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Taming Dex

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by Zoey Derrick



  Books By Zoey Derrick

  Reading Order



  Readers Note

  Where it all begins...

















































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  About Zoey

  Cover Design completed by Parajunkee and is copyrighted 2014 by Zoey Derrick. For more information on Parajunkee and to see her amazing work, please visit her page,

  Editing completed by Mandy Smith and Lorraine Montuori from RawBooks Editing - They’ve done an amazing job and I couldn’t do this without them - if you need editing services - check them out:

  Copyright © 2015 Zoey Derrick

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-0996259828

  The following is a work of fiction - all reference to persons, places or things is strictly coincidental. Some parts (though small)are based on fact or actual events that occurred for the author and are portrayed fictionally here.

  The following work is protected copyright of Zoey Derrick and Zoey Derrick Publishing. Reproduction of this work is prohibited by law and may not be distributed without the express written connect of the author or publisher. Failure to obtain permission can and will result in legal action. So bottom line, don’t share this work!

  Books by Zoey Derrick

  Contemporary Romance/Contemporary Erotic Romance

  Love’s Wings Series:

  Finding Love’s Wings (Audio Coming Soon)

  Chasing Love’s Wings

  —Box Set Now Available —


  69 Bottles Series:

  Bisexual, MMF Menage, Erotic Romance

  Claiming Addison

  Craving Talon

  Redeeming Kyle

  —3 Book Box Set Now Available —

  Taming Dex

  Devouring Raine - Coming July 2015

  Defining Calvin Coming September 2015

  Loving Eric Coming October 2015


  One Week (Audio Coming Soon)

  Paranormal Romance

  Reason Series:

  Give Me Reason (Audiobook available)

  Give Me Hope (Audio Coming Soon)

  Give Me Desire (Audio Coming Soon)

  Give Me Love

  — Box Set Now Available—

  For the ultimate Zoey reading experience, here is a recommended reading order of stories (though not required). All books take place in the same “world”.

  Finding Love’s Wings — 1 of 2

  Chasing Love’s Wings — 2 of 2

  One Week — Standalone

  Claiming Addison — 1 of 3

  Craving Talon — 2 of 3

  Redeeming Kyle — 3 of 3

  Taming Dex — 1 of 2

  About this world…

  This world contains celebrities, rock stars, and the agents who represent them - a.k.a. Bold International, Inc.

  You will find each of the characters beginning with Cami and Tristan in Finding Love’s Wings will carry into the subsequent books.

  For My Sweet Kelley -

  My vocabulary is far to small to express the gratitude I feel towards you for being the

  Queen Assholian (said with the upmost love and gratitude)

  and for putting up with me these last few weeks.

  You’re an angel! Thank you for helping me make Dex the man he is!


  My Mom, My Uncle, My Grandma and My Peanut - Thank you for your continuing love and support while I continue on this crazy wild journey of being an author. Without you, I just couldn’t do it.

  Rachel - My Love - My Best Friend: I’m running out of ways to thank you for everything you do for me. I hope that these little notes continue to be enough, for now.

  Shannon and the Ladies at Once Upon An Alpha - Thank you for all your support. For reading and telling the world about my books. And Shannon - Thanks for putting up with me, my wild ideas, and crazy dreams.

  To The Z-Team: Without you, I’m pretty sure I’d run out of steam to keep going. The love you have for my stories means so much to me. Thank you for all you do!

  My Fans, Friends, and Readers - Thank you for believing in me, for buying my books, reading my books and falling in love with what I do. I hope Dex is everything you want him to be and more.

  Kali - Thank you for being my Beta Bitch this time around! You ROCK!!! I’m so happy you enjoyed Dex’s Story!

  Please READ!!!

  Have you read Claiming Addison, Craving Talon, and Redeeming Kyle?

  NO? Then turn the page and enjoy Taming Dex! This books stands alone from the first three books in this series, so I truly hope you enjoy the story.

  YES? Then a Disclaimer if you will.

  When I wrote the first three books in this series, I had an idea of where I thought Dex would go, who he would end up with and what would happen along the way. As I started writing this story, I quickly learned that was not going to be the case.

  You will notice a few discrepancies in the story - Like how Dex meets his girl, when he meets his girl and where he meets his girl. You will also notice some other subtle differences, though I tried my hardest to keep the conversations in tact as they were in Redeeming Kyle, however, some alterations had to be made.

  The bottom line - THIS IS A GOOD THING!!

  This also means that while you’ve read Redeeming Kyle, I’m pretty sure you were unable to predict all that happens in this story.

  So sit back and enjoy the journey because it is one that I have truly enjoyed writing!


  Zoey Derrick

  Where it all begins…

  “Get out,” I whisper. All of my strength and any desire to fight are gone. Self-preservation takes over. Get him out of my apartment, then I can fall to pieces. “Damn you, Michael, get out,” I growl.

