Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Page 18

by S. K. Logsdon

  “Sorry I forgot to put a shirt on.”

  I shake my head. “No, no, roomy. I knew you’d be nice to see under that shirt but I guess I didn’t expect you to look that good and have so many intricate tats. That is beautiful.” I point to the large Virgin Mary on his right side. He must be catholic if he has so many religious tattoos, like these.

  He smiles shyly and rubs his tattoo. “It won’t happen again.” He apologizes again.

  “Calvin James I’m your roomy now, I was bound to see you without a shirt sometime. I just wanted to say it’s a pleasant sight. Now take the compliment and stop worrying. Will ya? Now what did you come in for?”

  “Johnathan just called me twice he’s freaking out again because you’re not answering your phone.” I go to grab it off the nightstand. “But he said someone got a hold of his phone when he was out partying and send you some texts. So he warned me you’d be mad and after you get done reading them to call him. He’s seriously freaking out.”

  “Okay, if I’m going to be mad can you please look at them with me? Come over and sit down.” I pat the bed.

  “You want me to crawl into bed with you?” he raises a brow surprised.

  “James if your feet stink I promise I won’t mind.” I laugh. “Plus this won’t be the first or the last time you lay in bed with me. Now come on, might as well do it. If I don’t have Stacy anymore then you are going to have a big pair of shoes to fill. He played the girlfriend and boyfriend. In the friends department.”

  He walks over and slides in next to me under the covers.

  “I don’t do men so I can’t play the girlfriend. You have Claire now for that. But I will play the guy friend or the big brother or whatever. I’m here. I’m your family. But please tell me you have shorts on under these covers.”

  I giggle and pull up my edge of the covers to look at my panties. “Nope.” I throw them back down.

  “Oh sweet Jesus Emily. I can’t lay in bed with a woman and they not have shorts or pj bottoms on.”

  I turn and pat his arm with my hand. “I have panties on and I promise I never wear thongs. So you’ll only have to get used to the bras and panties, full butted ones.”

  He flings his back against my headboard, it bounces off the wall and he sighs loud. “When I asked you to move in I guess I didn’t think what it was like to live with a woman. Do you have to run around in panties and a bra? You know even if I don’t want it to I will probably get a boner.”

  I rest my hand on his thigh outside of the blanket and scoot closer to him. He moves closer to the side of the bed away from me.

  “What are you doing Emily?” he’s nervous.

  “I’m going to show you what it’s like to be a friend with a woman. It doesn’t have to be about sex. Now stay by me and we’re going to cuddle a little and you’re going to read these texts with me. Please.” I ask gently. Man he isn’t used to this. I wonder how long it’s been since he’s had any woman in his life? Probably not the best time to ask.

  “It doesn’t have to be about sex Em. I know. But it is about sex. I am very male. I’m not like Stacy. I can control whether I try to sleep with you but I can’t control what happens between my legs. It has a mind of its own.”

  “Is he excited now?” I hold back a giggle. This is funny and he’s going to get used to this. Once it becomes a normal thing it doesn’t matter as much. Then the boners will cease. It’s kind of flattering though. He’s an attractive man too. If I didn’t have Johnathan I might try to sleep with James. Man, three months ago I would have never said that. I was hiding from myself. My sexuality has come full circle. I’m proud of that in a strange way.

  He gulps. “Yes.” His voice cracks.

  “Well, that’s okay. Once you get used to me being around and when I get fat. It won’t happen as much or if at all.” I try to reassure him.

  He barks a laugh. “Yeah, I know myself and I highly doubt that. But get over here I know you’re not going to stop until you get what you want.” He opens up the side of his arm for me to tuck under it. And I do. His skin is extra warm and he smells like cedar and soap. All men should smell like James. It’s so soothing.

  “You smell really nice.” I say tucking my nose against his bare chest inhaling him again.

  “See you want me to get used to this. But when you say that my male part jumps. So that kind of talk is off-limits. Old grannies with saggy breasts. Okay. Telling me I smell good with that sweet voice, not so good.”

  I laugh and nuzzle into him. I love his warmth. “So I guess it’s not okay to tell you I think your skin is soft and beautiful? Either.”

