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Documentary Film

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by Patricia Aufderheide

  Hara, Kazuo, 99

  Harlan County, U.S. A., 88

  Hearts and Minds, 62

  Helfand, Judith, 8

  Helmrich, Leonard Retel, 108–9

  Hemmingway, Ernest, 80

  Hennebelle, Guy, 54

  Herzog, Werner

  on cinema verité, 52

  Grizzly Man and, 122

  Hiding and Seeking, 104

  Hiroshima-Nagasaki, August 1945, 73–74

  historical documentary

  biographies and, 95–97

  challenges facing, 91–92

  copyright issues facing, 94–95

  Holocaust and, 104

  personal films and, 100–105

  print historians v., 91–92

  responsibilities when making, 105–6

  revisionism and, 97–100

  stories and, 92–95

  Hoberman, J., 129

  Hollywood: The Golden Years, 94

  Home for Life, 88

  Honkasalo, Pirjo, x, 9

  Hoop Dreams, 54, 54–55, 88

  Horne, Lena, 83

  Hôtel des Invalides, 46

  Hour of the Furnaces (La Hora de los hornos), 84–85, 90–91

  Housing Problems, 34

  Houston, Bobby, 23

  How the Myth Was Made, 31

  Hudson, Robert, 23

  The Hunters, 110

  Hunting the White Bear, 118

  Huston, John, 73


  Ichikawa, Kon, 49

  Images d’Ostende, 15

  IMAX, 120–21

  India 67, 49

  Industrial Britain, 34

  In Search of the Edge, 13

  Inside North Vietnam, 61


  ethics of, 98–99

  Murrow and famous, 60–61

  In the King of Prussia, 24

  In the Land of the War Canoes, 28

  In the Year of the Pig, 62

  Into the Arms of Strangers, 100

  Iraq for Sale, 90–91

  Irwin, Steve, 119, 124

  Isaacs, Jeremy, 97–98

  Iskra group, 82

  Ivens, Joris, 1, 15, 128

  advocacy film and, 79

  on cinema verité, 52

  Cuba filmmakers and, 83

  Guzmán and, 85

  legacy of, 80–81

  Iwasaki, Akira, 73–74


  Jabor, Arnaldo, 51

  Jacobs, Lewis, 131

  Jacobson, Harlan, 4

  Jacquet, Luc, 121

  James, Steve, 88, 90

  Jarecki, Eugene, 7

  Jaszi, Peter, 95

  Jennings, Humphrey, 69, 72

  Johnson, Martin, 118–19

  Johnson, Osa, 118–19

  Julien, Isaac, 101


  Kartemquin Films, 88–90

  Kaufman, Boris, 15

  Kaufman, Mikhail, 40

  Kaul, Mani, 17

  Kearton, Cherry, 118

  Kieslowski, Krzysztof, 86

  Kildea, Gary, 114

  King, Allan, 50, 128, 130

  King Kong, 107

  Kino-Pravda, 39

  Kirkman, Larry, x

  Klawans, Stuart, 129

  Koenig, Wolf, 53

  Kofman, Amy Ziering, 96–97

  Kopple, Barbara, 88, 128

  Koyaanisqatsi, 15


  Land without Bread (Las Hurdes: Tierra sin Pan), 13

