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Summer Burns

Page 14

by Candice Gilmer

  I couldn't wait.

  The back door popped open, and Winter almost slammed me in the face.

  "Jeez, watch it," I snapped.

  Shaun caught the door. "You okay?"

  I nodded.

  Winter rolled her eyes. "Come in."



  My turn to roll my eyes. Either my next client was an hour early, or Autumn had booked me another haircut. I swear, my sister did it to annoy me.

  I said good bye to Shaun and headed inside the salon, the cool air washing over me. Awning or not, nothing replaced air conditioning.

  "We may need to talk about booking procedures," I muttered as I walked toward the salon floor.

  Winter glanced at me "What?"


  As I stepped out to the main salon, the usual noise and chatter had vanished, replaced with a soft whisper.

  It was like everything had stopped. No one was working anywhere, they were just, well, staring.

  I looked around. "What's going on?"

  No one spoke. Winter's heels click-clacked on the floor, only stopping when she took a seat in my styling chair.

  "Okay, this is weird," I said, taking a couple more tentative steps into the room.

  "Mommy!" Emma cried as she ran onto the floor with a bouquet of pink and yellow roses. She slammed into me, wrapping her arms around my legs.

  "Emma, honey, what are you doing here? Where did you get the flowers."

  Emma pressed the roses against her nose and sniffed them, her eyes twinkling. "They're for you, Mommy!"

  I took the flowers, they really were beautiful.

  "Look, Mommy," Emma said, pointing to the reception area. I followed her gaze.

  And my breath caught.

  Matthew Hennessey stepped around the corner, dressed in his formal uniform, a stunning sight to behold. He took two steps toward me, and dropped to his knee.

  My hand started to shake and I covered my mouth, because I already could feel the tears. My other hand clenched the flowers so tight, I could have snapped the stems.

  Matthew glanced at me, winked and then turned to Emma. He held up a single blue rose, about the same color as the dress that Emma wore.

  "Emma Bettes, I would like the honor of being your step-father. If you would like me to be a part of your family."

  Emma stepped forward and accepted the flower. "I would like that, Mister Maffew." And whatever formal tone Matthew was trying to keep was lost as soon as Emma leaped into his arms.

  She tried to wrap her arms around him, but the flower kept getting in the way. The clatter of heels alerted me to Winter coming over. She took the flower from Emma so the little girl could properly hug Matthew.

  Matthew whispered something in Emma's ear, then they both turned to me. I could see the glint of tears in Matthew's eyes.

  Between that and Emma, sitting on his knee, the emotions that hit me so hard, I started to cry.

  And not the pretty tears either.

  This was gonna be the ugly crying.

  "Summer Bettes,"

  "Oh my God," I whispered.

  "Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

  Cue the ugly cries.



  How could I not say yes to this man? He'd brought me around, proved to me that I could be happy, and I didn't have to hide from anything. I didn't have to remain a widow in mourning.

  I wondered if my heart still worked when I first met Matthew.

  I knew it did now, because it hammered so hard, I thought it might burst from my chest.

  The room was silent, and I looked around. "What?"

  "Answer him," Miss Nora stage-whispered from her seat at one of the manicure stations.

  "You mean I didn't?" I asked.

  "Come on, Mommy!" Emma said.

  "Maybe this will help," Matthew pulled a ring box out and opened the black case. The ring, a simple solitaire, shined in the salon's lights.

  "Oh wow, that's so beautiful," I said, and held out my shaking hand.

  Matthew slipped the ring on my finger. "So what say you?"

  I nodded. "Yes. Of course. Yes."

  And Matthew leaped up, Emma on one arm, and wrapped his other around me.

  When we kissed, it was like fireworks.

  Or maybe that was just everyone in the beauty shop cheering for us.

  "Mommy, you're squishing me!" Emma pushed us apart.

  Matthew and I chuckled, our brows still touching.

  "You're gonna be my daddy now, right?" Emma asked.

  "Yes I am, Emma."

  "Good," she said, and sniffed his shoulder. "You smell good." Her eyes got big. "Wait!" And she pushed out and took off.

  I glanced at Matthew, and he shrugged.

  In a moment, Emma was back. "For you, Mister Maffew!" She shoved a bag in his face.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw my mother nodding, like she'd finally figured something out.

  Matthew opened the bag, and burst out laughing.

  "What?" I asked.

  He pulled out a package of shoe inserts for stinky feet.

  "For your stinky toes," Emma said. "Because now Mommy will like you better."

  "They're perfect, thank you Emma," Matthew picked her up and held her to him."

  Tears poured out of my eyes as I laughed. He hugged me, the three of us pulled into this awkward, but yet perfect family hug.

  Yeah, because this really was perfect.

  I turned to my sisters, and my mother. "Look!" Everyone immediately clustered, checking out the diamond. Matthew and Emma slipped off, probably to avoid the crush, because immediately I was swarmed.

