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Paint Me Curious Red [Curious 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 8

by Silke Ming

  “I am so hot, Summer. What am I going to do with this?” he asked, shamelessly fondling his erection.

  “I can’t help you.”

  “Yes you can.” He pleaded with his eyes. “Come on, Summer. I woke up this morning expecting to get my early morning dose of love, but you were gone.”

  She stood up, and her velvety tongue darted deep into his mouth. He groaned loudly as his hips ground into hers. Her hand wormed its way under his boxer shorts and she rubbed her thumb and forefinger around the crown of his cock. He sighed deeply, his body smoldering with passion, and collapsed into the chair, still kissing her. He devoured her lips and her tongue. He pressed his hard cock deeper into her hand, and she continued to stroke it, long and slow. He closed his eyes and widened his legs in a state of expectation. The strokes became faster, and he sucked in a deep breath and exhaled with the moan of a feral beast. She pushed him into the chair and dropped to her knees.

  “Please, Summer,” he coaxed, holding onto her head and pushing his hips upward.

  “What do you want?” she asked, continuing to tease his erect dick.

  “You know what I want,” he said hoarsely.

  “I want you to tell me, Seamus. What do you want?”

  “I want you. I want you to take me in your mouth,” he said, his body jerking to the rhythm of her hand movements.

  “Summer,” Millie’s voice suddenly called from below.

  “Damn that woman,” shouted Seamus.

  “I’ve got to go,” she said, standing up and calling back to Millie.

  She watched as his hand covered his cock, and he began to pleasure himself.

  “Hurry up and come back,” he croaked. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  She smiled at him and closed the door.

  Summer never did return to the studio. She spent the time getting the spare bedroom on the ground floor ready. She changed the sheets and made sure that everything in the room was comfortable for her weekend guests Toby and Josh. She placed new towels in the bathroom along with two of Seamus’s morning robes. Next she set the dining room table while Millie fussed with the dinner. Tonight there would be lamb chops served with scalloped potatoes and a winter salad, topped off with Millie’s apple pie. For the starter, Millie had cleaned and sorted the green mussels, and the sauce was already made and sitting on the stove.

  “You must heat the sauce and put the mussels in it for about five minutes,” Millie said.

  The last chore was to get the wine from the cellar. She chose four bottles of Chilean red wine, which she thought would go well with the clams and the lamb chops.

  Seamus had not left the studio to see what was going on, and at three thirty sharp, Millie called out to tell him that she was leaving.

  “Have a nice weekend, Millie. I’ll see you on Monday, bright and early,” he said.

  “Behave yourself now. Don’t give Summer any trouble, and enjoy the weekend.”

  He walked down the stairs and accompanied her to the door. He watched as she threw her pickup truck into reverse, and drove down the driveway.

  “I thought you were upstairs,” said Summer, when she saw him standing at the kitchen door.

  “I came down to say good-bye to Millie. She’s gone,” he said, with a lascivious look in his eyes. “We can finish what we started earlier.”

  “I thought you had done it all yourself,” she said laughing.

  “It’s not the same when I do it,” he said, moving closer to her.

  She also had her needs, and after Millie’s interruption, she was now ready for him. She immediately felt the warmth between her legs. He had a “satisfy me please” look on his face. Before she could reply, his tongue entered her mouth and explored deep inside, sucking and pulling on her tongue.

  “I can’t,” she muttered, although her body was saying quite the opposite.

  “Just relax,” he said, grinding his hips against her.

  She felt his hardness against her leg and she pressed her hips up to meet his. The different sensations coursing through their bodies set them both on fire and the mating ritual was about to begin. He could feel the blood pounding in his ears as she caressed him under his boxer shorts.

  “You know how to get me going,” he said, rubbing her hand against his erect cock.

  “Drop the shorts, Seamus.”

  He hastily complied and soon they were around his ankles. His prick stood upright, looking him in the face. She pushed him onto the couch and held it between both hands, stroking it, while he emitted erotic sounds. Sounds of pleasure and passion! She continued to pleasure him, her fingers driving him to the edge of madness, while his eyes remained fastened on her face. She increased the momentum of her hands and his hips moved in sync with her hand movements.

  “I want you,” he groaned.

  “You’ve got me.”

  “I want to be inside you, Summer. You just don’t understand what you’re doing to me.”

  “What am I doing to you?” she asked, as she stroked him even faster.

  “You are driving me out of mind.”

  She, too, was turned on and longed to feel him inside her, but that would have to wait. She did not want to be touched in the state she was in.

  “Please,” he begged.

  “I want you to come,” she replied.

  She raised herself from the floor and got to her knees. She stared at his swollen, bobbing cock, and flicked her tongue over the purple crown to remove the glistening diamond drop that had escaped to the tip. He writhed impatiently and watched as she slipped it gently between her lips, her cheeks forming a hollow. She felt her pussy clench as he reached out and pinched her nipples. She closed her eyes and slid it slowly in and out of her mouth, forcing his body to buck upward to meet her. When she opened her eyes, she was looking directly at the painting and into the eyes of David Balsam. She continued to move it in and out of her mouth, all the while staring into the severe eyes of the old man.