  Lanzmann, Claude, 98–99

  The Last Waltz, 135

  Leach, Jerry, 114

  Leacock, Richard, 46–47, 110, 130


  of advocacy film, 87–91

  of Flaherty, Robert, 32

  of government propaganda documentary, 75–77

  of Grierson, John, 37–38

  of Ivens, 80–81

  of Rouch, 112–13

  of third cinema, 87–91

  of Vertov, 43–44

  of Wiseman, 50

  Legacy of the Tundra, 116

  Lewis, Chris, x

  Lewis, Mark, 122

  Leyda, Jay, 43

  The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, 99

  Linden, Adrienne, 110

  Lippman, Walter, 33

  Listen to Britain, 69

  success of, 72–73

  The Living Desert, 120

  The Living Earth, 121

  Loader, Jayne, 75

  London Can Take It, 72

  London FilmMakers Co-op, 82

  London Women’s Film Co-op, 82

  Lonely Boy, 47

  Lonelygirl 15, 126–27

  Longinotto, Kim, 45

  Loose Change, 126

  Lorentz, Pare, 6, 130

  government propaganda documentary and, 67

  Los Angeles Plays Itself, 15–16

  Louisiana Story, 30

  The Lovely May, 51

  Lumumba: Death of a Prophet, 102


  MacDougall, David

  approach to filmmaking of, 113

  on memory and film, 100

  MacDougall, Judith, 113

  Maclear, Michael, 61

  The Mad Twenties, 94

  Les Maítres Fous, 111–12

  Manhatta, 14

  manipulation, reality v., 2, 24–25

  Man of Aran, 29–30

  myth of, 31

  Man with a Movie Camera, 1, 15, 43

  commentary of, 41–42

  March of the Penguins, 6

  synopsis of, 121

  Marker, Chris

  advocacy film group of, 82

  new techniques of, 51

  Sans Soleil and, 24

  Valparaiso, Mi Amor and, 85

  Marshall, Herbert, 43

  Marshall, John, 110

  Marx, Leo, 30

  Maysles, Albert, 46–47, 130, 132

  critical opinion on work of, 55

  Maysles, David, 46–47, 130, 132

  critical opinion on work of, 55

  McAllister, Stewart, 69

  McKibben, Bill, 124

  McLane, Betsy, 131

  McNab, David, 23

  Mekas, Jonas, 16

  Michaels, Eric, 114

  Michelson, Annette, 43

  Middletown, 53–54

  Mighty Times: Volume 2: The Children’s March, 23

  A Mighty Wind, 14

  Minamata, 86

  Mitmann, Gregg, 123

  Moana, 3, 29, 33

  mockumentary, 13–14

  Moffat, Tracey, 116

  Moi, un Noir, 112

  Momma Don’t Allow, 46

  Mondo Cane, 107

  Montagu, Ivor, 31

  Moore, Michael, 4

  advocacy film v., 78

  propaganda v., 7

  Morawski, Piotr, 76

  Morin, Edgar, 51

  Morley Safer’s Vietnam, 61

  Morris, Errol, 3–4

  approach to biography of, 97

  on cinema verité, 52

  Mothlight, 16, 17

  Moyers, Bill, 59–60

  Murrow, Edward R.

