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OUR UNLIKELY BABY_Blacksteel Bandits MC

Page 5

by Paula Cox

  Miranda turned back to the stove, a sudden pop of bacon grease calling for her attention. The image of Tyler's naked torso still burned in her head, even as she turned her back to him. Tribal-esque tattoos lined his body, along with a few horrifying scars. Then, of course, there was that trail of dark hair that spread from navel to groin. Miranda's face prickled at the very thought of it.

  Behind her, Tyler leaned against a counter. She busied herself with the bacon before moving on to some eggs. He watched her carefully with a heated gaze. Miranda's fingers trembled with excitement as each quiet second passed.

  Finally, once breakfast was finished and dished out, the two took their seats at the small dining room table. Miranda's face felt about ready to melt off. No matter how hard she tried to divert her attention, her thoughts and her gaze constantly flickered back to Tyler. It was infuriating. Closure should have erased her schoolgirl crush or, at the very least, abated it a little!

  “Do you have plans for the weekend?” Tyler's words crashed through Miranda's thoughts and her eyes moved back to his face. He forked some egg around on his plate before giving her a hesitant glance. In Tyler's head, pragmatism reamed into him. One night. That's all they got. No more. He should have booked it at the first sign of daylight. Yet, he lingered in bed while his hands gingerly stroked her back, her side, her face.

  “As long as the bank doesn't call, no.” Miranda's shook her head, still shocked by Tyler's inquiry. She had half-expected to wake up in an empty bed. When her eyes opened, finding her lover still snoozing beside, she had been taken by surprise.

  A glint of mischief and delight sparked in Tyler's eyes. “Want to go for a ride?”

  “On your motorcycle?” Miranda's eyebrows cocked upward, a wry grin on her lips.

  “Well, that, too,” Tyler purred, his voice husky and the heat in his gaze intense. “We could go to Flagg Forest. Maybe take a hike like old times?”

  “By old times, I'm assuming you mean when you forced me to play hooky,” teased Miranda, waving her fork around to emphasize her point.

  “There was no force! You did it willingly.” Tyler bristled, a defensive pout curled at his lips. Suddenly uncertain, he added, “…right?”

  Miranda softened as Tyler's worries cropped across his face. She couldn't deny her excitement every time Tyler came for her. How his infectious grin and bright eyes spoke to a deeper part of her. Naturally, her parents were livid when they found out. They blamed Tyler, though their disappointment in Miranda was thick enough to chew on. Residual streams of excitement throbbed through her as she sighed and nodded, “Yeah, I guess I did.”

  Tyler's tense shoulders eased. Relief fluttered through him, but bashfulness still tinged his words. “So, what do you say?”

  Miranda's gaze turned down toward her plate. Her thoughts skittered across the invitation and her imagination painted enjoyable scenarios in her head. What if the bank needed her? She'd be farther away than if she had been at home. Her cheeks burned, the potential words of her customers curled tightly along her thoughts. That wasn't even accounting for her family, who owned the bank. If they found out she had spent time with Tyler, already, they'd snipe at her until the end of the millennium.

  She couldn't do it. Miranda's gaze flickered back toward Tyler. He waited, patiently and quietly, with an earnest expression. Her heart fluttered and her gaze shot away from his face as she murmured, “Should I pack a lunch, too?”

  * * *

  A picnic at Flagg Forest. Tyler's body sang with giddiness as they rode to the forest. With prior precedent, he had no doubt their little excursion would be a happy one. Miranda's body pressed flush against his back helped his excitement along. Even in the bright light of day, she became braver. Her arms looped lazily around his waist – versus the deadly awkward hold on his torso from last night – and her fingers fiddled close to his groin. Did she even notice the dangerous proximity of her fingers?

  Sparks of electricity burned and churned his core. Was she going to touch him? Or was she just teasing him? After ten minutes of resistance, Tyler couldn't handle it any longer. At a stoplight, his hand drifted down to hers. He moved her hand to his side, only slightly tempted to press her palm to naughtier bits of his anatomy.

