586 Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Canada Committed to Peace, Justice and Security in Guatemala,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, June 23, 2011.

  587 National Defence, “Estimate of Ongoing Instability in Guatemala,” 2009, Access to Information, file A-2010-00795.

  588 Prime Minister’s Office, “Prime Minister Harper Announces Contributions to Security Enhancements in Central America,” Ottawa: Prime Ministe’s Office, August 12, 2011.

  589 Prime Minister’s Office, “Prime Minister Harper Announces Support to Enhance Security in the Americas,” Ottawa: Prime Ministe’s Office, April 15, 2012; Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Canada Reinforces Support for Improved Security in Americas,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, June 5, 2012; National Defence, “Canada to Donate Equipment to Belize Defence Forces,” Ottawa: National Defence, June 12, 2012; Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Canada Announces Regional Support to Combat Illicit Drug Trafficking in Washington D.C.,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, July 2, 2012.

  590 National Defence, “Minister MacKay Announces Canadian Participation in Exercise PANAMAX,” Ottawa: National Defence, August 12, 2011.

  591 A. Bird, “Drugs and Business: Central America Faces Another Round of Violence,” NACLA Report on the Americas, Spring 2012, p. 35.

  592 G. Isfeld, “Export Development Canada Opens Bogotá Office amid Central, South America Push,” Financial Post, February 5, 2014. Available online at: Accessed on February 10, 2014.

  593 Mining Watch and CENSAT-Agua Viva, Land and Conflict: Resource Extraction, Human Rights, and Corporate Social Responsibility—Canadian Companies in Colombia, Ottawa: Inter Pares, 2009, p. 11.

  594 Cansim data table 376-0051, accessed October 2, 2013; Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “An FTA with the Andean Community countries of Colombia and Peru: Qualitative Economic Analysis,” June 2007. Available online at: Accessed on November 1, 2008.

  595 A. Ismi, Profiting from Repression: Canadian Investment in and Trade with Colombia, third edition, 2012, p. 31 fn 40.

  596 Mining property data is from the property database. Accessed on October 3, 2013.

  597 N. López, “Mining and oil boom propel investment in Colombia,” Bloomerg Business, August 15, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on August 18, 2010; P. Christopher Webster, “Colombia is Canada’s new best friend,” Globe and Mail, April 26, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on January 1, 2016.

  598 Webster, “Colombia is Canada’s new best friend.”

  599 Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, “Minister Fast Holds Extractive-Sector Round Table with Canadian Companies in Colombia,” Bogotá, Colombia: Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, August 12, 2014.

  600 Webster, “Colombia is Canada’s new best friend.”

  601 Globe and Mail, “Brookfield to invest $400 million in Colombia,” Globe and Mail, September 10, 2009, p. B10.

  602 Semana, “Cuando el río suena…,” Semana, October 8, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on June 9, 2014.

  603 G. Robertson, “Scotiabank buys Banco Colpatria,” Globe and Mail, October 20, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on October 20, 2011; La República, “Scotia y Colpatria traerán inversión canadiense en minería,” La República, January 18, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on January 23, 2012.

  604 J. Rafael Nieto López, “Resistencia social en Colombia: Entre Guerra y neoliberalismo,” Observatorio Social de América Latina (OSAL), 30, October 2011.

  605 For a classic account of la violencia in the department of Antioquia, see M. Roldán, Blood and Fire: La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946–1953, Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.

  606 R. Zibechi, “La Paz del extractivismo en Colombia,” La Jornada, July 9, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on February 10, 2014.

  607 For background, see N. Richani, Systems of Violence: The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia, Second Edition, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014.

  608 On the UP, see F. Hylton, Evil Hour in Colombia, London: Verso, 2006, pp. 72–78.

  609 R. Zibechi, “La Paz del extractivismo en Colombia”; On Plan Colombia, see J. Petras, “The Geopolitics of Plan Colombia,” Monthly Review, 53, 1, 2001, pp. 30–49.

  610 Nieto López, “Resistencia social en Colombia,” p. 127.

  611 F. Hylton, “The Experience of Defeat: The Colombian Left and the Cold War that Never Ends,” Historical Materialism, 22, 1, 2014, pp. 89–90.

  612 F. Hylton, Evil Hour in Colombia, pp. 80–86.

  613 J. Hristov, “Uribe and the Paramilitarization of the Colombian State,” New Socialist, 59, 2006, p. 14.

  614 W. Avilés, “Paramilitarism and Colombia’s Low-Intensity Democracy,” Journal of Latin American Studies, 38, 2, 2006, p. 380.

