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One Heart to Give (Heart's Intent Book 1)

Page 13

by Brower, Dawn

  “Oh, we’re going to end it, but there will be nothing friendly about it.” He sneered. “You should be dead. This is what happens when you delegate. Let that be a lesson to you. Don’t trust others to do a job you can do better yourself.” He kept moving toward her with purpose. “The person I hired couldn’t stomach killing a little girl. So they paid someone to make you disappear into the foster system. I found out when he confessed all to me a few hours ago. He claimed it was the only way to ensure the Brady family never found you. He figured it was a win-win situation. I got what I wanted and you would be allowed to live out your life. No one should have been able to figure it out. The stupid man didn’t count on your resemblance to your mother. To think you’ve been under my nose all this time.” He laughed evilly. “If I’d met you sooner it would have been clear to me. Instead, I insisted on dealing with your partner. It’s rather ironic when you think about it.”

  He pulled out a gun from his jacket and pointed it at her. She froze in place. What the holy hell was going on? Why did he want to kill her? Even if she was the missing Ella Brady that didn’t make sense. At least he couldn’t claim this was all because he believed she’d done a shoddy job on his case. Damn Sullivan for not telling her everything. If he’d warned her who was responsible for her kidnapping maybe she’d have been prepared for this. Anderson Nettles had her at a disadvantage. He knew everything, and she had a limited amount of information to go on.

  “Violence never solved anything. Put the gun away before someone gets hurt.” She held her hands up. “I’m begging you. Please.”

  “Violence can solve a lot if you do it right.” He laughed. “You had to know you couldn’t hide forever, Ella.”

  What did he gain from her death? She’d only found out she was Ella Brady earlier today. How had he gotten the information so fast? It wasn’t common knowledge. She was left with one option. Stall—and for as long as possible. It was the one thing she could do. Maybe if she got lucky she’d find a way out of the mess she found herself in. When she saw Sullivan again she planned on screaming at him and punching him in the face. She blamed him for the situation. Why had he run away without telling her all she needed to know? His reason had been he’d dumped enough on her. Surely he’d have realized at some point Anderson Nettles might realize who she was and act on it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Play dumb, Dani. He might believe you’re clueless. He doesn’t have a lot of faith in female’s intelligence. “I’m Dani Brosen.”

  If she’d had more time, she might have been able to do something to avoid this situation. Now all she could do was pray she could talk him out of murder. What were her chances of that happening? They didn’t look good with her staring down the barrel of a gun. One click on the trigger from Mr. Nettles and there would be no more Dani Brosen left in the world. She wouldn’t have a chance to meet her family. There would be no deciding if she wanted to know them. He’d take that all from her. He’d already done it once. She’d not allow him to do it again.

  “Drop the act. I know Sullivan Brady came to see you early. If that hadn’t sent up red flags, my spy in the Brady household sure did.” He kept moving toward her. The distance was closing between them, and before she knew it he was a mere two feet in front of her. “Are you ready to die?”

  She took a calming breath. If she kept him talking long enough maybe she could find a way out of the situation. “Even if I am Ella Brady, why would you want to kill me?”

  “Because he’s going to lose everything he owns to you.” Sullivan breezed into her office. “And now he’s going to prison.”

  Anderson Nettles froze. “I should have known you’d show up. You’re always dogging my heels. But you’re too late. Your sister’s going to die, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. At least you get a front row seat to see her end. When I’m done with her, I’ll take care of you.”

  “No, don’t hurt him.” She may not know Sullivan, but she didn’t want to see him wounded either. There had to be a way to get through to Anderson Nettles. “I will sign anything you want. You can have whatever it is I’m supposed to be taking from you. I don’t want it.”

  “I don’t need anything from you. As long as you die, it’s mine. You’re not officially Ella Brady. When you die, you’ll be Daniella Brosen, attorney at law. The Brady family hasn’t had time to resurrect you from the dead. With your demise, I keep my company and can forget you ever existed.”

