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Slave Species of god

Page 65

by Michael Tellinger

  Back in Edin they appointed a human called Lu-mach, the son of Matushal, to be the work master for the Anunnaki. He had a wife called Batanash. “Of a beauty outstanding she was, by her beauty was Enki charmed.” We see the highly sexual side of Enki's character resurface once again, creating more controversy and introducing his gene pool into the human species yet again. He seduced the beautiful Batanash who bore a son whom they called Ziusudra, ‘He of Long Bright Life Days’. This would be the human who survives the flood in an ‘ark’ and who was the real original character that the Bible calls Noah. He was raised in Shurubak, but the secret of his paternal line remained with Enki and Batanash. He was born in the 110th Shar, 396,000 years since arrival, 47,000 years BC which was right in the middle of the last Ice Age. For those who believe that the Ice Age meant that the whole world was covered in snow and ice, this was not the case. Scholars describe that most of Canada, northern USA, northern Europe and northern Asia was covered by ice and snow. But further south, the world was very habitable with a very different climate to today. That is also why the Anunnaki settled in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers when it was very lush and green, and did not look anything like the desert it is today. Antarctica was probably much more extended with thick ice covering, which would be the main cause of the Great Flood in time to come.

  Just like Adapa, Enki's first human offspring, Ziusudra was also very smart, showing great signs of intelligence and Enki adored the boy who looked just like him. The description of the child gives us a good idea of what Enki looked like. This is how the child Ziusudra is described. “White as the snow his skin was… the colour of wool was his hair…like the sky were his eyes, with a brilliance were his eyes shining.” From the beginning he was treated with special care by both Ninmah and Enki. He was taught 'priestly rites' and everything which Adapa knew before him. We are also given a strong hint that the Anunnaki used a different language or written script among themselves when we read “…to read the writings of Adapa he him taught.” In this bit of information lies the possible substantiation that the Indus script and the Balkan-Danube script may be a language which the Anunnaki used, or a related script which the early humans like Ziusudra and Adapa used long before the flood wiped out most of the world. That would also explain why there is only a small number of examples found in the world. The rest were carried away and buried under mountains of sand and silt. But when the Sumerian tablets refer to the “Prior times” do they mean times before the flood? When there was a different kind of order on Earth? When the language was different, before the tower of Babel and before “man's language was confused”? It certainly seems like it.


  Old Babylonian on clay, Babylonia, circa 1900 BC in cuneiform script. This clay tablet outlines a number of medical procedures by an ancient physician. Medical texts of this category are well known from Neo Babylonian literature, while from the tablets which are over 1000 years older, the Old Babylonian period, only a few survived. Many of the Babylonian diagnoses and prognoses still hold true in modern medicine.

  But the times were not good on Earth, it seemed as if it was trapped in a downward spiral both culturally and environmentally. The Igigi were procreating with earthling females at a rapid rate which made Enlil extremely unhappy. “In his eyes the Anunnaki mission to Earth had become perverted.” Let's face it, this kind of situation was probably the furthest from his mind when they arrived to extract gold from the ground. What is also fascinating was the environmental effect on the rapidly emerging new species. Here we have a new species which was suddenly dropped into relatively alien conditions to them. They did not evolve into their surroundings; their immune systems were not adjusted to the microorganisms on Earth at that time, so we should not be surprised when we read about the diseases which overcame humans. “In the days of Ziusudra plagues and pestilence the Earth afflicted…Aches, dizziness, chills, fevers the earthlings overwhelmed.”

