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The Housewife and the Film Star

Page 6

by Doris O'Connor

  "Bye, Sylvia." George's laughter made her wave her hand in the general direction of his voice, and then she was back in Sven's arms. His by now familiar scent wrapped itself round all her female senses.



  She couldn't stop the squeaky protest of her last remaining sensible brain cells escaping, and his answering amused chuckle in her ear had heat rising in her cheeks.

  "Trust me?"

  Did she trust him? Now that was one hell of a question. The tenseness of his arms matched the tremor in his voice.

  "Baby? We won't do anything you don't want to do, I can promise you that. I can call George back right now if you've changed your mind."

  The heat of his body surrounded her like a physical caress and stoked the fire in her belly to flashpoint as he waited for her answer. Everything seemed to be heightened in those few moments. The sounds of the water, the creak of ropes, the breeze that lifted the hem of her skirt, and Sven's heavy breathing, as his hands skimmed across her back and up to her neck to tilt her head up. Feather light kisses whispered across her face, and his warmth surrounded her. The only place their bodies touched was his hands and his lips on her skin as he murmured in Swedish in-between kisses, and she couldn't help the sigh of delicious anticipation as her body relaxed into the sensations assaulting her.

  "I should warn you, though. I have every intention of convincing you that you need to stay with me, and, once I get inside you, I shall not let you go. I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll be hoarse from screaming my name."

  The growled words zeroed straight to her core and left a trail of fire in their place. Not caring where they were anymore, she groped blindly until her fingertips connected with the cotton of his shirt. Bunching the thin material in her fists, she pulled him toward her until her breasts were pressed flat against his shirt, and she could feel his thundering heartbeat match her own.

  "I haven't changed my mind, Sven. Please I want you inside me now."

  "Thank fuck for that, baby, and hold onto me."

  Before she could draw another breath, he lifted Sylvia against him. Her dress rose up high as she automatically locked her legs around his hips. One shoe clattered to the ground, and the cool breeze on her exposed backside hitched her own arousal even higher. Sven rushed to carry her indoors. Every bounce against him brought her wet and aching pussy in direct contact with the rock-hard erection straining through his jeans. The friction his movements created against her clit brought her closer and closer to another release, and her hips moved against him of their own accord, whilst she whimpered her need into his shoulder.

  A door banged shut behind them, and Sven's vicious curse rumbled through her. He pinned her against a wall, and his body held her up, his hands stilling her hips.

  "Don't you dare go without me, Sylvia, not until my cock is in you, filling you, making you mine. I want that tight cunt of yours squeezing my cock this time."

  Sylvia almost screamed as his hand found her slick folds and ripped her knickers clean off. Her need to get herself closer to those clever fingers overwhelmed her completely. Her needful whimpers hung in the air between them as Sven probed her entrance. He stretched her, and his mouth found hers. His tongue mimicked his fingers as she once again hovered on that painful edge.

  A nip of teeth on her lips made her groan in frustration at the loss of his fingers.

  "Sven, please, I need…"

  "What, lady, what do you need … this?"

  A hard thrust of his still-clothed cock had her bite in his shoulder, helpless with the need to have him inside of her. God, what was happening to her? This wild creature begging him to fill her wasn't her, was it? But she was going to explode if he didn't do something, anything.

  "Give me a minute to get out of these fucking trousers."

  The loss of his body felt like a physical ache. Every atom in her body craved his touch, his scent, fuck, just him, and she helplessly squeezed her thighs together, intensifying the ache only he could fill. Time went agonizingly slowly as she listened to the rustle of clothing, accentuated by their heavy breathing until the rip of foil raised her anticipation to fever pitch again.

  Yes, please yes…

  He gripped her thighs with his strong hands, and spread her wide. With Sven's agonized growl in her ear he lifted her against the blessed wall again, and his cock nudged her entrance.

  "God, you're so wet, so ready, baby. I wanted to take this slow, but I can't. Fuck, I want you so much."