  Oh shit. She was supposed to inherit Nettles Unlimited? That was almost as shocking as having a gun pointed at her. No, the gun was worse. Still she could do without both. All she wanted was to live a normal live and continue to love Ren. Was that too much to ask?

  “As if I’d want your company,” she scoffed. “It has been run by you. It has to be tainted by your evil.”

  “Then it’s good you’ll never have it.” He cocked the gun and raised it. “Time to say goodbye to your sister, Sullivan.”

  Sullivan had been inching closer to Anderson. But he wasn’t close enough to stop him from pulling the trigger. A loud boom filled the room, followed by a burning pain in her chest. Dani glanced down as blood spread over her white blouse, turning it a dark red. Her hands were shaky as she touched the crimson stain. It was surreal as she stared down at the red liquid on the tips of her fingers.

  Dani hit the ground before she knew she was falling.

  “Noooo,” Sullivan yelled and jumped Anderson. He punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. That didn’t stop him from pummeling him even more. He kept beating him over and over again. His face was tinged with red as his fists hit Anderson until he knocked him out.

  “Stop,” Dani managed to croak out the word. It was barely above a whisper. Sullivan didn’t seem to hear her. She tried it again. “Stop. Sull…” She couldn’t voice his full name. Dani choked over it as she spit out the liquid pooling in her mouth.

  “Oh my God,” he rushed over to her side and kneeled before her. “Hang on, Dani. We will get you help. Don’t die on me.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket at hit something on the screen. She assumed he was calling for help. “Yes I need an ambulance as soon as possible. My sister’s been shot. Her attacker is unconscious too. Please hurry.” He set the phone down and stared down at her. There was so much worry etched on his face. If Dani had the strength, she’d comfort him. She was losing all feeling in her body; it almost felt like she was floating. His hand shook as he brushed it over her hair. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this.”

  I’m sorry too, Sullivan. She couldn’t say anything. Strength was draining from her. She’d finally found love. Ren was everything and more. Then she’d found out who her family was. Of course her life would have to fall apart. She was feeling way to damn good for something not to go wrong. A tear fell from her eye and trailed down her cheek. Why hadn’t she told Ren how much she loved him? What’d she been afraid of? Now she might never get a chance to tell him. If she had one regret, it was not opening up fully to him. If she made it through this horrible ordeal, the first thing she’d do was kiss him and tell him how much she loved him. God, please, don’t let me die.

  “Dani,” Ren shouted and ran to her side. “What happened,” he turned toward Sullivan and demanded. “I tried calling several times. No one is answering the phones around this place. Dani’s cell went right to voicemail.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been going crazy trying to reach her.”

  Sullivan sat back and let his head fall into his hands. “The bastard shot her. I wasn’t fast enough to stop it.”

  Ren shook as he ripped open her blouse. “The bullet’s still lodged inside her. She’s losing too much blood. I don’t like her color. I need something to put pressure on the wound.”

  “I will see what I can find.” Sullivan stood up and exited her office.

  The pain was lessening. Probably because she was dying, or maybe it was the shock. Dani had no idea what was going on. It all was surreal to her. This wasn�
��t really happening. Any moment, and she’d wake up from the nightmare she found herself in. She wasn’t really watching her brother and the man she loved talk about her. Nope. She’d wake up, any minute now. Why wasn’t she waking up from this damned awful dream already?

  “Can you talk?” Ren lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. “No, don’t try. I’m going to do everything I can for you. Don’t do something stupid and leave me now. I’ve finally found you again, and I’m not losing you now.”

  I love you too, Ren. If only she could say the word aloud one time. Then she could die in peace. Welcome to my shitty life. This is where every decision she made led her. If she hadn’t second guessed everything and trusted her instincts she’d not be lying on her office floor in a pool of her own blood. She might even be happy and have a family with Ren.

  “I found these hand towels. They will have to do until the paramedics arrive.” Sullivan kneeled back down beside her. “Hang on, squirt. Mom and Dad will never make it through losing you again.”

  Way to put the pressure on, Sullivan. Now she had to worry about hurting two people she didn’t remember. Ren was all that mattered. Parents whom she didn’t know would have to take a back burner.