  But Ninmah, the smart sister of the mighty brothers, was a true healer. “Let us the earthlings curing teach, how themselves to remedy to learn.” Enlil would have none of it. He was not going to do anything to help the new species survive and flourish. “Let the earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish.” In his mind their stay on Earth was nearing the end and he would rather wipe out all life before they departed for Nibiru. His ‘vengeful god’ personality was clearly exposed. The land suffered too, nothing grew and winds, heat and drought haunted them. Nibiru was nearing its path close to the sun and strange things were happening to planet Earth. Tremors and quakes became regular events and Enlil conferred with Anu on Nibiru about the strange activities. They set up monitoring devices in the Abzu to observe the south pole. “Odd rumblings in the Whiteland's snow were recorded…The snow-ice that the Whiteland covers to sliding has taken.” This is the first real evidence of the ending of the Ice Age, clearly captured in clay tablets. How could a scribe 4 500 years ago have known anything about the events which preceded the flood, unless he was told by someone who was there? The detail in his text is too specific to have been conveyed orally over thousands of years. It became clear that when Nibiru came around the sun, it was going to cause havoc with Earth's gravity and have a devastating effect on the polar regions where the ice was already melting. “The next time Nibiru the Sun shall be nearing, Earth to Nibiru's netforce exposed shall be.” Those are highly insightful words by the Anunnaki on Nibiru, warning Enlil about a severe calamity awaiting the Earth.

  The Anunnaki started preparing for evacuation. They ceased all the smelting “…all the gold to Nibiru was lofted…for evacuation ready, a fleet of fast celestial chariots to Earth returned.” Enlil called an urgent meeting of all the Igigi and Anunnaki commanders and revealed the “impending calamity” to them. “To a bitter end Earth mission has come.” He made it clear that those who wanted to leave Earth had to do so without their earthling spouses. This was the moment Enlil had secretly been waiting for, to destroy the hordes of earthlings who have taken over the world by their sheer numbers. Those among the Anunnaki and Igigi who chose to stay, were told to move to higher grounds and wait for the calamity to pass. The other Anunnaki who did not want to return to Nibiru would wait for the events to play themselves out in their “Boats of Heaven” at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere. Then came the critical moment when the true human character of many Anunnaki children born on Earth suddenly emerged. Marduk and all the other sons of Enki chose to stay behind. So did Enlil's sons. This was a really emotional time for the sensitive Ninmah; they all looked at her to hear her decision. “With pride her choice to stay she declared… my lifework is here… The earthlings my created I shall not abandon.”

  Then Enlil revealed his master plan for the human race. “Let the earthlings for the abominations perish.” We can clearly hear the tone of the ‘god of vengeance’ whose voice we would constantly hear in the Bible. But Enki disagreed very strongly with his brother. After all it was he who created the humans in the first place, and he who had fathered the next species of civilised humans. “A wonderous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be.” A fierce argument erupted between the brothers, where Enlil accused Enki of playing GOD. “The powers of the ‘Creator of All’ into your hands you have taken”, blaming Enki for all the abomination caused by the humans.

  As the commander of Earth, Enlil made the final call, and instructed all those present to take an oath, which would cause the destruction of Humankind. “Now that a calamity by a destiny unknown has been ordained, let what must happen, happen.” Everyone pledged their oath except Enki, who stormed out of the assembly. “On Enlil alone let the responsibility forever rest.” As part of the evacuation activities, Enlil took the ME Tablets of Destinies to Sippar, the place of the “Celestial Chariots” and buried them safely in a protective chamber. So what were they all waiting for? What kind of calamity did they expect? A great flood of water, with a wave so high that it would devastate the entire planet. “When th
e avalanche of waters sweeps over the lands… In one sudden swoop to an extinction shall be doomed.” And so the preparations came to an end and they waited for the disaster to strike. This is the kind of advanced warning the people of Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and Ethiopia wish they’d had before the Tsunami devastated their lives. But the defiant Enki and his sister Ninmah went to the Abzu and they collected all necessary specimens which would allow them to recombine all the life forms they had created on Earth. “Male and female essence and life eggs they collected… For safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken.”

