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Slave Species of god

Page 31

by Michael Tellinger

  Today, the slavery principal continues under this economic banner extremely successfully. The poor countries are exploited for cheap labour, they become the dumping grounds of global unwanted produce, deadly unwanted chemicals and nuclear waste, basically continuing to be enslaved on virtually every level; even their terra firma has become enslaved. Their currencies remain weak, their people remain poor and they have no choice but to allow the bullies to abuse them. But the abuse does not always come from outside the borders. The slavery problems in China are potentially nothing to what is brewing right next door in India. The highly discriminating class system called ‘caste’, which originates from the Portuguese casta, meaning breed, race or kind, is still widely practised throughout India. Although this form of discrimination is officially prohibited, it is alive and well, serving as a legitimate cultural form of slavery, which holds close to half the population of one billion Indians enslaved in poverty and misery, with virtually no way out. Once you are classified as a Dalit or ‘untouchable’ your lot has been determined for life. It is virtually impossible to elevate yourself to one of the four higher classifications which may make your life more bearable. There are approximately 200 million ‘untouchable’ Dalits in India today. They may not marry anyone from a higher class, they may not use the same amenities as others, they must at all times be invisible to the higher castes, getting out of their way so that not even their shadows may touch in passing. In some situations, towns and villages will insist that Dalits carry a bell to warn any other higher castes of their approaching ‘vile’ presence.

  So how free are we really? You may think that because you live in a First World economy you are okay, that you are the master of your own destiny and that you are nobody’s slave. Well, think again. The successful westerners are slaves to their jobs; their boss; their mortgage bond; an array of credit cards; car loan; overdraft and other significant entrapments of society. The modern economies are structured to attract as many consumers as possible, with the promise of some sort of credit. Even your student loan can enslave you for years. Once you are hooked, the onus is squarely on your shoulders to pay the creditor without default. You may tell everyone that “this is your new home”, but the reality is that it actually belongs to the bank. They just allow you to work your backside off for 20 years, paying them a large sum every month, making nauseating amounts of interest from you in the process. So who is the slave? If you cannot pay, they auction your home at market value, in many cases still leaving you with a large debt to cover. Now that you are really deeply in trouble, they blacklist you, which dramatically reduces your chances for employment, of keeping a bank account, and making back the money which you owe them. The credit card is the same. You pay for your Caribbean trip with your card, feeling very fulfilled. Upon your return, you realise that your company has gone insolvent and the card becomes an instant trap. You have to sell your car to pay off the card and now you can't get around to launch your new business. The worst and most clandestine form of slavery is the good old student loan. Thousands of companies will give you a student loan with the condition that you work for them to pay it off after graduation. The snag is that they decide on your measly salary as an apprentice, which means that you have to work for them for years while earning very little, essentially becoming extremely cheap labour. This happens year in, year out, around the world to millions of graduates. Basically, our lives revolve around work and money. We behave like confused slaves on this planet, not knowing where we are going… why we are here… and who is really in control? Why are we chasing these castles in the sky? Is there a hidden message here? Could this possibly be a hangover from prehistory, when early man was promised a trip up to god’s castle in the sky… and to live in the house of the maker, but only if he performed valiantly and pleased his master? Really… why are we so caught up in this chase for materialistic rewards, if we know that we can't take it with us?

  The answer is simple. We are still slaves living in the 21st century, but our path to this point in time has been so meticulously planned by the ‘gods’ of our prehistory, that we could never expect to recognise the clues or symptoms. Our arrogance prevents us from even believing such wild and extravagant theories because “we are the masters of ourown destinies”.

  Our entire history is riddled with temptation from a variety of sources. From biblical promises of heavenly wealth and eternal life, to the Sumerian tablets outlining the promises of great reward in the houses of the gods. But only if you behaved, obeyed and performed the tasks that were assigned to you. Is this the seed which has driven man to toil and perform for ever? Is it a hangover reflex response from days gone by, when the Anunnaki gods were still on Earth? It certainly smacks of something which eludes us to this day. After all, we are the slave species and so we shall behave. All that has happened in the past few thousand years, is that we confused the reason with motive, which has resulted in the continuous frantic chase for material stuff. We want to accumulate and hoard. There is so much baggage and disinformation piled up in our human subconscious, that we cannot possibly begin to unravel it without huge amounts of investigation and especially introspection. Because the messages we are discovering from our distant ancestors are not the fairytales we expected to hear.

