Book Read Free

Block Party

Page 12

by Stylo Fantome

  “Thingy?” he and the other surfer said in unison.

  “Board. Whatever.”

  “Can you believe this chick?” Liam groaned, jerking his thumb at her as he spoke to surf-bro. “Comes to Santa Cruz and basically had to be begged to even come to the beach, and then doesn't even want to go in the water.”

  “Maybe she just needs the right swim partner,” surfer dude said. Awfully bold of him. She wondered if Liam would get upset. Mad, or jealous. He burst out laughing, surprising her a little.

  “Maybe she does,” he agreed. “But if it's not me, then it's sure as shit not you, bro. Go troll for beach pussy somewhere else.”

  There was some glaring and some grumbling under his breath, but the other dude finally walked away.

  “Beach pussy?” Ayumi asked. Liam nodded.

  “Sorry. Beach vagina,” he corrected himself. “You gonna be okay if I go back out there? I don't want to come back to find out some other surfer has stolen your heart.”

  “Not possible, so not a problem,” she replied.

  “That's my lil' Ice Queen.”

  She finally did go and read after that, rolling up a towel and putting it under her head. After a while, though, the sun became too much. So she laid her book over her face and eventually fell asleep. She didn't wake up again until she felt someone touching her.

  “Wait,” she said, startled as she was lifted off the ground. “What are you doing!?”

  “You came to the beach, Ayumi. It's time to get in the water,” Liam was laughing as he strode through the shoreline, cradling her in his arms. She started struggling against his hold.

  “No, Liam,” she gasped looking down to see that he was already thigh deep in the water and getting deeper. “You don't understand, I can't -”

  Before she could finish, he tossed her up in the air. Literally threw her. She managed to get out one shriek before she hit the water.

  ... I can't swim.

  She clawed through the water, resurfacing for a moment. She choked on one breath of air before going back under. She kicked her legs and thrashed around, but nothing moved her in an upwards direction. Before she could panic, though, strong arms wrapped around her waist and yanked her back to the surface.

  “Jesus, Ayumi, I didn't know,” Liam was breathing hard as he twisted her around in his arms.

  “I tried to tell you,” she said, still coughing up water while she tried to shove her hair out of her face.

  “Maybe should've mentioned something back at the house,” he chuckled, forcing her legs around his waist. She coiled her arms around his neck and clung to him while he tread water.

  “You wanted to come down here so badly, it seemed silly,” she replied. “I didn't have any plans to go in the water, so I didn't think it was worth mentioning.”

  “So many things to teach you on this trip,” he sighed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Can't swim, can't surf, can't drive a stick shift,” he listed off the things she couldn't do. “I swear, by the end of these two weeks, you will be able to do at least two of those things.”

  “I don't need any of those things to live in San Francisco. Are you going deeper!?”

  “Relax,” he said in a soothing voice and she finally focused on his eyes. He was staring very directly at her, his eyes large and warm. “I would never let anything happen to you.”

  “You wouldn't,” she replied. “My body and the ocean might have other plans.”

  “It's like dancing. You said you couldn't do that, and after you relaxed, we moved perfectly together. Just move with me, Ayumi,” he urged.

  There was that voice again. Like he was speaking only to her – like she was the only person he ever wanted to speak to. She tried to harden her heart against it, reminded herself that he'd spoken to many other girls in that voice, including girls she knew personally. But it was hard not to have that little voice whispering in her mind “but with me, he means it.”

  So she trusted him. She relaxed her body and let him paddle them around. He never let her go, not once, until he finally brought them in enough so he could stand upright. Then he had her stretch out on her back and just free float, always keeping a hand under her back or on her hip.

  “This is nice,” she sighed, the combination of ocean and sunshine lulling her into a feeling of warmth and security.

  “I don't think I've ever seen you look this relaxed,” he chuckled, and the hand under her back gently swept up and down. “You should come to the beach more often.”