  615 K. Sankey, “Colombia—The Mining Boom: A Catalyst of Development or Resistance?” in Veltmeyer and Petras, eds., The New Extractivism; see also, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights, 2006; C. Campbell, “Addicted to Blood Coal,” Maclean’s, March 20, 2006, p. 36.
  616 F. Ramírez Cuellar, The Profits of Extermination: How U.S. Corporate Power is Destroying Colombia, Translated by A. Chomsky, Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 2005, p. 86–87.

  617 Hylton, Evil Hour, p 4; and Ramírez Cuellar, The Profits of Extermination, pp. 84–85.

  618 Ramírez Cuellar, The Profits of Extermination, p. 85.

  619 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), CIA: World Fact Book, Washington, D.C.: CIA, 2006.

  620 Ramírez Cuellar, The Profits of Extermination, pp. 82–83.

  621 Hristov, “Uribe and the Paramilitarization,” p. 14.

  622 See J. Hristov, Paramilitarism and Neoliberalism: Violent Systems of Capital Accumulation in Colombia and Beyond, London: Pluto Books, 2014.

  623 N. Richani, “The Agrarian Rentier Political Economy: Land Concentration and Food Insecurity in Colombia,” Latin American Research Review, 47, 2, 2012, p. 51.

  624 Ibid., p. 69.

  625 Ibid., p. 68.

  626 F. Hylton, “The Experience of Defeat,” p. 91.

  627 Nieto López, “Resistencia social en Colombia,” p. 127.

  628 Ibid., p. 128.

  629 Ibid., p. 129. The Human Rights Watch report is cited in R. Zibechi, “El retorno triunfal del campesinado,” América Latina en Movimiento, September 23, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on February 13, 2014.

  630 Nieto López, “Resistencia social en Colombia,” p. 129.

  631 Ibid., pp. 129–130.

  632 Ibid., p. 130.

  633 Hylton, Evil Hour, p 129.

  634 For the statement alluding to Venezuela see R. Foot, “Harper Touts Third Way, Emulate Canada Not U.S. PM Says in Chile,” National Post, 18 July 2007, p. A1; for the statement on Colombia see R. Foot, “PM Defends Entering Free Trade Talks with Colombia” National Post, 17 July 2007, p. A4.

  635 Hylton, Evil Hour, p. 105.

  636 Ibid., p. 93.

  637 Ibid., p. 94.

  638 R. Zibechi, “La Paz del extractivismo en Colombia,” La Jornada, July 9, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on February 10, 2014.

  639 Ibid.

  640 Peace Brigades International, “Mining in Colombia: At What Cost?” Newsletter, 18, November 2011, pp. 9–10, 14–15.

  641 R. Zibechi, “La Paz del extractivismo en Colombia,” La Jornada, July 9, 2012. Available online at: Accessed on February 10, 2014.

  642 Forrest Hylton is correct to remind us, in a sober counterweight to Panglossian readings of the revival of a new Colombian Left in the wake of the peace negotiations and the agrarian strike, that evidence of lasting, urban articulations of Left renewal in Colombia is still fragmentary at best. “Despite several days of protest in Bogotá, there was no urban Left to capitalise on the unrest,” he writes, “or overcome, through coalition-building, the sectorial limits of rural protest in a predominantly urban polity.” Hylton, “The Experience of Defeat,” p. 68. Nonetheless, the size of the agrarian mobilizations of the summer of 2013 is probably indicative of a new cycle of struggle at least in the Colombian countryside, where the consequence of extractivism is felt most fiercely.

  643 R. Zibechi, “El retorno triunfal del campesinado,” América Latina en Movimiento, September 23, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on February 13, 2014.

  644 Ibid.

  645 Ibid.

  646 C. Zarate-Laun, “Gold v. Water,” Counterpunch, January 20, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on January 21, 2011.

  647 K. Sankey, “Colombia—The Mining Boom: A Catalyst of Development or Resistance?” in Veltmeyer and Petras, eds., The New Extractivism, pp. 122, 126.

  648 Y. Cuervo Sotelo, “Una aproximación a la megaminería en Colombia,” Revista Theomai, 25, 2012, p. 140.

  649 Sankey, “Colombia—The Mining Boom: A Catalyst of Development or Resistance?” p. 130.

  650 Peace Brigades International, “Mining in Colombia: At What Cost?” Newsletter, 18, November 2011, p. 4.

  651 Sankey, “Colombia—The Mining Boom: A Catalyst of Development or Resistance?” p. 132.

  652 Cuervo Sotelo, “Una aproximación a la megaminería en Colombia,” p. 143.

  653 Ibid.

  654 Peace Brigades International, “Mining in Colombia: At What Cost?” p. 6.

  655 Sankey, “Colombia—The Mining Boom: A Catalyst of Development or Resistance?” p. 126.

  656 Cuervo Sotelo, “Una aproximación a la megaminería en Colombia,” p. 142.

  657 D. Paley, “Canadian Companies Out for Colombian Oil,” NACLA Report on the Americas, August 11, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on September 19, 2010.

