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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

Page 24

by S. K. Logsdon

  “Yeah I’ll deal with them all later after I get back to normal and they all sober up.” I say as calmly as I can as I gaze into his lovely eyes.

  James escorts me from the plane with a sobbing drunken Johnathan and the rest of the inebriated band left to sleep off their drunkenness so they can finally go home.

  Chapter Thirty

  It’s officially Monday and I know the men have had time to sleep off their drunkenness. Not that it matters because I’m still hurt. Trust me there are a lot of things in the world that are painful. Like stubbing your toe, getting a tattoo, eating too much wasabi or cutting your finger with a knife. But when you hit the emotional pain wall it climbs to a whole different level. I can’t go on and on about how much crazy Johnathan has put me through. It’s been exactly a week since he’s been out of rehab and it’s already piling up.

  I think the conclusion that I have come to is that he needs help. No one is this destructive without serious mental problems. I knew he had the addiction issue but the rest is worse than being doped up on coke. We have two shows left of this tour and I can’t wait for them to be over and done with. I am going to go on a serious anti-Stricken vacation afterwards. Which of course James will have to attend and I will be dipping into my savings to go on. But it’s mandatory to keep my sanity.

  The main question I have been asking myself is how do you move past this problem in life? How do you move forward without taking a step back? Where do I want to go? What do I want to do? Does my future include Claire? Does it include Johnathan? Or Stacy? There are few things that I know for sure. One: I am going to be a mom. Two: I have James as my bodyguard who’s always going to have my back. Three: I have the best parents in the world. Four: I have the best lesbian girlfriend ever. And five: I have to fix this problem with Stacy, or try to at the very least.

  I’ve been lying in James’s bed that I have officially taken over since I woke up three hours ago. I haven’t left the room and James is off dealing with Stricken errands. I gave him the go-ahead to keep busy. It’s not like I have much going on in terms of things to do, other than wallow in self-pity and sadness. Which sounds pretty good right now. I’ve gotten a bunch more texts from Johnathan which is typical after he screws up and all I can think about is texting Stacy. But it’s Monday and I know he’s going to be at work doing his thing to keep this band the hottest around.

  Beep Beep Beep – More texts. My phone keeps going off every five minutes or so with new ones. I haven’t checked them in about two hours for obvious reasons.

  I roll over and retrieve my phone from the log nightstand. I should probably get up and eat after this. I haven’t fed the lemons today and my tummy is growling.

  I slide my phone screen to come on and I’ve got twenty six messages… three from Claire, two from James, and one from Stacy. Holy cow Stacy texted me. I think we might have some ESP. I was just thinking about him and the rest are all from Johnathan of course. No wait there’s two from D.

  Claire- Miss you babe hope you’re doing okay today. Johnathan is stupid to cheat on you. XOXOXOXO

  Claire- Sending over a present should arrive around two hope your home to sign for it. Many kisses.

  Claire- Let me know you’re okay when you get the chance. Tell Anna I miss her a lot. I can’t stop thinking about her today or you of course. I’ll be in the office until late. But text me anytime I’ll be in meetings till four.

  Oh my Claire, my sweet-sweet Claire. Could a woman be any more perfect? I don’t think so. It’s a little after one so my gift will be arriving in the next hour. I wonder what she’s sending me? I still have the flowers which I left in the living room. And last night after James brought me back I ate all the chocolate while I cried and watched 27 Dresses on TV. I love that movie. Total chick flick and believe it or not James sat and cuddled and watched it with me too. He’s such a sap and a sweetheart. I love him.

  I guess it’s time to let Claire know that Anna misses her too. I have no want or need to be horny today. I hope the pounding in my core stays away for a few days. That would be nice. But I don’t see it happening. Although thinking about Claire it makes the wetness seem okay. It washes away the thoughts of the man I love having his ten inch cock stroked by another woman. That above all else will be imprinted in my brain forever.