  “In Sippar the Anunnaki gathered, the day of the deluge they awaited.” Enki was not done yet. After all, his flesh and blood, Ziusudra, was to be left behind to perish in the flood. This is the original story of the flood and how humans survived. Unlike the more naïve and simplified Biblical version of Noah, the Sumerian tablets tell us in great detail to what length Enki went to help Ziusudra; how he guided him with precise plans to build the 'boat'; how to seal it with pitch and exactly what he should take into it. “The boat be one that can turn and tumble, the watery avalanche to survive…into it your family and kinfolk gather…water for drinking heap up…household animals also bring.” Although Enki was defiant against Enlil, he did not want to blatantly disregard the oath they had taken. Therefore he conveyed all this information to Ziusudra from behind a reed hut wall, not to expose his face. His rather childish but effective argument was that he did not speak to Ziusudra, he spoke to a wall. “An overwhelming deluge coming from the south, lands and life shall devastate…Your boat from its moorings it shall lift…the boat it shall turn and tumble…By you shall the civilised seed of man survive.” The differences between this version and the Biblical story lies not only in its practical content, but the fact that Ziusudra took not only his immediate and extended family into the boat, but also other friends. The Biblical Noah's seed would simply have died out within a few generations due to inbreeding. The part where Noah has to take all the animals two by two into the ark has always troubled me for reasons of improbability. But the story has in fact a very different origin, one which makes more sense, and is achievable. Remember that Enki and Ninmah collected all the essence of humans and creatures in the wilds? Well, they carefully stored this “essence” which must have been DNA, sperm and ova in appropriate containers for preservation. The tablets are very clear on this. A few days before the flood, Ningal delivered a box to Ziusudra in the boat. “The life essence and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the lord Enki and Ninmah collected… From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden, to life resurrected if Earth be willing.” Those are chilling words which would be repeated many times by the heroes of the Bible thousands of years later. The wrath of Enlil became the ‘wrath of god’ which has kept humanity fearful and obedient until today.

  And so the flood arrived as expected. It came in the 120th Shar, 432,000 years after arrival, about 11,000 BC which is exactly when modern scholars claim the flood destroyed the world. It is also important to note that at that stage Ziusudra was already 10 Shars old, which made him 36,000 Earth years. It is now absolutely clear that the flood was not caused by GOD in a moment of anger with humanity, but that it was actually as a result of a cosmic event when the giant planet of the Anunnaki came closer to Earth than it normally did, in its 3600-year orbit. It was indeed a natural ‘calamity’ which was abused by the Anunnaki to destroy their troublesome creation; their slave species called man.

  Nibiru came into close proximity of Earth, causing havoc with gravity and seismic activity. It must have been very testing times for the fragile planet. The tablets tell us clearly that “For days before the Day of the Deluge the earth was rumbling, groan as with pain it did.” The time had come for the Anunnaki to depart. “Crouched in their boats of heaven, the Anunnaki heavenward were lofted.” We get a very clear picture of the exact events, not because of someone's vivid imagination, but because the Anunnaki were actually observing the flood from their spaceships in orbit. The descriptions are much too detailed and descriptive for someone from a primitive age to have imagined it.

  “The Earth began to shake, by a netforce before unknown it was agitated…In the Whiteland at Earth's bottom, the Earth's foundations were shaking…Then with a roar to a thousand thunders equal, off its foundations the icesheet slipped…By Nibiru's unseen netforce into the south sea crashing…One sheet of ice into another icesheet was smashing…The Whiteland's surface like a broken eggshell was crumbling…Tidal waves arose, the very skies was the wall of water reaching…Northward was the wall of water onrushing…The Abzu land it was reaching…Towards the settled land it travelled…The Edin it overwhelmed.”

  We all know the kind of devastation a small Tsunami can bring, so just imagine a tidal wave several hundred metres high moving northward from Antarctica at 500 km per hour, like a giant circle around the world, destroying all the lands lower than 2,000 metres above sea level. We get another bird's eye view from the Anunnaki in their orbit above the Earth. “Where there were dry lands, now was a sea of water…Where mountains once to heaven their peaks raised, their tops now like islands were in the waters.” We also get a good glimpse of Ninmah's sensitive side as the 'matriarch' of Humankind, who was very sad by what she witnessed from up there. “My created like drowned dragonflies in a pond the waters fill, all life by the rolling sea wave away was taken.”