  As she gripped his shoulders, she locked her legs behind his ass. His groan spurred her on, and she rocked herself forward. Her breath left her in one big whoosh, as the action made him slide into her.

  He was too much, far too much, too quickly. The fullness stretched her painfully, and he caught her moan in his mouth, and eased himself out a little, to give her time to adjust.

  "Shit, I'm sorry baby, but I need to move. You're so goddamn tight. Jesus."

  His whole body shuddered as he thrust deep, and she clenched around him. He kissed her, their tongues dueling with each other, as his cock nudged her womb. The pressure eased as her internal muscles stretched around him. He set a ruthless rhythm, and she matched him thrust for thrust as her own arousal built to fever pitch again. Sensations too overwhelming, too intense, harder, faster, deeper. He pounded her into the wall, and she took all that he gave. Her moans mingled with his groans. The Swedish words uttered in his deep voice added to the sensations assaulting her. His shift of position brought with it unbelievable tension deep inside her, and, when his fingers found her clit, she did the one thing she never thought she would. Her orgasm hit her with such force; she couldn't help the scream that seemed to go on forever and ever. Her internal muscles milked every last shudder of Sven's groaned release, as her body sang with the aftershocks.

  She blinked at the sudden light when he took the blindfold off with one hand, and he massaged her backside with the other. Sven’s smile was pure wickedness and male satisfaction, as they stood, still joined intimately together. He thrust deep inside her one last time, and Sylvia moaned, before she lost herself in the tender expression of his eyes.

  "Now, let's find a bed and do that again, more slowly this time."

  Oh God, yes!

  Chapter Seven

  "Don't you dare go anywhere."

  Sven's terse words trembled through her as he pulled out of her and set her back on her feet. Somehow she managed to stay upright while he disappeared to take care of the condom.

  Hah, as if she could move after what they'd just done. Just when she thought her trembling muscles would give up on her, Sven reappeared and swept her up in his arms, as though she weighed no more than a feather. He smiled at her shriek of surprise and carefully negotiated the hallway of the narrow boat. He shouldered the door open to the bedroom and then lowered her down on the soft covers.

  "Hmm, we appear to have found the bed, isn't that handy?"

  With one swift move, he pulled his shirt over his head, and Sylvia couldn't help but stare at the male perfection in front of her. Her gaze zeroed in on his magnificent penis, already hardening again under her eyes as he stood over her. Sven watched her reaction with a small smile, and her throat went dry when he cupped his heavy erection and stroked along the thick girth. She licked her lips seeing the drop of pre-cum appear at the top of his bulbous head, and his husky laugh set her insides on fire anew.

  "Like what you see?"

  Sylvia wrenched her gaze upwards to meet his eyes. He was watching her reaction from under heavy lidded eyes filled with lust and a grim determination that frightened her a little.

  "Sven, I don't think I could…"

  Before she could even blink he was on the bed next to her, matching his long length to her much smaller frame. He grasped her wrists in one hand again and pinned her arms above her head. With a wicked smile he used just one finger of his free hand to slowly travel up the inside of her thigh. The slight pressure was torture, and by the time his t
humb flicked her clit, she was a quivering mass of feminine excitement. How did he do that? Was it the unwavering focus with which he watched her reaction, or simply the way he once again had her pinned, unable to move?

  "Trust me, baby, you can, and you will."

  The kiss that followed seemed never-ending. In direct contrast to his earlier urgency, he took his time exploring the inside of her mouth with a breathtaking thoroughness that spoke of ownership. The more she tried to hurry him, the slower he went, pressing his heavy body on top of hers, until the whole word narrowed to just the feel of him. Every stroke, nip and suckle of his oh so talented tongue, stoked the slow burning fire in her core to fever pitch, and her hips bucked wildly, needing his touch.

  He straddled her, effectively stopping her from moving and looked down on her.

  "Take it easy, we have all night, my little firecracker. We'll do this my way, and unless you want me spanking that delicious ass of yours until it matches the color of your lips, you will not rush me."