  He groans. “Nope. Not that either. Now open those texts before you say or do something that makes me have to use the restroom to relieve myself.” He says sternly in a militant voice.

  “Ok, sorry” I feel like I’m being scolded by my mother.

  I press on my phone. I have six missed calls and seven texts. And my phone tells me its four twenty-three in the morning. Man, it’s early.

  I clear the missed call off the main page and go to the text.

  J- Man your boyfriend is so fucking hot. I can’t believe he’s sucking my tits right now.

  J- That tattoo by his cock is so hot. Do you lick it much? It tastes salty.

  Fucking bitch! Johnathan has a tattoo on the skin above where his balls and cock are it’s of a treble clef with flames behind it. It looks 3D and it’s about the size of a tangerine.

  J- Picture Message-

  There’s a picture of a woman’s tits up close and white sperm all over them.

  J- Picture Message-

  There’s a picture of Johnathan sitting on a loveseat. His shirt is off. His pants are off. His head is tilted back and his arm over the back of the loveseat. There’s a woman sitting next to him topless, the same woman’s tit’s I just saw. Her head is laying on his shoulder and her hand his cupping his cock over his boxers. It’s not hard, hard but it might be a semi. I can’t see it that close.

  J- See your man and I just had so much fun. Maybe he’ll let me fuck him next.

  J- Nope guess he decided he wanted to eat my pussy instead. – Attached photo.

  The photo is of this nasty woman’s pussy and it’s all wet. The bitch isn’t even shaven properly. GROSS!

  J- Man he eats good pussy. I gave him my number. It’s in his phone. He wanted you to know that he’s done with you. Guess he’s moved onto bigger and better things. Sorry. L

  James steals the phone out of my hands and runs through the photos and texts again. He’s not happy either. And I’m steaming pissed. Either he did all those things. Or he let a woman take a photo of him and make me think he did them. Either way it’s pretty fucked up.

  “What do I do?” I ask James. He’s clinching my phone hard in his hand. His knuckles are turning white. I tilt up to look at his face and his jaw is locked. I reach over the rub his knuckles to have him let go of my three hundred dollar phone. He lets me take it from him, and he sucks in a deep breath and let’s is out slowly. His body shaking the whole time.

  I ask him again “What do I do?”

  “Emily do you like putting up with this stuff …with him? Over and over and over. Isn’t it exhausting?” he asks his voice is angry and his face suggests he’s more than that.

  “Yes, but I can’t let him go. Not now. I love him a lot.” I pout.

  “I know.” He pushes my head to his warm chest to comfort me. I inhale his soothing scent. “But he doesn’t deserve you when this happens just about every single time you’re around him. How is it possible that one person creates this much drama? It seems unrealistic. Yet, it happens again, over and over.”

  “I know right? It’s crazy. One hour he’s fantastic and the next he’s on drugs, fucking a woman in his hotel room. Then he’s planning to marry another. Then he’s impregnated one and came on a woman’s chest and sucked her pussy. It’s exhausting and that’s not including his mood swings, and nightmares and overall weirdness because of his past
.” I say calmly.

  I guess it’s seems more comical if you look at it from afar. It’s heartbreaking if you let it get to you. But at the same time how can one person be that stupid? It’s funny. I start to laugh and laugh and laugh some more. Tears are pouring down my eyes and dripping onto James’s warm chest and down his abs.

  “Are you alright?” he asks seriously.

  I chuckle and wipe my tears. “Yes… It’s just funny. What kind of idiot puts up with all that for love? Me. I’m the idiot.” I bust up laughing some more. Man it feels fantastic to let loose like this. I slow down and take in a deep breath. “Sorry I needed that.”

  He sweetly pats my back. “It’s alright Emily. I’ve seen you freak out at the rehab center because of him. I think I like the laughing better.”

  I wrap my arms around him the best I can from the side. He’s so soft and hard the same time. And he’s warm like his own thermal blanket.

  “Do you use blankets when you sleep?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “Now how in the world did you come up with that question?”

  I shrug. “I just notice you’re so warm. I don’t mean just your personality but your body. Every time I hug you it’s like I’m hugging a heating pad.”