  Me to Claire- You shouldn’t be sending me gifts. Keep the money for yourself beautiful. Thank you though. Anna misses you too. She always does. I think she needs kisses to make her feel better. As for me, I’m alright. I think I’m going to spend the day in bed and mope. Don’t worry though I’ll eat and the babies are fine. I think I’ve gained weight even since yesterday. Those chocolates were delicious sweetie. Sending you lots of hugs and sloppy pussy kisses. XOXO.

  Moving down the line in my phone.

  James- I won’t be home until late. Sorry. If you need something call and I will come home ASAP. Also, let me know if those babies are craving anything and I’ll pick them up before I come home tonight. If you’re asleep when I get back I’ll try not to wake you.

  James- Haven’t heard back from you. Hope that means you’re sleeping and not having a meltdown. Get back to me Em, so I know you’re okay. I hate being away this long.

  James my bodyguard best friend. Who’s old enough to be my dad but too hot to think of that way. Talk about a total mind fuck when you spend your night cuddling watching a chick flick with probably thee nicest man on the planet. Who could have birthed you into existence and the whole time you’re thinking about how any woman would be lucky to have him. His niceness and sweetness is out of this world. Stacy’s always been nice too but he’s also forward and bitchy in his own way. But he’s also loving and wonderful. Man, I miss him. But James isn’t bitchy. He’s patient and super loving and soft as a bear. He’s my teddy bear that smells like cedar and has stinky feet. Which by the way since I’ve lived with him he hasn’t once freaked out about taking his boots off around me. I’m not going to say he hasn’t changed socks as soon as he does, but he’s a work in progress.

  Me to James- I’m fine don’t worry. It’s okay if you’tr home late I’m spending the day in our bed. Going to read and grab a bite to eat soon from the kitchen. Don’t worry the babies aren’t craving any foods today. Maybe a teddy bear to cuddle with by the name of James though. So make sure if I’m asleep when you crawl into bed wake me. I want some thermal, soft skin time. Be safe and don’t stress too much. C-ya later alligator.

  Next in line

  Deacon- Texting to say I’m sorry again for the way things went down yesterday. I’m even sorrier you had to witness J that way. If you need anybody to talk with I’m here.

  Deacon- Oh, since you wouldn’t know this. J after you left cried for like an hour then passed out in the chair. Been a good boy since. Just in case you were wondering. Not that it matters. I just knew you might be thinking about what he was up to.

  My phone beeps and I’ve gotten another two texts back one from both my previous people. I think today might be a long day of communication if I keep this up. I don’t want that. I want to eat and read and chill out. Ok, got to cut all of this short.

  Me to D- Thanks for heads up. I’m not as mad at you as I am at J. And you’re right it doesn’t matter if he’s being good or not. But I always wonder. Good lookin’ out. Oh BTW I haven’t gotten around to ask. Were the pics on Thursday your doing?

  Honestly sometimes I ask myself what I did without a cell phone growing up. I got my first one when I was a teenager. But they are such a lifeline. I couldn’t be having four conversations going on simultaneously like this from all over city or country without my phone. It rocks!

  Time to see what James and Claire say.

  Claire- Nonsense I want to treat my girl right and with all the shit Johnathan has been pulling there’s no way I’m going to stop. You need to be pampered. I’m heading into a meeting now. I’ll give you a shout later. And I’m glad Anna misses me. Tell her I will give her lots of kisses soon. XOXOXO

s- I’m always safe. Working up a security plan with the crew you hired in S.D and a bunch of other stuff you don’t need to worry about. Your vitamins are in the cupboard make sure you take them. I bought some OJ this morning. I read if you take your prenatal’s with it they will absorb better. There’s also some salt and vinegar chips on the counter, the ones you like. And I’m not going to wake you if it’s too late. But if I get in at a decent time I will, so you can have some teddy bear time. Enjoy the bed. Text or call if you need me.

  Me to James- You are so sweet. I don’t care if it’s three in the morn wake me please. And I always need you. So I can’t text or call every minute of every day. Have a good day at work.

  I know I sound cheesy but it’s true. With all that’s been going on. James and Claire are my constants. I get my sex from Claire and my comfort from James. It works for all of us. Or I think it does and they don’t seem to be complaining.

