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All That Is Fallen

Page 21

by Brendan Carroll

  “Dammit!” She said and took his face in her hands. He moved his head frantically, but his movements were unsteady and more like reflexive jerks than deliberate movements. His eyes showed something that she had never expected to see there: fear. Sheer terror!

  “No! Mark! Mark!” She stroked his face desperately with both hands, kneeling in the bed beside him.

  “It’s me… Sophia!” She tried to keep the fear out of her own voice and spoke to him in a soothing tone. The furrows in his brow relaxed and he smiled at her, drawing in a short breath. “Mark, Mark, look. We’re in terrible trouble here! Do you understand?” She asked and he continued to smile at her. It was horrible!

  “Mark.” She said his name a bit more urgently as she heard footsteps behind her. “Mark! No! Wait!” She tried to fight off the hands that grasped her arms, dragging her from the bed. “Let me go!”

  Mark’s smile faded abruptly and he blinked his eyes, frowning once more, trying to focus on what was happening. She heard him make a slight whimpering sound and then she was thrown to the floor. She looked up as Abaddon leaned over the bed.

  “He’s awake!” Abaddon turned to the guards who stood behind her. “Bring Master Omar! Take this woman back to her room!”

  She fought and struggled and protested futilely as she was dragged away and then locked in the room next door.

  Abaddon stood over the bed, with his arms crossed over his chest, frowning at what appeared to be fear in the face of the captive. This was not what he had expected. The dark blue eyes seemed to focus and re-focus and roll about in the sockets, as if the Knight could not control them at all. He leaned over and held one finger very close to the right eye. Mark blinked instinctively and then closed his eyes tightly. When he pressed his finger against his forehead, he wiggled under the pressure as if he thought to press his head through the pillow beneath him and kicked one foot. His hands hung limply in the cuffs and he made no effort to move his arms at all. It was very disturbing and unnatural.

  Jozsef joined him at the bedside as he raised up again.

  Mark Andrew’s eyes opened again and he focused on Abaddon’s face this time. A tiny crease furrowed the bridge of his nose, but there was no outburst, no hint of recognition.

  “Abaddon!” Jozsef’s voice held a warning note as he leaned over the Knight, looking first in one slowly blinking eye and then the other. “Abaddon! What is this?”

  “I’m not sure, Your Grace. Perhaps the blow to his head did more damage than I first presumed.” Abaddon shook his head and cringed at the thought that he might have screwed up royally.

  “Perhaps you gave him too much of the elixir?” Jozsef’s voice was very low and full of venom.

  “How much is too much? How much is not enough?” Abaddon backed away from him. “He is extremely dangerous. I could take no chances when I saw who we had happened upon. I was not ready. We were at the church preparing for another foray onto the property and they came to us. We had not expected anyone out that time of night.” He explained quickly.

  Jozsef leaned close to Mark Andrew and moved his head back and forth like a snake as Mark struggled to keep his face in focus.

  “Sir Ramsay?” Jozsef spoke in a very calm voice. “Mark Andrew?” He asked and waited as the Knight focused on his face. Jozsef smiled at him. Mark Andrew returned the smile and sucked in a sharp breath as if he was truly thrilled at the smile on Jozsef’s face.

  Jozsef straightened up very slowly and stood very still for several moments. He reached very slowly toward Mark’s left hand. The ‘Prophet’ pressed one finger inside the palm and Mark gripped his finger instinctively.

  Jozsef pulled his finger free from the weak grasp and turned away from the bed. He crooked one finger at the dark angel and left the room. He stopped in the hall and spun on Abaddon.

  “He’s a vegetable!” Jozsef spat at him. “You have ruined him!”

  “Your Grace!” Abaddon glanced at the guards in the hall. “The men.”

  Jozsef’s face was very dark with rage.

  “Post the guard as before. Bring the woman back!” Jozsef told him in a low voice. “She will take care of him until I decide what is to be done. Speak of this to no one!” He turned to the guards and they jerked to attention. “What goes on here is classified! One word, one rumor and your head will decorate my gates! Clear?!”

