Her Two Wolves
Page 151
He flew towards the mountains and quickly zoomed between two of them. Underneath him was a wide, calm, blue lake. Flying over it, he could see his own reflection. His long snout was lined with sharp teeth, the yellow and green scales that covered his body, the dark wings that stretched on either side of him. He flew over the lake, the water rippling from the beating of his wings.
This was his memory palace. The peaceful place that existed just in his mind. It was the place he went when he needed to calm the angry beast that was always lurking inside of him. His father had taught him this trick and he had been perfecting it his entire life.
The dragon was always in him. It was always angry. It always wanted to feed. It had taken Cain a long time to gain control over the dragon within him. But he was the master now. He was in control, but it was a constant fight. The dragon always wanted to come out. It never rested. It had been over eight years since he had last lost control and transformed. He wasn’t interested in ending that streak, he had to keep the dragon under control.
He couldn’t stop thinking about Michelle. Why did she have to be his attorney? Why couldn’t she have been a girl he had met at a club or a bar? Why did she have to be so good at her job and so perfect for him? It wasn’t fair. They belonged together. They would have been perfect together. But now she was going to date his best friend and there was nothing he could do about it.
Cain slammed his fist into the locker. The pain radiated from his knuckles up through his arm. A stinging, electric shock of pain that reverberated through his body. It didn’t help. It only made him angrier. The dragon inside of him was rearing up and screaming to be released.
Everyone was waiting for him on the ice. He had a training to get to. He was acting like a diva and slowing everyone down. But he didn’t want to train. Normally he couldn’t wait to get out onto the ice. He would be laced up well before the rest of the team. But today he felt tired and sluggish. The only thing he wanted to do was transform and fly, the one thing he couldn’t do.
He pushed himself up and off the bench. He felt weighed down, like he was carrying heavy weights on his shoulders. He wasn’t in the mood to train. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with his teammates. Mostly, he didn’t want to deal with Brock.
Cain made his way out onto the ice where his teammates were skating between plastic orange cones. Their voices echoed in the rink and he could hear their skates as they scraped against the smooth ice.
He saw Brock hanging back near the penalty box. Brock was the offensive coach for the whole team, but mostly he worked with Cain. Normally, Cain was grateful to have his best friend training him, but today he wished he had never met Brock Thaddeus.
Traitor, turncoat, betrayer, double-crosser, snake, sneak, two-timer, the words echoed around in his head as he glared at his former best friend. Who did he think he was? Who was Brock compared to Cain? Cain was a three-time Hart Trophy winner, he led the Olympic team, he had won the Stanley Cup three times and Brock was stealing his girl? It was impossible. It was wrong and he couldn’t stand it.
“There he is,” Brock said clapping his hand on Cain’s back as Cain finally took to the ice. He shrugged the hand off and quickly skated past Brock and towards the orange cones. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him and he wished they would look at something else.
He focused on skating. He clasped his hands behind his back and began to speed skate through the cones, getting in line with the rest of his teammates as they warmed up. He wanted to be lost in a crowd. Pushing his feet, the edge of his skate cutting into the ice and propelling him forward.
He pushed and skated until his heart was pounding. The dragon inside of him relished in the beating of his heart, it wanted more. He needed to work. He needed to push himself until the dragon was sated. He continued to weave between the cones, trying to focus on the movements and working the muscles in his legs.
Focus eluded him. Every time he glanced up he would see Brock. And every time the dragon would rear up and scream. So he put his head down. He just needed to do this. He needed to push himself. He needed to train until he couldn’t stand. Then, and only then, would he and the dragon sleep.
He was on his third lap when he saw Brock skate out onto the ice. His blood boiled. This was bad, this was very bad. The dragon was thrashing inside of him, desperate to be let out. The dragon would handle Brock. The dragon would rip him limb from limb, burn the parts and feast on the flesh.
No! Brock was his best friend, his oldest friend. Cain would never hurt him. That was the dragon talking and there was a reason the dragon wasn’t in control.
“Everything alright?” Brock asked as he skated up to Cain. He fell into Cain’s rhythm until they were skating together. Cain was fuming, he balled up his fists and tried to keep himself under control.
“Everything’s fine,” he said tersely. He wanted to push Brock over and pummel him until he was nothing more than an angry red stain on the ice.
“Really, because you look like you want to straight up murder me. What is going on?” Cain sped up, but Brock was on him keeping pace, until he finally pulled in front of Cain and came to a screeching halt, blocking Cain’s path.
“Don’t,” Cain warned. They were dangerously close to each other. Only inches apart. Cain could hear his own heavy breathing loud in his ears. Blood was thundering through his veins; the dragon was clawing to get out.
“Don’t what?” Brock demanded.
Cain moved to push away, but Brock grabbed his arm. He snarled and wrenched his arm free.
“What is your problem?” Brock demanded again.
“Michelle!” Cain said, the word echoing around the rink. The players on his team stopped in their tracks and all heads turn to face them.
“Your lawyer, Michelle?” Brock asked.
“Yes. You had no right going after her. I’m the one who knew her first. I invited her to the party so I could ask her out.”
“She’s your lawyer. I thought the two of you couldn’t date.”