  “I didn't know it could be like this.”

  “Maybe you should come with me more often.”

  He didn't explain exactly what he meant, and she didn't ask. She just smiled to herself and somehow she just knew he was smiling back.

  LIAM DIDN'T GO BACK out on the board. They floated around for a while, then he pulled her into shore. Sat on her beach towel for a while. It was strange that they had worked together for a couple months without having any real sort of relationship, but then one night of sex could help them realize that they actually had a lot in common.

  “I had fun today, Liam,” she said as they loaded their stuff back into the car.

  “Another compliment!” he gasped. “You better be careful, Ice Queen, you're perilously close to actually liking me.”

  “Let's not get carried away,” she started to laugh, but then it died in her throat when he unzipped his wetsuit and peeled the top half down to his waist. He tied the arms together, but didn't bother putting on his regular clothes. Just slipped on a pair of flip flops and climbed into the car.

  “Gotta give the ladies something to ogle on the drive home,” he explained when she looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

  Women did ogle him during their drive, but it all made Ayumi think. He was doing it to get attention. Validation. To feel good about himself. He had said once that he wanted to help her learn to like herself – maybe she could do the same thing, for him.

  “I have a fun conversation with your dad last night,” she told him when they pulled into his driveway.

  “Oh yeah? He's a pretty goofy guy,” he replied, hauling his board into the garage.

  “He told me something interesting.”

  “Was it his colonoscopy story?”

  “What? Ew.”

  “Just wait. It's coming.”

  “No,” Ayumi shook her head and followed him into the house. “Jesus. He told me you're his favorite son.”

  Liam stopped so abruptly she rammed into his back. As she stumbled to the side, he turned around.

  “He told you that while you guys did dishes?” he asked in a skeptical voice.

  “No, not like that,” she replied. “We were talking about funny you and he are, how you have the same sense of humor. And he said that he loved both of you, but that he always had the best times with you.”

  “He didn't say that,” he continued walking into the kitchen.

  “He did. Liam, why do you think your family doesn't like you?” she asked.

  “I don't think they don't like me – I just know they like Landon better,” he replied, digging around in the fridge and pulling out a Capri Sun.

  “I don't know. Based on what I saw last night, your family is in love with you,” she told him.

  “You've never seen them when we're here together.”

  It was a very valid point. She didn't know any of them well enough to be making any sorts of judgement at all, and she definitely shouldn't be meddling. But once she started, she couldn't stop herself.

  “Maybe that's true,” she said slowly, stepping up close to him. “But from someone whose family is actually, really disappointed in them ... I think you're very lucky to have the family you do, and I'm very thankful I got to be a part of them, even if it was just for two nights.

  It was a somewhat heavy moment. Liam stared down at her, the drink pouch forgotten in his hand. She stared up at him, wondering what was wrong with her. Wondering why she couldn't ju
st stay detached from the whole situation. Stay detached from him.

  “Thank you for saying all this,” he finally responded. “It means a lot, coming from you. Can I give you some advice of my own?”

  “I guess so,” she replied, then she held her breath when he closed what little distance there was between them.

  “There is absolutely nothing about you that could ever disappoint,” he informed her. “And I feel bad that your family doesn't get to know the amazing person you are. You can borrow mine whenever you want.”

  There was another heavy moment. Was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to kiss her? Where was his family? She licked her lips and his eyes tracked the movement. Then he gave her a tight smile and stepped away.

  “I'm gonna go shower, get rid of some of this sand. My mom's at a church thing, they'll be gone till almost dinner time. Make yourself at home, I'll find you when I'm done,” he told her, turning and heading for the stairs as he spoke.

  Ayumi stayed downstairs for a while, wanting to give him space. She wandered around the living room. There were pictures everywhere, all over the walls, lining every shelf, and she looked at each one. Two little boys, identical except for different colored jackets, smiled out of one picture. In another one, they were almost teens. She guessed the one with long, shaggy hair was Liam – he was grinning at the camera, while his twin stood in the background, his face pinched and taciturn.