  Chapter Sixteen of Twenty-Two

  Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due

  “Why didn’t you tell me that my father was here?!” Nicole demanded as soon as she had closed Bari’s door.

  “Shhh!” He came at once and pressed one finger against her lips. “I didn’t know!” He told her. “I only learned it when you did.”

  “How long has he been here?” She asked in a low whisper.

  “A day or two at most.” Bari looked about and drew her further into the room and inside his opulent bathroom, again closing the door and locking it. The two unlikely conspirators stared at each other for several long seconds before speaking again.

  “What are they doing with him? Have you seen him?” She asked and pulled a brown cigarette from the pocket of her shorts. She lit the illicit smoke with shaking hands and took a deep drag off of it.

  “Jozsef is planning to use him for something.” Bari told her and watched the smoke in fascination as she blew it out over his head. “He probably wants to use him to continue the negotiations concerning the Ark of the Covenant.”

  “Well, duh!” She made a face at him. “That’s obvious or he would have killed him by now. He hasn’t told you what he’s planning to do? You’re the Emperor for Chrissake! Don’t you know what’s going on in your own palace?”

  “No! And Ruth acts like she doesn’t know a thing about it either!” Bari ran his fingers through his hair. He’d hardly slept in days. He had a two day growth of whiskers on his face and his eyes were red and sunken. “I only had a glimpse of him. There’s something wrong with him. Who is the woman? Did you see her?”

  “I don’t know her.” Nicole shook her head and walked about the opulent bathroom, blowing the smoke here and there to avoid the smoke alarms. She turned on the vent. “I wonder why they would have brought a woman with him. Did he look ill? How could he be ill?” She handed the joint to Bari and he took a long pull on it before handing it back.

  “He looked… strange. I don’t know! I didn’t get to stay long. Jozsef came and told me it was dangerous. He insisted that I stay away from him. Did you try to see him?”

  “I tried, but the guards wouldn’t let me near the room.” Nicole sat down on the edge of the marble tub. “Have you heard from McGuffy?”

  “Not in a day or two.” Bari shook his head. “I’m worried that something has happened to him. I wish my grandfather would come.”

  “Abaddon is keeping him busy, I’d say. Rumor has it that the general is waging an all out campaign to try and find his palace. They say that he is living in Japan.”

  “Japan!” Bari groaned. “I thought everyone there was dead.”

  “What better or safer place?” Nicole frowned at him.

  “That’s true I guess.” Bari agreed. “If he would just come, we could get out of here.”

  “Perhaps my father could help us.” Nicole stood up. “He’s more powerful than the Djinni.”

  “He was! He was more powerful. He’s not doing anything now. They have him tied in the bed, and he was just laying there. He didn’t seem to recognize me.” Bari took the seat she had vacated.

  “Well, he would recognize me. You’re still the Emperor. You can give me clearance to visit my own father, for pity’s sake.” Nicole took the distraught man by the shoulders. “For God’s sake, Bari. Use your brain! Think of a way to get me in there. We need to know if he can help us.”

  Bari stood up slowly and tugged on his tunic. The look of despair had vanished from his eyes as the effects of the weed laced with chemicals took effect.

  “You’re right. I am still the Emperor here.” He
said and raised his chin slightly. “Come on!” He grabbed the smoldering stub from her lips and tossed it in the toilet and flushed it with his foot.

  Taking her by the hand, he pulled her from the bathroom and then opened the door to the hall. He peeked out to see if all was clear and then motioned her into the hall. A woman was cleaning the carpets further along. He drew himself up and walked down the length of the hall and up the stairs to the third floor. Nicole followed him after him, holding her head high as if she owned the palace. They walked down the long corridor toward the four guards who lounged against the walls outside Mark’s open door. When the men saw him, they snapped to attention and then let their eyes wander all over Nicole’s body. She never failed to attract their attention simply by existing. She smiled sweetly at them and then tried to look distraught rather than angry.

  He stopped in front of the senior ranking officer.

  “Lieutenant.” He nodded and the man saluted him. “Have you seen the Prophet?”

  “No, Your Excellency.” The man shook his head briefly.

  “How is the patient?” Bari glanced at the open doorway.

  “He is having dinner, Your Grace.” The man grimaced.