  “Let’s talk about this.”

  I glare at him. “What. On. Earth. Is there to talk about?” I say in an exasperated huff.

  “It just happened. Come on, baby.”

  “Fuck you! Get the fuck out of my house. I’m done. There is nothing to talk about and there is nothing to straighten out. If I was so important to you an hour ago, you wouldn’t have been banging that skank in MY bed.” I head straight for the bedroom door. It’s the last place I want to be. It’s where I saw his lily white ass bouncing up and down into her. “Leave. You’re no longer welcome in my home.”

  I watch as he runs his hands through his too long hair. “Fine. Whatever.”

  With that, he leaves. Three years just went out the door…

  Six Months Later…

  Knock, knock…

  “Come in, Raine,” the soft female voice says from behind the door.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” I push op
en the door.

  “What can I do for you?” Trinity asks as she looks up from her computer monitor.

  “There have been some developments with 69 Bottles. I wanted to run them by you before I called Cami.”

  Now I have Trinity’s undivided attention. “All right. What do you have?”

  I take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of her paper covered desk and press the button on my tablet, bringing it back to life. “Two things actually. First of all, Dex is making headlines with an incident that happened after the concert last night in Phoenix.”

  “That’s Addison’s area to deal with,” she says without hesitation. I know this to be the case, but Trinity still needs to be aware.

  ‘Yes ma’am, that was more a courtesy notification.” She nods her understanding so I continue, “I’ve already attempted to make contact with Addison. I suspect however, that last night was a late night.” Trinity nods again. “In fact, that’s the primary reason why I’m here.” I tap the play button on the video I’m saving to show Trinity and I place the tablet on her desk. The video plays for at least the fifteenth time since I found it an hour ago. I can hear Talon singing and the crowd going nuts. Then this beautiful, high octave rasp cuts across the sound. If you listen carefully you can hear the band slip just a bit.

  “Well hell,” Trinity exclaims as she watches the video. She doesn’t say anything else until the video comes to an end. “Where was this taken?” she asks.

  “Phoenix, last night.”

  “Cami would already know about the performance, she and Tristan were going.”

  “That solves that, but I wonder if she’s aware that there are nearly two million views on that video.”

  I watch as shock and awe trade places on Trinity’s face. “I haven’t talked to her this morning. But let’s go ahead and rectify that.” She reaches for the receiver of her phone and presses two buttons and returns the phone to the cradle.

  Vincent’s distant voice rings through the room. “Yeah.”

  “Hey Vin, can you come to my office, please?”

  “Yup.” There is a click and then Trinity repeats the process, but dials a phone number and returns the phone back to its cradle.

  The ringing sound pierces the quiet office just as the door behind me opens and in walks Vinnie. “What’s up?” he asks and Trinity holds up her finger.

  “I’ll leave,” I say.

  Trinity shakes her head. Click. “Trinity, what’s up?” Cami’s voice comes over the speaker phone.

  “Good morning. Listen, I know it’s early, but Raine is here in my office with some rather interesting information. First of all, Dex is in the papers.”

  I hear Cami snort. “About time. But that’s Addison’s job.”

  “Right, we know,” Trinity, says. “Just giving you a heads up on that, but there’s more.”

  “Okay?” Cami responds hesitantly.

  “Were you at the concert last night?” Trinity asks.

  “I was.”

  “So you saw Addison’s performance?” Trinity raises an eyebrow at me, I shrug. Cami and Tristan going to the concert is news to me. Though it’s really their personal business.

  “Yeah I did, was completely blown away by it. I’d planned to call you this morning to discuss what I saw and what to do next. I want to sign her.”

  “Well, I would fucking hope so,” Trinity remarks, and the curse word is so out of character for her that I see Vinnie raise an eyebrow at her.

  “Whoa Trin, that’s unusual for you.” Cami indirectly calls out our speculation.

  “She is approaching two million video views.” Trinity smiles at Vinnie who I can see is now a little more than intrigued. I grab my tablet off of Trinity’s desk and hand it to him.

  “No way? You’re kidding right?” Cami says in disbelief.

  “Two million two hundred thousand and counting,” Vinnie says.


  “Yes, Cami.”

  “I can’t come in, I’m in Phoenix. I’m going to need you to get a few things together for me. I will email you the list, all right?”

  “Yes, Cami. Whatever you need.”

  “Trinity, Vin, I don’t care what it is going to take, she’s ours,” Cami orders.

  “You got it,” Vinnie and Trinity say together.

  “All right, let’s get to work. Keep this between the three of you for right now. Trinity, use Raine for anything pertaining to this.”

