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One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1)

Page 9

by Brower, Dawn

  “I will do you one better. I’m going to let you fully off the hook.” She lifted her hands and steepled them together. “I’m going to interview nurses and therapists. Set up a schedule. And move into Matt’s house later today. When he gets home tomorrow all his wants, needs, and desires will be met.”

  She had an almost wicked gleam in her eye. No doubt she was still pissed at Matt’s attitude. Dani almost felt sorry for her friend, but Claire wouldn’t do anything to truly harm him. He might actually require a bit of tough love. Claire wouldn’t hold back anything. She’d see he’d have all the things that would necessitate his recovery.

  “All right,” Dani agreed. “I will allow you to handle everything as you see fit. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “Don’t worry, I can handle Mr. Price, but if something comes up you’ll be the first person I call.” She smirked. “But I don’t think I will find the need to. Go play with your doctor man. Don’t you have a fundraiser to get ready for?”

  She did, and she rather looked forward to her evening with Ren. The last kiss was even better than the first. Dani couldn’t wait to see if they would improve each time. The more she felt his lips on hers, the more she wanted from him. Her desire had reached all new heights. When they were teens, she’d thought she wanted Ren, but she had no clue how much until now. He made her feel things she never imagined.

  “I actually do have a lot to do. A dress is at the top of my list.” She planned on finding one that would knock his socks off. He thought he was making all the plans. Ren had no clue what she had in store for him. “Since I trust you to see to Matt, I will gladly go shopping for something extra special for my night with Ren.”

  Claire winked. “Go get ‘em tiger.”

  Oh, Dani intended to.

  Chapter Ten

  Dani strolled into her bedroom and yanked her closet door open. She reached across the rack and pulled out a garment bag. She lifted it and carried it over to her bed and set it down. Dani unzipped the bag and stared at what laid inside. She’d bought the dress as soon as she’d laid eyes on it. It was the prettiest dress she’d ever seen, and she’d had to have it. The cocktail dress was a bright pomegranate chiffon with a sweetheart neckline.

  She skimmed her fingers over the soft material and sighed. It was perfect, and she couldn’t wait to wear it for Ren. He’d arrive soon to pick her up. She sat at her vanity and dried her hair into soft ebony waves. Then slowly applied eyeliner and mascara, and then, with a quick swipe of lip gloss across her lips, she was good to go. The only thing left was to get dressed and wait for Ren to pick her up. She opened a drawer and pulled out the sexiest lingerie she owned and slid them on. It was all black silk and lace, a strapless bra with matching panties. Dani felt sexy having the material slide over her bare skin. The chiffon dress hugged all her curves and showed them off to perfection. She slid on a pair of black heels and headed down the stairs. The doorbell chimed as she arrived at the bottom.

  Dani strolled to the door and then opened it. Her gaze met Ren’s and she sucked in a breath. He was even more devastating in a tuxedo than he had been at their high school prom. He’d stolen her breath away then too. This time was singular and magical. He was her date, not some else’s. A rush of nerves flowed through her. What had she gotten herself into?

  “You’re beautiful.” His gaze roamed over her from the bottom and back up to stare into her eyes. Heat spread through her, covering over her anxiety in a different way. He held his hand out to her. “If we don’t leave now, we never will.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m rather looking forward to this event. I heard it’s the place to be.” She reached out and ran her hands over his chest. “I might be convinced to stay in another time though.”

  He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “I’ve been wanting to be with you for so long this almost seems surreal.”

  She had to agree with him. This was a fantasy come to life. There was a time she’d never have imagined this could ever be real. Her insecurities always stood in their way. In all honesty, they might still be a hindrance if she didn’t need a valid reason to go to the fundraiser. Sullivan Brady was attending, and she needed a way to meet him in an innocuous way. Was it a benefit to be on the arms of the only man she’d ever loved? In more ways than one—but she couldn’t let Ren distract her from her main purpose.

  “Let’s not examine it too closely.” She wound her arm through his. “We have a lot of history to wade through before we can move forward. This is one step in a million to arrive at our destination. Tonight, let’s enjoy each other’s company and see where it leads us.”

  He nodded. “I can do that as long as you make me a promise.”

  Dani was almost afraid to find out what he wanted to secure from her. He made her nervous on a good day. Today? When she agreed to spend an evening in his company and resist every urge she had to run… She didn’t know how much she could guarantee.

  “It depends on what you want.”

  “I want a lot.” He grinned wickedly and leaned in to whisper into her ear. “And, in time, I intend to have it all. But for tonight I want one thing.”

  “What?” she asked eagerly.

  His breath was hot on her neck. It sent shivers down her spine. The desire to pull him inside her home and do naughty things to him grated through her. The impulse was almost too great to resist. He didn’t kiss her. He didn’t even lean in more to initiate closer contact. No, instead he took a step back and stared her in the eyes. His mouth straightened into a firm line. This was serious. He was done playing. Disappointment filled her.

  “Don’t run away from me.” His voice was raw with emotion. “Not now or ever again. I promise you won’t get far, and when I find you it won’t be pretty.”