  There was a whole shelf dedicated to Landon, she saw. His awards and copies of his degrees and graduation photos. It was very impressive at first glance. But upon closer inspection, there were by far more photos of Liam around the house. Him holding up a trophy for some local eating contest. Apparently, at the age of seventeen, he'd managed to eat seventy-five tacos in just eight minutes, beating a record of some sort. In what had to be his prom pic, he was standing in the center and rows of girls stretched off to either side of him. Six on each side. His shit eating grin was in full effect and even Ayumi had to laugh.

  There were pictures of him as an adult, too. Him with his mother, his aunts, his grandmother. One of him cutting a ribbon at The Garden, the very first day he'd opened the club under his ownership. Another one she had no clue what was going on in it – he was shirtless and completely covered in mud. It was smearing down his cheeks and he was smiling broadly at the camera.

  Her favorite, though, was a small picture at the end of one shelf. Him and his dad were in it, standing side by side, looking very dapper in suits. She'd never seen Liam all cleaned up. Most of the time, it looked like he didn't even bother to brush his hair. But whatever they'd been doing that evening, he'd gone all out. His hair was tamed and his suit was tailored to perfection, accenting his broad shoulder and calling attention to his narrow hips, his long legs.

  She'd always known Liam was attractive, and only recently she'd fully realized just how sexy he was – but she'd honestly never thought of him as handsome. Handsome was a word she reserved for gentlemen. For three piece suits and wine tasting and opera tickets. For people who weren't Liam Edenhoff.

  Yet there he was in glossy technicolor, looking sinfully handsome.

  She was at the top of the stairs before she questioned what she was doing. He hadn't invited her to shower with him, maybe he wouldn't welcome the intrusion. Their deal was off, which was a good thing. Having sex while taking a trip would just complicate things. The whole point of her arrangements was so there couldn't be any attachment. Spending twenty-four hours a day together, though, that already meant they were attached. Sex would just confuse things.

  Yet when she got to the bathroom door, she didn't stop herself. She could hear the shower running, knew he was in there. He could've used his en suite, she argued. Then there'd be two doors between her and him, as well as a private room. He'd used the guest bathroom, though. Basically a gilded invitation.

  Ayumi slowly turned the knob and let the door fall open. The shower was absolutely huge and the ceiling above it was all one gigantic rain style shower heard. Water was pouring down, but the large stall was empty.

  Liam was standing at the sink, still halfway wearing his wet suit. He was just finishing up shaving and he glanced over at her.

  “Hey, what's up?” he asked, stretching his jaw to the side and dragging the razor down it. “Did you need something?”

  Ayumi moved so she was standing right next to him. She watched him for a second, then reached up and pulled the razor out of his hand. He looked down at her in surprise, watched as she tossed it into the sink.

  “I've been thinking,” she started.

  “Uh oh. I've told you about dangerous that can be.”

  “It's probably a really bad idea if we sleep together,” she informed him. His eyebrows shot up.

  “It's a little too late for that, Ice Queen.”

  “But if you can promise to stick to the original rules, I think it could still work,” she said.

  “I find it hilarious that you're so sure I'll break your precious rules,” he laughed. “When you're the one who keeps coming to me for sex.”



  “Shut up.”

  She stood on her toes and smoothed one hand up his bare chest. Her other hand curved around his neck, her fingers combing through the hair at the back of his head.

  “If this is what I get for teaching you how to swim,” he started. “Then I better get head when I teach you how to drive stick.”

  “We could work on your stick right now,” she suggested and a huge grin spread across his face.

  “Be still my beating heart, she makes a pun. I'm telling you, we're soulmates.”