  658 P. Knox, “Canada’s Role in Colombia Probed,” The Globe and Mail, June 1, 2001, p. A11.

  659 K. Patterson, “The Trouble with Junior: Small-Scale Companies Dogged by Controversy,” The Ottawa Citizen, October 3, 2005, p. A4.

  660 Toronto Star, “The Brutal Price of Fly-By-Night Mining,” Toronto Star, January 21, 1999, p. A1.

  661 Ismi, “Profiting from Repression.”

  662 Hylton, Evil Hour, p. 91.

  663 D. Pugliese, “Soldiers of Fortune,” The Ottawa Citizen, November 12, 2005, p. A1.

  664 Vancouver Sun, “Colombia Not Safe,” Vancouver Sun, May 4, 2002, p A2.

  665 A. Robinson, “Mining Conference to Tackle Range of Controversial Issues,” Globe and Mail, May 13, 2002, p. B3.

  666 Ibid., p. B4.

  667 Quoted in Ibid., p. B4.

  668 Quoted in Harris, “Colombia’s Troubles Pale Next to Golden Opportunities,” Globe and Mail, January 4, 2006, p. B4. For Hristov, “Uribe’s re-election” [in 2006] signifies: 1) The continuation of a system characterized by unequal, exploitative, alienating and exclusionary social relations; 2) The aggravation of the country’s subordinate position in the global capitalist hierarchy; 3) The consolidation of U.S. imperial (military and economic) presence; 4) The legalization of illegality, a fusion of the legal and the illegal in such a creative way, that the government can claim the paramilitary no longer exists, when in reality it has profoundly penetrated the very fabric of state institutions and the national economy; 5) The initiation of a new phase of the model: the unified Colombian para-narco state; 6) The invigoration of social struggles.” Hristov, “Uribe and the Paramilitarization,” p. 15.

  669 P. Harris, “Illegal mining Colombia’s new bane,” Globe and Mail, May 9, 2013, B10.

  670 Cited in Joan Martínez Alier, “Consultas populares en Colombia contra industrias extractivas,” La Jornada, February 9, 2014. Available line at: Accessed on February 10, 2014.

  671 Joan Martínez Alier, “Consultas populares en Colombia contra industrias extractivas.”

  672 Carrie Tait, “Pacific Rubiales Strikes Deal to Acquire Petrominerales,” The Globe and Mail, September 30, 2013. Available on-line at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  673 López, “Mining and oil boom propel investment in Colombia.”

  674 J. Bogan, “A Crude Climber in Colombia,” Forbes, September 29, 2009. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  675 A. Schipani, “Pacific Rubiales has Faith in Colombia,” Financial Times, July 25, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  676 Ibid.

  677 J. Bogan, “A Crude Climber in Colombia.”

/>   678 A. Schipani, “Pacific Rubiales has Faith in Colombia.”

  679 Ibid.

  680 A. Schipani, “Colombia’s Oil Producers Surge Ahead,” Financial Times, June 3, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  681 C. Queiroz, “Continúa impase entre trabajadores y empresas petroleras,” Adital, July 26, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on August 6, 2011.

  682 Nieto López, “Resistencia social en Colombia: Entre Guerra y neoliberalismo,” Observatorio Social de América Latina (OSAL), 30, October 2011, p. 139.

  683 L. Jaime Acosta, “Colombia Increases Security at Largest Oil Field,” National Post, October 26, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  684 C. Kraul, “Colombia Seeks Truce in Oil Workers Strike,” Los Angeles Times, September 22, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  685 D. Coles, “Shame on this Canadian Company,” Huffington Post (Canada), January 8, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on February 12, 2014.

  686 Ibid.

  687 N. Logan, “Colombian Labour Union Accuses Canada’s Pacific Rubiales Energy of intimidation,” Global News, July 19, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on July 21, 2013; López, “Mining and oil boom propel investment in Colombia”; Queiroz, “Continúa impase entre trabajadores y empresas petroleras”; J. Barber, “Is this how the system works? Canadian government looks away as Pacific Rubiales faces accussations in Colombia,” Rabble, September 20, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on September 20, 2013.


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