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Slave Species of god

Page 57

by Michael Tellinger

  Mt 2:4 -6

  “… and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he [Herod] inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, ‘In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will govern my people Israel.’”

  TJ 2:9 -11

  “Herod Antipas called together all the chief priests and scribes from among the people and inquired of them where Jmmanuel had been born. And they replied: ‘In Bethlehem, in the Jewish land; for thus it was written by the prophet Micah: And you, Bethlehem, in the land of the Jews, are by no means the least among the cities in Judea, for from you shall come forth the king of wisdom, who will bring great knowledge to the people of Israel so that they may learn and serve Creation.’”

  The description of a sound emanating from the star which hovered ahead of The Three Wise Men is a clear indication that there was some sinister activity surrounding this event, which can be explained with the help of advanced technology and machinery. Once again, the Matthew version does not include this particular section.

  TJ 2:14

  “After they [the magi] had listened to Herod Antipas, they departed. And behold, the light with the long tail, which they had observed in the Orient, moved ahead of them with a high singing sound until it reached Bethlehem and stood directly over the stable where the infant was born.”

  TJ 3:2 -4

  “John the Baptist preached of baptism in accordance with the old laws of El, according to which the way to knowledge was to be prepared. He preached that El's laws shall be followed because he is the sole ruler of this human lineage. He preached that above El, however, stands Creation, the source of the worlds, universes and all living creatures.”

  In the next comparison we have more evidence of some sort of intervention from a higher technological intelligence. Matthew is however less open about the true events. Were these the kind of events which were edited out of the New Testament by the Church councils?

  Mt 3:16 -17

  “And when Jesus was baptised, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and a lighting on him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’”

  TJ 3:30 -32

  “When Jmmanuel had been baptized, he soon came out of the water of the Jordan, and behold, a metallic light came down from the sky and rushed over the Jordan. Consequently they all fell on their faces and pressed them into the sand while a voice from the metallic light spoke, ‘This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased. He will be the king of truth, through which terrestrial humans shall rise as wise ones.’”

  And so the comparisons continue for dozens and dozens of verses. The obvious difference is that the Talmud refers to the constant intervention of angels and other celestial beings, while the Gospel has a cleaner, more acceptable version of the events to suit the monotheistic community which was being nurtured by the early Church. Is it possible that whoever wrote the Talmud did so in an attempt to cut through the stranglehold and disinformation which was being imposed by the ‘gods of Enlil’ on humanity? Someone who was well aware of the activity of the ancient gods who ruled the world? After all, these were the times of Roman mythology and everyone was very aware of the many gods and angels who ruled the roost.

  While numerous scholars have found the book of Matthew to be full of inconsistencies, ambiguities and interruptions in flow of thought, such inconsistencies are not nearly as obvious in the Talmud. A growing number of scholars agree that Jmmanuel's teachings had to be altered or omitted to conform with the views of early Christianity. What this discovery does achieve is to confirm that Jesus or Jmmanuel did travel to India and back during the ‘lost’ years of his life.

  The gods who were orchestrating Jesus' life had much bigger plans for him. They wanted to make sure that this newly established prophet of theirs was recognised all over the populated world. In her book He Walked the Americas L. Taylor Hansen reveals many breathtaking examples of how Jesus spread the gospel among the native north American tribes and the rest of the Americas, always symbolized by a T-cross. There is endless mention of a “White Prophet” with a beard, or “Healer”, and many references of him arriving to teach them wisdom. These legends are still told by the fireside of a “saintly white teacher” who performed miracles with healing. They describe his eyes as grey-green like the ocean and his symbol has been woven into blankets, carved on canyon walls, put on pottery and is even depicted in dances. His name has been given to mountains and rivers; and just as I suggest in this book that the Anunnaki gods taught humanity about civilisation, agriculture, planting and harvesting, so do the native American tales speak of the Pale Prophet who came to teach them all these things. He gave them seeds to plant and taught them wisdom. And guess what his symbol was? A winged serpent. Is it possible that the winged serpent, whom we believe to be Ningishzidda or Enki, brought Jesus to the Americas on the instructions of Enlil?

  He was called the ‘Feathered Serpent’ or ‘Eeseecotl’ among the Algonquins. They say that he always wore a long white toga and golden sandals. Every new town he arrived in would have a new garment waiting for him. They would keep the old ones, saying that to touch them would bring healing. During his stay he would train twelve disciples, with one appointed to be their leader, who would take his place when he left. He would say he had to “go about My Father's Business”. This is a clear sign of extreme manipulation of Humankind by the Anunnaki gods. Enlil was going to do everything in his power to squeeze Marduk out, denying him the pleasure of controlling the world. To do this, their manufactured messiah Jesus, would have to be accepted by as many ‘slave species’ as possible. And so they would ensure that this was going to happen even as far away as in the Americas. The Shawnee tribe speak of a message that was given to them by the Prophet. “Do not kill or injure your neighbour, for it is not he that you injure; you injure yourself. Do good to him, thus adding to his days of happiness even as you then add to your own. Do not wrong or hate your neighbour; for it is not he that you wrong: you wrong yourself. Rather love him, for the Great Spirit loves him, even as He loves you.” This was the kind of message that humans were yearning for, for thousands of years under the oppressive regime of the Anunnaki gods. Enlil was providing them with a way out.

