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Slave Species of god

Page 53

by Michael Tellinger

  Many people have this image of Jesus, strolling around the countryside, preaching to people, moving happy-go-luckily from town to town, being welcomed by happy smiling people cheering him on, all wanting to hear the amazing stories he has been telling all over the place. Well, that was not the case. Jesus was not really well liked in his time. It took a lot of effort to get people to risk all kinds of possible danger to come and listen to his preaching. Strangely enough, there is very little evidence that anything he said and did, was actually ever captured during his short three-year span as a prophet. With the possible exception of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’, it seems that most of the material written about Jesus was done so only after his death by his disciples, apostles and some other interesting characters. These were collected into a body of literary work known as the New Testament over a period of about 300 years. The 'editing' of the New Testament only began in the year 325 AD, which consisted of deletions and changes which were made and approved by special church councils. This highly secretive manipulation continued until the 12th century. I find this a little suspicious, don't you? What could have taken them so long to edit and change if this was all the ‘Word of God’? Clearly they had different ideas and they disagreed with much of what was written, those church councils. Either they had their own ideas of what the New Testament should contain or they were directed by someone! Surely there must have been some mastermind behind this whole process? It could not possibly have continued for 800 odd years without an ever-present controlling force. And yes, you can say that ‘it was the power of god’ because it seems that it was indeed the case. However, it was ‘god’ with a small ‘g’ not ‘God’ with a big ‘G’who directed the editing process, and therein lies the rub. The priests and high priests among humans were instated by the Anunnaki-Nefilim as far as 5000 years before Christ and the fear of ‘god-Enlil’ was dispersed among humanity mainly by them. By the 12th century AD they were so well established as the voice of the Nefilim, the voice of Enlil, the voice of god, that nobody could out manoeuvre them. In one apparent sitting of the Second Synod of Constantinople in 553 AD, the church editors deleted all of Jesus' references to ‘reincarnation’ from the Bible. This was an important part of Jesus' ministry and adhered to by his early followers. It also points clearly to his youthful influences while growing up in the East, absorbing the many different cultures of the Hindus and Buddhists. What's more, in the 12th century, the Lateran Council added the concept of the ‘holy trinity’ into the Bible, an idea which was apparently never promoted by Jesus. This ‘holy trinity’ idea was doing the rounds since the first Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, when the trouble with Aryans caused much heated argument about the validity of Christ. Early in the 4th century, a dispute erupted among the Christian leaders regarding the exact relationship of the ‘Son to the Father’. A priest by the name of Arius of Alexandria, taught that there was a time when Christ did not exist because he was not co-eternal with the Father. He further said that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were three separate and distinct entities and that the ‘Son’ who was subordinate to the ‘Father’, was in fact a ‘creature’. These teachings were condemned and Arius was excommunicated in 318 AD.

  As early as the 2nd century, Irenaeus of Lyons described the Holy Spirit and Jesus as “the two hands of God”. Irenaeus gave us a hint of what could be the functions of the other ‘parts of God’, when he intimated that “through the Holy Spirit, God worked creation and through Jesus, He worked redemption”. The word ‘Trinity’or Trinitas was most likely coined by Tertullian in the 3rd century, in his extensive writing on the issue. Another Christian father called Origen, carried the doctrine further but neither assigned full consubstantiality of the Holy Spirit with God. At the gathering in Nicaea, the council formulated a creed which, although it was revised at the Council of Constantinople in 381-82 AD, has become known as the Nicene Creed. It affirmed the doctrine of‘consubstantiality’ of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  In his book On the Trinity St. Augustine concluded that the Holy Spirit is the mutual love of the ‘Father for the Son’ and of the ‘Son for the Father’, while the Holy Spirit is derived from both the Father and the Son. He also wrote that the Holy Spirit is a gift to humanity from the Father and the Son. This explanation still did not clarify the function of the Holy Spirit and how it came about and its role remained a mystery.

  The other problem that remained was how to explain the nature of Jesus. Everyone accepted that Jesus was human, so how could he also be ‘God’? With heretical views spreading and the Aryans promoting a different doctrine, something had to be done. This was one of the main reasons why the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople were set up. To stop the impending and massive division in the Church and to ostracise perceived heresy. It was not surprising that the majority of the Bishops rallied behind Bishop Athanasius in affirming that Jesus was consubstantial with the Father in contrast to the views of Arius and his followers who maintained that Jesus could not be ‘one with God’and that he was a ‘creature’. And so, Emperor Constantine put his foot down, Arius and his supporters were expelled, and the Nicene Creed was passed which affirmed the consubstantiality of Jesus with God. In 451 AD at the council of Chalcedon, Pope Leo I proposed a solution to the riddle of God and Jesus. He declared that they were “one person in two natures”. As far as the fathers were concerned, his miracles, his conduct and his words were evidence that he was Divine. This ‘formula’was a great relief to the new young religion, and the bishops could go to their parishes, satisfied that they had solved a problem that had plagued theology for decades.