  “Shut up,” Ren said with vehemence. “Don’t add any stress on her.” He glanced down at Dani. “I’m going to put pressure on your wound. It’s going to hurt.”

  She wanted to tell him she no longer felt any pain and to do his worst. But when he pressed down, gurgling screams echoed through the room. How wrong she’d been. The pain was so bad it swallowed her whole, until she saw nothing but blackness…

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I’m sorry, baby. So sorry,” Ren whispered as Dani lost consciousness.

  Her pulse was weak, but her breathing evened out. When he’d rushed into her office to find her bleeding from a gunshot wound, fear had seized him. He couldn’t lose her. His medical training kicked in and he focused on saving her. It was a relief to be able to do something to save her, and he would. She wasn’t going to leave him again. He needed her too much.

  “The paramedics are here,” Sullivan said.

  “Good, we need to get her to the hospital fast.” His gaze never left her. He monitored her closely, checking for any signs of distress. So far it looked good, but he couldn’t help but worry. Anything could happen, and it often did when least expected. “I have done all I can here. She’d going to need surgery to remove the bullet.”

  Sullivan’s gaze fell to Dani’s unconscious body. Worry lines furrowed above his brows. He lifted his hand and rubbed his mouth. His eyes were watery, and if Ren were to guess, the other man was fighting tears. He could relate. All he wanted to do was give into his worry. Break down and let the misery run free, but he couldn’t do that. Dani needed him to be strong.

  The paramedics rushed into the room. They kneeled down to check Dani. Ren kept his hand pressed against the white towel stained with her blood. Keeping pressure on the wound to stem the flow was imperative. He let them work and waited for them to start asking questions.

  “How long has she been unconscious?”

  “Less than five minutes,” Ren replied. “I’ve done a cursory exam. We need to move her now and get her to the hospital. The angle of the bullet went down through her lungs. I suspect she has a collapsed lung and fear the bullet may be lodged near her spine.”

  Before she passed out, her breathing had been ragged. The gurgling sound was a clear indicator something was wrong with her lungs. When he checked the injury, and realized there wasn’t an exit wound he feared where the bullet landed inside of her. He kept focused and made sure she didn’t suffer because of his anxiety. She came first. Always.

  The paramedic nodded. “You’re probably right. Let’s get her on the gurney.” They worked together to keep her stabilized and lift her onto the stretcher. Once she was secured, they rolled her out of the office.

  “I’m going with her,” Sullivan announced.

  “Like hell you are. Stay here and deal with the authorities, and then follow in your own vehicle to the hospital. I’m going with her.”

  Sullivan clenched his fists at his sides. “She’s my sister. I’m family.”

  God save him from idiots. Ren shook his head. Instead of giving into the instinct to hit Sullivan Brady, he took a deep breath and reasoned with him instead. He wouldn’t back down without solid grounds for doing so. This was not the time to get into a punching match with Dani’s newfound brother.

  “I don’t give a damn what you are to her. She doesn’t know you.” Ren glared at him. “Besides that fact, I’m a doctor and her best chance of making it to the hospital. I’m going with her. Do her a favor and pull your head out of your ass. Think about what she needs, not what you do.”

  Sullivan frowned and ran his fingers through his dark hair. It was a disheveled mess. Ren was afraid they both had lost years off their life watching Dani bleed out. “You’re right. Intellectually I know that…” He glanced over Ren’s shoulder. “It’s hard for me to let go. I protect those I care about, and I did a horrible job of it today. It’s my guilt coming out. Go with her. I will wrap things up here and call my parents. They need to know what’s going on. When I’m done I will head to the hospital,” he paused and stared Ren directly in his eyes. “Don’t mess up, Sousa. I’m counting on you to make sure my sister survives this.”

  Ren nodded. He didn’t need a warning from Dani’s newfound older brother. This was by far the most important thing he’d ever do, if he accomplished nothing else for the rest of his life, he’d make sure Dani survived. “Do your job and I’ll do mine.” He spun on his heels and headed toward the ambulance. He couldn’t think about Sullivan or Dani’s parents. They didn’t figure into anything as far as he was concerned. Not at that moment in time anyway. Dani’s family would eventually be important to her, but she would have to live to make that determination. Ren hopped into the ambulance and took a seat next to the stretcher.