  Michigan was the centre of the Giant Cross of Waters and the Prophet was known to travel this trail. No tribe was too far, too small, too poor or too violent. He would enter war situations, he would call all the chiefs together and divide the lands. He gave them seeds which they did not know about and showed them how to farm. He would teach them ‘His’ principles and go to any length to ensure they remembered him above all possible future prophets. These tales are mirrored from tribe to tribe. But Jesus did not only raise people from the dead, in the Americas he revived even animals.

  L. Taylor Hanson tells us how the Healer knelt down beside a dead dear whose faun was standing nearby and started stroking the body. As his hand passed over the wounds, they healed up, leaving no marks. And soon the deer started breathing and rose. His disciples were upset saying that he was wasting his energy on animals. The Pale One said, “There cannot be too many good deeds. Such is the manner of compassion. A lost lamb is my Father's business, as important as saving a nation, if one need not choose between them. More precious in my Father's eyes is a good deed than the most exquisite jewel.” We can clearly see how seriously Jesus took his mission here on Earth, before he realised that he was being set up by the Anunnaki gods. He told the people he was born across the ocean where all men had beards. Even in the American legends, he told them of his virgin birth and about the bright star that shone over the place of his birth. “The heavens opened up and winged beings sang chants of exquisite beauty.”

  During a dig by the University of Oklahoma at the Spiro
Mound, they unearthed pottery showing winged beings singing and also a hand with the cross through the palm. The locals refer to him as ‘Chee-Zoos’, the Dawn God. “The love they bear Him is beyond measurement, for well they know He watches over them, and that when their journey here is over, He will meet them in the Land of Shadows, for such was His sacred promise.” Once again we hear about the promise of a life after death which was commonly promoted by the gods among humans, to keep them faithful and loyal.

  There are further tales of the ‘Great Mound Builders’ by Decoodah, the last high priest of extinct Elks, which was translated and recorded by Walter Pidgeon around 1850. The legends described them as tribes that spoke the Algonquin language and they were the ‘Ancients’ of the country. These legendary mounds marked the sites of ancient cities and are closely related to the mounds of the Mayans of Mexico, drawing a distinct connection with the 'winged serpent' which is referred to by both cultures. They also possessed a unique ancient type of writing that recorded history. The mounds were apparently covered by wood and painted as the Mayans had done. The 'Great White Robed Master' with his grey-green eyes and golden sandals also stayed among the mound builders. Stone pictographs of the prophet have been found causing much debate about his close resemblance to Jesus.

  The Pawnee tribe talk of a prophet who visited them twice and taught them about ‘His Father’, “The Mighty Holy of the Heavens”.

  The wrath of god was well experienced by the native American tribes as well as those who lived in biblical lands. The Pawnee tribe angered god by being violent so he appeared from the sky to intervene and cast his judgment on them. This extract sounds just like many passages from the Bible. “The eastern sky lit up with fire, growing ever brighter; everyone turned toward the brightened sky and stopped in their tracks…and suddenly there 'He' was among them!” He asked them if this was how they kept His commandments, insulting the Father. “I came to shield you from His anger, or lo, great wind would ignite the forest! And to ashes would be consigned the Pawnee Nation!” We know from the events at Sodom, that these were not idle threats. God certainly had it in him to decimate a people out of anger. Humans were taught it was the ‘wrath of god’.

  The “Algonquin of the Eastern Seaboard” say that they received their name for the Dawn Light from the Pale One. The Algonquin remember him well and the time of his arrival. The fleets coming down the river delivered him ceremoniously and he was always greeted with flowers. The Chippewa also remember him very well “the pale Great Master”. He gave them medicine lodges with sacred symbols which were the signs and emblems from across the ocean. The Sioux tribe, say that he gave them their rite of baptism and purification. The following excerpt is virtually identical to the way Jesus behaved in Palestine:

  “First to climb the mound was the Prophet. As over the horizon arose the first golden shafts of the Dawn Star, the Pale God spoke to the assembled nations. It is said that He always charmed His listeners, but now there was almost a breathless silence. Indeed it seemed the very trees were listening and also the assembled animals of the forest, so softly He spoke and so well did they hear Him, because of the silence that had settled.”

  The legends about the Pale Prophet go on and on among the North American natives, but they continue further south into the land of the Toltecs. He went to the Empire of Tula, the capital of the peaceful Toltecs. He also went to the Wallapai tribe where he gathered the chiefs in a great counsel and redistributed their grain fields. He taught them advanced farming techniques with melons, squashes, pumpkins, mescal, and beans; he gave them many other plants which have been lost through the ages. This is an excerpt which was spoken by Marksman, an old Chippewa warrior at a council of native American tribes.

  “‘It is well tonight that we speak of the Pale God, and fitting as well that we council with others, greeting our enemies as brothers, for such would have been the wish of the Prophet.’