  Sylvia couldn't stop her sharp intake of breath, and Sven's gaze grew even more heated.

  "Oh, I see, you like that idea, do you?"

  "N-no … I don't."

  "Liar." He whispered the word and lifted off her just enough to cup her swollen pussy. Sylvia swallowed her groan as he swiped his fingers through the wet evidence of her arousal, and then lifted his glistening fingers up for her to see.

  He licked them clean and hummed his approval.

  "Hmm, delicious. If you don't like the idea of my hand on your ass, then why are you this wet?"

  Sylvia had no answer for that, so she just shook her head.

  "I don’t know. I don't like violence."

  She screwed her eyes shut and pushed the memories away. They had no place here, none at all, damn it.

  "Neither do I, my sweet, but I think we need to do something to stop those thoughts swirling in your head. Look at me."

  His voice had dropped an octave, the cadence of it so compelling that Sylvia had no choice but to comply.

  "Bad memories?" he asked.

  At her tiny nod he sighed and bent to kiss the tears off her face. She hadn't even been aware of shedding them.

  "I can help you with that, if you trust me?"

  He went so still towering above her, she couldn’t be sure he was even breathing, and when she nodded again his smile of approval made her worries float away.

  "Good girl, now roll over."

  He released her completely, and she felt suddenly bereft without his comforting presence. She awkwardly complied and jumped when he grabbed her ass and squeezed.

  Instead of the hit she was expecting, however, he moved his hands up to her shoulders and kissed her neck. Tiny butterfly kisses followed down her exposed back until he reached the zipper of her dress. With agonizing slowness he peeled her out of her dress, murmuring encouragement when she helped him by lifting her arms and finally her hips, until she lay face down on the bed with just her bra still on.

  Much to her surprise he left it in place and continued to run his hands up and down her back and over the curve of her ass. The strokes grew harder, leaving tingles of awareness in their wake, and the last of her anxiety fled.

  Heat suffused her whole being, and she raised her butt into his hands, willing him to delve lower between her legs, where she practically ached for his touch.

  He slapped her lightly on one ass cheek, and she froze.

  "If this gets too much, just call red, and I stop, okay?"

  She nodded, and a harder swat followed to her other butt cheek, which this time stung.

  "I can't hear you."

  "Yes, okay, errr, Sir?"

  His laugh in answer confused her. He fisted his hand in her hair and pulled her head up to study her.

  "Very nice, but that's not really a salutation I've earned yet, and this is just a little spanking. I don't think either of us is ready for anything else right now, are we?"

  She blinked, and the red hot stab of disappointment coursing through her veins took her breath away.

  "If we were to go down that route, we would have to discuss a lot of things first, my sweet. I'm not sure I want to do that. Let's not assume titles and just enjoy ourselves, shall we? Unless this is something you need to—"

  "No, I don't. I mean, I'm perfectly happy with vanilla. I just thought that's what you wanted. I mean … I…"

  Her voice trailed off when his expression darkened.

  "I thought you don't read the papers, lady."

  "I-I don't, but there's been rumors and, well, I do have some experience."

  She mentally crossed her fingers at her fib. Sylvia had experience and then some, but he was right. She was so not ready to have that discussion now. It would dredge up a past she didn't need to remember, not now.

  The tight set of his shoulders relaxed slightly, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't want to piss him off, and she was suddenly desperate to see if this would be as erotic as it had been—before Richard.

  "So, you're familiar with the traffic lights then?" he finally asked with a small smile.

  "Yes, Si… I mean, yes I am."

  Heat rose in her cheeks under his quiet regard, and finally he nodded.

  "So be it. I trust you to use it, not that I have any intention of being too hard on you, but I've fantasized about reddening that delicious ass of yours since I met you."

  He laughed at her astonished snort in response.

  "You have?" she asked, not really believing a word of it. He had to be kidding. "No need to humor me. In case you haven’t noticed I'm in your bed and a pretty safe bet by now, you know."

  His expression darkened again, and her stomach dropped in delicious anticipation.