  One of the paramedics tapped the driver seat and said, “Let’s go.”

  The trip to the hospital seemed to take forever before they pulled in front of the emergency room doors. Ren hopped out of the ambulance first and headed in as the paramedics rolled Dani inside. He barked orders and everyone started moving. They all gathered supplies and met in one of the exam rooms.

  “Ren, you can’t work on her.” Lana placed her hand on his shoulder. “You’re too emotionally invested.”

  Hell, he knew she was right, but he didn’t want to admit it. His love for her was the reason he wanted to be the one to help her. He had to make sure she survived. Ren pushed her hand off his shoulder and went to Dani’s side. “I have to do something.”

  “Be reasonable. She will get the best possible care. You know it,” she pleaded.

  He didn’t look up at her. Dani might die. Couldn’t she see why he had to stay by her side. What if the last thing she remembered was him causing her further pain? She had to make it. Ren had to be the one to make sure she did. He owed it to her. “She needs me,” he whispered.

  Lana pulled at his arm. “Let go. I will stay with her for every step.”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Fighting to be in the operating room wouldn’t help Dani. He had to do what was best for her. Hadn’t he said something similar to Sullivan? It was time to let go of his need to control the situation and have someone else take care of Dani. As much as he hated to admit it, there was one person he could count on to perform the procedure. “Call Dr. West. Have him come in to do the surgery. She’s going to need the best, and he’s the only one I trust to help her.”

  She nodded. “I’ll make the call, but you need to go now. Let everyone do their job.”

  Ren clenched his hands into tight fists and nodded. He couldn’t trust himself to speak. The urge to break down was too close to the surface. Without a word he spun on his heels and exited the room. He headed to his office. When he got there he was stunned to find Jessica waiting for him.

nbsp; “What do you want?” He spat the words at her. The last thing he needed was to deal with his ex-wife. “I don’t have time for you today. Go away.”

  “Please, don’t push me away,” she pleaded. “I’m not here to bother you. I want to help. I heard about Dani.”

  He ignored her and pushed past her, heading to his desk. Ren sat and sighed as the weight of all that worried him descended upon him. He’d come to his office for peace and quiet. To have privacy for when he lost it—now he’d have to hold it in longer to deal with Jessica. Damn it. She always turned up at the worst times.

  “I don’t need your false pretense of sympathy.” He glared at her. “I know you hated her—hate her.” He caught himself. Referring of Jessica’s dislike of Dani in the past tense wasn’t a good sign. She’d pull through the surgery. Ren refused to believe anything less.

  “My feelings for Dani don’t matter. Yours do. You’ve always loved her.” Her gaze didn’t waver as she stared at him. “You didn’t think I knew that, did you? I’m not an idiot. She was always there and you dropped everything for her. Your supposed best friend.” She snorted. “What fantasy world did you live in? If she hadn’t left, we never would have made it past senior year together. I should have ended things between us as soon as I realized it, but I’d fallen in love with you. If you’d looked at me once the way you did her things could have been so different between us.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you through that. You did deserve better.” Even if she had cheated on him, Ren realized he wasn’t innocent in the dissolution of their marriage. He never loved Jessica the way he loved Dani. “If we’d talked about this years ago, we could have saved each other a lot of unnecessary hurt.”

  She smiled softly. “It’s part of growing up. We have to learn from our mistakes. I’m finally starting to understand that myself. I’ve done a lot of introspection lately. I’ve not liked what I’ve seen.” She frowned. “But that’s not why I’m here. I will work through my own issues later and focus on liking who I am. Right now I want to be here for you.” She stared down at her hands and fidgeted. “I have a confession to make, and you’re not going to like it. I did something…” She paused and took a deep breath. “This is probably not the best time to dump it on you, but I wanted to let it all out once and for all. It’s time to make peace and move on.”


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