  Against his back, he could feel Miranda's laugh. “So, that was getting to you.”

  When Tyler didn't answer, she grinned to herself. Since last night, a part of her had reestablished itself in her mind. It was a troublesome part that she thought had long ago departed.

  Miranda pressed her cheek to the back of Tyler's shoulder as her fingers worked their way under his shirt. His heart thrummed faster in his chest, the rhythm echoing to her ear. Smug pride swelled in her chest as her thoughts became fat with confidence. The way he reacted to her, on every level, made Miranda feel warm and tingly inside.

  The tips of her fingernails scraped down his sides, sending ripples of excited prickles thundering over his body. Heat pooled in his groin. His pants felt tighter, almost to an unbearable point, as his erection grew. It took all of his self-discipline to keep driving.

  Through his shirt, he could feel Miranda's grin pressed against his shoulder. A flare of indignity burst into his thoughts and, he realized, she had always been like this. Testing him, teasing him, pushing him to the edge until he couldn't take it any longer. Tyler suppressed a pleasant shudder at the thought. Even if he tried to be on his best behavior, she tempted his true nature.

  Before long, his chopper rolled into the parking lot of the picnic area. Quite a few people were enjoying the sunny Saturday. The scent of grilled meats hung in the air. Chatter filled the air. Kids ran around the grassy knolls, squawking and shrieking in delight No one seemed to notice the ruffian as he parked and climbed off his bike. Or, perhaps, they blatantly ignored him.

  “Do you want to eat here or…” He trailed off, his gaze flickering to the forest. Long ago, they had a spot they hiked to. He couldn't even be sure it was still there. Any number of things could have happened to it in the last ten years. The trail changed, trees obscured the path, overgrown poison ivy. The thought of losing such a sacred place made his heart twinge unhappily.

  “I thought we'd go to the usual spot, Tyler.” Miranda hopped off the bike and stretched her arms out. Tyler's gaze flicked back to her just in time to see her tank top inch up over the waistband of her jeans. Excitement coiled in his stomach. Their spot was far from the trail and away from prying eyes. They had spent plenty of schooldays, avoiding truant officers, among the trees of Flagg Forest.

  Miranda swallowed down her pleased grin as she hoisted the backpack from the motorcycle. She pushed it against Tyler's chest and his arms clasped around it. They locked gazes and she smiled, though a teasing glint shimmered in her eye, “I did bring the blanket, after all.”

  Without hesitance, she turned to the forest and started down one of the lesser-used paths. Tyler followed, the burn of a desirous flush reddening his cheeks.


  Fifteen minutes down the trail, they veered into the forest. It took them another twenty minutes of picking their way around fallen trees and rocks to get to their spot. Out of sight, the glade remained hidden by a thicket of trees on one side and a cliff face on the other. Sunlight filtered into the clearing, bright and cheerful. She wasn't even sure if anyone else visited the area. It always seemed peaceful and undisturbed. On the regular trails, plenty of trees bore the carvings of lovestruck teenagers.

  Pleasant thoughts swirled around her head as she flapped her blanket out under the biggest tree in the glade. The shade felt cool and gentle on her flushed skin. As soon as Miranda smoothed the blanket down, Tyler flopped down. He groaned appreciatively as he stretched out on the ground. It had been a long time since he had to stumble through rough, wild terrain.

  Miranda watched him as she lowered herself to the blanket. Then, her gaze surveyed their spot. The trees towered higher than she remembered and ivy climbed up the side of the cliff. Unfamiliar bushes flanked the
trees. Her lips tilted into a smile as she brought her gaze back to Tyler, “I missed this spot.”

  “Yeah?” Tyler's eyes flickered to Miranda. His eyebrows twitched upward in slight surprise, “You never came back here?”

  “No,” Miranda murmured and averted her gaze from his prying stare. She turned her attention to the bag and rifled through it, withdrawing the sandwiches she prepared. As she held the food out to Tyler, she added, “It was too sad without you. I couldn't bear the thought.”