Cain shook his head. He was furious. He wanted to punch and hit and burn everything. He was seething, barely holding himself back. He wanted to launch the dragon at Brock. Stretch his long neck out and remove Brock’s head with his strong dragon jaw.
“We’re not in high school anymore,” Brock said. “You don’t get to call dibs on a woman. Either you go for it and ask her out or you get out of the way. You can’t expect her to sit up on a high shelf, out of the reach of everyone else until you’re ready.”
He was right. That was the worst part. Brock was right. Michelle was her own person and she could date anyone she wanted. He couldn't tell her what to do. He couldn’t expect her to wait for him. But that didn’t mean he was ready for her to date his best friend and coach.
“I’m sorry,” Brock said holding his hand up in appeasement. “I didn’t know that you were interested in her. You never mentioned it. But she and I have a date for this weekend and I’m going whether you like it or not.”
“I gotta get some air,” Cain said. He skated to the entrance to the rink and ripped off his skates, putting his shoes on and leaving the practice behind.
Chapter Six
The smell of coconut oil filled Michelle’s apartment. She wanted to do a hot oil treatment on her hair before her date. She had massaged the oil into her scalp and down the length of her hair and now it was wrapped in a plastic cap and she had wrapped a hot towel around her head to help the oil activate.
She was actually excited for her date with Brock Thaddeus. Her brother had lost his mind when she texted him about it. He had sent her a list of questions about training and protein intake to ask Brock, but Michelle hoped that it didn’t come to that. She was ready for chemistry and passion, not small talk about weightlifting.
It was late by the time she finally crawled into bed. She had done her nails, her toenails and her hair in preparation for the date. Tomorrow she would just need to do her makeup and pick out her sexiest, but not too sexy, dress.
She didn�
�t remember falling asleep, but no one ever does. She did remember the dream she had. In this dream, she was lost in a deep, dark forest. The trees were tall and the ground was covered in a thick coating of fallen leaves. The forest was silent. Her footfalls crinkling on the dead leaves was the only sound.
She was walking, but she didn’t know where she was going. The forest around her refused to change. It was just endless tall trees as far as the eye could see. She wasn’t sure if she was going in the right direction, or even what the right direction was. The scenery around her never seemed to change.
She had been walking for a while when she heard it. It was like a heartbeat, a soft, steady drumbeat that throbbed in the air all around her. She looked around, trying to figure out where that sound was coming from. There was nothing hiding between the trees, but the sound was getting louder and closer. She wasn’t alone.
Finally, it occurred to her to look up. She could see a small circle of pale light framed by the leafy branches of trees. She stared up as that beating, thumping noise grew louder. She was afraid. She knew something was close, but still she couldn’t see it. Heart pounding, she stared up through the gap in the trees.
She put a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream as it passed over her. It was huge, massive, covered in green and yellow scales with long, bat-like brown wings, a heavy set of back legs and two smaller forelegs. It was a dragon. Its wings created the thumping noise. It was the sound of the beast flying.
Her eyes were wide with terror and there was an ancient panic coursing through her. The thing was too big. It was like some ancient monster that had survived to modern times. Her body instinctively wanted to move away from it and hunker down in the hollow of a tree.
Instead, she kept walking. She moved in the same direction as the dragon. She didn’t know why she was following it. She had no control over herself, she was just walking forward. Far in the distance, she could see light through the ancient trees. There must have been a clearing up there.
She walked through the forest, praying the dragon couldn't see, hear, or smell her. She would never be able to stop it. If it wanted her, it would have her. The trees began to thin out and a large lake appeared in front of her. On the banks of the lake, lay the dragon. His huge side rose up and down as he breathed. He was stretched out with his pale belly exposed to the sun.
She watched its sleeping form for a moment, but it did not remain still for long. It brought its head up and smelled the air. Michelle pulled back, worried that the dragon could smell her. But after a moment, it stopped sniffing the air. With an elegance that something so big should never possess, it stood up on its back paws and shook its body out.
It leaned down towards the lake and began to drink the water. Its eyes open as it scanned the forest for danger. It lapped up the water silently. When it was done, it began to beat its wings, rising quickly into the air. Michelle couldn’t believe how fast and lithe it was. In the span of a few seconds, the giant beast had gone from being next to the lake to being hundreds of feet above it.
The world shifted in front of her. She lost her footing and stumbled to the side, clinging to a tree as the world around her disappeared. Darkness fell and the tree she was holding onto dissipated into nothingness. She didn’t know which way was up or down or even where she was.
Finally, the world began to come back into focus. She could smell smoke and feel the heat from a nearby fire. Then there was the sound of a woman screaming over and over again. Michelle stood up and tried to find the screaming woman, but she wasn’t in the forest anymore.
She was on a city street. The buildings around her were all one fire. She coughed and tried to peer through the heavy, thick, poisonous smoke that lingered in the air. There were people lying in the street, covered in blood and crying out for help. They reached out to Michelle, begging her to help them, but what could she do?