  “Ahh, then he is awake?”

  “Ah, it may not be a good time, sir. Perhaps you should check with the Prophet. He said…”

  “You will stand aside! I will say when it is a good time, Lieutenant!” Bari raised his chin slightly and narrowed his eyes.

  “Yes, Your Grace.” The lieutenant nodded and he glanced at Nicole apologetically. “But the lady…”

  “His daughter wishes to speak with him.” Bari told him curtly and then took Nicole by the arm, daring the man to say anything more. The guards stepped aside and he escorted her into the room.

  “Oh, my God.” Nicole placed one hand over her mouth as she took in the scene inside the room.

  Two men on either side of the bed were holding the Knight of Death down as he kicked and squirmed. A third person, a female nurse, judging by the uniform, was in the bed with him, sitting on his chest. Sophia stood by the window, watching the proceedings with a pained look on her face. The nurse was pushing a plastic tube down his nose and he was not happy. He was making all sorts of noises, but none of it was coherent. Not even words, just sounds.

  “What the devil are you doing?!” Bari demanded and all eyes turned on the Emperor.

  “Sir!” One of the men let go of Mark Andrew’s left leg and the nurse received a knee in the back. She lurched forward and banged her head on the metal headboard before catching herself.

  “We are force-feeding the patient, Your Grace, as per doctor’s order.” The soldier grabbed hold of the leg again. The nurse grabbed hold of his head and began to feed the tube into his nose, while he resumed his kicking and protests. His voice was muffled by the presence of the tubing and made no sense.

  Bari crossed the room and pulled the man away. He took hold of the nurse and dragged her from the bed. The tube came free and the patient began to protest in earnest… much louder than before.

  “You will stop this at once!” The Emperor frowned at them and they looked at him in terror. “Now take this … this stuff and get out!”

  The nurse and the two soldiers scrabbled about, tripping over each other as they followed Bari’s instructions. When they were gone, he went back to the door and closed it in the guards’ startled faces.

  Nicole glanced shortly at Sophia and then climbed onto the bed with her father.

  “Father!” She took his face in her hands. “Father! It’s me, Nicole!”

  Mark Andrew frowned and tried to kick her. Bari grabbed his legs and held him. He was frowning and his face was very red. There was blood trickling from his nose. His eyes were wide with terror.

  “Daddy?” Nicole leaned closer and looked into his face. “It’s me…. Nicole!”

  He blinked and his eyes rolled up in his head before settling back in their proper positions. He looked at her blandly and stopped struggling when she smiled at him.

  Sophia approached the bed slowly, with her arms crossed over her stomach. She looked down at Nicole derisively.

  “So you are Nicole Ramsay, his daughter.” Sophia raised both dark brows.

  Nicole frowned up at her.

  “And who are you? What have they done to my father?” Nicole demanded.

  “You might ask them. I am a prisoner here as well.” Sophia told her and then looked defiantly at Bari as he let go of Mark’s legs and stood over her. “Surely, the Emperor of Persia knows what is going on his own palace.”

  “You are an impudent little fish!” Bari snarled at her. “Who are you? Answer the question! What are you doing with my grandfather?”

  “Ahh. So now you are both claiming kith and kin to him? You must be in trouble.” Sophia smiled at them blandly. “They will not get whatever it is they want from him. He is not home.”

  “What do you mean?” Nicole climbed from the bed.

  “He’s simply not there.” Sophia said more vehemently. “Look at him! Is that your father? Is that Mark Andrew Ramsay?”

  Nicole’s mouth fell open slightly and she turned to look down at Mark. He moved his eyes jerkily to gaze at her. He made no other move of either hand or foot. Nicole took his hand in both of hers and he closed his fingers around hers.

  “Daddy?” She frowned. “What is wrong?”

  “Well, don’t frown at him.” Sophia told her. “Smile at him.”

  “Get away from me!” Nicole jerked her head at the woman angrily and then turned back to Mark. She forced the frown away and sat next to him.

  “Daddy?” She said more pleasantly. “It’s me, Nicole! Your baby girl.” She smiled and his face lit up. He smiled at her and kicked one foot.