  I take it that we all know how the flood story ends, and yes you are right, the boat did settle on the twin peaks of a mountain called Arata, known to most as Ararat, which the tablets call “Mount of Salvation”. The first thing Ziusudra did when he emerged from the boat, was to praise the lord Enki for saving them. They built an altar, lit a fire and gave thanks with a lamb sacrifice, something which he was taught in his initiation into the priesthood. The floating spaceships in orbit could not have been very comfortable, crammed with too many Anunnaki, keen to get back to solid ground. It therefore was not long after things subsided that Enlil and Enki landed to assess the damage. “The situation to review, what to be done to determine.” At first the brothers were smiling and embracing but “…when Enlil the survivors saw… his fury no bounds had.” And once again we get a glimpse of the ‘god of vengeance’ who would rule and control Humankind with oppression and violence for thousands of years. In a rage of fury Enlil attacked Enki. “Every earthling had to perish” he said. But Enki answered him by explaining the truth about Ziusudra. “He is no mere mortal my son he is.” After some deliberation and argument, Enlil was persuaded that it was the will of the Creator of All which saved the humans. And before the so-called Olden Times came to an end, we are confronted by several more statements which were repeated in the Bible many years later. Ninmah, who loved her human creation whom she perfected with Enki, took an oath declaring that “the annihilation of mankind shall never be repeated” and Enlil told Ziusudra to “be fruitful and multiply.”

  You can imagine what kind of sedimentation resulted from a flood of this size. It took many years for the waters to subside, only to expose the valleys filled with mud and silt. Everything in the Abzu and the Edin was buried under mud. All the cities in the whole of Mesopotamia were gone, buried under mud and silt. But the great stone platform, their landing place in the Cedar Mountains was still there and could be used, mainly because it was positioned much higher than all their other settlements. Some scholars like Zecharia Sitchin believe this to be the ancient stone platform of Baalbek in northeast Lebanon. When you view the giant megaliths, placed together to form a perfectly flat platform which stretches around 90,000 square metres, you begin to wonder why prehistoric humans on Earth needed to build such a structure. The rocks weigh between 200 and 1,200 tons each. Today, there are only a handful of giant-sized cranes that could pick such stones up. They are perfectly cut out and shaped with smooth sides to fit into each other almost like Lego blocks at the edges. So it would make sense that this kind of platform did not get washed away, due to its sheer size and also i
ts altitude. But what it did, was give the Anunnaki the crucial idea of how to deal with possible disasters in future. And what kind of structures could possibly withstand a similar disaster, while serving as an important beacon in guiding the Anunnaki pilots when coming in from space. You guessed right… the pyramids of Giza. Imagine having to land on a new planet for the first time...would you not prefer a clear beacon which guides you directly to the landing spot?


  A view of the pyramids from space. They not only served as landmarks, but the Great Pyramid also housed the transmitter beacon which would guide the incoming pilots and astronauts. These giant structures were built after the flood, when the Anunnaki saw how resistant the stone structure at Baalbek was to the flood waters. Egypt and the Red Sea was a visible landmark from high above the Earth.

  I would, and clearly the Anunnaki did too. And that is where the pyramids come into the picture a little later.

  The devastation was not only restricted to Earth, the Igigi arrived from Mars saying that their planet had also been devastated. “Lahmu by the passage of Nibiru was devastated… Its atmosphere was sucked out, its waters thereafter evaporated… A place of dust storms it is.” They realised that survival was now their main concern. They retrieved the ME from the Creation Chamber which they buried next to the launch site. It is fascinating that even the material which was used for the chamber is mentioned. It was diorite, the hardest stone known to man, harder than iron. “The diorite chests with seals were fastened.” They retrieved a whole variety of items including the seeds they brought from Nibiru, which enabled them to start planting crops again. But while the survivors on Earth were getting on with rebuilding their lives, the word from Nibiru was not so reassuring. The gravitational activity between the other planets and Nibiru had also effected them. “The shield of gold dust was torn, the atmosphere was dwindling again.” Suddenly the scramble for gold became critical. Just when they were ready to pack up and go home, the urgency had returned. But this time there were no more workers in the Abzu, they were all killed by the water, and even the Anunnaki were few in numbers as most of them returned to Nibiru. By fate or by destiny which could have only been preordained by the Creator of All, “…on Earth and on Nibiru there was desperation.”


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