  As if to prove just how much he meant it, he leaned down and kissed her. It was different from the other ones they'd shared. There was none of the over-the-top sexual intensity. No crashing teeth and heavy tongue. Just his lips molding themselves to hers while his hands slid over her hips.

  They stayed that way for a second, then he started to gently push her backwards. The bumped into the glass of the shower, then he opened it and suddenly they were under the spray. Warm water was cascading over her, washing away the ocean and sand and every inhibition.

  “Is thing actually attached to you?” she breathed as she yanked and pulled at the edges of his wet suit.

  “You're the one who wore a bed sheet to the beach. What is this?” he teased her as he peeled her bathing suit cover up and over her head. He moaned when he saw her in the bikini. “Baby girl, your body is a work of art. You should be showing it off, always.”

  That first time, in his laundry room, they had been in hyper drive. Moving fast so their worries couldn't catch up with them. Now they were taking their time, exploring each others bodies. While they touched and kissed and licked, he helped her peel the wet suit away from his hips and down his legs.

  “You're not so bad yourself. How do you look like this when all you do is eat tacos and fried goods?” Ayumi asked, tickling her fingers up his abs.

  “Blessed by god,” he joked.

  He slowly turned her around and untied the strap across her back. She put her palms against the glass walls of the shower, braced herself as the strap tied around her neck went loose. The scrap of material fluttered down to their feet.

  He stepped up against her, forcing her to step forward, pressing her breasts flat against the cool glass. She could feel his erection against her ass and she arched back into him, wanting to feel more.

  Then he was moving. Kisses trailed down her spine and his fingers curled into her bikini bottoms, pulling them down as he got lower and lower. As she stepped out of the fabric, she felt his lips on the back of her thigh while his fingers curled around the front.

  “You know what,” he breathed. “I just realized – today is the first day I've seen your bare legs. You always wear tights.”

  His statement was like a splash of cold water and Ayumi pushed away from the wall. Closed her legs.

  “I like tights,” she replied. He chuckled, then
she felt his teeth against her hip.

  “I like your naked skin,” he whispered, sweeping his hand up the center of her legs, making her gasp before moving onto her chest. He stood upright and both arms came around her, cupping her breasts.

  “Don't tell anyone, but I think it likes you, too,” she laughed, then moaned as both nipples were pinched simultaneously.

  “I gotta say, Ayumi,” he said, turning her to face him. “I always thought you were a smart girl. But this little idea of having sex with me whenever you want puts you in the category of 'genius'.”

  The shower was large enough that Ayumi could lay down flat in it, as Liam proved when he helped her down to the floor. She wondered what he was going to do, though, as there was no way he would be able to stretch out. She about to offer to switch positions, get on top of him, when he bent her legs at the knees and shuffled around till he was in between them.

  “What are you doing? I don't like ...”

  Her sentence trailed into a sigh when he lifted her hips off the ground and lowered his face between her legs. His tongue swam in circles, heating her up more effectively than the shower ever could. She let out a long moan and raked her fingers through his hair.

  “Don't like what?” he breathed as he kissed his way over her pelvic bone. “The way I turn you on?” There was a long, slow lick from her belly button to her right nipple. “The way I make you feel?” Now he was nibbling along her collar bone. “The way I kiss you?” He emphasized the last point by gently pressing his lips to hers.

  “No,” she panted. “I love all of it. All of it.”

  He sat upright, letting his hand trail over her breasts before grabbing her arm. He pulled her up onto her knees and held her tightly, kissing her as he did so.

  “You have a choice to make,” he whispered, his teeth skimming along the side of her jaw.


  “We can finish this right now and you get fucked on this tile floor, or we can finish this in my room.”

  The shower was hot and steamy, but a real bed sounded heavenly.

  “Your room. Now, please. Right now,” she urged, almost jumping to her feet. She went to reach to pull the door open, but then he was grabbing her from behind. One arm went around her torso and his free hand cupped her jaw, forcing her to look over her shoulder so he could kiss her.


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