  I was surrounded, gushing ensued.

  I felt Matthew wrap his arm around me. "Hey, I'm gonna take Emma back home."

  I glanced at him. "Sure. Sounds good." And it hit me right then...

  He was taking her home.

  Not his home.

  Our home.

  We had a home.


  And I started to cry again.

  Someone shoved a tissue in my face, and I started to pat my eyes.

  "What's the matter, honey?" my mom asked.

  "Nothing, Mom. Everything's good." I smiled at her, because it was. I felt better than I had in a very long time.

  For a second, I got a whiff of a familiar scent, and I turned, half-expecting to see, well, something. Like I thought Jake was over there, in the corner, maybe, watching? Approving?

  "He would approve, I think," came Paula's voice.

  I faced her. "How did you know I was thinking about Jake?"

  She shrugged. "Because I was too. And I do think he would approve."

  "I think so too." I hugged my former mother-in-law.

  And all was right with the--

  "Excuse me, is anyone working here? I'd like to get a haircut."

  I spun around, as did everyone in the salon.

  There, at the reception desk was a man, looking at all of us like we were crazy, all gathered on the salon floor like we were.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry, sir," Winter said, and walked right over to him. "Let me get you a coffee," she escorted him to the little coffee bar in the reception area, and I could hear her smoothing everything over with him while the rest of us went back to work.

  "Think you found a keeper, sis," Autumn said just before she walked back to the reception desk.

  "Yeah, me too."



  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading Summer Burns, I hope you enjoyed Summer and Matthew's story. Autumn and Winter will both have their own books coming soon in this trilogy set in Celestial Springs Salon.

  This is part of my continuing collection of contemporary romance novellas set in the fictional town of Barrum, Kansas, a town too big to be a small town, but still feels like one.

  Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed in the publishing industry. If you enjoy
ed this book, please consider leaving a review. Even a couple of lines is a huge help.

  Would you like to know more about the Barrum, Kansas books, or any of my paranormal romance titles? You can sign up for my monthly newsletter, at where I send out excerpts, cover reveals, and the latest release information.

  I am also on Facebook


  Candice Gilmer


  Thank you Elaina, for the beautiful cover that inspired this series


  About Candice Gilmer:

  USA Today and NY Times bestselling author Candice Gilmer leads a dangerous double life as a mommy and a writer. In between boo-boo healing and fixing broken toys, she writes stories usually to the tune of children's television shows.

  Growing up in the Midwest, Candice stays close to her family, especially the ones with basements when the tornadoes come around. She also works as a hairdresser, which she's done for twenty years, and brings her laptop to work so she can write between clients.

  All in all, she stays very busy, but really, she wouldn't have it any other way.

  Well, maybe a little less children's television.

  Other Books by Candice Gilmer:

  Contemporary Romance

  Barrum, KS Books (Contemporary Romance novellas set in the town of Barrum, KS)

  His Velvet Touch -- He was going to use her, but he didn't expect to need her.

  Summer Burns (Celestial Springs Salon #1) -- Fine never lasts long, especially when a man stirs yearnings she thought long dead. 2015

  Autumn Falls (Celestial Springs Salon #2) -- The last thing she wants may be exactly what she needs. 2015

  Winter Chills (Celestial Springs Salon #3) -- Letting go has never been so hard. Or so incredible. 2016

  Single Title Contemporary Romance:

  Fantasy Girl -- At night, she comes alive...but a madman's fantasies could kill her.

  The Reluctant Prince -- Duty comes with a price--his heart.

  Mission of Christmas -- There's more than one way to unwrap a gift.


  Paranormal Romances:

  (All the series are set in the same world, just different aspects of each one)

  Guys and Godmothers (Set in the city of Liverly, KS)

  Under His Nose (Guys and Godmothers #1) -- All it takes is faith, trust, and fairy dust. A swift kick never hurts, either.

  Before His Eyes (Guys and Godmothers #2) -- Sometimes even a fairy godmother needs to call for backup.

  Just His Taste (Guys and Godmothers #3) -- Even Fairy Godmothers can make the wrong call.

  The Mythicals (Set on, or close to, the magical island of Avalon)

  Saving Her Destiny (The Mythicals #1) June 2015 -- Sometimes the future comes knocking. Sometimes it knocks you into next week.

  Guarding Her Secrets -- (The Mythicals #1.5) October 2015 -- (As part of the Taming the Monster Anthology)

  The Mythical Knights (Set in the city of Liverly, KS, or in the vicinity)

  Brightest Shadow (Mythical Knights #0.5) September 2015 -- The darkest shadows sometimes have the brightest moments.

  Dark Within (Mythical Knights #1) October 2015 -- There are monsters, then there are monsters. Which kind wants her dead?