A shadow passed over her and she looked up to see the dragon soaring over the street. Giant brown wings stirred ash up into the air. Heat pounded her face, sweat was pouring down her body. What was she supposed to do? The dragon opened its mouth and an otherworldly scream pierced her ears. She covered them with her hands and crouched on the ground. She looked up in time to see the dragon racing towards her. It opened its huge jaws and a burst of fire poured from its throat. It was coming right for her and she could do nothing but scream as she was engulfed in flames.
She woke up gasping. She jumped from the bed, searching her body for fire. But she wasn’t in the forest, or that dangerous street. She was safe at home in her bedroom. Her eyes were slowly coming into focus and she fell back onto the bed gasping for breath.
That was no ordinary dream. It was too realistic and the emotions in them were too strong. It had left her feeling spent and exhausted and shaking all over. That was no dream, that was a vision.
She sat up and put her head in her hands. The meaning was clear enough. Danger lurking all around her, something very bad and very dangerous was about to happen. Dragons were magical animals, they were extremely powerful and potent beings. But no one had seen a dragon in a very, very long time. So why was she having visions of one?
Visions came for a reason. She knew that. They were warnings and needed to be taken seriously. She needed to take this seriously. The only problem was she didn’t know anything about dragons.
Michelle stood up and walked over to her walk-in closet. She turned on the light and moved past a long line of dresses and shoes. On the floor, there was a box covered in a floral tablecloth. She whipped the cloth off and opened the box. Inside was her alter. There were crystals, herbs, bones, tea leaves and fire starters. Everything a witch might need.
She couldn’t fight a dragon, but she could control animals. That had been one of the first ways her magic had manifested. She had always been able to see people’s auras. She talked about them constantly as a child. It took her a long time to realize that few people could see what she did. But by the age of ten, she had learned to keep her abilities secret.
She discovered the power to charm animals when she was ten years old. She was walking home from school on her normal route that took her down a run-down alley. Pawn shops and cheap Chinese take-out joints had back doors that opened to this alley. There was always a mean German Shepard chained to one of the walls. Every time Michelle had to walk past it, the dog would bark furiously and strain at its leash as it struggled to attack. She had learned to give the dog a wide berth and stay well out of its reach.
On that fateful day, the dog was particularly angry. It was barking and foaming at the mouth. It was pulling and tugging on its leash as she tried to sneak by. Michelle hugged the wall and edged past it, avoiding looking the animal in the eye. She was halfway through the alley when the dog managed to break its leash. Once free it raced towards her, slobber dripping from its mouth.
Michelle began to run, but her foot hit a pothole and he she fell forward skinning her arms and legs. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to scramble back to her feet. She turned over, but it was too late, the dog was on top of her. He was growling and slowly moving towards her with his teeth bared, his eyes furious.
“Stop,” she screamed, holding her hand up. To her surprise, the dog complied. It skittered to a stop and then looked around confused before sitting down in front of her. Its tongue lagged out of his mouth and he cocked his head and looked at her.
Michelle sat up and wiped the grit from her arms. The dog continued to sit and stare at her. All the anger and fury had left it. In one moment it had gone from furious predator to a little puppy who wanted his belly rubbed.
She reached out with her hand and touch his soft fur. At first, he pulled away as if he expected to be hit. But once he saw that she was kind, he leaned into her hand and thumped his tail happily.
The second her hand touched his fur she was bombarded with strange thoughts. The dog was scared, his master beat him. He was hungry and thirsty. He was hot, tired and dirty from being out in this back alley
all day and night.
“Poor, little doggy,” Michelle had said as she scratched behind his ears. Underneath his fear, hunger and thirst was a sweet little puppy who just wanted to run and play and sleep inside.
Instead of tying the dog back up, she took the leash in her hand and brought him home. Her mother had been angry when Michelle first brought him home. But the dog was so sweet and so well-behaved that she eventually relented and Dolly, as he came to be known, became the loving family pet he had always wanted to be.
Dolly had been the first animal she had charmed, but he had been far from the last. Crickets, fish, even a lion at the zoo once, Michelle had yet to meet an animal immune to her charms. She just had to hope that dragons were susceptible as well.
Chapter Seven
The date was going well. No, scratch that, the date was fantastic. Michelle was charming and smart and funny. She knew a lot about hockey and sports in general. Brock couldn’t stop staring into her dark eyes. He was desperate to kiss her.
He took her to his favorite sushi place. She was exactly as unafraid as she claimed to be. They ordered the chef's tasting and they dug into the beautiful sushi and sashimi that was spread before them.
“So, did you google me?” Brock asked.
Her face blushed and then she said, “Maybe.”
“Did you like anything you saw?” He asked.
“You’re very successful,” she said, tipping back a shot of Saki. “I didn’t know about the accident that shattered your leg.”
“Yeah,” Brock said. There was a time when any mention of the accident would have sent him on a downward spiral, but he was passed it now. He hadn’t let that accident stop him. It had only made him stronger.
“I had a full hockey scholarship to Penn State,” he said with a shake of his head. “Third practice of the season, this guy on our team comes in so hung-over that he’s still kind of drunk. He hit the angle on his skate wrong and went crashing into me and then we were both down. He landed on my leg and I felt the whole thing shatter. It was the worst experience of my life. I blacked out from the pain.”