  on balance in film, 2

  corporate funding and, 20

  famous interviews by, 60–61

  personality of, 62


  N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman, 110

  Nanook of the North, 2, 29, 107

  cultural impact of, 27–28

  making of, 27

  nobility in, 30

  National Film Board (NFB). See Canadian National Film Board

  Native Land, 81

  Natural History of Chicken, 122

  Nature, 120

  nature documentary, 117

  beginnings of, 118–19

  blue chip and, 120

  environmental movement in, 121–23

  ethics and, 123–24

  IMAX and, 120–21

  Walt Disney studios and, 119–20

  Navajo Film Project, 106–7

  Nejvesti Prani, 51

Nelson, Joyce, on Grierson, John, 37

  The New Americans, 88–90, 89

  NFB. See National Film Board

  Nichols, Bill

  on documentary and postmodernism, 133

  ethics and, 22

  on personal documentaries, 105

  techniques of, 132

  Nicht löschbares Feuer (The Indistinguishable Fire), 24

  Night Mail, 34, 34–35

  Nixon, Richard, 59

  Nonfiction Film: A Critical History (Barsam), 131

  Nornes, Markus, 134

  Noujaim, Jehane, 125

  Nova, 56

  Now, 83

  Nykino, 81


  O Dreamland, 46

  Ogawa, Shinsuke, 85–86

  Oil on Ice, 90

  One Sixth of the World, 42

  Onwurah, Ngozi, 102

  Ophuls, Marcel, 98

  Opinião Publica (Public Opinion), 51

  O’Rourke, Dennis, 114

  Oshima, Nagisa, 49

  Østergaard, Anders Høgsboro, 104–5

  Our Wonderful World, 108

  Outfoxed, 21


  Padilha, José, 8–9

  Panorama, 58

  The Path to 9/11, 23

  Patwardhan, Anand, 82

  Peasants of the Second Fortress, 85

  Peck, Raoul, 102

  Pennebaker, D A, 46, 53, 110

  Peralta, Stacy, 1

  Dogtown and Z-Boys and, 104

  Perfumed Nightmare, 24

  Perlmutter, Alvin, 59–60

  Perrin, Jacques, 121

  personal diary format, 8

  Pilger, John, 64

  The Plow that Broke the Plains, 6, 67

  P.O.V., 60

  The Power of Nightmares, 60–61

  Primary, 47

  propaganda, 6–7. See also government propaganda documentary

  Fahrenheit 9/11 v., 7

  Moore v., 7

  public affairs documentary

  cinema verité and, 63

  conventions of, 62–63

  critical opinion on work of, 63–64

  decline of, 58–59

  Drew and, 63

  ethics and, 63–64

  format of, 56–57

  government propaganda documentary v., 65

  influence and significance of, 60–62

  journalists and, 57–58

  present state of, 64–65

  public television and, 59–60

  television and opportunities for, 58


  A Question of Equality, 99–100

  Quinn, Gordon, x–xi, 88, 90


  Rabiger, Michael, 3

  Radio Bikini, 75

  Rafferty, Kevin, 75

  Rafferty, Pierce, 75

  Rain, 1, 15

  Rainer, Yvonne, 101

  Raphael, Chad, 19

  Rat, 122

  realism, 26, 40, 133


  artistry v., 25–26

  documentary and, 5, 9–12

  manipulation v., 2, 24–25


  ethics of, 22–23

  history of, 22

  Reeves, Nicholas, 71

  Reggio, Godfrey, 15

  Reiner, Rob, 13–14

  Reisz, Karel, 46

  Reith, John, 33

  Rejger, Katarina, 126

  Renov, Michael

  on personal documentary, 105

  techniques of, 132

  Rich, Ruby, 129

  Richter, Hans, 17

  Riding Giants, 1

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 68, 130

  Capra v., 70

  on government propaganda documentary, 75

  Rien que les Heures, 15

  The River, 6, 67

  Roger and Me, 4

  Rønde, Jeppe, 24

  Roosevelt in Africa, 118

  Roots, 23

  Rosenbaum, Jonathan, 129

  Rosteck, Thomas, 64

  Rotha, Paul

  on documentary, 129

  on Flaherty, Robert, 31

  on Grierson, John, 36–37

  Roth, Lorna, 114

  Rouch, Jean, 128

  approach to filmmaking of, 111–13

  on cinema verité, 53

  direct cinema of, 52

  on documentary, 112

  Flaherty, Robert, influence on, 111

  legacy of, 112–13

  process of, 50–51

  Vertov influence on, 111

  Rouquier, Georges, 119

  Rubbo, Michael, 62

  Ruby, Jay

  on ethnographic film, 106

  on Flaherty, Robert, 31–32

  Rudavsky, Oren, 104

  The Russian Miracle, 93

  Ruttmann, Walther, 14–15


  Sad Song of Yellow Skin, 62

  Salesman, 47, 48

  Salomon, Henry “Pete,” 93

  Sankofa workshop, 101–2

  Sans Soleil, 24

  Schatz, Thomas, 135

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 91

  Schneeman, Carolee, 16

  Schulberg, Budd, 74–75