  James- If you needed to talk or text me all day every day, you know I’d be there. And I will have a good day at work knowing you are safe lying in our bed eating chips and reading. Don’t leave the house today. Not even for Claire. There is too much drama surrounding the Johnathan stuff over the weekend and you don’t need to be spotted. I will wake you then when I get home after I shower. Now feed those babies and take your pill. Please.

  Hum….Drama and Johnathan that goes hand in hand. Must be some juicy stuff on the internet. After I finish these texts and eat I will be doing a search. If James is worried about me being roped in it must be some real good dirt.

  Now on to Stacy finally.

  Stacy- I’m sorry about this weekend. I know I omitted a lot of things in our friendship. I promise I will be more open and honest from now on. Just be my friend again. I’ve talked to James he said you’re adjusting to his apartment just fine. If you don’t like it you can always come back to me. I hope we can talk soon. I miss my best friend. Again I’m sorry especially about Johnathan. If you need me I’ll be there. Love you lots babe. Xoxo

  Awe, I miss Stace. Time to be best friends again but I’m not moving back in with him. I love James’s condo and my cuddle buddy too much to leave. Plus his bedroom retreat is something I would seriously kill for. It’s perfect in every way. From the smell, to the mattress, comforter, bed partner, lighting, mood, and every other bit. The only thing that could make it any better is a big fluffy dog sleeping next to me on the floor, a view of the mountains and a fireplace. Two of which I might consider talking to James about getting. A fireplace would do wonders for this room and I love dogs. Not sure if he does. But I know he likes fish. Fred his clown fish who lives in the living room in a giant tank is quite the socialite for a fish. James told me he named Fred after the Flintstones character because Pebble’s hair is a similar color to Fred. How cute is that?

  Me to Stacy- I miss you too. We should talk soon. If your free anytime this week that would be great. I know I said I’m not working with the band anymore but I have some PR stuff with some journalists to cover this week. I promised them a juicy story after Johnathan brought them to the plane for interviews and screwed it all up. And I know I freaked out on you but I do still love you too. Lots. But I like it at James’s, we share a bed and it’s been great being here. Don’t think I didn’t like living with you I did. But it’s nice here too and more convenient for him. Xoxoxo

  Moving on down to the last person on the list. Sadness fills my veins.

  Beep Beep Beep.

  Okay maybe not. I just got a text back from D about last Thursday. Fingers crossed.

  Deacon- Part of it was me. We had four ladies playing strip poker with us. The one pic I jizzed over the girl’s tits. The pussy shot she took. But the one with J, he was drunk as a skunk and put his arm out to take a pic with her since we’d already stolen his phone. Which BTW he thought was funny. Not until after he got sobered up a bit did he flip on me about letting him take that pic or let that chick use his cell. So ya, it was part me. But not all. He didn’t fuck any of the chicks. The one in the pic did fondle him for a bit but that’s it. He was in a great mood after you left and wanted to party to celebrate. Shit just got out of hand quick. Like always.

  See now all that makes sense. Gotta leave it up to D to be honest. Johnathan lied partially to keep his ass out of trouble. My guess is he tried to swear D to secrecy about the fondling and thought he might keep his trap shut. But D’s been on my side for a while now and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Which I guess is a good thing.

  Now! It’s Johnathan time.

  Last four texts oldest to newest

  J- Listen Em, I know you’re dodging my texts still but I’m sober now and I’m so sorry. Is your arm okay? Are the babies? You don’t have to listen to a word I say. I wouldn’t if I were you. I’ve crossed the line too many times. I don’t know why I keep doing this. One minute I’m worried you won’t be with me and I flip and do drugs or sleep with that Cassy chick. Then I have you and I sabotage it. I want you to know that I do love you. Even if it doesn’t seem that way. Hope to hear from you soon.

  J- Listen I know you’re living with James and I’m glad he’ll keep you safe. There was some shit in the news this weekend. It’s not pretty. And I know you’ll be mad. But I wanted to give you a heads up if you haven’t already heard. I miss you so much. Rub the babies for daddy. Please, tell them I love them even if I keep being a jerk to their mommy. Love you.