  Tyler sat upright and accepted the bagged sandwich from Miranda. A shot of guilt stabbed into his heart. He fiddled with the plastic as he hung his head. “Sorry.”

  Miranda grunted, flippantly. She couldn't tell him it wasn't his fault. It was. He was the one who broke up with her. He was the one who left. She unwrapped her sandwich, though, her thoughts plodding along dark veins. Their break-up hadn't been a happy affair, even as far as separations went. She pursed her lips while residual pain puckered at her heart. Tyler had been cold and severe. Miranda broke down in tears before he even finished. When he was done saying they had nothing in common, he walked off. The next day, he left town with a backpack in tow. It was another crack in her shattered heart. The whole thing had been out of the blue.

  She waited for him months afterward. Her friends and family continuously introduced her to new people, new men, new prospects. None of them satisfied her. When she was certain he wasn't coming back, she attempted to move on. She mentally scoffed at herself. Look at how far that got her.

  Even now, they seemed to get along. Miranda cast a curious look at Tyler as he took bites of his sandwich. He seemed to enjoy her presence. Hell, he even initiated an invitation at first! It didn't make sense to her. Before Miranda knew it, her words blurted from her lips, “Why did you break up with me?”

  Tyler struggled for a breath. Ten years ago, he couldn't breach the subject with Miranda. They had just graduated from high school and toyed with the idea of living together. She relied on her family for tuition assistance, though. It seemed her family still had their fingers in Miranda's life, ten years later. She worked in their bank and lived close to her family's home. He couldn't shrug off the earnest glitter in her eye. He heaved a big sigh and, while picking at his sandwich, muttered, “Your family.”

  “What?” Miranda's lungs tightened. A small, long-held suspicion at the back of her head fluttered. Muted anger coursed across her thoughts.

  “Your family and friends. They didn't like me being around.” Tyler shrugged his shoulders, trying to ease the resentment from his voice. Even though it had been years, it hurt. “They said I affected you in bad ways and, well, at the time I thought I did.”

  Miranda's annoyance relented, but there was still a blur of frustration in her thoughts. “Well, I did skip out on a lot of school.”

  “And you acted 'out of line' and 'mouthy,' according to your mom.”

  Miranda let out a derisive snort and took a bite of her sandwich. He was right. When she was with Tyler, she was high on her top-of-the-world confidence. She was openly argumentative with her family. Before and after him, Miranda was taught to bite her tongue or be gentle with her point-of-view. Dusty recollections shuddered through her mind – various fights with her mother, debates with her father, arguments with siblings and friends. The phrase 'that boy is trouble' came up a lot. Even years later, Miranda bristled at the memories.

  “They were right,” muttered Tyler. His heart shivered sadly, but he had long ago accepted the fact.

  Miranda turned her gaze to him, eyebrows furrowed. “Huh?”

  “They were right. We had very different life paths.” Tyler forced a chuckle to his lips. Indeed, Miranda had done just what her family hoped for. Didn't that mean she wanted what her family wanted? On some level, she must’ve wanted the white-picket fence and an average, nuclear family.

  Tyler, on the other hand, had lived a less-than-pristine life. He had broken a lot of laws, had bent a lot of rules, and – in some cases – even hurt people. Miranda wouldn't abide by any of it. He still wasn't sure what he ultimately wanted.

  Indescribable pain echoed through her heart, though. Were they really so different? Or did Tyler have a life he wouldn't have exchanged for anything else in the world, even if it meant having a life with Miranda? The thought hurt. She tore her gaze away and busied herself by snapping another bite of her sandwich. She didn't taste the food on her tongue. Everything had suddenly gone tasteless.

  “But, hey, that's all in the past,” Tyler forced another laugh from his throat. He waved away the suddenly heavy air. As he fell silent, he realized he wasn't sure what topic to discuss. Their jobs? Well, he couldn't talk about the Bandits or his job at the junkyard. Her lovers? No, that put a bad taste in his mouth and he was sure it'd be the same if he talked about his exes.