  Dani gulped down a lump in her throat. She glanced away. What she saw in his eyes… There was so much hurt reflecting back at her. She’d done that. It may not have been her intention to do it, but she was responsible for his unhappiness. It didn’t sit well with her. Maybe it was time to see her actions for what they were. Cowardice. She’d run from him to protect herself and didn’t once think about how they’d damage the one person who’d meant the world to her.

  Ren had been her best friend, the one man she’d loved, and she’d spit on him like he was trash. She was wrong. The least she could’ve done was say goodbye. Pretend that they’d keep in touch and slowly let communication fall away. She’d cut him off and didn’t look back. Sure, she’d checked on him a few times without him knowing, but once he married Jessica she didn’t look again. One glimpse of his apparent happy life and she’d concluded her decision had been for the best. What had she known?

  “The only promise I can make you is I won’t disappear without explanation ever again.”

  She still didn’t know what their future held or if they even had one, but she could do better by him. He deserved more from her, and she could give him better consideration.

  “I can work with that.” He smiled. “Now let’s go to this fundraiser. I haven’t danced with you in over ten years, and I’m itching to do it again.”

  Dani had a small flash to prom. The one and only time they’d danced. It had been perfect. Until it wasn’t. At least there wouldn’t be a Jessica to steamroll through it this time. Dani pulled her door closed and locked it. She looped her arm through Ren’s and let him lead her to his vehicle.

  “So tell me what this fundraiser is all about?”

  Ren held the passenger door open for her and she slid inside. Once he was seated on the driver’s side he answered her. “The Brady-Blue foundation set it up to design a new pediatric wing at the hospital. They want to update the NICU and provide care for families of children in long term care. They want to ensure that all children get the care they need regardless of the family’s ability to pay. It’s more than designing a state of the art facility.”

  The more she learned about the Brady family the more she liked them. What wo
uld they have against the Nettles family? There had to be more than old man Nettles was saying.

  “They seem like a philanthropistic group.” Dani frowned. “Do they want to do good for show, or do they truly believe in the cause they stand for?”

  Ren maneuvered the car through traffic. He kept his focus on the road but continued their conversation as he drove. “I’ve had several conversations with the head of the foundation. He has many reasons for this particular project. He lost a sister when she was a little over two years old. His family has never been the same since. The new wing is to be named in her honor.”

  That was interesting. She wondered what his sister’s name was. “That’s sad. Do you know what happened to her?”

  “No, he never said, and I didn’t ask. It’s not my place to pry.”

  Dani crunched her eyebrows together. She wanted to know more. Her curious nature was about to push her to places she shouldn’t go. “So what’s the wing going to be called?” If she couldn’t find out the reason the sister had died, at least she could find out a name to do research with later.

  “I don’t know.”

  Damn. She almost blurted out something she shouldn’t. Instead of saying he wasn’t any help, she bit her tongue and held it in. After a minute of reflection, she said, “That’s strange.”

  It really was. She was riveted and couldn’t find more. A mystery had always appealed to her. This one was full of details without any real answers. Before the night was over she’d have some of those blanks filled in.

  “Not really. They wanted to wait to unveil it until it was built. When it’s completed, there will be a ceremony with the name announced.”

  Was this how Alice ended up falling down that blasted rabbit hole? Her curiosity led her to a strange land, and Dani was starting to understand her fascination. She’d have happily followed that damn white rabbit for answers too. There was a story here, and she intended to uncover it.

  “You really have no clue?” she had to ask. “You said you talked to him. Surely he mentioned it to you.”

  He remained silent. His lips pressed together tightly.

  “You do know!” She turned to him and shouted. “Spill it, Sousa.”

  He shook his head. “It’s not my place to say.”

  How could she get him to tell her? She was dying to know. “Ren, please tell me. I won’t tell anyone else.”

  Damn man. Why did he have to keep this one secret from her? There’d been a time when he told her everything. At least she’d believed he did. She was starting to believe she didn’t know as much as she thought about her friend. The way he acted, he’d always wanted her and she’d never seen it. Had she been that blind? Not to see what was right in front of her all that time. He’d played the part well. Dating Jessica was a big obstacle, and if he’d wanted her why bother with another girl? None of it made sense, and she was tired of trying to figure it all out. That was a mystery that would unfold when she was ready to see the truth. This was different and safer. It wouldn’t lead her to pain.

  “You know you want to tell me.”

  “What will you give me if I tell you?” His lips twitched. The jerk was trying not to smile.

  This was something she could work with. “What do you want?”

  His face finally lit up with a bright, wicked smile. It didn’t bode well, but she was willing to give in to find out what the wing would be called. For some reason she needed to know it. She wouldn’t be able to explain it if she tried.

  “How about a boon of my choosing when I decide to claim it.”

  “Hmmm…” That could be dangerous, much more than she thought it would be. “I’m not sure.”

  “I guess you don’t want the name as much as you insisted.”

  Hell. He knew her too well. She’d played right into his hands. If she hadn’t been too eager she might have gotten it for nothing. Now she’d have to damn near sell her soul to get him to give it up.