  “I want to touch you, Summer. Let me touch you,” he said, watching her intently.

  She did not answer, but continued to administer to him. Her lips sealed tightly around him like a vacuum, and he stared at her mouth, enjoying the pleasure being inflicted upon him. A surge of passion engulfed him and he swallowed a deep breath. Suddenly his body shook and he came, bucking and gyrating while she continued to milk him dry of his juices. He hung onto her head as the last spurts flew from his trembling body. Pulling her up, he kissed her hungrily and ran his tongue along her lower lip while his hand moved feverishly under her skirt. His thumb menacingly massaged her clit, and she sprawled on the living room floor, widening her legs. It was the picture of pure eroticism.

  “There’s nothing I would like better than to fuck you right now,” he said.

  “I can’t.”

  “Come,” he said, moving his hand slowly over her swollen clit.

  He pushed her legs apart and continued to stare at and manipulate her private parts. Soon she let out a bloodcurdling groan, and her body arched. She came, bucking to his fingers and squeezing her legs together. Totally exhausted, they lay cuddling together on the living room floor, and when she opened her eyes and realised they had overslept, she shook Seamus. She had no idea what time it was, but she knew their guests would soon be there.

  “Seamus, we should shower and get ready. Toby and Josh should be here soon,” she said, jumping up from the floor.

  He opened his eyes and looked at her then pulled her back to him and held her tightly.

  “I love you, Summer. I wish we had the evening to ourselves.” He did not move, but kept staring up at her.

  “Come on, Seamus. Get up. They should soon be here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Everything had been prepared, and they awaited the arrival of Josh and Toby. The evening feast lay on the stove and on the kitchen table, just waiting for the finishing touches, while Seamus sat staring into the roaring fire.

  “New dress?” he asked as she appeared in f
ront of him.

  “No, I bought it about three years ago.”

  He got up and moved behind her. He studied her.

  “What?” she asked, smiling.

  “Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you are really in my life.”

  “Believe it,” she said, pushing her body against his and rubbing her tongue against his lips.

  “Wish we weren’t having guests tonight,” he repeated, his arms moving around her waist.

  “That’s the second time you’ve said that,” Summer said. “They are fun. You will have a good time.”

  She opened a bottle of wine, poured two glasses, and handed him one. They moved to the couch with two extra glasses and gazed into the roaring fire. He pulled her to him and kissed her gently on the forehead. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply.

  “Are you thinking of that woman who called today?” she asked.

  “Not at all. I was thinking about you,” he said, kissing her again on the forehead.

  “Love you,” she said, patting his nose with her forefinger.

  “I thought they were arriving at five.”

  “Toby finishes work at five,” she said as the doorbell started to ring.

  “It seems as if they’re here,” he said, jumping up and heading to the door.

  Summer went to the kitchen and brought in the guacamole and chips. When she returned, they were chatting with Seamus, while he hung up their coats. Josh handed Summer a bouquet of red roses, and Toby handed two bottles of wine to Seamus. The two men were in a jovial mood. Summer had not seen Toby so happy since they had known each other. In Josh, he had found the perfect partner. Tall, handsome, and a wonderful personality! In appearance, they complemented each other. Josh, with hazel eyes and brown hair, in contrast to Toby, with auburn hair and dark eyes.

  “Who’s the creepy guy at the end of the driveway?” Toby asked.

  Seamus rushed to the porthole, and then to the side window, but there was no one there.

  “He probably left,” said Toby, “but he was there when we drove up.”

  Summer could tell by the look on Seamus’s face that he was worried. However, he soon forgot about the man at the end of the driveway and joined in the conversation.

  “Look at you both,” Josh said. “You look extremely healthy.”

  “That’s what Tahiti does to you. Let me show you to your bedroom. Everything is ready for you. The bathroom is right next door,” she said, pointing to the door. “Put your things away and come on out. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  “How are you?” she asked Seamus, as he sat in front of the fire.

  “Fine. Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s not as if we didn’t know he was hanging around.”

  “Good,” she said, kissing him on his cheek. “Let’s forget about him and enjoy ourselves this weekend.”

  “Are we interrupting something?” asked Toby, noticing the tenderness between them. “Do you think you’re still in Tahiti?”

  “It was beyond our expectations,” Seamus said. “I heard it was beautiful, but seeing it was actually quite heavenly.”

  “Well I’ve got something for you,” Toby said, handing a plastic bag to Summer.

  Seamus poured the wine while she looked to see what was in the bag.

  “Bali?” she asked.

  “Josh was once there, but of course I’ve never been.”

  “Wow! It’s beautiful,” she said, showing Seamus a photo from the brochure.

  “I just love the water. It’s so blue,” he said, holding Summer’s hand.

  The look that passed between them said all there was to say. They knew that Bali could be next on their agenda.

  “So here’s to a wonderful Balinese holiday,” Josh said, raising his glass.

  “You’ll tell us all about Bali before you leave here,” Seamus said.