  Schwartzman, Stephan, xi

  Scorsese, Martin, 44, 135

  Sea Island, 119–20

  Seavey, Nina, xi

  The Secret Plot to Kill Hitler, 23

  Secrets of Nature, 118

  The Secret Tapes, 76

  See It Now, 20, 58

  famous episodes of, 60

  The Selling of the Pentagon, 61–62, 75

  The Seoul Visual Collective, 87

  Seven Up, 63

  Shamir, Yo’av, 9

  Shape of the Moon, 108–9

  Sheeler, Charles, 14

  Shoah, 98–99

  Shub, Esfir, 92–93

  Sierra Club, 90

  Sierra Club Chronicles, 77

  Simba, 118–19

  Simma, Paul-Anders, 116

  60 Minutes, 58–59, 64

  Skorzewski, Edward, 86

  Smith, Hedrick, 59–60

  Snow, Michael, 16

  Solanas, Fernando, 84

  Song of Ceylon, 66

  The Sorrow and the Pity, 98

  The Spaghetti Story, 13

  Spain, Tom, 58–59

  The Spanish Earth, 90–91

  CP connection to, 80

  Flaherty, Robert, influence on, 80

  synopsis of, 80–81

  Special Inquiry, 58

  Spurlock, Morgan, 125

  Star Wars, 1

  Stone, Robert, 75

  Stoney, George, xi

  advocacy film and, 87–88

  Flaherty, Robert influence on, 30–31

  Stop Making Sense, 135

  Storck, Henri, 15

  on Borinage, 79

  The Story of the Weeping Camel, 32, 108

  Strand, Paul, 14

  Stranger with a Camera, 63–64

  Sucksdorff, Arne, 119

  Sukhdev, S., 49

  Super Size Me, 125

  Sussex, Elizabeth, 37

  Sutton, Ron, x

  Svilova, Elizaveta, 40

  The Swenkas, 24

  Symphony of the Don Basin, 42


  Taboo, 108

  Tahimik, Kidlat, 24

  Tak for Alt, 22

  Taking Pictures, 113

  Tango of Slaves, 104

  Teno, Jean-Marie, 102

  Thin, 50

  The Thin Blue Line, 3–4

  third cinema

  Argentina and, 84–85

  Chile and, 85

  Cuba and, 83

  Grierson, John, v., 84

  Japan and, 85–86

  legacy of, 87–91

  Soviets and, 86

  Taiwan and, 86

  This is Spinal Tap!, 13–14

  Thorndike, Andrew, 93

  Thorndike, Annelie, 93

  Three Rooms of Melancholia, 9

  TieXi Qu, 45

  Tintin and I, 104–5
br />   Tire Dié (Throw Me a Dime), 83, 86

  Titicut Follies, 49–50

  Warrendale v., 50

  Tokyo Olympiad, 49

  Tomaselli, Keyan, 36

  Triumph of the Will, 9, 72

  counterpropaganda from, 73

  political aims of, 68

  success of, 71

  Trobriand Cricket, 114, 116

  Tsuchimoto, Noriaki, 86

  Twentieth Century, 58–59

  20/20, 58

  Two Laws, 116


  Unik, Pierre, 13

  Union Maids, 100

  Untold Stories (Aufderheide and Jaszi), 95


  Valparaiso, Mi Amor, 85

  van den Broek, Eric, 126

  van Dongen, Helen, 80

  on Flaherty, Robert, 31–32

  The Vanishing Prairie, 120

  Varda, Agnes, x, 45

  Vaughan, Dai, x

  Vertov, Dziga, 15, 25, 127, 130, 132

  advocacy film influenced by, 86

  on art v. realism, 40

  beliefs of, 38

  career beginnings of, 39–40

  career decline of, 42

  on communism and film, 39

  critical opinion on work of, 41

  on fiction v. documentary, 1, 38–39

  Flaherty, Robert, v., 44

  government propaganda documentary and, 67

  Grierson, John, influenced by, 44

  legacy of, 43–44

  on love for camera, 14

  Rouch influenced by, 111

  Victory at Sea, 76

  making of, 93

  Video Diaries, 55

  Video Letters project, 126

  Vigo, Jean, 15

  von Furstenberg, Diane, 96


  Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, 6–7

  Walt Disney studios, 119–20

  Warrendale, 50

  Watkins, Peter, 24

  Watt, Harry, 34

  Waves of Revolution, 82

  The Wedding Camels: A Turkana Marriage, 113

  Weisberg, Roger, 59–60

  Wenguang, Wu, 87

  West of Tracks, 45

  What Farocki Thought, 24–25

  White Paper, 58

  Why We Fight, 7

  political aim of, 70–71

  success of, 73

  Wild Man Blues, 88

  Williams, Linda, 105

  Winged Migration, 121

  Winston, Brian

  on documentary, 133

  on Grierson, John, 37

  Wintonick, Peter, 53

  Wiseman, Fred, 110, 130

  career of, 49–50

  critical opinion on work of, 53

  on labeling his films, 52

  legacy of, 50

  With Babies and Banners, 100

  Wolf, Daniel, 96

  Wolper, David, 94

  The World at War, 97–98

  World in Action, 58

  Worth, Sol, 106–7

  Wright, Basil, 34, 66


  You Are on Indian Land, 115


  Ziv, Ilan, 104

  Zwerin, Charlotte, 47

  Zwigoff, Terry, 55




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