  “All right,” she begrudgingly agreed. “You have a deal.”

  He pulled into the front of the hotel hosting the event and parked in front of the valet. Ren stepped out of the car and handed the attendant his keys. Once he pocketed his receipt he opened her door and helped her out. When was he going to tell her? Her patience was running thin.

  “I’m glad you decided to accept my terms.” He wrapped his arm around her waist leading her inside. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “Not until you fulfill your end of the bargain.”

  “You’re right. A deal’s a deal.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Ella’s Haven.”

  Dani heart skipped a beat. Ella’s Haven—it had a nice ring to it. She’d have given anything to have something resembling that when she was little. She envied Ella Brady and longed to belong to a family. She couldn’t help but wonder what happened to her. Maybe one day she’d find out. It was a weird fascination she couldn’t quite explain. A shiver ran down her spine and a coldness set in. A sense of dread filled her. She shook it away as foolishness. It was nothing. She’d let it go; the chance of something bad happening was next to zero.

  As far as Ella Brady’s situation—it didn’t concern her. She was a girl she’d never met and never would. It was nice she’d be remembered. The Brady family must have loved her a great deal for them to do so much in her name. Jealousy over a lost little girl was a new low, even for her. She shouldn’t long for something she’d never had.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ren led Dani into the banquet hall. Sparkling lights were strung up throughout the room giving it a fairy tale appearance. It had a romantic feel that filled her with giddiness. She’d always balked at fundraisers and had no clue how to act at them. It hadn’t occurred to her to do any research. She’d jumped in head first and had no choice but to follow Ren’s lead.

  Dani leaned into Ren and asked, “What exactly can I expect from this evening?”

  “There will be lots of alcohol offered in an attempt to loosen the attendees’ grips on their wallets.” The tips of his fingers brushed over her hand softly as he held it in his grasp. “There’s also dancing, a silent auction, and h’orderves being passed about.”

  She scanned the room. There wasn’t a person in the room she recognized. At least she had Ren. It didn’t matter if she was familiar with anyone else. Meeting Sullivan Brady and spending the evening with Ren were her purposes for attending.

  “Come dance with me,” Ren demanded.

  She laughed. “Don’t you want to mingle first?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. You’re the only person here that matters to me.”

  She hugged him close. “Then let’s dance.”

  A flash of their first dance floated through her mind. The one time he’d held her close and made her feel like a princess. She’d imagined, for a brief moment, he’d loved her and no one else was in his life. Of course, back then, he’d had a girlfriend. Now he was free and all hers. All she had to do was reach out and claim him. The opening strands of an old country song filled the room. One that invoked even more memories within her, it was magical. The tiny lights were like blinking stars on the night sky. She floated in Ren’s arms as they spun around the dance floor. The rest of the world disappeared, and for a few minutes all the world was right. If it all ended tomorrow, she’d have this one moment in time to hold on to. It was all worth it to experience the whirl of dancing in Ren’s arms. Magic had nothing on the feeling that overtook her. Dani wouldn’t have missed it for anything. When she glanced up and met Ren’s gaze his own happiness reflected back at her.

  “This is how it always should’ve been.” He pulled her closer. The heat from his hands on her back burned through her. She wanted to get lost in his touch and forget about all the problems of the world. “If only I’d been braver.”

  She took in his words, shocked at his own admission. They’d both had their own demons to work through. Fear held them both in check. Had he been equally afr
aid to lose her as she’d been of losing him? What they had here was a failure to communicate. If they had any chance of going forward, they’d have to break down that wall. It was funny how in hindsight she could pinpoint where she’d gone wrong. Dancing in his arms, she could clearly see the moment of no return. When she’d decided they’d be better off as friends. That was a decision that had altered their course irrevocably.

  “I don’t think you’re alone in that feeling.” She reached up and wound her arms around his neck, pulling him down to place a soft kiss on his lips. “You followed my lead. I’m the real coward. All we can do is see where we go from here.”

  She swallowed back her urge to run away again. Nothing terrified her more. Opening her heart to the possibility of a future with Ren petrified her. The pain of losing him would be too much. Over time, she hoped it would ease as she became more comfortable with the idea of having his love focused on her. Something she’d never dared to imagine. The strands of the music died. It was as if they were at the prom all over again. They were lost in each other and no one else mattered. This time there was no Jessica to break the spell.

  “I suppose we should move off the dance floor,” he whispered in her ear. “I rather enjoy holding you.”

  She laughed lightly. “You don’t have to let me go once we move away. Dancing isn’t the only reason to keep me close.”

  They headed toward the other end of the ballroom. A waiter stopped and offered them champagne. Ren grabbed two glasses and handed one to her. She took a sip. The bubbles tickled her nose and made her feel giddy, or maybe it was the joy she couldn’t restrain. Ren gave her a reason to let go and enjoy what life had to offer. A weight she hadn’t realized she carried was suddenly lifted off her shoulder. They could do this. All she had to do was keep the past where it belonged. If she didn’t look back or question anything, she could have it all.

  “It’s good to see you outside of the hospital,” the nurse with striking auburn hair said as she approached them.


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