  What this all really means, is that the Christian Church had complete freedom to hack the original writings to pieces, formulating the New Testament as they liked, adding whatever they believed to be necessary for human spiritual consumption and deleting entire books which did not meet their image of the Bible. Fortunately, many of the deleted books were saved and compiled into a collection of writings called The Apocrypha. In essence, those books which were deemed to be of dubious content by the church. Once again this points to gross manipulation by a higher authority with more sinister plans. According to the Wikipedia, the definition of Apocrypha is something like this. “The word apocrypha, from the Greek word meaning ‘hidden’, refers in general to religious works that are not considered canonical, or part of officially accepted scripture, but are of very roughly similar style and age as the accepted scriptures. Such works are often believed not to have been “inspired” or to be in some way “less inspired” by divine processes or entities, such as Holy Wisdom or the Holy Spirit. Most works that are considered apocryphal in the Hebrew Bible were written in languages other than Hebrew, such as Greek or Aramaic, or at least survive only as translations into non-Hebrew languages.”

  You must keep in mind that Jesus never wrote any of the books in the Bible. They were all written about him by various characters mostly after his death. I highly recommend you look into the Apocrypha on the internet; there are so many fascinating pieces to read, it will make your mind boggle. One of the books omitted from the Bible was the story of Jesus' birth and childhood years, up to the point when he returned to his land of birth to start his ministry. This discarded book did not agree with the official version which the church wanted to present to the world. Once you read the ‘hidden’ story, the evidence of human manipulation by a higher power is difficult to refute. There are fascinating books like Mary, Infancy and Protovangelion just to name a few.

  According to the Apocrypha, the birth of Christ goes something like this. His grandfather Joachim was a priest in the Hebrew temple, who was highly embarrassed because he and his wife Anna, could not produce any children. A man in his position was expected to have an heir, which left the couple slightly embarrassed. While standing in the field one day an ‘angel’ appeared to him, glowing with bright white light. After calming the frightened Joachim, he said that his wife would bear a child aided by an ‘angel’. But they would have to
surrender the child to be raised by priests and ‘angels’ at a certain temple in Jerusalem. Lo and behold, Anna gave birth to a daughter called Mary, who at the age of three was taken to the temple and left there. Mary was an exemplary child, devoted to both priests and ‘angels’. By the age of around 14, the time came for her to go back into the world and get married. She was not allowed to choose a man, her mentors handpicked a much older man called Joseph to be her husband. But Joseph was not as willing as the ‘angels’ would have had it and it took some convincing to do it. After finally agreeing to the marriage, he went back to his home in Bethlehem to prepare his home for his new wife, while Mary went to her parents in Galilee to get ready for her new life. One day an ‘angel’ called Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would give birth to the new messiah. Mary was confused as she had never had a sexual experience before.

  There are many theories and explanations regarding the virgin birth. Regardless of what your personal beliefs are, it was supposed to be the ‘Holy Ghost’ who ‘came upon her’ therefore making the child holy, because the child was not conceived in lust. Whatever happened to Mary will forever remain a mystery, but there were a lot of ‘angels’ milling around during those times and we have a sneaky suspicion who those angels were; Enlil and his henchmen. If Enlil was delivering the final stroke to his masterful control over humanity, he would have wanted to ensure some form of genetic supremacy for his fabricated messiah. This would have included artificial insemination of the young virgin, for the purpose of giving young Jesus a distinct genetic advantage. Such a simple procedure would have undoubtedly given Jesus abilities which other humans did not possess. His life of miracles and healing attests to that. We must also keep in mind that the whole idea of sex, whether for fun or for procreation, was pronounced to be a sinful act. That is why all humans are said to be born in sin. This was another very good example of how ‘god’ wanted to control the procreation of the slave species. Barbara Thiering writes extensively about the habits of the Essenes and their rituals in the stronghold of Qumran. In her book Jesus The Man, she presents a slightly different explanation for the virgin birth, which revolves around culture and custom.

  According to Thiering, when Joseph returned from Bethlehem to collect his young wife Mary, he found her pregnant. He was obviously confused and somewhat alarmed, believing that Mary had become a whore. Before he could desert her, an angel appeared to him explaining that Mary was still a virgin. It must have been a very convincing angel, because Joseph stayed with Mary in Galilee until her 9th month of pregnancy, at which point they departed for Joseph's home in Bethlehem, where Mary would have the child. But the couple did not make it all the way home because Mary went into labour on the outskirts of the town. The only shelter they could find was a cave, in which Jesus was born. The Apocrypha book of Infancy describes it as such:

  Infancy 1:6-11

  “And when they came to the cave Mary confessed to Joseph that her time of giving birth had come, and she could not go on to the city, and said, let us go into the cave. At that time the sun was nearly down. But Joseph hurried away so that he might fetch her a midwife; and when he saw an old Hebrew woman who was from Jerusalem, he said to her, please come here, good woman, and go into that cave, and you will see a woman just ready to give birth. It was after sunset when the old woman and Joseph reached the cave, and they both went into it. And look, it was all filled with lights, greater than the light of lamps and candle, and greater of than the light of the sun itself. The infant was then wrapped in swaddling clothes, and sucking on the breast of his mother, St. Mary.”