  Bravest Flame (Mythical Knights #1.5) November 2015

  Darker Cravings (Mythical Knights #2)January 2016

  Boldest Choice (Mythical Knights #2.5) March 2016

  Darkest Judgment (Mythical Knights #3) April 2016

  For excerpts and the latest information, check

  Autumn Falls

  The next book in the Celestial Springs Salon Series


  "Oh wow," I said, running my hands through my hair. "Audra, this is amazing.""

  Audra raised her eyebrow. "You doubted me Autumn? I might be offended."

  I ran my hands over my hair. "No, it's not that. It's just... I thought it would be so boring." I had decided, since I had to be the receptionist at Celestial Springs Salon, I should look a little less like my niece Emma's Monster High dolly.

  But I didn't want to look like an uptight conservative, either.

  Instead, Audra had woven browns and golds and coppers into the formerly fire-engine red hair I sported when I came home, and made me still look, well, bold.

  Just not like I belonged at a store in the mall.

  "And when you tweak your makeup, soften up the eye liner a bit," Audra said.

  I nodded. "Yeah, I can make this work." I fluffed the straightened hair--my hair was never straight unless I spent an hour with a flat iron. "Though I may need you to style it every day."

  Audra snorted. "Uh huh. You can't afford me."

  When I got up, I pulled the conservative Audra into a hug. "Thank you! If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."

  "A required twenty percent tip on every future client's bill would be nice," Audra said.

  And from the look in her eye, I couldn't be sure if she was serious or not.

  "Oh wow, Autumn, that's gorgeous," Nicole said as she finished her client's blow-out style from across the aisle. Though, I had to guess that's what she said--over the inherent salon noise, I couldn't be sure.

  I was going to take it as a compliment and move on.

  I paused when I heard through the salon chaos the click of heels on the floor and turned just in time to see my sister Winter coming out of the back.

  "Nice," she said, nodding to my hair. "Now, are you going to get those lunches? I called them in myself.""

  Well, shit, I guess I was. "Sure sis." I grinned at her, but I didn't say what I wanted to say, like, oh, why don't you click clack down there and get them yourself, because my hair--which should have cost me damn near a paycheck--was only going to cost me the price of the products, and I hadn't gotten done admiring the new 'do.

  Winter nodded, but from the way she stared at me, I had a sinking feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking.

  So I smiled bigger and darted out the door toward the deli a few doors down from our salon in the strip mall.

  Most of the time Winter and I got along--being just over a decade apart made her seem more like an aunt than a big sister.

  But still, that also meant Winter treated me like I was twelve.


  "Six more weeks," I muttered to myself. "Six more weeks of horrible, smelly Barrum, KS and then I'm outta here."

  If I had my way, I'd never come back to Barrum. The damn place was a mix of a small town trying to be a big city. We had all the shopping stores--Target, Walmart, Kohl's, and the malls, which had all the usual mall-stores. We had all the chain restaurants--Applebee's, Chili's, On the Border, and since this was the Midwest, more steakhouses and authentic Mexican restaurants than you could shake a stick at.

  And there was the military base--lots of military families in and out as well. Some stayed--though I don't get why anyone would. We're practically the bad cheek zit of the country.

  There were so many other, prettier, nicer places in the country to live. Why would anyone settle here, with its wind that blows a zillion miles an hour, tornadoes, earthquakes, winters so cold you wanna cry. Summers so hot you want to tear your skin off...

  "This place sucks," I said.

  "Well, that answers that," came a man's voice.

  I spun around.

  And tried not to choke.

  Louie Castle stood there, dressed in his police officer's uniform, looking his usual perfect self. Even his shoes were clean and perfect.

  But he wasn't alone.

  On a leash next to him, was a very pretty dog, with tan fur and black ears. The dog sat perfectly still, not moving.

  "Oh, what a pretty dog," I said as I started to kneel down.

  The dog sort of turned his nose up at me. Well, if that's even possible for a dog to do, but I swear the dog did.

  "Don't, Autumn," Louie said. "We're working."

  I rai
sed my eyebrow. "And what makes you think I'm not?"

  His gaze ran over me. "Really?"

  I put my hands on my hips. "I'm on my way to get sandwiches for the shop, if you must know."

  "So you're still here, then."

  "Obviously." I started walking toward the deli.

  "When are you leaving this time?" Louie's voice echoed behind me.

  "As soon as I can," I said. Though why he wanted to know boggled me. Ever since I left town right after high school, he decided that I was prime evil on a stick.

  This was the nicest he'd ever been to me when I came home for a short stay.

  "That's good. Because I'm way too busy to spend any time with you."

  I turned to look back at him. "I didn't ask you to."

  His gaze ran over me again. "You were going to."

  "No I wasn't." Okay, maybe I was.

  For old time's sake.

  Since, well, I had my hair done.


  He smirked and walked away, and I swear, that dog actually laughed at me.


  Available fall 2015

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away--it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Summer Burns

  Copyright © 2015 by Candice Gilmer

  Cover by For The Muse Designs

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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