  “Well to answer your question. Yes I do. But only a sheet. It’s flannel. And I’m so warm because I’m a werewolf didn’t you know?” he chuckles again and I sniff his warm skin. I love the smell of cedar.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of cotton sheets? And two thousand thread count? Or silk? And you may look like Taylor Lautner but you’re not a werewolf. You’re not hairy enough.” I tease. Holding back a laugh.

  “I’m a dude, we only do flannel. I couldn’t even begin to guess how to pick out normal non-bachelor sheets. And I look like Taylor Lautner? Are you crazy? I’m bigger than him and way hotter.” He scoffs a sarcastic laugh, hugging me to him, his head tilted back resting against the wall above the short headboard.

  “Well if you want better sheets I’ll help pick them out. And yeah you’re right you are hotter.” I poke his side and look up to his face to see his reaction to my compliment. He doesn’t do them well.

  He blushes with a shy smile. “I am not.”

  “Yes you are but that’s okay. Believe what want hairless werewolf.”

  He squeezes my side with his giant hand and I squeal a laugh. It tickles like crazy.

  “So what do I do about Johnathan?” I press. I know we kind of got off topic but the whole reason I have this beefy hunk in my bed is to look at the texts with me.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  My phone rings ‘Hush my love now don’t you cry, everything will be alright, close eyes and drift in dream, Rest in peaceful sleep.’ It sings.

  I changed Johnathan’s ringtone today in the car because he sang it to our babies. Maybe that’s why I didn’t hear it when I was sleeping. It’s rather soothing. I should change it maybe to I fuckin hate you: By Godsmack. That’s perfect song that I love and might end up fitting our life again soon.

  James grabs my phone and accepts the call but turns it on speaker.

  “This is the James residence how may I help you?” I say all smooth and shit.

  “Oh shit baby, I’m glad you picked up.” Johnathan says. “I’ve called James phone trying to get a hold of you.” He’s breathing heavily into the receiver.

  “I know he woke me up. He’s lying in bed with me right now.” I make it a point to say it to piss him off. I’m none too happy with him right now.

  Johnathan growls loudly into the phone. Yep I know it would make him mad.

  “Am I on fucking speakerphone? It’s echoing.” He barks

  “Why yes you are fine sir. How may I help thee at four in the morning?” I ask sarcastically, my bitchiness is flaring up. I gaze up to James’s face and he has a pursed lip smile adoring his face. Looking like he’s holding back a laugh. Which in turn makes me hold back one too. He pinches my side and I yelp.

  “What the fuck is going on there Emily?” he demands into the phone with a growl. Now he’s the werewolf. Not hairy enough to be one either. But he sounds like one a lot of the time.

  “Why nothing dear sir. If thy has naught to speak of. I shall fair thee gentleman a goodnight.”

  Damn I’m pretty good at this Shakespearian dialog. One up for Em!

  “No you shall not fair me goodnight. I’m not done speaking with you. Now stop being an ass and take me off speaker.” He is pissed. I am pushing his buttons. GOOD! I’m not a huge fan of waking up a four with a pussy and tit pictures on my phone.

  “I shall naught take thee jackass off thy speaker. In the house of Sir Calvin James thy household is privy to….” Oh, shit I can’t think of a word to say. “Privy to such talk amongst friend or foe.”

  “Fine. If thy man who is in thy bed with my lady would like to be privy to thy conversation then he better keep his hands off my lady. Or Sir James might just find himself… hum… how do you say it? Gutted like a stuck pig.” He snaps.

  Holy shit! He just threatened to kill James if he touched me. Ok, this has gone too far.

  I turn my head back up and glance at James and all he does is roll his eyes. I know Johnathan is strong and sexy. But in a fight to the death my money is on James. No offense to Johnathan but James has been trained.

  “Hello is my lady still present or has a cock caught her tongue?” his voice is raining with putrid acid.

  Oooo… He’s being a saucy motherfucker tonight. He does wrong and I’m the one who gets treated like the whore of Babylon. Fine, he wants a show I’ll give him a damn show.

  “Oh…. Yes…“ I moan and slap my lips together and lick my lips loudly. I glance at James and he throws his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. His eyes crinkle at the sides from how big he’s smiling. His face crimson.

  He growls into the phone. “Stop it now!” Johnathan barks.