  “Great God.” Bari’s voice was barely a whisper. “What have they done?” He asked again, but expected no answer.

  “Could you have those things taken off of him?” Sophia asked him softly. “I don’t think he’ll go anywhere, and I could probably get him to eat something solid if he can sit up.”

  Nicole looked up at Bari expectantly.

  Bari turned on his heel and went to the door. He opened it and summoned the lieutenant.

  “Where is Omar?” He demanded after he had closed the door.

  “I believe he is down in the courtyard with your mother, sir.” The lieutenant answered him nervously. He had been given strict orders. No one was to enter the room without authority from the Prophet. No one. Especially, Nicole Ramsay, but this was the Emperor.

  “Take off the cuffs.” Bari nodded to the restraints.

  “But, Your Grace.” The lieutenant protested miserably. He was sorely afraid of the Prophet.

  “Lieutenant! Take… off… the… cuffs… is that plain enough for you or should I call your commanding officer?” Bari cut a cold glance at the soldier.

  “No, sir!” The lieutenant spun about and produced a cuff key. Within seconds, the cuffs were removed and the chain holding them together was lying on the floor. Mark Andrew lay quite still on his back, his elbows were bent and his hands were folded on either side of his chest. He watched them blandly.

  “Daddy? Can you sit up?” Nicole asked him solicitously, and then took one of his hands. He gripped her hand feebly. “Help me, Bari!”

  The lieutenant picked up the chain and cuffs and stood by, contemplating his fate.

  “That is all, Lieutenant!” Bari snapped at the man and jerked his head toward the door. “You are dismissed. I will take up the matter with my father shortly. You say he is in the courtyard with my mother? No need to worry yourself over it.” Bari attempted to calm the man’s fears. “You can leave the restraints.” He gestured toward the chair.

  The lieutenant obeyed quickly and left them somewhat relieved.

  Nicole wiggled around and then all three pushed and pulled on the Knight, propping him up against the pillows. To their immense surprise he smiled and kicked his feet and laughed out loud. When they let go of
him, his expression turned to one of fear and then terror as he toppled over on his side with his face against the mattress. He kicked one leg and made noises in the mattress, but made no real attempt to right himself.

  “Quick!” Sophia pushed him up again. “Give me the pillow!”

  Nicole handed her another pillow and she stuffed it against his side. He smiled again as if this was some great trick or treat. Sophia brushed his hair out of his face and wiped the blood from his nose as Nicole stuffed a fourth pillow on his other side and they stood back to look at him in awe. He smiled and tried to raise his head, but his neck seemed too weak to hold it up. It rolled out of control and he laughed again and kicked both feet. His arms hung limply on either side of him. They watched in shock as he raised one arm clumsily and concentrated on his hand as if he’d never seen it before.

  “It’s like he’s had a stroke or something.” Nicole shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

  Mark Andrew put his hand against his face and stuck out his tongue, licking his hand.

  “Good grief!” Bari gasped as the Knight actually drooled on himself. He grabbed at a box of tissues on the bedside table and wiped his great-grandfather’s face in horror. Somehow he could not stand to see him like this. It simply could not be. Jozsef had destroyed Mark Ramsay! Impossible! Inconceivable! It was not right! He stood staring at the Knight of Death in horror as his stomach tied in knots.

  They were all dumbstruck as Mark worked his hand around in jerky, disconnected motions and finally got his thumb in his mouth. He sucked his thumb and turned his head slightly, looking up at them. He smiled around his thumb and laughed, very proud of this small accomplishment… like a baby.

  Chapter Seventeen of Twenty-Two

  for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

  Luke’s determination to do something was dashed when he caught sight of the lavender-clad Raziel, sitting in the midst of Simon’s amaranths, calmly munching on some of the petals pulled from the deep blue flowers. Il Dolce Mio had been right. He had drunk far too much of the honey mead in his depressed state. He swayed slightly on his feet and the sudden stop had made his head swim. Raziel got swiftly to his feet and climbed out of the flowerbed. Luke was amazed to see the flowers where the creature had been sitting were standing upright, unharmed and though he walked casually through the thick growth, no sign of his passing remained behind.


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