  There’s a knock on the door. “Come in,” Trinity calls.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but…” Becky, an admin, says as she walks in with a stack of phone messages in her hand. “These have all just come in over the last twenty minutes.” Becky hands Trinity the stack of paper.

  “Thank you, Becky,” Trinity says and she dutifully leaves the room. I want to roll my eyes because now I know she is going to bug the shit out of me when I get back to my desk.

  “Trinity, what’s up?” Cami says through the phone.

  “Who is taking point on Addison?” Trinity asks.

  “We are. The three of us. I don’t want someone else handling it, especially since she is already an employee.”

  “Okay, good because Becky just handed me at least twenty phone messages, press and labels, all wanting to know who the girl in the video is.”

  “Shit,” Cami barks into the phone. “All right, damn it. Give me a little bit. Let me organize myself and figure out what to do next. I’ve got company coming into town this afternoon. Let me talk to Tristan and see if I can hop over there.”

  “Not necessary,” Vinnie says. “We can handle the calls. We will deal with the press, no comment sounds good for now. As far as the labels are concerned, if they’re this eager, they’re not going anywhere.”

  “All right,” Cami says through the phone. I feel like I’m getting whiplash with all the back and forth. I feel like an outsider.

  “Cami, I can put together a press release,” I interject without really thinking. “That way we can announce it as a whole. Step ahead of the masses before they overrun the building. I can also curb the labels with it.”

  “Excellent idea. Thank you, Raine. Go ahead and forward it to the three of us when it’s done. In the meantime, keep screening the calls and taking messages. Don’t let any of them through. We can’t very well do anything without talking to Addison. Vinnie, let’s discuss contract options in a little while. Let’s figure out what we can do, what we can offer, etcetera, then go from there.”

  “Fair enough,” Trinity says.

  “All right, keep me posted, and Raine?”

  “Yes ma’am?” I know Cami cringes but sometimes it is just far more appropriate.

  “Good catch.”

  I smile. Both Trinity and Vincent smile too. “Thank you, Cami.”

  “Let’s get to work,” Cami says and disconnects the phone.

  I spend a few minutes taking notes for Trinity and Vincent, like the dutiful assistant I am, before returning to my desk. “What is going on?” Becky asks as soon as I come to stand behind my desk.

  I take a deep breath. “Nothing. How are the phones?”

  “Insane.” Becky lifts up another stack of messages.

  I shake my head. “Okay, keep collecting them. Any messages outside of press or labels separate them from the stack and be sure to get those to Trinity as soon as possible. The rest can wait.” I sit down and wiggle my computer mouse, waking my computer back up and get started on my press release.

  More than an hour later and fifteen various emails between Trinity, Vincent, Cami and myself, I have finished the press release. I notice idly that there is an awful lot of information that I am being copied on, information that I normally see in Cami’s email, never in mine. I can’t help but wonder what that is all about. I shrug it off for the time being and send the press release to Cami for final approval before I head down to the cafeteria to grab some lunch.

  Meanwhile in Phoenix…

  “Nope, I’m wide fucki
ng awake,” I bark as I walk into Talon’s suite. I walk straight up to Addison. “Look Addison, I’m really fucking sorry about what I did last night. I promise it won’t happen again.” I can’t feel the conviction of the words I’ve just said to her. I am so pissed off but I want to believe that this will not happen again, but reality is exactly that.

  I watch as relief washes over her beautiful features. Talon is one lucky bastard. Those luscious lips are enough to make any man crazy. “Dex?”


  “Breathe. You were set up last night.”

  “Fuck me,” I say. “How so?”

  I watch her carefully, she looks like she’s fighting a smile and it pisses me off. “Well, one of your little blonde bimbos was approached and offered five hundred dollars to seduce you, drug you, and then finally fuck you.”

  Why the fuck would someone pay to set my ass up? “Five hundred?” I ask, raising an eyebrow, desperately trying to cut the tension I am feeling. “That’s the going rate for rock star sex these days?” I laugh. It’s not funny, but I would have figured I was worth way more than that. I mean, hell, I can handle a whole gang of girls at once.

  Addison laughs. “Well, see, the person doing the paying said that she needed proof or Blondie wasn’t going to get paid. So I’m guessing sometime after you passed out Blondie did her job and sent out the pictures to her point of contact and that person then turned around and sold the story to news outlets across the country, or maybe it was just one, we’re not sure yet. But anyway, they pocket the cash, scamming not only you, but Blondie as well. I’m guessing those pictures grossed, maybe fifty grand.” Her eyes dart to where the bodyguards were standing when I came into the room, but I don’t follow her gaze before she continues. “If the contact was smart, that is. Now here’s the real kicker. The point of contact could have and probably should have used an anonymous email so that we couldn’t trace the pictures. But the middle man wasn’t that smart.”


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