  The people of the ‘free’ western world are enslaved economically, culturally and religiously. But if you ask them, they will deny it. We are enslaved to our jobs, our banks and our governments. If you don't pay your tax, you will go to jail. This blissful ignorance is exactly what the ‘maker’ had planned. The Tower of Babel incident was a wonderful example of how the gods conspired to keep humanity enslaved through their ignorance. The Sumerian scriptures make similar references to the incident as is described in the Bible, where the gods had decided that man had grown too wise and was speaking one ‘language’. The use of the word ‘language’ could be metaphorical for knowledge. The gods felt that if they left man to his own devices, he would be capable of anything. This posed a big threat to the gods, when suddenly Humankind displayed the potential to stand up against their maker and oppressor. At that point the gods decided to “go down from their heavenly abode and confuse their language”, which they did. It is not exactly clear what they did to humans, but it certainly extended the slave mentality for millennia. What is very interesting however, is that Genesis 10 ends with the sons and descendants of Noah, scattering around the world, belonging to different clans and speaking different languages. Then suddenly, Genesis 11 starts with the following statements.

  Genesis 11: 1 -9. The Tower of Babel:

  “Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, ‘Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’ But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The LORD said, ‘If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.’ So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”

  This entire passage smacks of a ‘master-slave’ relationship. This is virtually a copy of the Sumerian tablets where the gods were also very unhappy that the slaves were making rapid progress, gaining knowledge and showing signs of higher intelligence. It's fairly plain to read between the lines that ‘god the master’ panicked and took the necessary steps to prevent people from gaining skills and knowledge. The principle of ‘divide and conquer’ was implemented very successfully among the emerging huma
n threat. The simple fact that the sons of the gods were having children with the daughters of man was a huge problem. The ‘new human offspring’ were even more intelligent than their human mothers, because they had more of the gods’ DNA which allowed them to achieve more and evolve quicker.

  Genesis 6:1-4:

  "When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them. The LORD said, ‘My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh; let the days allowed him be one hundred and twenty years.’ It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown."

  There is no doubt that the fathers who were the sons of the gods also contributed to the technological know-how of their children. We can deduce from this kind of activity on Earth, that man's evolution was speeded up rapidly, which went against the explicit wishes of the ruling gods. They wanted to keep ‘man’ stupid. So, it is of particular interest that in Genesis 6 verse 7, god suddenly became ‘plural’ and plans to go down with some of his associates to sort out this problem. “Come let us go down and confuse their language.”

  Who was god talking to and who went down with him? And why would god look unfavourably on human technological progress? Why would god not want his special creation, man, to be able to do ‘other’ things. Why would god be so freaked out with man's rapid advancement?

  The Tower of Babel incident was preceded by an earlier attempt to get rid of humans because they were already posing a prior threat to the gods. Once again this indicates an ultimate act of oppression which outlined the control that the gods maintained over the slave species while plotting their complete demise. For some reason the gods decided that their creation ‘man’ was evil and that all he knew was evil; that's pretty much how the Bible puts it. I sense that the gods had had enough of the humans and realised that they had created a ‘monster’ which could rise up and bite them. The Sumerian tablets tell the story of an impending tidal wave that would destroy most of humanity, especially those who lived near the coastal areas. In December 2004, we saw how easily 300,000 people died from a relatively small Tsunami in large parts of the world. Imagine what a 100-metre high tidal wave could do to the world. But the Anunnaki already knew of such a giant wave which would sweep the Earth as a result of their planet Nibiru coming back into close proximity to the world. So they decided that they would allow this wave to destroy humanity and in one fell swoop help them to take care of their growing human problem. It is estimated that there were four million of the slave species on Earth by this stage, far outnumbering the gods. This made the gods very nervous, so they would allow the slaves whom they created, to be destroyed because their behaviour was showing signs of uncontrollable intelligence.

  Did the slaves start asking too many questions? Did they start evolving too quickly and were they absorbing advanced technical knowledge without the gods’ permission? It certainly seems that way. By now you must have figured out that I am of the opinion that the Bible cannot be trusted, no matter how emotional we get about it. It is surrounded with so much controversy and there is no absolute proof who the real authors were, and under what influence they wrote those brutal descriptions of events of their times. Furthermore, because most of the Old Testament is a diluted version of Sumerian tablets and other ancient texts, it is therefore a paradox in itself that I am using the Bible as a major source of reference. This, my friends, is purely to demonstrate the inconsistency and fanatical obsession bestowed on this book by those who so dearly worship it. By the time we reach the story of the biblical flood, I would like to reason that the Anunnaki gods did not count on the rapid evolution of the human brain, which is why the gods wanted the growing number of humans to be destroyed in the flood. In short, the human slaves were suddenly a potential threat to the gods. But one of the two leading gods, Enki, was much closer to the humans than his cold-hearted brother Enlil. Because Enki had worked with the human slaves in the African mines for millennia, he took pity on the humans and warned Ziusudra (Noah) of the impending disaster. He gave him strict instructions on what to do, to save his friends and family and his livestock. It turns out that this was not just a random gesture of mercy, but Ziusudra was actually Enki's son with an Earthling female. This was the real motive behind his actions.