  The last to speak at the council was a man from the Cheyenne and this is what he said: “Like our brothers we remember the Fair God who foretold the coming of the White Man. Yet so long ago was He living that like the Dacotah, our memories are garbled.”

  Is it possible that Jesus travelled the world with his message? Is it possible that he was aided in doing so by the ‘Winged Feathered Serpent’ who appears in most global mythologies? The evidence is there for all to see. After all, even Jesus himself spoke of his ‘sheep’ in distant lands.

  John 10:16

  “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”


  Story of Humankind

  Historians and archaeologists play a pivotal role in the way we perceive our world. They present us with a host of facts that shape our current belief structures, the way we imagine the World Wars, the Roman emperors, or the landing on the moon; historians become the custodians and the story tellers of what happened in the past. They wallow in the events surrounding the building of the pyramids and even describe the way the dinosaurs looked and behaved. In essence, anything that happened before our own time of reference is described to us by experts who study those past events. Their versions of those ancient and prehistoric images flood our minds and in most cases, they are chiselled into our sub-conscience as a direct consequence of how the past has been presented to us by the experts. If they get it wrong, we all get it wrong, and we never really know about it or question it. We expect the experts to tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is unfortunate that very few people are ever told about the amount of speculation that goes on in these revered professions. All you have to do is take a history book from 50 years ago and compare it to the way in which those historic events are presented in our present time. You will be fascinated to see how much they differ. The point is that history, as much as archaeology, is a living science and as we discover more, our objective views of specific events change according to the importance of our discoveries. Scientists and leaders are equally guilty of shaping people’s ideas of things around them. In most cases scientific discoveries are based on interim results based on hypotheses, theories, speculation and faith in the eventual outcome, as much as theologians carry their blind faith towards their god. In the Dark Ages people really believed that the world was flat. They feared for the lives of the brave explorers as they set off into the great unknown, across the ocean, surely to be devoured by the monsters which dwelled at the bottom of the edge of the world. There are publications from our human past which speak of such things and yet today it would be laughable to reintroduce such theories. One hundred years ago, people were told by leading scientists that man would never be able to fly. In 1903, when the Wright brothers were flying their first plane at Kitty Hawk, the leading physicist of the time refused to attend a demonstration as he proclaimed that “Man will never fly a heavier than air machine”. Such utterances had a great impact on the point of view of many ordinary people who took their lead from the so-called experts of their times. In this instance it prompted the news editor of the local paper to write an article which outlined the scientific facts as presented by the eminent authority, which instantly turned the adventurers' attempts into a questionable pastime. It must have affected the Wright brothers' development and possibly retarded their progress for all that we know. Even today, in times when anything should be deemed possible, some scientists are still guilty of killing new ideas based on their personal perspectives. Historians have been known to hide facts or new discoveries, and so have archaeologists, for all kinds of personal reasons. Governments have kept secrets from their people for as long as Humankind has been on Earth, citing all kinds of silly reasons, of which the issue of national security is used as a common excuse. Churches and other religious organisations have kept secrets from their followers for reasons only they seem to be able to justify. Even sports teams and their managers keep secrets from their fans in today's highly competiti
ve sports industries. There is much to be said for the existence of a myriad of secret societies and yet with all their supposed power and influence, the world is perched on the verge of self-destruction. When we look at some of the great achievements of the past few thousand years, since we emerged as a civilised species from the caves and embarked on a path of rapid evolution, we constantly stumble over the Dark Ages when all human knowledge seems to have disappeared. We slowly re-emerged from those times like a new species, rediscovering knowledge, but somehow this knowledge has been around with our ancestors for thousands of years. But once again, historians and archaeologists fall prey to their own insecurity. If they don't understand something, or if it does not fit into their frame of reference, it seems to get classified as fiction, esoteric, New-Age or mythological. These kind of actions have done Humankind a great deal of damage when it comes to solving the problems of our origins. There are extremely smart people who have devoted large parts of their lives to unravelling the murky waters of our ancient past, but their credibility is continuously eroded by short-sighted ‘experts’ with a different personal agenda. These agendas can be so incredibly subtle that we don't even realise we are being manipulated into believing something which is not really so.

  I have two personal favourites which have tickled my fancy for many years. UFOs and the Pyramids. I have never seen a UFO or been abducted, or ‘astral-travelled’ or had weird extrasensory interactions with ‘aliens’, but I try to keep a rational perspective on the whole matter. Let's put all the sightings and so-called abductions into one giant pot for one minute and imagine that all of them are wrong. They all saw something else, they all experienced something impossible, or they all just had a really vivid dream; all the hordes of people who have made these claims over centuries were all wrong… all except one. The one UFO which was not imaginary, but was real, puts a whole new perspective on the matter and suddenly makes it all very real. In the field of statistics, it is virtually impossible for every single person to have been wrong or have simply imagined things. The statistical probability of such a coincidence is many millions to ‘one’. Even then, there is still the ‘one’. And that ‘one’can change our world dramatically if we just embrace this new reality and learn more about it. A close friend of mine made an interesting remark saying that having an open mind is like being pregnant. Either you are, or you are not.


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