  “Of course. There’s nothing I would like better.”

  “Love the dip,” Toby said, digging in with his chips. “You made it, Summer?”

  “No, Millie made it. She’s much better at these things than I am,” she said, laughing.

  “She is being modest. She is actually a very good cook,” Seamus said.

  “Speaking of cooking, I should get everything into the oven. You must be starved.”

  “Need a hand?” Josh asked, already on his feet.

  “I never say no to help,” she replied.

  “I can set the table for you.”

  “Already done. I’ve just got to put the lamb chops in the oven, and get the mussels going.”

  “That sounds delicious.”

  “How is everything going between you and Toby?” she asked Josh. “He seems so happy.”

  “He is a lot of fun. I just love being with him. My only concern is that I must leave him behind when I travel.”

  “He’ll survive it,” said Summer. “It’s what every relationship needs. A little time apart!”

  “I know that Seamus works from home. Is it difficult for the two of you being here together all day long?”

  “As you can see, it’s a pretty big house, and sometimes when Seamus gets involved with his painting, I don’t see him for hours on end.”

  “That smells good,” said Josh. “What is it?”

  “It’s the sauce for the mussels. Can you get them from the fridge for me, Josh?”

  She heated the sauce and emptied the bowl of mussels into it.

  “Millie says I shouldn’t cook them for more than five minutes, so I’ve got to really keep an eye on them.”

  “I’ll do that for you.”

  “We’re almost ready. I should get the two men to the table,” she said. “Be right back.”

  Four wineglasses still sat on the coffee table, but the two men were nowhere to be seen. She heard voices coming from the studio and knew that Seamus was showing something to Toby.

  “Dinner is in five minutes,” she called out.

  “Be right down,” said Seamus.

  She was on her way back to the kitchen when she stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around and looked up. Something was missing. David Balsam’s austere portrait was no longer there, and she could hear the two men laughing.

  “Come on down,” she called out again.

  Toby appeared on the landing.

  “Could you give us another five minutes?” he asked.

  “I don’t want out appetizer to be overcooked. Tell Seamus that whatever he is doing, it can wait,” she said, disappearing into the kitchen.

  “Let’s get it on the wall,” said Toby. “Are you sure she doesn’t know about it?”

  “No she doesn’t.”

  The two men struggled to replace David Balsam’s painting. Finally the new painting had a place of prominence, visible when visitors entered the main door. They both stepped back and looked at it. It was a painting he had done of Summer, from a photo taken when they were in Tahiti. She was wearing the local Polynesian attire and there was a hibiscus flower behind one ear. They quickly descended the stairs, calling out as they went.

  “It smells good down here,” Toby said.

  “Dinner is ready,” Josh said, placing the last bowl of mussels on the table. “So what have you been up to?”

  “You’ll soon find out,” he replied. “Where did you put your father’s painting?” Summer asked.

  “Right now it’s behind the desk until I can think of somewhere appropriate to put it,” he replied. “A little dinner music?” he asked, putting a classical CD into the player.

  “Now I want to hear everything about Tahiti,” Toby said, looking at them both.

  They told in detail everything that had happened in Tahiti, and their meeting with Hoana and Jean-Louis. The episode of Hoana on the beach had the two men roaring with laughter. Summer brought in the main course and they dined on Millie’s beautiful rack of lamb.

  “I think that one day I would like to leave here and settle on a tropical island,” Seamus said. “But only if my love will accompany me. When I was in T
ahiti, I realised why artists decide to live on these little pieces of paradise. Did Summer tell you about the Gaugin painting our friend owned?”

  “No she didn’t.”

  “I was so jealous,” said Seamus. “To have a real Paul Gaugin in my hands was the ultimate experience for an artist!”

  “Well when you go to Bali, if you do go there, you will be thrilled. Lots of western artists also made the island their home. You will be familiar with some of the names, most of them Dutch and Italian.”

  “Get your bags ready,” Seamus said to Summer. “We are ready for Bali.”

  “That must wait for a little while,” she replied.

  “What are you waiting for?” asked Josh.

  “Summer has been offered a position at a university, but she hasn’t made up her mind if she will take it.”

  “Is it a full-time position?” Josh asked.

  “It is. I can work from home but must go in for two days every month.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Take your computer with you to Bali, and while you sip your cocktails, you can do your work. It will be difficult, because you will want to see everything on the island.”

  “What about my mandatory days at the university?”

  “I’m sure you can work around it. I hardly ever go into the office, except when they send me chasing around the world.”

  “How often do you travel?” asked Seamus.

  “Not very often. Probably three or four times a year, but it still means being away from home,” he said, his eyes meeting Toby’s.

  “I hate to start asking for favors as soon as I start the job. I want to at least give it a good try,” she said.

  “I’m sure if you let them know right from the start, they may consider it,” said Toby.

  Dessert was served in front of the fire, and Millie’s apple pie dripping with ice cream was quite a hit with the group of friends.

  “I haven’t danced in a long time,” said Toby, swirling around the room. “Come on, Seamus, put on some good music so that I can dance.”


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