  The Bible puts it slightly differently. “God saw that everything man did was evil.” Suddenly all the people on Earth were 'vile and evil' and god decided to punish them. Is it possible that the story recorded in the Bible came from an opposing point of view, from Enki's brother Enlil, who was in command of the planet and its people? Enlil never really liked the slave species and this provided him with a perfect opportunity to destroy them.

  What could all the people on Earth have possibly done that was so vile and evil, to have enraged god so much, that he plotted to destroy all of them? The fascinating thing is that the flood story has been told in most of the ancient cultures which pre-date the biblical story of Noah. So which one of them is more accurate and factual? My guess is that it should be the oldest one. This should make the Sumerian flood story about Enki and Enlil and Ziusudra the most credible story. And this is where the plot thickens even further. The sons of the Anunnaki gods, who were also referred to as the Nefilim, were prohibited from having intercourse with the human females for fear of creating a new subspecies, which would be more intelligent, and a potential threat to the Anunnaki. We have heard about them before, even in the Bible. But the sons of the gods were young and restless on Earth, showing the usual signs of rebellious youth. They obviously disobeyed the instructions, especially when they saw how sexual the daughters of man were. Both the Sumerian scripts and the Bible tell us explicitly what happened next. ‘God’ decided to pull the ultimate act of supremacy over his disobedient slave species, which was to destroy all of them. This would allow him to clear the slate and start again with no loose ends and especially no disobedient and nosey humans. This is how the Bible describes it:

  Genesis 6:4-18. The Flood:

  “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, ‘I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth…’

  But Noah found favour in the eyes of the LORD .

  This is the account of Noah:

  Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, ‘I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth… I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens… Everything on earth will perish. But I will establish my covenant with you…’”

  Now there is a wonderfully ironic example of favouritism by the all-loving ‘god’, who made ‘all’ people equal. Suddenly Noah was his favourite one, and the only kosher guy on the face of the Earth. This is a little too rich for me… there must have been some other motive and the motive I place before you makes much more sense that any others I have read. That is especially in light of the inconsistency in the story when viewed from the two brother-gods’ point of view, which presents us with a juicy bit of circumstantial evidence as to what exactly may have happened. We had two distinct personalities in Enlil and Enki with opposing views on the slave species. Enki wanted to save man, ther
efore he warned Noah (Ziusudra), who also happened to be his earthling son, but he warned more than just Noah. Therefore the biblical entry which proclaims Noah to be the only righteous man on Earth makes no sense. This is where it gets really interesting, because it feels as if this part of the biblical story was written only after the event of the flood, from the perspective of Enlil, who suddenly realised that he had failed in his quest to wipe out the human race. This failure to dispose of the troublesome human population forced Enlil to alter his entire story, hiding the fact that he had failed. It really feels like a lot of sour grapes to me and the entries in the Bible were written so as to hide the fact that god had failed in destroying the vile and evil humans, but instead he found one ‘righteous’ man among them to take pity on. After the flood, Enki took humans under his wing and started to teach them all the necessities of a civilised community, at which point we witness the emergence of sudden global civilisation around 11,000 BC. But their rapid evolution scared Enlil, especially when the humans built the tower of Babel in an attempt to reach their gods in the sky. So, it was probably the spiteful Enlil who destroyed the tower and caused them to scatter over the world in another attempt to slow down their progress. They were after all, his creation, his slaves and he could do with them as he pleased. It may come as a surprise to learn that there are literally hundreds of ‘Flood Stories’ in early human history.


  Neo-Sumerian on clay, this is mankind's oldest reference to the Deluge, together with a tablet in Philadelphia, the only other tablet bearing this story in Sumerian. In this transcript Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah, is described as “the priest of Enki”, which is new information. Other tablets outline that he is actually the son of Enki.

  The Sumerian flood story is the oldest forerunner to the Biblical account of the flood. (Genesis 6:5-9:29) According to the British Museum, their ‘Neo-Babylonian’ tablet with the Flood story as a part of the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’, is the most famous tablet in the world. The tablet shown here is over 1,000 years older than the one in the British Museum.


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