  The bright light in the cave suggests some sort of more advanced technology, which cannot be explained. It goes hand in hand with other advanced phenomena surrounding the birth of Christ, like the star of Bethlehem. Over the years various explanations for the bright star have been proposed, which include the convergence of a number of stars and planets at that time. There is no doubt that such conjunctions did occur in the years of Christ's birth, but it is highly unlikely that it was a mere conjunction which would have caused the effect as described in the book of Protovangelion 15 : 7.

  “We saw an extraordinarily large star shining among the stars of heaven, and so outshined all the other stars, that they became not visible…”

  There is no planet or star or comet or conjunction of the above, which could possibly be so bright. The star of Bethlehem was described in much greater splendour. It not only shone so incredibly brightly that it made all the other stars invisible, but it actually guided the Three Wise Men (Magi) for a long way towards the infant, hovering some distance ahead of them. The story in the apocrypha continues as such.

  “So the wise men began their travel, and look, the star which they saw in the east went before them, until it came and stood over the cave, where the young child was with Mary his mother.” (Protovangelion 15:9)

  But this uncanny story does not end here. After their exchange with Mary and the infant Jesus, the star then guided the wise men all the way home, back to the East. “… the light of which they followed until they returned in to their own country.” (Infancy 3:3)

  The Bible version is quite similar in this instance, but it does differ on the venue. It clearly states that Jesus was born in a house. Is this evidence of the so-called editing which the various church councils conducted? They obviously felt that a cave was no place for the future messiah to be born.

  Matthew 2:9-13

  “After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.”

  The Escape to Egypt

  “When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. ‘Get up,’ he said, ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.’”

  This is really fascinating stuff in light of our theory that Enlil and his cronies were planning and manipulating all these events. Once again, when there are eminent signs of trouble, we have the presence of angels – this time in a dream warning both the wise men and Joseph. These subtle but important events show how incredibly well-thought-out this manipulative propaganda was. How do you create a hero very quickly even today? You stage an assassination attempt on his life, but against all odds, he escapes to tell the tale. This time it was the Three Wise Men who were brought a long way to help spread the news across the then ‘civilised’ world about the ‘true’ messiah who was born and whose life was already under threat by the nervous authorities. We should not be surprised at the brilliant strategy behind all this. The CIA and other secretive government departments are constantly engaged in similar manipulative acts involving their citizens. This just goes to show how much of that Nefilim DNA we inherited. And so, the word went out in an instant that the ‘messiah’ was born. After all, they had all the substantiation. The king had heard of him and wanted him dead. So it had to be the messiah! The coincidence that the wise men were from the East and the fact that Jesus spent most of his life after birth in the East learning the cultures and enlightenment is fascinating. The fact that Jesus was of the Essene Hebrew clan, became clear after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave in 1947, by a young Bedouin tribesman. Joseph and Jesus were both Essenes, which was a unique Hebrew religious sect, with very different traditions. They also had very strong links to the Aryans of Persia, and that is why The Three Wise Men or Magi, came to see the newborn child from such a long distance away. It appears that the Essenes had all the trimmings of a secret society. It took several years of initiation before one was admitted; as part of the official
initiation you had to swear to protect all the secret teachings of the Essene Order; and most intriguingly you had to keep secretive the names of ‘angels’ living among them and their communities.

  Barbara Thiering's version of the virgin birth of Jesus is a little different. From her extensive study of the ‘Scrolls’ she explains that Joseph, as an Essene, was practising his religious principles of celibacy in a temple stronghold called Qumran. Celibacy was very important to the Essenes, it was regarded as the holiest way of life. They saw marriage and sex as unholy and the more celibate you were the closer to god you got. The ‘highest’ order of Essenes men lived in Qumran behind thick walls completely out of touch with the world. They shared everything and owned nothing while dedicating their lives to god. When they needed to procreate to keep the bloodline alive, they would venture out for specific periods to find an appropriate female. The courting or betrothal period could last as long as three years after which they would have a first marriage. This was the period during which the woman would fall pregnant. After waiting for three months during which a miscarriage is more likely to happen, there would be a 2nd wedding. But our Mary fell pregnant with the ‘holy ghost’ which according to the tradition meant that she was effectively still a ‘virgin’ because when she had the child she had not had both the weddings. At first Joseph did not want to have anything to do with the child, but an ‘angel’ advised him to go ahead with the wedding as if it was the second.


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