  J- Listen baby I love you. Please text me back. I’m dying over here without a word for days. I see you after I fuck up royally but we haven’t talked. I need to talk. You mean the world to me. I know I need more help than I realized. Please be with me and help me get through this. I have too many demons as it seems when I’m not drunk or high on pussy. I can’t keep doing this. I want to marry you and raise our children together. That’s all I want. You’re all the matters. I just keep fucking it up. Love you. Get back to me soon.

  J- Fuck baby. I can’t stop thinking about you it’s driving me crazy. I tried not to text for an hour and I thought I was going to die. I need to talk to you. I love you so damn much. My heart is broken without you near. My dick needs its mate. I know I can’t ask for this. But I’m going to. Can I come and see you today? I won’t talk. I’ll shut up. I just want to be inside of you. You said you need to pleasure yourself a lot. Let me do that for you. Use me. I deserve it. I want to be used. You can slap me and degrade me. I don’t care. Just let me be with you anyway I can. My cock doesn’t deserve you. But I will pleasure you however you want. I’m begging you please use me.

  This is Johnathan for ya. Sweet one minute, then slowly minutes pass and he gets antsier and frantic. He has some serious issues. I don’t even bother to read the past whatever messages I just delete them. They’ll all sound the same anyhow.

  I sit the phone down on the matress and slide out of bed. I’m wearing a pair of black panties and a white camisole. James’s isn’t home so I’ll be fine traipsing around in my lack of clothes. I hit the kitchen first, grab my chips and a banana, take my pill with the OJ James picked up for me. He seriously needs a girlfriend. I wouldn’t be able to share his bed anymore if he did. But he has the biggest heart and no one to share it with. It’s sad, really. I think maybe tonight during cuddle time I will talk to him about it why he doesn’t get out there. I can help make him an internet dating profile. That might work.

  Doorbell rings.

  Shit! I should have put some clothes on. I drop my food on the counter run into the bedroom and grab James’s robe from the back of his bedroom door. The doorbell rings again. I run back out into the living room and spy through the peephole, there’s a woman in a business suit on the other side.

  “Can I help you?” I yell through the door, still looking out of the peephole.

  “Are you Emily Bronwyn?” the woman asks.

  “Who wants to know?” I ask and gaze over at the clock it’s almost two. It must be the gift from Claire. Duh! Guess I’m just overly worried after that Johnathan and James both tex
ted. I open the door before I get an answer. Son of a bitch! She has a camera man behind her shooting photos of me.

  “Can I help you?” I bark. This is not good.

  “Are you the mother of rock star Johnathan Strikers babies?” The woman asks nicely holding out a small audio recording device. Thank the lord there’s a screen door between us.

  “Who are you and what do you want?”

  “I am Mary Jensen I work for the local news. There have been searches out to find you Emily Bronwyn for the past two days. All the local stations and magazines have been informed that you are in fact the rock stars girlfriend and are pregnant with his babies. Do you care to comment?”

  I’m have tempted to open the door and push her off the step. But that would make even worse press.

  A delivery car pulls up on the corner. Shit! Now my gift arrives. A man in a blue jumpsuit exits the vehicle with a giant basket in his are. He comes up the stairs and the reporter moves out of the way for him.

  “Are you?” he looks down to the tag. “Emily Bronwyn?” I nod and open the door. He hands me the basket and I shut it fast and lock it. Then I slam the front door shut in the reporters face. I have nothing to say and now I have to call James because my location has been compromised. Somebody knows about us and now I’m even more fucked! Damnit! So much for a peaceful day in bed.

  I put the beautiful basket down on the kitchen table before I even get a chance to pick through it. I run back into the bedroom and snatch my phone from the bed and call James.

  “Hey Emily what’s up?” he answers.

  I’m out of breath from so much running and my heart pounding in my chest.

  “Reporter just came to the house. I opened the door thinking it was a delivery from Claire that I was expecting.” I say as calm as I can. But I know I’m rushing my words.


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