  “Of fuck this cock tastes so fucking…. Mmmmmmm” I smack my lips some more. I shove my fingers in my mouth and make sucking noises and gurgling sounds like it’s a huge cock and it’s shoved all the way back. I do it all while trying not to break into a fit of laughter. I sit up so I can make it more authentic. I bang the headboard. “Oh…” I moan and slap my lips and lick around my fingers. “Fuck this cock is so good… Damn James you’re so big… I…. I…. Oh yes….” I huff and moan and act like I’m sucking his cock more using my own fingers.

  “FUCKING STOP IT RIGHT NOW EMILY!” Johnathan screams into the phone the loudest I’ve ever heard his. He’s breathing so loud it sounds like static. “RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!” he screams again. His voice echoes in the bedroom.

  “Well you said a cock caught my tongue. So I thought that’s what you wanted only providing the best show for you my liege.” I say calmly and smoothly.

  Fuck I am good! This will make him angrier. But hey, don’t talk to me like a whore and expect to get a good response.

  “You’re being a bitch.” He snarls.

  “Yes, but a faithful bitch. A pregnant carrying your two babies bitch. A bitch who made love to you three times yesterday morning bitch. A bitch you dealt with a lot from you bitch. A I-got-a-pussy-and-titties-on-my-phone bitch. Hum… Let’s see…. Would you like to add what other kinds of a bitch I am, my liege?” I rattle off calmly. I’ve got this Zen shit in the bag tonight. I haven’t yelled or raised my voice. I guess that’s what happens when you’re beyond tired and reached your bullshit limit of a lifetime.

  “I’m sorry I called you a bitch baby.” He says steady almost lovingly and his voice isn’t in dickhead territory it’s in oh-shit-I-really-screwed-up territory.

  “Would you like to state your business please? So I can go back to sleep. I have a date tomorrow night and I have to put my stuff away during the day.”

  “Who are you going on a date with?” he asks nicely.

  “None of your damn business. Now….So tell me why you are calling because your children need more sleep and so does their mother who just so happ
ens to be their incubator for the next twenty-seven weeks or less.” I sass but don’t yell.

  “I called to tell you that those photos weren’t what they looked like.”

  “Ok well they looked like you ejaculated on a woman’s chest. The same woman who stole your phone and took pictures of her wet pussy. And then one of her sitting next to you with her hand cupping your dick. I really don’t’ think those are made up. I mean, it would be hard to fake you in a pictures or sperm on a chest. The wet pussy not so much. I’m wet like that all the time without a mouth being on me.” I say it all so nonchalantly.

  Damn I’m awesome! I wish I could keep my cool this well all the time. Maybe it’s Mr. Smell-so-good next to me? He’s soothing.

  “Deacon titty fucked her and came all over her chest. Then he stole my phone after I passed out took the pictures with this chick and set it all up. I swear. I got hammered tonight and passed out in the hotel room where D and Keith were banging four chicks. Price was in his own room banging someone. I think. But anyhow, I drank a bunch of beers and some Jack. I passed out on the couch that the picture was taken on.” He explains almost but not quite desperately.

  “So you’re telling me that D did all this? Why? And how were you nearly naked in the pic if you didn’t do anything?” I question evenly. I am proud of my control tonight. Usually I fly of the handle and sass the shit out of him. But tonight after all that’s went down recently. I’m exhausted. It seems surreal in a since that just yesterday morning everything seemed like it was on the right track again. Then another curveball. Go figure.

  “We were playing strip shot poker with the four chicks. I was taking a bunch of shots and a beer to chase with. So I got a little too hammered and passed out on the couch afterward. D was already banging his one chick when I passed out. I couldn’t touch another girl baby. I only love you.” He lightly slurs. I guess I didn’t notice his drunken impediment. He doesn’t sound that bad.

  “Why did he do it?”

  “I dunno. Probably because he’s pissed at me because I fucked up shit with you. He thinks you’re hot and you won’t fuck him. So that makes you hotter to him. Shit, baby I don’t know. That’s just a guess. You should call and ask him. He’ll tell you. He’s not going to lie about all this. He’s a lot of shit but a liar isn’t it. At least not to you it seems.” I can sense the underlying fog of jealousy saturating his words.


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