  Miranda remained silent. Her thoughts lolled about her head, sluggish with anger. Those closest to her had gone behind her back and chased Tyler away. Then, while she was heartbroken and vulnerable, they had the audacity to pretend as if he was an abandoning prick. Her stomach curdled. How many more years would they stay together? What memories and life had been denied to her? Miranda couldn't finish her sandwich. She shoved the food back into the bag as red washed over her gaze.

  Alongside her anger, sadness prickled along her thoughts. She cast a sidelong look at Tyler, curious how he felt. His pinched expression sent another vibration of sadness through her. The urge to touch him, to comfort him, rippled along her synapses. The need to distract herself from the heat of her anger also bubbled up in her thoughts.

  The weight of Miranda's head on his shoulder jolted Tyler from his thoughts. He didn't have the chance to ask if she was all right before she spoke, “I'm glad you're back, Tyler. Let's enjoy our time together to the fullest.”

  Heat tightened in his stomach. His heart stuttered in his chest, caught with excessive delight. His arm operated on automatic as it drifted up, along Miranda's back. His muscles ached suddenly, reminding him of the events of last night. All at once, dirty recollections collided in is head, exploding with the sight and sounds and sensations of Miranda.

  “I'm glad, too.” He managed to string together the words while her hand stroke down his chest. Tyler suppressed a shudder as her hot, moist mouth kissed along his throat. He closed his eyes while he enjoyed Miranda's slow, gentle ministrations. Suddenly, she pulled away, leaving him cold and the heat in his lower belly aching for her.

  He opened his eyes just as she planted herself in his lap, straddling him. The heat shot back to his groin, making his member strain against his pants. Even through jeans, Tyler could feel her excited throbbing and her warmth.

  Miranda nipped and sucked along his neck. Her arms wrapped around him, fingers delving into his hair and against his scalp. Tingles flew over his skin and he groaned a she pulled his head back. Their eyes locked and he caught a glimpse of the dark fire of desire in her eyes. He swallowed as excitement pounded through his head. She swept down, catching him by the lips as his eyes closed. Her teeth worried along his lips, before she deepened the kiss.

  She rolled her hips, grinding their bodies against one another. The friction taunted her dampening pussy and, if Tyler's groan was any indication, sent licks of delight through his dick. His hands rubbed along her sides, coaxing her hormones into a frenzy. Miranda guided him down to the blanket until she could feel the heat of the sun on her back. Yanking the hem of his shirt up, she broke from the kiss and descended southward.

  Excited flames trailed along her lips and sunk into his skin. Tyler's breathing hitched as he cracked his eyes open. Shudders and prickles clawed down his body. His fingers crooked and tangled into the blanket as his muscles tensed along his body. Far off, animals – perhaps even people – shifted brush and snapped twigs. The thought of getting caught or spied on played about his mind. Still, his jeans felt smaller and smaller. He propped himself up on his elbows as Miranda drew farther down.

  The groans and moans rel
eased from Tyler's lips sent heat pounding through her body. She could feel her pleased blush deepen and spread along her body. Her tits tingled as her nipples hardened, the fabric of her bra teasing her sensitive nubs. The way he tensed under her lips, the vibration of his moans through his chest, it all made Miranda feel hot and fuzzy. She slowly let go of their previous conversation.

  Her nimble fingers undid the zipper and button of his pants, tugging the fabric down over his hips. His cock strained against his boxers, a small expanse of firm flesh peeked out from the waistband. She glanced up at Tyler and her thoughts shuddered. He hungrily watched her and bit his bottom lip. A flush raked across his cheeks and his chest shifted slightly with his excited breaths.

  A surge of smug power rattled through Miranda's thoughts. His eyes burned as she threw him a coy smile. Her fingers hooked around the waistband. She lowered her lips, never taking her eyes away from Tyler's gaze. With a quick flick of her tongue, Miranda tasted the tip of his cock.

  His erection throbbed and twitched against the hold of the elastic. The corners of Miranda's smile curled a little farther. Tyler clenched at the blanket beneath him, his thoughts heavy and heady with hormones.


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