  "For that inane comment you've just earned yourself some extra spanks. We'll have to work on that warped self-image of yours. You're a beautiful, desirable woman."

  He pushed her head back on the bed and then delivered an openhanded swat to her backside with enough force to make her yelp.

  The impact stung, really stung. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. Three more spanks followed in such quick succession that she couldn't catch her breath. Tears clouded her vision, and then he stopped and soothed the sting away with his hand.

  "Color?" he asked.

  She hesitated, not at all sure what she was feeling right now, and he pulled her head up again to make her look at him.

  It was the concern she read in his eyes that made her mind up for her.

  "Green, I'm green … I think. Don't stop, please."

  He smiled in answer and lowered her head back down on the bed. The swats that followed stung with their intensity as he hit a different spot on her ass every time, until her skin was on fire and waves of heat rolled from her butt all over her skin, and she was so aroused that wetness coated the tops of her thighs. Her clit throbbed, and her pussy felt swollen and desperate for his touch.

  When he finally stopped and ran his fingers through her nether lips that slight touch alone sent her tumbling in the abyss, and she screamed her orgasm into the cushion. He plunged his fingers deep into her vagina, curling them in such a way that he hit her sweet spot, and he finger fucked her into several more orgasms that left her breathless and lying limp in a sweaty heap on the bed.

  One last swat to her sore ass made her lift her head, and he rolled her over with a silent chuckle and pulled her into his embrace. By the time her breathing finally slowed down, the sting in her ass cheeks had subsided to a slight, delicious ache, and she rubbed her butt over the sheets to re-create those feelings of bliss.

  He noticed of course and propped himself up one elbow to study her.

  "I think someone enjoyed that rather a lot, and now it's my turn."

  He winked at her, and her embarrassment fled. Sven's gaze zeroed in on her still covered breasts, and her nipples firmed even more under his heated appraisal. They strained against the confines of her bra, and she sucked in a breath when his hand
skimmed across the hard buds with his knuckles. He dipped his head and claimed one aching tip through the lace and suckled hard. His groan matched hers, when he finally tucked the bra cups down. Both of his large hands took the aching globes and squeezed them together. His mouth swapped from one to the other, biting down on each tip, and then soothing the sting with his kisses. He mumbled to himself in between mouthfuls, his hot breath little puffs of air on her fevered skin that made her nipples ache and tingle.

  "Du är så vacker.

  She almost came again, so sexy was his talking to himself in Swedish, as he expertly freed her out of the lacy confines completely.

  He lifted up and with exaggerated movements pinched her now sore nipples between his fingers. The move shot darts of arousal to her clit and she moaned.

  "Oh, God, Sven…"

  "My little lady likes this, too, huh? We'll have to get some nipple clamps to adorn those fantastic tits, won't we?"

  The mere thought made her squirm in helpless need, and he smiled into her tummy as he continued his exploration south.

  He swirled his tongue round her belly button and used his teeth to pull at the piercing she'd had done on impulse, when Alicia had hers done. His smile was sin itself as he looked up at her.

  "You're full of surprises, lady. Tell me any tattoos anywhere? On second thoughts, don't. I'll find out for myself."

  And, true to his promise, he worked himself down the rest of her body with agonizing slowness, careful to avoid the spot where she needed him most. It left her teetering on the edge, helplessly lost under his talented hands and lips. When he found the small cluster of stars climbing out of her little landing strip of hair, he bit down, and she bowed off the bed.

  "Aha, what have we here?" he asked. "We'll have to shave this pussy bare so that I can see how far these go, won't we?"

  His eyes glittered with triumph, when he finally took pity on her with a kiss on the nose, and he slid two fingers inside her slick folds. Scooting down further he hooked her legs over his shoulders, and then his mouth attacked her clit. His tongue suckled that bundle of nerves, whilst his fingers stroked and stretched her interior walls. They were both drenched in her juices by the time her screams had filled the air once again. Sven, mercilessly, drove her over the edge again, screaming his name.


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